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/lit/ - Literature

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2381518 No.2381518 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you come off as stupid and awkward IRL /lit/?

Why don't you have any friends?

>> No.2381527

Probably because I have a stutter I can't seem to ever get rid of entirely.

I do manage to have some friends though. Some people think it's kind of cute.

>> No.2381528

The board you are looking for is called /r9k/ OP.

>> No.2381529

Because Ayn Rand told me to be a prick. And so I was.

>> No.2381530

I'm none of those things.

I come here for the fantasy, looks like you elitists lose again to the master race.

>> No.2381532

I'm on these meds that alter my mood coz of my depression (hereditary)

So I don't come off too awkward.

I have a bunch of friends, but only 2-3 I can call best friends

>> No.2381535


>> No.2381575

What meds

>> No.2381754

We have each other, that's all that matters /lit/ :3

>> No.2381755
File: 81 KB, 500x333, Tegan&Sara42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think we are like you.
I don't come off as stupid 'irl'.
Awkward maybe, but that's part of my eccentric charm.

I have friends. Once you go to college you will too. Don't worry bro.

>> No.2381783

I discredit people's movie choices by using the costanza meme IRL.

>> No.2381786

This isn't related to literature.

>> No.2381805

I wish I could transform into Jason Alexander at will..

>> No.2381819

Because I think people are fucking stupid and are not worth the cost of maintaining a good relationship.

>> No.2381821

Reported for off-topic

>> No.2381823

>g-guys, do you hear me? i-i said sage... guys?

>> No.2381826

I'm a bit awkward and have trouble creating close friendships, but a big part of that comes from the fact that I'm not all that interested in other people. My social interaction is mostly fine, but it's mostly superficial because I don't put in the effort/allow it to be otherwise.

I have one true best friend, and a significant other. Both stable and long-lasting.
That's enough for me. The rest are mostly people ones interacts with to pass the time.

>> No.2381827

Sorry about that, I seem to all of a sudden have forgotten how to write. You get the gist, though.

>> No.2381839

Please take care of me !

>> No.2381846

If you read actual literature and not fucking Dark Elf Trilogies you should be pretty adept at communication.

>> No.2381847

If people are so stupid, why do you read their books? Please embrace humanity and spread your love around the world my friend.

>> No.2381854

i tend to make people laugh a lot, not very awkward; just can't be arsed staying in touch with people after a month or so

>> No.2381853

Because just occasionally so there happens to be a less-than-fucking-retarded person that happens to create something worth writing about and worth reading.

One in what, 20 million? And every several centuries? Fuck that noise.

>> No.2381879
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>> No.2381884

I didn't have any friends when I went to university and then dropped out.

I met some nice people from 4chan, even a /lit/izen who I felt like I had a lot in common with but I was too awkward to respond to their attempts to be my friend because of my severe social anxiety

>> No.2381888

>dropping out of uni because of social anxiety

I know that feel, bro. Now I'm back living with my parents and I haven't left my house in over a month.

>> No.2381890
File: 157 KB, 500x333, tegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is the saddest thing.
I just want to hug you and be your friend.
but you'd probably be too awkward to reply to my attempts to be your friend.

>> No.2381892

I honestly cannot fathom social anxiety at all. Self confidence comes with attractiveness. Eat well, exercise, whiten your teeth, brush your teeth, clear up your skin, cut your hair.

Do things that make you look good. Look at people in the eye.

>> No.2381897
File: 404 KB, 500x500, tegan&sara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>know good looking people
>they know they are good looking
>still can't into social
Stop judging people

>> No.2381898

To continue on with this, attractiveness is just as much gained as intelligence is. If you understand that reading more will make you smarter, exercise and good hygiene habits will make you look better. I don't want to be a fashion fucking guru on /lit/, but seriously work at getting good looking. It's worth it. Trust me.

