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/lit/ - Literature

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2381143 No.2381143 [Reply] [Original]

I've been told that I should spread my influence to here and decided to do so while I wait for my return to /mu/,

Whats your favorite book and genre anon and why?

>> No.2381144

go the fuck away, don't like you. i don't know who you are but this isn't your playground for "spreading your influence". fuck off now.

>> No.2381148

You don't know shit about the books we like, OP.

Just leave.

>> No.2381153

Thats why I am asking.

>> No.2381157
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Lurk and all will be revealed

>> No.2381159

why don't you read the fucking sticky and board instead of making a thread about how rad you are

seriously go aways

>> No.2381162

Unless your influence is to piss people off, you should probably go and listen to more Neutral Milk Hotel until you can go back to /mu/. You shouldn't waste your time discussing something you apparently know nothing about.
lurk moar

>> No.2381163

No need to get all upset. I am simply asking a easy question.

>> No.2381169

okay then my answer is: fuck you. you're the fucking buddha, fucking go out in the woods and live contemplatively. fuckin' achieve nirvana and realize that posting on a message board is worthless attachment to material things, or do anything else really as long as the end result is you not posting here.

>> No.2381168

I am simply interested in meeting you and getting to know you anon. Why do you have to be so hostile to such a easy request?

>> No.2381173

Nope, My desire is to figure you out anon.
What is your favorite book?

>> No.2381181


lol @ this faggot. what are you some kind of counselor? fuck off with this "no need to be so hostile brah" attitude.

you could have easily shown us the respect of doing your homework and reading the board instead of making this shiity thread, you self-entitled fuckwad.

>> No.2381187

yeah but it's pretty obvious that he doesn't actually care about talking about books, just doing the usual trip attention-seeking meta-trolling

>> No.2381190

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov.
/lit/ generally hates genre fiction (fantasy, mystery, crime, etc).

>> No.2381193

/lit/ is 4 queers

>> No.2381195

Your desire is to come here and exert some sort of influence over us, which in turn means power. If you came in saying you just wanted to learn you wouldn't have gotten near as hostile of a response as you have so far. So please, do not play dumb.

>> No.2381198

Why does such a simple question inferiate you anon? Is there some deep seated insecurity that destroys your sense of well being when ever someone contributes to this board? You are not the stick and have your own unique answer which I am curious to know.

>> No.2381203
File: 403 KB, 792x612, southpark-1508-ass-burgers-press-image-cartman-assburgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That post is full on assbergers.

Man, this is going to be fun.

>> No.2381204

hmmm let me explain this

- you're obviously a troll
- we don't like trolls
- go away

>> No.2381208
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>this thread
>people getting trolled this easily

>> No.2381210

>I've been told that I should spread my influence to here and decided to do so while I wait for my return to /mu/,
>not a troll

>> No.2381209

My assburger doesn't even have cheese on it? Fuck you man, that's just cruel.

>> No.2381207

How am I trolling when I am asking a lit relate question? Am I on /v/ again and posted about vidya?

>> No.2381212

i was just fucking around, dude.

>> No.2381213

You're from /mu/? What kind of music do you listen to?

>> No.2381221

I listen to obscure bands you've never heard of like

Playstation Playhaus, NMH, Foster the People, and Merzbow

>> No.2381224

I've heard of a couple fo those.

>> No.2381228

>Foster the People

>> No.2381229

i want an asscheeseburger man
fuck I want a cheeseburger
yeah cheeseburger

>> No.2381230


>> No.2381232

Obscure indie bands aren't deep.

>> No.2381233

Sorry OP. Most of my favorite books are too obscure for you to have heard of.

>> No.2381237

I've noticed the general quality of boards goes down the further I go away from cool things like /fa/ and /mu/. This is like a /b/ post level and I can almost sense the asbergers from my computer screen.

Do nerdy hobbies like reading books make people more likely to have asbergers and act like manchildren?

>> No.2381240

It's avant garde, don't you get it?

>> No.2381241
File: 31 KB, 200x205, Stienrer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Books were never any "cooler" than they are today, so to insist on making books "cool again" is a retarded demand.

2. Books today are consumed digitally as well as their paper equivalents, so a lack of presence of physical books does not mean that the person in question is not well-read.

3. The potential fuckee may not be not a bourgeoisie faggot with enough disposable income to amass a spergerific amount of physical books. Low-income readers use the library and don't amass books for vanity's sake like Mr. Waters.

