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/lit/ - Literature

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2381614 No.2381614 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever started reading a book and enjoyed it only to find out that it's actually awful propaganda halfway through?

I'm looking for covert propaganda. Pic related is meant to be a book about overcoming mental blocks and being creative but halfway through it starts to heavily focus on Christianity and saying that our ideas are spiritual gifts by a higher power.

>> No.2381621

Just got that book after seeing a glowing recommendation on reddit, op. Halfway through, sorry to hear about that. It's been pretty great so far. :/

>> No.2381618

I can't think of a book i've read that's like this, it happens with documentaries though.

>> No.2381619
File: 40 KB, 311x475, guns-germs-and-steel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have I ever.

>> No.2381624

>reddits recommendations

Hows slaughterhouse-five and eragon working out for you?

>> No.2381626


This wasn't on r/books or any of the main ones with tons of high schoolers, it was from a smaller subreddit. Slaughter-house Five is good, though, don't knock it just because they happen to recommend it.

>> No.2381628

>and saying that our ideas are spiritual gifts by a higher power.

Do you have proof that this is incorrect?

>> No.2381631


Still trying to fill Quentin's void are you? The burden of proof lies solely on Mr. Pressfield's shoulders.

>> No.2381636

I think that that idea is just as legitimate as any other.

>> No.2381648
File: 31 KB, 500x500, davidlp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What I bought: Pic related
>What I expected: A guide on how to retrieve the ideas hidden in my head and some background on one of the most creative film directors in recent memory
>What I got: 200 page advertisement for transcendental meditation (IE: Scientology: Indian Edition) with a few bits of David Lynch talking about his movies.

This book literally had a chapter entitled "What is the Meaning of the Key and the Box in Mulholland Drive?" in which the only text was "I don't know what it means". I got fucking Lynched.