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2378094 No.2378094 [Reply] [Original]

Ayn Rand wants individualism...so does The Prisoner...but is "every man is an island" really possible?

Won't we all be run over by cars or choked out by the gas all the individualist consume?

Fuck Ayn Rand bro.

>> No.2378101

You're right, you're too hot for this shit.
Or too dumb.

>> No.2378105

being poisoned is a violation of your rights.
so you can shoot them

also: this whole "individual" shit comes from the fact that ayn rand is a kike, so she can't promote sane, national socialistm, because she would be excluded.

>> No.2378111

that second line of
applies to you too.

>being poisoned is a violation of your rights.
>so you can shoot them
Nice logic, I can't understand why you're not the president of the USA.
The rest doesn't even need to be commented.

>> No.2378112


wait a sec.....Ayn Rand is a chick!?

Oh...that explains it.

Fuck Ayn Rand x4 now.

>> No.2378116

oops, the second quote should be >>2378101

>> No.2378118

The laissez-faire response to tragedy of the commons is usually something along the lines of Coase's theorem (this doesn't make sense, since transaction costs would be high), or that externalities are negligable. No decent economist has ever claimed we can get by without regulation though; both Friedman and Hayek knew there were limits to deregulation for free markets to operate. A good set of lectures are:

Although you can't hear a lot of the class interaction, which is rubbish.

>> No.2378122


this is convuluted bullshit. Drop out of school and get a job......faggot.

>> No.2378128

>No decent economist has ever claimed we can get by without regulation though

hint: any economist who thinks we need "regulation" is by definition, not a decent one.

Read your mises.

>> No.2378129

society would form because 2 people have more power than 1

>> No.2378135

Yeah, who needs logic and argumentation when you can just call him a "faggot".

>> No.2378137

I have a job, as a lawyer. And I'm gay and proud.

I have yet to think of an effective portmanteau. Gawyer is just not right...

>> No.2378140


talk normal and not behind and shield of university bullshit and he/she wouldn't be a faggot.

>> No.2378142

So... any example of decent economists?

>> No.2378143
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This thread needs more Sophie Milliet chess expressions.

>> No.2378148
File: 22 KB, 400x267, Death Wish 21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hahahaha.....you're cool. You're adversity in the face of trolling deserves a medal (and I will copy your responds one day at some time....mokey-see-monkey-do is the highest form of flattery)

>> No.2378146

if you had a venn diagram of people who take austrian economists seriously and diaper fetishists it would be exactly one circle

>> No.2378153


that's my girl....don't jack off to her. only i can jack off to her.

>> No.2378155


>> No.2378160

Von Mises is a poor man's Hayek. Well, I say poor. Anyone needing welfare would want to kill him.

Anyway, he argues rather eloquently for keeping a military, and military means regulation.

>> No.2378161

I like the fact that the French Women's Championship exists. It looks like it implies women being less intelligent than men.

>> No.2378168

I think austrian economics explains things a hell of a lot better then these fucking retards looking for measurable data to explain human behavior.

>> No.2378176

lol why use measurable data when you can just make it up.

>> No.2378178
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Austrian brought us Heino, Schmarnn, and Nazis.

And you wonder why they call them Mr. Happies?

Fuck off and die....guy.

>> No.2378182

hitler was a hero you fucking tard.

Other way around, austrians try to fit reality. "mainstream" economists just go "HURR IT FITS THE DATA, WHO CARES IF IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE AND BREAKS DOWN UNDER SOME SMALL ANALYSIS!"

>> No.2378184


well sure if you're a big gay adult baby who gets rock hard when daddy wipes the doody off your XXL depends it makes perfect sense

>> No.2378187
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You wish man. you neo-nazis are my enemy.

>> No.2378193
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A guitar hero.

>> No.2378194

you are an idiot

>> No.2378200

>responding to stormfront

>> No.2378205
File: 88 KB, 640x356, meh.ro563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Hitler is a pretty cool guy he kills jews and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.2378202
File: 16 KB, 381x465, JackiePuppet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You kids read your faggot books about economy and suck on Ron Paul's wrinkly old dick.

but...how many of you academic faggots or politic-discussers have ever really worked? or banged a chick?

>> No.2378208


>> No.2378214
File: 3 KB, 300x240, passedout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the sad thing is you people aren't trolling like I previously thought.

most of Americas youth these days are neo-nazis.

it's sad.

>> No.2378221

Most of the world's population has been (and always will be) constituted by morons. Get over it.

>> No.2378222

I hate to break it to you, but most of America's youth is too fucking lazy and apathetic to be neo-nazi.

Granted, it doesn't take much to be capable of the ignorance required for irrational hate, but I am baffled shitless when I think of how America is going to function when this privileged and lazy, entertainment-overindulgent generation is supposed to be the workforce. I see no feasible promise.

>> No.2378226


people have said this about every generation since like cave people times

shit's stale

>> No.2378235


and what do you do for a living exactly Mr. High Horse?

(nice trips by the way scro-bobo!)

>> No.2378238


but.........the whole interenet falling in love with Ron Paul because of Ayn Rand. That's a new low.

>> No.2378240

funny to say that, but most austrian economists actually DO work, you win the people who support keynesianism/whatever are the ones who do not, being generally academics or "economists" who work for the government.

There is a direct correlation to government funding for institutions, and then the institutions theoretical support for ever expanding government spending.

>> No.2378245

>irrational hate

way to prove you don't actually live anywhere near blacks or mexicans.

This is your opinion, a woefully incorrect one.

>don't accept the suicide of your country, selling of it to foreigners?

>> No.2378251


I am black.

>> No.2378252

Implying implications none implied
Stay classy, /stormfront/.

>> No.2378259

Ron Paul, Nazis, sickos.

The internet is covered in garbage more than ever.

>> No.2378260

Don't try to disprove /stormfront/. He knows ALL blacks, he must be right about this.

>> No.2378266



Ron Paul actually said that too.


>> No.2378274

>naacp comes out and says ron paul is not racist
>liberals continue to bring up shit from 20 years ago that had nothing to do with him
>ignore the fact that "racist" shit was nothing but the truth and you can bet most blacks would agree with it

>> No.2378289
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fag...you're just jealous i got dubs.


Ron Paul is a piece of wrinkly dick-shit.

>> No.2378330

women probably have the capability to be as good as men at chess see polgar sisters but they don't bother to do it you know

>> No.2378343
File: 59 KB, 750x586, 4aSC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cuz they only have their vaginas on their mind and never anything important...those filthy insatiable sex craven machines!

>> No.2378346

speaking of chess
have you read what bobby fischer thought of the jews?

>> No.2378361


who gives a fuck about bobby fischer?

>> No.2378362

best chess player ever?
he didn't think the holocaust happened either.

>> No.2378365


then he disapeared and no one cared.

then a russian guy fought a computer and it was cool.

chess is cool.

>> No.2378367

i think chess is boring
we have rts games now

turn based strategy is way cooler

>> No.2378369

He sounds qualified.

>> No.2378372


reading this post in butthead's voice rules

>> No.2378384


huh huh huh huh uh huh hu hu huh hu