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/lit/ - Literature

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23895768 No.23895768 [Reply] [Original]

Hard mode:you may only post here if you have read and but then or are currently reading it.
I have not read it.

>> No.23895779

>Infinite Jest
>Blood Meridian
>over and over and over again
Is /lit/ really just made up of retards who watch YouTube and see memes and then buy these books, place them on a little shelf next to their Funko Pops and come here to garner enough information to plausibly pretend to have read them?

>> No.23895784


>> No.23895785

> and but then or are
And pajeets of course.

>> No.23895829
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>he's unfamiliar with Wallace's signature compound conjunctions

You must've missed the part where OP stated you must have read the book to post here, poltool.

>> No.23895835

Quit shutting up my thread.

>> No.23895886
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>2016 election newfag thinks he fits in
it's not working