3. John Waters is a faggot and his public persona represents the flaming faggotization and pussification of the young modern western artist, which has done more to harm art in the west than any other factor.

4. OP is a faggot, as well.

>> No.2381242

yes exactly, please go somewhere cooler now immediately

>> No.2381245

Lets everyone be faggots not please

>> No.2381246

Does /mu/ have any smart tripfags? I think I remember talking to one who was pretty smart

>> No.2381257

Why is everyone not saging? It isn't even DFW related

>> No.2381253

That was me anon, what do you need?

>> No.2381255


>> No.2381258

It wasn't you, I think it was someone who made one of those patriciancore pics

>> No.2381259

nancy p and lewis

>> No.2381264

Me and the Pope are the only contributers to /mu/ so you must be lying.

>> No.2381266

I'm pretty sure the pope doesn't post on 4chan?

>> No.2381268



My favorite book is the Holy Bible and my favorite genre is the Holy Bible

>> No.2381269

He does. His tripname was called The Pope and he was /mu/s most favorite tripfriend.

>> No.2381280

book: The Anxiety of Influence by Goethe
genre: post-romanticism

>> No.2381281

Suddenly it is revealed that the poster you once knew as Hipster Buddha is none other than the glorious Tao Lin!

Holy shit, I loved that work he wrote about the time he used Twitter and ended up tweeting a gorilla while trying to scour Harlem for some banana-flavored frozen yogurt. What zany adventures you must have Mr. Lin.

My meat is at least one whole letter grade higher than the meat you find at your local taco stand. What meat do you eat? I bet it is at best grade B-. You see, over in Mexico, I'm hailed as the smokiest and most flavorful lunch item in the South Americas. Have you even been to Mexico?


>> No.2381282
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>> No.2381288

That's nice, but I listen to real music.

>> No.2381307


>> No.2381314

I'm glad you understand.

>> No.2381320

For fuck's sake, HB is /mu/'s D&E, except sadder, because it doesn't take any intellect to listen to music.

>> No.2381322

Cool man.

>> No.2381336

>Takes intellect to read books.

Anyone can read a book and not understand it.

>> No.2381340

>takes intellect to go from not understanding a book to understanding a book
>modern music: nothing to understand

>> No.2381347

This guy is clearly nowhere near as smart as D&E, sorry

>> No.2381345
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>> No.2381348

That's...what I said.

>> No.2381349

I wouldn't call D+E "smart." He has a lot of intellect, in that he knows a lot, but that's different from the meaning of smart.

In fact, I'd say he's not smart at all.

>> No.2381353
File: 94 KB, 549x620, 1328182038982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now DFW thread. What do you think of The Pale King /lit/?

>> No.2381354

>>modern music: nothing to understand

This is only true for garbage modern music like what OP listens to

>> No.2381355

He's a supposed-PhD candidate who hangs around with teenagers on /v/ and /lit/.
Any discussion of his intelligence is moot.

>> No.2381356

My point is you have to be smart to be a D&E.

>> No.2381358

Are you telling me you're a teenager?

>> No.2381359

No you don't.
You just have to have Aspergers and value your time as little as trolltrips do.

>> No.2381360

In order to be a troll as good as D&E, you have to have extensive knowledge of your field. OP obviously doesn't know jackshit about music

>> No.2381363

Deep&Edgy doesn't actually spend much time here. He just makes lots of posts in a very small amount of time

>> No.2381365

He doesn't now.
He used to, in the before time.

>> No.2381370

Again, you guys are confusing "intelligence" with "smarts" with "sagacity." They all mean different things.

Smart implies a quick, often brilliant wit. There is a craftiness implied with it that D+E doesn't possess.

Intelligent means quick understanding and rational thought--which D+E surely has. Intelligence takes place outside of wasting time on 4chan. One can be intelligent and engage in stupid shit.

This is where sagacity comes in. Is it wise to waste your intellect in 4chan? No, no it isn't.

To recap: D+E is not smart nor wise, but he certainly is intelligent.

>> No.2381371

I know. I was there. He only came here like a few days out of every week.

>> No.2381375

Stop making up definitions and talking out of your ass.

>> No.2381376

Check any dictionary, duder.

>> No.2381378

>Is it wise to waste your intellect in 4chan?

If you actually manage to enlighten someone, then yes

>> No.2381380

I agree that he isn't especially witty, though he does make funny jokes sometimes