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/lit/ - Literature

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2387670 No.2387670 [Reply] [Original]

I have come here today to give, but also, you should know that I require aswell.

The genre of zombie apocalypse/survival horror is inudated with shit the depth of which seems infinite. I am here to give you the best and only the best, if you seek it.

Tooth and Nail - Craig DiLouie
Realistic and severe look at the soldier side of things when everything goes to hell in a zombie outbreak. No gung-ho bullshit.

Pariah - Bob Fingerman
From the perspective of civilians living in a apartment complex, completely trapped with supplies running out... when along comes a stranger.

Day by Day Armageddon - J.L Bourne
A good novel which does the genre credit, although not exactly top 5 material. Follows another enlisted man who strikes out on his own to overcome and endure.

Furthermore, fans of the genre will recognize the Autumn trilogy by David Moody. The series establishes itself early, focusing on character personality and development but at the same time never letting go of the gritty survival situation. Also very well written and a personal favourite(although, book two got a little out of touch for my tastes, it quieted down again by book three).

Author Max Brooks with his two books, The Zombie Survival Guide and the more recent World War Z, is the basis for most things zombie. Read the former for a more technical look and the latter for a perspectives-style story.


>> No.2387672
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It should be noted that until and up to this point, I have listed novels which are of good, to very good, quality who stay true to the zombie Apocalypse framework. You will find no superhero, superpower, talking/intelligent zombies, save the world blah-blah-bullshit in the novels listed. What you will find is a gritty survival theme which stays true to life.

Also of note, but maybe not in the same category are these:

I am Legend - Richard Matheson
The movie was based on this novel, yes, but note there are differences. Very good read. Post-Apocalypse genre.

Swan Song - Robert McCammon
The man is incapable of bad writing. Just read it. Post-Apocalypse genre.

One Second After - William R. Forstchen
Pure gold and again, not too far from what could actually happen. Post-Apoc.

The Road - Cormac McCarthy
Medium lenght, award winning and filled with true grit. Post-Apoc.

The Stand - Stephen King
Post-Apoc, but, if you are taking a look at this, I'd suggest you get familiar with the two versions of the book availible... One is an extended version and is a monster fucking epic. Well worth the read though.

Now, though most of you may already be familiar with these, I thought it would be a good idea to refresh everybody's memory and invigourate those who are seekers. Also some of these may be pulp in people's opinion, but no hating.

Every book I've listed I also have in .pdf format... Should a request arrive. BUT, first I have a request of my own.

Mountain Man - Keith Blackmore
Zombie survival fiction, follows a cynic alcoholic and his trails in a hellish new world. I need this book. Like right now. I've had a taste and I need more.


>> No.2387709

So nobody even wants the books I listed? Sonofa-

>> No.2387743
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Thanks for the list buddy, I'll definitely give some of these a go. I am Legend was a good read, Omega Man was also based on it, which was also a nice film.

Personally I found The Road to be really boring, but thats just me. The Stand was great, I enjoy Stephen King even if he does seem to be hated by the rest of /lit/.

>> No.2387762

No problemo. I have to agree about The Road, I think it's value lies more in emotional reaction than thrill encitement.

Yeah, take a look. I promise these will not dissappoint. I have no love for minigunwielding-schoolgirloutfitwearing-dragonriding-laserfarting crapstick novels with little to no editing and a self published basis. I kindof don't like them.

Does anybody know of a good file hosting site to whcih I can upload all of these novels I suggested? For covenience.

>> No.2387764
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Sorry, I missed the part were you said you had them in .pdf. I'd really like Tooth and Nail and Pariah, please.

I tried having a look for Mountain Man, but had no such luck, it sounds like a really interesting read.

>> No.2387766
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Not sure on were you could upload, I would have said Megaupload a few weeks ago but... yeah..

>> No.2387769

can somebody recommend me things similar to the road, i loved it, a lot

>> No.2387770

Allright, on it's way, I'll post as soon as I've uploaded. Uno momento, porfavor.

>> No.2387773
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>> No.2387795


Hey man. If you liked The Road, then you'll probably love the Autumn series by David Moody. Especially if you're into the grim setting mixed with the low emotional key of the characters.

>> No.2387798
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OP will surely deliver

>> No.2387803

Hey OP, thanks a bunch for these man. Could you tell me which of the books have god-tier fast zombies please, instead of beta shuffling and groaning zombies?

>> No.2387808

I am Legend is fast vampires. They arent your typical vampire though, they come in hoards, so basicly like your typical zombie. They are also more beast than man, mentally.

