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2386041 No.2386041 [Reply] [Original]

Friendly reminder that Pizza Hut instilled a love of reading in you from an early age through positive reinforcement.

Why haven't you given them your business lately?

>> No.2386049

I have no idea what you're talking about. I never watched TV and we didn't have a Pizza Hut in my town. Pretty sure they didn't have any effect at all on my reading habits.

>> No.2386051

mind = blown

oh, and its because im from new york and know what the fuck pizza actually tastes like.

>> No.2386052

True story: I was motivated to read The Hobbit because of Book It!

>> No.2386047

Because their pizza is bad.

>> No.2386057

my library's equivalent program (i assume) gave round table pizzas. much better than pizza hut. also gave SF Giants tickets, which was more important, but i was already going to the library enough & reading more than enough books to get the prizes anyway so it was really just an added bonus.

>> No.2386060

wow, you get free pizza from reading.
Damn you USA. Damn you.
However pizza hut pizza is pretty low tier.

>> No.2386063

Couldn't you just lie and say you read it?

>> No.2386065

I did.

>> No.2386067
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>lying that you've read Goosebumps
>not reading Goosebumps

nigga, is u for real. Get the fuck out

>> No.2386072

Just like pretty much every other reading program like this, yes.

>> No.2386092
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>mfw my school's book it program was linked to Accelerated Reader, so you actually had to read to get pizza

I don't know if you can tell, but my face is one of severe dissatisfaction.

>> No.2386111


I used to take Accelerated Reader tests without having read the books. Or even Cliff's Notes (I didn't know those existed.) It was like a challenge where nine year old me would look at a cover and a dusk jacket flap blurb and take a test and get points towards free shit.

This was the first step in a career founded on doing well on tests I had not prepared for.

>> No.2386115

I just did all the books I'd previously read. I did the test for the 7 Deltora Quest books and passed most with a score in the 85% range.

I didn't pick up reading till 7th grade.

>> No.2386117

fuck OP...i reminised hard.

I haven't thought about 'book it' since probably my last year I participated...which would have been at least 16 years ago (don't remember exactly)

...is the program still active?

>> No.2386120


WTFH is Deltora Quest? I swear, it's like if they had let us take tests on fucking Choose Your Own Adventure books or some shit.

>> No.2386122

It's about 3 adventurers looking for 7 magical gems. There was a prince kid, a hardened warrior, and a jungle girl.

>> No.2386127

Friendly reminder that Pizza Hut used two things I loved, reading a pizza, to make me fat.

>> No.2386129


OK, so it's like if we had been able to take tests on Aliens Ate my Homework.

Still calling bullshit.

I fucking read a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court and I EARNED that shit.

>> No.2386133

At my school we had to take these tests on the computer and you had to score at least like 20/25 or something.

>> No.2386137

hi5 fat reading pizza bro

>> No.2386142

>have Accelerated Reader in elementary school
>database is only books the school has
>most advanced books they had were those "Great American Classics" books or whatever they wee called, which were just abridged editions of classics
>get all my books from the public library
>none of the books I ever read were on the database

>miss out on stuff like this every time even though I was the biggest reader in the school

>> No.2386149

the program i did was from the public library, it was rad. also, the public library was rad. want us all to just take a minute and remember that Libraries Are Cool. look back on that magical place where you could find all these books, more than you could ever read, always something new. think about how great they are now where you can find books for free and enjoy them with no hassle.

welp, this has been a library minutes.

>> No.2386156

Their pizza isn't very good. Also we didn't have Book It.

>> No.2386165

Oh yeah and I also got some bad grades because we had to take at least 5 AR tests every 9 weeks or something, and I never took any. I tried to explain this to my teacher but she wasn't a fan of me.

>> No.2386169
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I know that feel.

Half of the books I read or interested in weren't in the database. I had to read those fucking Graphic History Series to get points.

And the worse part is I never even got my pizza when I read the books.

And I remembering hating this one fucker for getting like, 119 points in the Accelerated Reader tests.

>> No.2386181

I remember that shit, long fucking time ago. Pizzas were always way to small though, but it's free so who cares.

>> No.2386188

that's what I was going to ask about...we didn't have the AR tests when I was in Book It. Probably a good thing too, because I was reading shit like Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

>> No.2386193
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>And I remembering hating this one fucker for getting like, 119 points in the Accelerated Reader tests.

FUCK those assholes. I would get my 30 points required for the end-of-the-year ice cream party and be fucking done.