>> No.2381902
File: 81 KB, 765x800, 1318724518119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good looking? You mean like those dykes? Nope.jpeg

Get masculine or get feminine. Adrogynity is seriously unattractive for the vast majority of the world.

>> No.2381906

Androgyny is god-tier, learn to spell and then fuck off

>> No.2381907

Physical insecurity is just one facet of it, man. I don't even think I'm that bad looking. I'm just terrified of people and how they might judge me. It even feels irrational to me but I just can't help it.

>> No.2381912

I don't, I come off as a "dreadful cynic" but am generally liked.

And I do, I just wish I didn't. I only really like 3 of them.

>> No.2381916
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I don't understand it either but your ignorance is showing if you think self hatred only occurs in ugly people. Have you seriously never seen nice girls with eating disorders or really shy good looking guys? Leave your fucking house once in a while bro.

>Social anxiety is the endpoint for uncompromisingly rational people
Was that meant to be one of Dostoevsky's strawmen in pic related?

>> No.2381919
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>doesn't think androgyny just the best.
I have no time for you

>> No.2381923

I recommend The Temple of the Golden Pavilion, very, very highly.

>> No.2381926
File: 6 KB, 242x250, recep-tayyip-erdoğan-vs-azis_70468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say It To My Face

>> No.2381929

>Self confidence comes with attractiveness
Wow, you really believe in a spectrum from ugly to handsome, from dumb to smart and if you are smart and handsome everything will be fine.

Confidence does not come from anything external at all. It's not what you are, but what you think of yourself. Some ugly people are confident and will get more pussy than any of us, some handsome people are not confident and people don't understand how a person that good looking can be so awkward. And yes, ugly not confident people exist and handsome confident as well. But honestly, it's a minor thing when you are talking about social relations and it's just a horrible to think you are ugly and that you have to fix yourself or else you won't be good enough, do you see the huge problem with this mindset?

Geez, people are so desperate, they are either fat and hideous and hikikomori and saying "I LIKE BEING LIKE THIS I AM PROUD DON'T JUDGE ME" or just frustrated to get the best clothes and perfect body and hair. This is all bullshit, vast majority of everyone just need to yeah, take a shower and don't dress as a teenager but also not worry so much and realize that has little to do with self-confidence.

Intelligence goes the same way. People love talking about intelligence, because they always believe themselves to be intelligent, it's unbelievable. The generic internet clever guy is always "looking for knowledge and truth" and raping wikipedia along with it, debating on forums and watch animes about geniuses like Death Note or something. People shouldn't read or study to make themselves smarter, that's a side effect and should be treated as such. What happened to read to see that slice of life unfolding or to study to understand the thing? Damn.

>> No.2381932


Pick one.

>> No.2381938

two different things bro

>> No.2381936


>> No.2381949

I don't.
I used to but that was before I started reading.

>> No.2381957 [DELETED] 
File: 207 KB, 800x1200, Azis4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you've got a problem with the way he dresses? Take a closer look at he's traits. Androgyny, at it's best. Enjoy!

>> No.2381960
File: 11 KB, 250x247, david bow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy is way too much of a man and way too much of a woman.

Androgyny is not the clash of two extremes, but the lack of them.

>> No.2381961
File: 207 KB, 800x1200, Azis4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, you've got a problem with the way he dresses? Take a closer look at he's traits. Androgyny, at its best. Enjoy!

>> No.2381995
File: 51 KB, 420x311, article-typical-420x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like your definition.
Androgyny means a combination of masculine and feminine characteristics, causing ambiguity. Combination, not a lack.
You're just describing a featureless person, the common man.