>> No.2387813

Ok, but they lurk in shadows etc right? I don't want that, I'm basically looking for Dawn of the dead in novel format

>> No.2387815

Nah not really, they are pretty upfront. As I said, they come in big hoards, its hard to lurk in the shadows as part of a hoard. They are basicly zombies except for the fact they come with the usual vampiric weaknesses to things like sunlight, garlic and a stake through the heart.

>> No.2387819


On my way. Fret not.


Hater - David Moody. Pretty good.

>> No.2387820

I knew hoard looked wrong.


>> No.2387823

the books only like 130 odd pages long, should try before you disregard it.

>> No.2387822

Yeah not my thing at all

>> No.2387824

I just don't think I could buy into a scenario where garlic could save the world

>> No.2387826

it doesnt, though. it focuses around 1 man surviving due to his immunity to the disease that turned everyone else. there is no world saving.

>> No.2387827

those two aspects were actually exactly what i was looking for good man, will look into it thanks

>> No.2387829

Still, garlic dude

>> No.2387830


Yeah, let me elaborate. I didn't include fast zombie survival horror in this thread purely from personal bias.

The only good fast zombie novel I know of is Hater by David Moody. Very much like 28 Days Later.

>> No.2387833

It's only used to keep them out of his house, if that makes any difference.

>> No.2387838

Op here.

We are at 7%

Been uploading for about 4 minutes now.

Will notify when done.

OP out.

>> No.2387840
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>> No.2387871

Shit is taking forever.

30% at 18 minutes.

>> No.2387877

dang, didnt think it would be very long considering the file sizes of ebooks.

>> No.2387883


The collection I've listed here is about 21mb.

Also, uploading from South Africa. Iz' gonna take a while.

>> No.2387887
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Ah, right. No worries, I've got plenty of time, the question is, do you?

>> No.2387893

>not just downloading off of IRC
oh you computer illiterates

>> No.2387894
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>> No.2387902
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Black magic, I say, black fucking magic.

>> No.2387901


New age mumbo jumbo.

>> No.2387913

Just so you know, there are channels on IRC, with 10's of thousands of books for download. Also audiobooks, and various other stuff. Then also torrents and cyberockers (lol dying), You people are just being idiotic.

>> No.2387920

*shrug* I've never had a need to use it before, thus I'm pretty ignorant as to how its used. I use torrents as much as the next guy. In the end, what does it matter? The guy's succeeded in what he wanted to do, how he did it is irrelevant.

>> No.2387950


Well my good man, would you then find just ONE book?

Mountain Man - Keith Blackmore

I'd be glad to be wrong on this one, mind.

>> No.2387966
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>> No.2387974
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>> No.2387986

Seems like it's Kindle edition only book.
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services
Published by Amazon as well, so basically self-published by the author.
Not very good sales either.
So someone would have to have bought it, removed the drm, and then uploaded it.
I don't see it.

>> No.2387991

Though, it's free for Amazon prime members, otherwise $3.99.

>> No.2387995
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Fuck. Thanks for trying anyway.

>> No.2388000

pretty sure you can do trials of amazon prime, there might be a loop hole that lets you download it even on the trial. worth a try. hows the upload coming?

>> No.2388019
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Just hit 70%

>> No.2388021
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>> No.2388023

I forgot to mention it's for paid subscriptions only.
Student, Mom, Trial, etc accounts don't work.

>> No.2388031

It doesnt even have a wiki yet, so it must be somewhere below our reach for now

>> No.2388036
File: 16 KB, 230x300, 1327875358843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could always buy it, i know, i know, but its an option.

>> No.2388037
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Haha I'm just gonna order it at some point. The less I have to do, the better I feel.

>> No.2388043
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I agree

>> No.2388050
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I cant remember the last time I bought a book, man. Sad times.

>> No.2388057

if you want a book like the road, blood meridian by Mccarthy is also good
it's cowboys (he fucking loves those guys), but the way it's written could almost be post-apocalyptic

>> No.2388063
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What? Are you nazi?
Hahaha, sorry, you gave me that chance to say it :P

>> No.2388065
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I no rite? :(

It's really not that bad, I could buy a book or a packet o smokes.

>> No.2388071


I promise, I'll give it a shot, thanks bro.

>> No.2388088

progress report, OP?

>> No.2388094
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>> No.2388109
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Cool beans OP.

>> No.2388125
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Sweet success. And a good night to all, I'm knackered.
Thanks for keeping me company.


>> No.2388139

OP delivers, thanks man!

>> No.2388150

Downloaded, no virus looks good.

>> No.2388547


>> No.2388906

Sometimes /lit/ comes through.

>> No.2388945

OP is a glorious winged faggot of destiny.
Thx dude.

>> No.2388955

Cheers brah, threads like this one are the reason I come here.

>> No.2388965

i fucking love you op

>> No.2390348

Thanks OP