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File: 29 KB, 250x352, sartre2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2389650 No.2389650 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Jean Paul Sartre hate bourgeoisie society and wish to see it "destroyed"? And what the hell is bourgeoisie society anyway?

>> No.2389653

Someone read his Sarte before he read his Marx.

Naughty naughty.

>> No.2389657

It's 'bourgeois'.

Read Marx.

>> No.2389659


I haven't read either of them. I saw a clip on the internet of Sartre condemning the bourgeoisie, hence I came here to find out why he hates it so much.

Why does everyone hate the bourgeoisie anyway? The upper classes hate them, the lower classes hate them, and the bourgeoisie hate themselves.

>> No.2389661

bourgeosie is code word for "white"

he's just another retarded commie, nazi's should have killed him.

>> No.2389658

The bourgeoisie are the owners of the means of production. Factory owners, company owners, baseball team owners, that sort of thing.

>> No.2389663


Because they make money by owning things, not by working.

>> No.2389665


Actually it's more often a code word for "jew".

>> No.2389668

>doesn't know what Bourgeosie means

Seriously, why are you here?
This is like first year of high school sociology.

>> No.2389671


>> No.2389676

marxism is a jewish ideology, the "bourgeousie" are whites with money or power.

It's just he word they use to label all their enemies, anyone who might oppose communism.

>> No.2389683


So full of shit. Marx was a secular jew; that doesn't make communism a jewish ideology. Kosher & Mosaic Law are jewish ideologies numbskull.


>> No.2389684
File: 113 KB, 1600x1204, gordonbrown_facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2389685

Yeah anyone who opposes communism is labeled bourgeois, or just 'reactionary' if it's obvious that they aren't. A lot of people get dehumanized and then killed in the name of ending a specific Marxist definition of exploitation.

>> No.2389687

>jews invent it
>jews promote it
>not a jewish ideology

>> No.2389688

bourgeoisie society created hipsters

bourgeoisie = high society = pretentious snobs = hipsters

>> No.2389689

I think there is a discreet charm about it.

Read more and watch movies, OP.

>> No.2389695

Bunuel sucks you cunty faggot.

>> No.2389700


>> No.2389706

You need to find a way to relate his ideology to Judaism. Marxism is not inherently Judaic.

>> No.2389709

all you fucking retards spouting shit about marx: sartre's hate for the bourgeois is much deeper than that and it precedes marxist theory. his hatred stems from metaphysical reasons; it stems from the revolt he feels with bourgeois conditioning and the panopticon manifest in bourgeois life which stifles the will.

besides, he was never a commited marxist to begin with, ultimately rejecting it altogether.

he hates the bourgeois because they aren't free.

>> No.2389712

sartre was de beauvoir had a jewess baby in 1979
this was a bourgeois act
jews = bourgeoisie
communist = bourgeoisie
1+9+7+9 = 26
2+6 = 8
8 dubs = 88
the 8th letter of the alphabet is h
88 = HH
heil hitler

>> No.2389715


>> No.2389721

\ˈbu̇rzh-ˌwä also ˈbu̇zh- or ˈbüzh- or bu̇rzh-ˈ\
Definition of BOURGEOIS
: of, relating to, or characteristic of the social middle class
: marked by a concern for material interests and respectability and a tendency toward mediocrity
: dominated by commercial and industrial interests : capitalistic

>> No.2389727
File: 1.97 MB, 362x369, J5kTJ.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also not free: the proletariat. I guess we just need to have a violent revolution in which we kill everyone until a utopia somehow arises.

>> No.2389736


awesome definitions bro!
post more!

>> No.2389760

the white guy has a typical retards face

>> No.2389768


At least they're not hypocrites. they dangle their chains and dont afraid of anything

>> No.2389786

I like how the guy is just taking his product in the way he likes to, interfering with nothing in the attendant's life other than that he will have to throw the rest out. And yet, just because he didn't act like the usual guy who cares about clean hands and the cup and would have picked up through the napkin, the attendant is just in panic. Why? There is nothing to panic about, it's his car, his hands, his icecream and he is not mad at anyone. People are just so mad at things not going the way they expect them to be.

>> No.2389792

it's just a nigger, they do silly things

Do you ask a dog why it licks it's ass?

>> No.2389804

Actually, I do. I even wrote an article on a dog licking himself (though it was his balls, my dog doesn't lick his ass). Except it's not in English and I'm too lazy to post it here.

>> No.2389823

I bet that's a page-turner.

>> No.2389836

post you furry

>> No.2389876

"Sartre belongs to the XIX century"


>> No.2389914

foucault is a communist degenerate nigger gook kike

>> No.2389922

You obviously haven't met stormbabby yet. Welcome to hell

>> No.2389926

Sartre wanted so badly to be a part of '68 but he was too old, and in fact, a bit of a bourgeois himself...in my experience this kind of ''radical'' posturing is most often affected by wannabes...anyway Pierre Drieu La Rochelle 4 lyfe

>> No.2389940

la rochelle was actually a closet cultural marxist who married jews
don't believe trotskyist propaganda implanted by chink pornographers

>> No.2389954

i don't care about ideologies you twit..i've read La Rochelle's diaries, so I don't think that was Trotskyite propaganda..besides, his writing was completely counter to anything that could be called cultural marxism.

