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23880758 No.23880758 [Reply] [Original]

would love some recommendations in regard to female sexuality, sex in general, and love (theory and practice).

i've read the art of loving by erich fromm and really really enjoyed it. aspects of the feminine by jung is on my list, as well as lacan. interested in anything that examines how our childhood impacts our sexual preferences in adulthood, as well.

i'm an autistic virgin who would like to learn as much about sex and love as i can before i partake in it. thx.

>> No.23880765
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Sex and Character (Otto Weininger)
Sexual Personae (Camille Paglia)
The Manipulated Man (Esther Vilar)

>> No.23880771

thank you!!

>> No.23880783

The only thing to know is that women want to be princesses during the day and total whores during the night.

The bigger picture is that entertaining those whores is not a good life for any man.

>> No.23880794

lol i am a woman so that doesn't really help me

>> No.23880797

The History of Sexuality
Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape

>> No.23880862

thank you

>> No.23881017

The poem Thunder Perfect Mind

>> No.23881046

Not specific books but Nietzsche has the healthiest view on women as it is both affirmative and critical, but you also have Socrates oddly enough where he deals with Xanthippe bitchin all of the time (normal female behavior) and he's an exemplar at it. At the end, she even mourns his death and it just shows how much of a shitshow women are

>> No.23882271

Schopenhauer's On Women.
Being Autistic, this probably doesn't refer to you, but it does corroborate with my experiences in life.
t.autistic man with a wife and children

>> No.23882294


>> No.23882313

Google "how to pass as a mtf" and fuck off

>> No.23882790

Biological or clown woman?

>> No.23882811
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All of Wagner's dramas, from The Flying Dutchman to Parsifal. And Wagner's prose works Opera and Drama, A Communication to My Friends and On the Womanly in the Human Race.

>The redemption of woman into participation in the nature of man is the outcome of christian-Germanic evolution. The Greek remained in ignorance of the psychic process of the ennobling of woman to the rank of man. To him everything appeared under its direct, unmediated aspect,—woman to him was woman, and man was man; and thus at the point where his love to woman was satisfied in accordance with nature, arose the spiritual demand for man.

>This question of Polygamy versus Monogamy thus brings us to the contact of the purely-human with the ever-natural. Superior minds have called Polygamy the more natural state, and the monogamic union a perpetual defiance of Nature. Undoubtedly, polygamous tribes stand nearer to the state of Nature, and, provided no disturbing mixtures intervene, thereby preserve their purity of type with the same success as Nature keeps her breeds of beasts unchanged. Only, a remarkable individuality the polygamous can not beget save under influence of the ideal canon of Monogamy; a force which sometimes exerts its power, through passionate affection and love's loyalty, in the very harems of the Orientals. It is here that the Woman herself is raised above the natural law of sex (das natürliche Gattungsgesetz), to which, in the belief of even the wisest lawgivers, she remained so bound that the Buddha himself thought needful to exclude her from the possibility of saint-hood. It is a beautiful feature in the legend, that shews the Perfect Overcomer prompted to admit the Woman.

>> No.23882953


thanks, looks interesting!

>> No.23882963

read Love in the Western World

mystical aspects of love in the European tradition

>> No.23882983

You know the rules, and so do I

>> No.23883537

right up my alley, thanks!!