>> No.2386194

So we'll have fat sedentary readers?

>> No.2386202
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>ar tests
>mfw having 4 times as many points as the number 2 in the school

Yeah, never getting laid.

>> No.2386203

bbbbbut the kids are reading! They may by fat but they can at least read.

>> No.2386209

when book it started, childhood obesity wasn't exactly headline news

>> No.2386215

I remember I kept trying to check out books like The Lord of the Rings in 4th grade and the librarian wouldn't let me because she didn't think I was old enough

>> No.2386216
File: 10 KB, 273x234, fyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My school had the Young Author's program and the day we went to the gym to show the books we have written it was also the day we also had our ice cream party for the Accelerated Reader test(s) so I pretended I was sick and I got to bail that shit-fest and went back to my classroom for some motherfucking ice cream sundaes.

No regrets.

>> No.2386217

I got 1700 on the lexile test in middle school. Fuck your shit America.

Motherfucking fat pizza-loving, blonde-boob-job blowing, jew-banker, rich cunts.[/spoiler/]

I want a pizza.

>> No.2386219

Maybe I'm the only one, but I was a huge reader as a kid and it made me more active. I always got a ton of energy after reading, I wanted to act out the shit in the book and run around. Reader kids aren't really as sedentary as you think. They're the types that love adventurer and exploration and shit.

>> No.2386221

hahaha, the same thing happened to me (different books tho, i bought lord of the rings at a book fair). my dad had to write a note to the library officially giving me permission to take any books i wanted out.

>> No.2386222

What a cunt. The librarian ordered Return of the King for me since they had the first two and I finished them.

>> No.2386230

>I wanted to act out the shit in the book and run around
>They're the types that love adventurer and exploration and shit.

Agreed on that one. I remember going ape shit after reading this book called, "The Adventures of Alfred Kropp"

It was one of those adventure packed books with super cars n shit like that so I thought it was fucking awesome back in 4th grade. I wanted to run around and explore for miles after reading that book.

Of course, if I gave it a read again I'll probably think it's a piece of shit book now.

>> No.2386235

>not letting you check out Lord of the Rings

What a bitch. Why would she keep you back from reading those books? Loved those books. I remember reading Tom Clancy's Red Storm Rising to impress the shit out of everyone in 4th grade. Felt so boss when I finished it. I got to check out any book I wanted in the library.

>> No.2386234

I don't know, they should use a different "reward". Shit I feel like I'm talking about dog training...
I was always the passive kid. Never really liked sports or exploring. Luckily I was well fed and never rally had any problems with weight. But yeah, reading encourages all types of things, maybe kids will move like you did.

>> No.2386237

I read White Fang in the fifth grade. I wanted to be a wolf and fuck niggas up.

Lip-Lip a mark-ass bitch.

>> No.2386240
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>Librarians actually STOPPING people from leaving the library with the books they want


>> No.2386241

i was always a kind of passive kid, i ran around a decent bunch and i played sports but i was super shitty at them. i was fed pretty well and healthily, no fast food, but i always felt like i was "chubby". later in high school i didn't play sports or work out because i was an unathletic nerd and because i already felt like i was fat i kind of gave up and also i started to eat more because eating is really good and i have some control over it, now i'm a fatso, well that's my personal story about why i'm a fattie

>> No.2386244 [DELETED] 


You got 1700 on a test that only goes to 1300? Cool story, bro.

>> No.2386248


>That feel when your nine year old self reads about the Russkies raping them Nordic bitches.

>> No.2386249

Part 2:
Later I realized why I am a lvl 2 wizard... I got into /fit/ and , well that's my personal story about why i'm the Governor of California.

>> No.2386266
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>mfw my 10 year-old self reads the first page of The Color Purple

>> No.2386269

is it any less shocking the first time you learn about it whether you're 9 or 19?...hell it probably just gets worse the older you get and the more you hear about it

>> No.2386274

I read the Rape of Nanking when I was a freshman...i did hide it though from everyone because after I started realizing what it was about I knew everyone would shit a brick if they caught me with it

ahh, the childhood censors

>> No.2386278

I remember fapping to the sex scenes in Rainbow Six, especially between the experimental prisoners in the lab.

>> No.2386292

I sort of remember towards the end the accelerated reader stuff. But I do remember filling out a card with the name of the book you read the page count and then my mom would sign off on it. I think you could get one pizza a month. I also kinda remembered this button that they would give out with sticker stars that sort of pop'd out.

>> No.2386305

i did this too