>> No.2382042
File: 73 KB, 950x627, 210339-rooney-mara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I didn't state it was a lack of the combination of masculine and feminine characteristics, but the lack of extreme characteristics and I'm fairly reasonable in cutting this possibility out even though it is also some sort of androgyny in the bigger sense of the word. But because you first pulled the reductio at absurdum by posting the clashing characteristics and not the combination of them. And as you assumed I was talking about lack of characteristics and not lack of extremes, you think I'm describing the featureless person, but androgyny escapes the social constructs that we have around women and men, it cleans itself from notions that are burned in our minds as representative of feminine and masculine. For example, long hair for women, short hair for men, big eyebrows for men, small eyebrows for women, big lips and thin jaw for women, thin lips and big jaw for men, etc. And in that process of drying out the excess, the subtlety in the features stand out in a more pure way, the smallest glow in the eye can be very feminine, a tiny fraction of an action can makes us see the masculine side of that person. Androgyny aknowledges that we are a mix of both and accept it with much less things in the way that could leave to misconceptions ("How can that long haired lady wearing a lipstick did something as manly as [preconceived notion of what a masculine thing is]?"), showing the true self, the masculine and feminine attitudes in a way that is personal and unique to everyone of us, thus not a featureless average person.

>> No.2382059
File: 58 KB, 550x422, 1320894305916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry, bro. But there are very few people who find androgyny attractive. I appreciate you wanting to intellectualize the gender spectrum, and I understand everything you're saying, but let's please not deny some basic facts. Go to the gym and get jacked and you will pull some pretty sick pussy. Walk around and talk in a deep voice, and women on the streets and behind counters will quake and smile. Tower over the girls around you and they will go weak at the knees. Wear a well-fitting, modern cut suit and women will pretty much bend over.

Short, gender-neutral, and poorly dressed people are ugly in the eyes of society. You'll certainly attract other androgynous people, but teagan and sara don't get my dick hard, bro. I'm sorry. I like curvy women who wear heels and dresses, and smell good make me feel like a man, and not some dirty, unwashed stick-figure quentin-lookalike.

>> No.2382077

I get it. You like the androgyny, but only if it's in small amounts.

>> No.2382083

None of my friends really shared my own interests.

Maybe I'd crossed the event horizon of introversion, to where none of my own interests really lent themselves to social engagement due to the esoteric and personal nature, and meanwhile I'd lost all interest in the kind of mainstream shit that we'd be doing together. And I'm not against "mainstream" in principle or anything like that; it's just that the particular mainstream stuff that these friends were into, just didn't do anything for me.

In having to suppress my interests, I realized that I was falling into the exact description of the Beta. I don't like being Beta, and the alternative would be to insist that everyone engage in my esoteric shit, which wouldn't be alpha but just dickish. A lose-lose situation, so the third option is just to shed my friends. So that's what I did.

I'm open to social shit, but I don't know how to find people with the same interests as me.

>> No.2382099

Why can't all be Ryan Gosling.
But I do have congratulate him
Congratulations on the face, Gosling

>> No.2382102

Just jumping into the androgyny discussion.
Overt manliness or femininity is boring and the pursuit of perfection within both is vanity.
There is beauty in flaws, a way of being set apart. Androgyny seems to embrace this notion by expressing flaws in both manliness and femininity in such a harmony that the two dichotomies no longer exist.
The hermaphrodite is the opposite, a monster, portraying the excesses of both sexes.

>> No.2382112
File: 58 KB, 396x329, lars-and-the-real-girl1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gee whiz, thanks guy.

>> No.2382131
File: 10 KB, 200x200, 50313_70590530709_7943_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op ur a faget

>> No.2382178
File: 285 KB, 500x751, 1311098200550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not the original guy who defended androgyny as the best thing ever, but I'm Bowie and Rooney Mara here. I'm defending androgyny but not attacking obvious men and women.