>> No.2389963

>He later (beginning in the 1930s) embraced fascism and anti-semitism.

sounds like a good man

>> No.2389965


>may of 68'


he definitely felt left out...can't blame him for being old though

>> No.2389968

that's the only good thing about him, kike

>> No.2389974

If you follow the thread of his ''beliefs'' you will see someone as ambivalent towards ideology as any artist should be. He was drawn to these grandiose ideologies out of boredom, and that profound boredom is something i understand and admire..

>> No.2389979

i can blame him for being old..the fact that he leeched onto a youth movement is disgusting...anyway there is a personal dimension to these thoughts of mine..after seeing that fuck Ralph Nader speak at an Occupy DC rally i got really heated...they just want to sell themselves like fucking whores that they are...and weak minded students who still need to appeal to authority will let them coopt all day long...anyway sartre is a piss poor excuse for a skeptic (nietzsche too) they just couldn't admit that the Pyrrhonists had already said it better--or rather they wanted to repackage great thinking in a more ''modern'' trendy way so they could profit from it.

>> No.2389993

did you actually watch the youtube clip and think he was cribbing sextus empiricus? you're a retard

>> No.2390001



how embarrassing...
that kind of shallow reductive pigeonholing only attests to your wikipedia-esque grasp of their thinking...
y u so mad?

>> No.2390002

>y u so mad?

>> No.2390008

i was just adopting a stormbabby guise, don't mind me
seriously, thanks for making me look that guy up

>> No.2390007

No, sadly I've wasted a lot of time reading his major works and understood that ultimately he was cribbing Sextus, et al...and trying his damnedest augment it with german idealism, etc. with a little Bergson (whom he never really credits) and ultimately coming up with something where the sum is less than its parts..i'm sorry that is a bit clumsy..but yes, Sartre was not a creative thinker, and in that video he pretty much admits it, but quickly covers his track..he knew a lot about ''bad faith'' (what a lot of words he used to reconstitute common sense..) anyway, it's not just sartre...

>> No.2390011

What is a better word for pyrrhonism? it is a bastardized term, I will admit, but classical skepticism is what I meant, I believe that was obvious..at any rate..if you have spent enough time rotting your brain with the door-stopper that is Sartre's magnum opus and then continue to cross check with Hegel, Husserl and then follow the chain to all of the other antecedents, perhaps you will then have the same disgust and emnity which i have for all of that smoke and mirror shit which I do believe covers some very old ideas which in my opinion were expressed with much greater skill and accuracy by Pyrrho and his ilk.

>> No.2390012

lol np..he's worth checking out..kind of overlooked in 'merica because he was on the wrong side of the war.

>> No.2390017

are you trolling?
i'm actually getting angry at your stupidity
fucking amerifat first of all comparing some cunt like nader to a philosopher
secondly you obviously were not even paying attention, he was talking about how an intellectual is created and how traditionally they did not take practical action
i'm astounded
enjoy your free healthcare and schools

>> No.2390026

europoor conceit is so funny XD How much does Sartre have to steal from others before it becomes obvious? Taking here and there from Gramsci by way of the Situationists, basically regurgitating the rhetoric of students back at them so they will slurp it up...I'm not comparing Nader to a philosopher, I'm comparing Sartre to a pathetic opportunist

>> No.2390024


>> No.2390029

He perhaps did not write anything, but his ideas were then put into extant texts..what kind of refutation is that anyway? u mad.

>> No.2390030

lol no

>> No.2390032


>> No.2390033

> Non-French people trying to understand French authors.

Niggas, just stop.
It's embarrassing.

>> No.2390038

but I'm bilingual

>> No.2390040

oh i'm a homosexual now? lolno..and if you had actually read any Gramsci you would understand that he wrote about the creation of intellectuals and basically had said what sarte is saying in the video..Sartre just repeats things without giving credit to who he is stealing from and mostly he gets it wrong because he was trying so hard to be a part of the current in his time that he had to rush..

>> No.2390041

why do i come to 4chan... fuck even stormbabby doesn't piss me off as much as you do
i'm out
off to stormfront

>> No.2390042


Not enough.

>> No.2390043

haha warrior spirit (advance to the rear you neo-nazi fag)

>> No.2390050

you have no reading comprehension skills
i am going to have an aneurysm
enjoy your dreadlocks and pretentiousness
you are a bad person
i am now pressing the power button on my computer
i hate myself it is 5am

>> No.2390054

no hard feelings, brah

>> No.2390055


>how an intellectual is created and how traditionally they did not take practical action

its more than that

the classic intellectual, acting out of bad faith, is overcoming skepticism, swallowing his hypocrisy and toiling towards the particular...thus the life of the intellectual is swarmed with contradiction.
the link to pyrrhonism is transient at best.

>> No.2390059

>overcoming skepticism
see, there it is..the attempt to overcome it would of course result in ''bad faith'' but the skeptics already
>implied that
anyway, like i said he was stealing that from Gramsci and De Bord..it's just bullshit..he had a name for himself and he was not shy about keeping it..i just don't like the man, and his books really bored the shit out of me after a while..oh and his fiction? don't get me started. ''hell is other people'' crawwwwling innnn my skinnnn

>> No.2390068

anyway have to go nice talking to you all

>> No.2390074


so what if they implied it?
an implication alone does not suffice to capture such a sentiment. it needs to be spelled the fuck out.

>oh and his fiction? don't get me started. ''hell is other people'' crawwwwling innnn my skinnnn

thats,just like,your, opinion, man