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File: 40 KB, 323x464, charles-darwin-the-origin-of-species.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2379490 No.2379490 [Reply] [Original]

Many Christians have read AT LEAST part of the Bible, the holy book of the Christian religion.

But how many atheists have ever hunkered down and read their OWN religion's holy book, The Origin of Species?

>> No.2379500
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>Implying atheism is a religion

>> No.2379501


Why did you decide to troll /lit/ today?

>> No.2379505

You'd be dumb too, since it is completely outdated in many ways.

>> No.2379504


A religion is a shared set of belifs and all atheists believe in no god so of course it's a religion.

>> No.2379509


Go read or something.

>> No.2379512

I have. I've also read various sections of the bible. not the whole thing, sorry. just enough to understand most allusions
protip: evolutionary texts are not the atheist's bible. being aware of the truth in evolution doesn't even conflict with having a religion that much.
>The Vatican stated in the 50's that evolution was not inconsistent with Catholic teaching.

>> No.2379514


He raises a fair point, but you don't need to have read the book to get the general points of it. If you're familiar with even a bit of the theory of evolution through reading secondary sources, I'd say you're about as well versed as a Christian who's gone to church for a part of their life.

>> No.2379517

This whole idea that science and religion are somehow mutually incommensurable is a rather recent (and ridiculous) one. Darwin seemed like a teetotaller. In "Descent of Man" he remarked that some monkeys from Brazil were wiser than humans because they once got drunk, and thenceforward refrained from imbibing alcohol (thus learning). But then again, Darwin married his first cousin and thought the poor shouldn't reproduce.

>> No.2379520

I have. It's a very interesting book.
Bit long and boring in a few places, but it is quite fascinating how he got the conclusions he did.

>> No.2379521

I can't believe that there are otherwise intelligent people out there who actually believe we're descendants of apes. How absurd..

>> No.2379526

Evolution does not equal atheism, any more than "Iliad equals pagan" or "The Rules" equals "Idiot". people read things for different reasons. Charles Darwin never recommended nor even spoke strongly in favor of, atheism.. Maybe You're thinking of Ingersoll.

But Voyage of the Beagle was more fun...

>> No.2379528

...but but but the poor shouldn't reproduce.


>> No.2379531

No one intelligent believes that

>> No.2379534

Nobody believes this. Take it from a scientist. It's nonsense. If we found evidence that humans evolved from apes, most people would start to seriously question the idea of evolution.

>> No.2379536


>> No.2379537
File: 10 KB, 328x376, 1326143272885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, what a good thread. Maybe we should explain to OP in the sense "oh, I see your point, but you don't understand, there is no connection between..." and talks some more. I love religious vs atheism on the internet. It's my favourite topic. I spend my entire day debating on youtube on Dawkins videos and "the question atheists can't answer", I have a lot of fun. It's good to see /lit/ also derives fun from this, much as I do when I see this thread in /b/.

>> No.2379539

*cough* common ancestor *cough*

>> No.2379551

There is a way of reconciling this i think that may not have been thought of.
Man clearly shows signs of having evolved from an apelike ancestor.
But the bible says god created man in his own image.

C It should certainly be possible for god to have evolved from an apelike ancestor.

The bible does not contradict it, certainly..

And considering the capricious, bizarre and cruel behaviour of gods and chimps in general, I think it deserves a closer look.

>> No.2379557

Jokes aren't supposed to go on for that long. This is why smart people aren't funny.

>> No.2379561


Chimps are not only vicious; they show evidence of altruism in the wild too (for example, an unattached young male will care for an abandoned chimp child). Chimps also share 99% of our DNA, therefore it is quite likely we have a common ancestor, such as the fossil evidence of anthropithicenes.

>> No.2379576


Not altogether a joke.

for god to have evolved from an ape would indeed be miraculous.

but miracles is what god does. and if god looks like a human, how else could you explain it?

>> No.2379574
File: 14 KB, 256x256, 1282421079684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying atheist have a holy nook
> implying ahteism hasn't existed before Charles Darwin

troll harder, punk

>> No.2379596
File: 7 KB, 212x238, trollharder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a religion with a holy book

>> No.2379606

>implying christianity didn't exist before the bible

>> No.2379610


If the world were designed,
with man in mind,
it wouldn't get so warm.
gnats, mosquites biting flies
would not have leave to swarm.
the damp, the heat the billion bugs
suggests a different end.
for such a bog i think the frog
was in gods mind, my friend.

If earth were for a human home
intended, let me ask.
If oceans would envlope it
like some amorphous mask?
and fill it with such bounty
so well concealed from us?
more fit, perhaps this planet for
the squid or octopus.

The lion is a lordly beast,
and rules the desert veldt
and has about him many wives
both dexterous and svelte
He roams the plain in great disdain,
of all who'd stay his whim
I think it better to regard
this world as made for him

The bat, the master of the night,
in many billions reigns
and god's reward a smorgasbord
of insects for his pains
he fears no let, no worldly fret
perplexes his gret line
oh lordly bat, the mighty earth,
of certainty is thine!

It comes upon us now to limn
the outline of god's shape
for you can bet his silhoutte
is not some hairless ape.
The frog, the bat the octupus,
the lion is it right?
oh no, i guess must admit.
That lovecraft got it right!

thank you and goodnight.

>> No.2379662


Where is this from? I can't find it. Did you just make it up?

>> No.2379761


It's original. apparently there's guy that just write poems on here about things people post.

>> No.2379777

>implying the gospels didn't exist before the bible

>> No.2379784
File: 132 KB, 208x270, 00000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's actually pretty good.

>> No.2380234

charles darwin was a christian

>> No.2380269
File: 147 KB, 400x324, 1327005197585.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, tell me the source or admit you wrote it and take my compliments. Great stuff.

>> No.2380276

This. Mainstream Christianity embraced evolution everywhere in the world except in the US fundie backwaters which have slowly taken over the mainstream right. Outside the US the idea that there are people in the first world who think that God is incompatible with evolution is as laughable as the notion that God is incompatible with thunderstorms.

>> No.2380284
File: 12 KB, 170x206, 1320883694025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Christians can't tell the difference between evolution and the big bang theory.

>> No.2380286

a share set of beliefs is not the single consitutuent of a religion bro

>> No.2380294

Shut up. This thread is now about >>2379610

>> No.2380295


I wrote it. Thanks for the compliments. Sorry for rhyming right with right in the last verse. I'll fix it in the second draft,

>> No.2380320


hers the other one i wrote today on this board, for those of you following my efforts.

>> No.2380324

... aaand forgot the link: >>2379225

>> No.2380349

I really like it, it's somewhat alike kipling. It's rare for me to like poetry. Your stuff isn't perfect, but nevertheless freaking interesting to read.
Do you have a blog or archive or something?

>> No.2380358

You know I see plenty of intelligent discussion outside of these threads. However, when someone brings up a topic on religion, or politics, and sometimes philosophy, what I consider to be the most intelligent board becomes a moronic shithole.

>> No.2380423


No, i just started doing this. I probably should get a blog or something. Is it really worth saving?

I'm glad people like it. thanks for the suggestion.

>> No.2380471

I was going to mention Kipling too. Read more of him or read him again. It's indeed not perfect, but you got a thing for it.

Be unusual and bold, stretch, say something you know people don't expect, because you have the means to do it.

>> No.2380486


Thanks. I'll do it. look for my work in... wherever people put poetry. Hallmark cards?

Probably this board, at least for the time being