I think that you prove my point in posting Gosling, because he already has strong androgyny characteristics. He is lean and clean, does not have a deep voice at all and he is /fa/ in a way that doesn't scream masculine features. What screams masculine is his swag with it, is the subtlety in his actions. Proof is that he is more adored than Gerard Butler or even Jon Hamm. Younger audiences prefer this type of guy over the strong jaw type exactly because of that sublety. Older and more conservative women tend to like the bulky and heavy moustache type of man better. Even his counterpart in Drive makes sense to be mentioned here, as Carey Mulligan has the short hair and not the big breast dress wear type of woman. This what is standing out now on people's eyes, and we have less of the Elizabeth Hurley or Cameron Diaz (in the Mask) type of woman in films these days.

I like curvy women in heels too, but the point is that a woman like that can fool me. She might look feminine at first but she was built around preconceived ideas of what being feminine is and she may or may not be feminine at heart. Not saying she can be masculine, but that she might be just dull. When a woman is not in heels and has short hair and is not wearing lipstick can still show herself, the beauty in her feminine and masculine features, I'm attracted to that.

>> No.2382378


>> No.2382388

>anyone can be attractive!

>> No.2382391
File: 127 KB, 1000x1244, 1328451052083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>curvy women are dull

>> No.2382399

I am come across as distant with quite a lot of people because I perceive them to be suffering from human toiletry, which consists of having a smug glazed look in their eyes like they've seen it all and being assertive/overbearing/too confident and ignorant at the same time.

This is because for most people, shitty TV and conversations with people who watch shitty TV are their main reference point. I think it has something to do with them creating a personality consisting of regurgitated bullshit which suits their appearance which all comes from TV.

>> No.2382402

ppww's bro is that u

>> No.2382405


>> No.2382408

Now you are just distorting what I mean.

>might be dull
>dull doesn't mean not attractive, but less interesting
And by interesting I still mean physically. Generic beauty is one thing, it's what attracts 95% of everyone and all sane men would bang that girl in your picture. But how does it respond to our personal idea of attractiveness, that's just another thing and a girl that is unusual and out of the ordinary picture we have of women might be more attractive to someone then generic blonde number #847.

>> No.2382420

because silence is confronting

>> No.2382422

Because too many people are too stupid to know anything about quantum mechanics, chaos theory and imaginary numbers, and those that do can't comprehend beyond the fundamentals. This is why I rarely have discussions with anyone outside MENSA.

>> No.2382430

I talk like a 50 year old teacher, but I'm not one, so I come off as an asshole.

>> No.2382432

Epic This!

>> No.2382439

juice fail

>> No.2382443


What on earth are you talking about you knuckle dragging troglodyte?

>> No.2382447

im just saying u showed them good... no need to be an asshole guy...

>> No.2382457
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>> No.2382467
File: 26 KB, 352x547, books are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is /lit/ the new /v/?

I think yes.

>> No.2382476

people fink dey know me

>> No.2382484
File: 22 KB, 248x427, Mysterious-Stranger Perk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only come onto lit/ when there's nothing else going on, so usually in a blue moon, plus have a HUGE social circle, one group of friends @ my post-secondary school and another at the community college I'm going to next year, plus I'm in the works of forming a syndicate
>mfw stfu OP

>> No.2382488

I find it hard to imagine that someone with a huge social circle would search for a picture of a specific perk of numerous perks from a video game and then click save as and then search for it because they thought it was relevant to a thread on 4chan

>> No.2382494


>> No.2382507

If you come here only once in a blue moon (why would you even come here if you like your friends enough?), then why do you bother telling all that to some troll?
Not even I would do that.

>> No.2382520
File: 287 KB, 320x240, jojo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you like garbage games and you dont deserve friends

>> No.2382527
File: 328 KB, 521x834, American Solider WW3 Operation Anchorage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Becuase I can, so fuck you befor I find you and fuckz uz upz man

>> No.2382694

strong this.

>> No.2382706
File: 44 KB, 350x401, 1326153753712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because you are stupid and awkward IRL and like literature, doesn't make everyone who likes literature stupid and awkward IRL.
Same goes with friends

>> No.2382720

Didn't she used to play the harp and sing about her dead cat like a mental patient?