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23773575 No.23773575 [Reply] [Original]

If someone had barely any understanding of politics and history, what books would you recommend to them to start with?

>> No.23773582

Start with the Greeks

>> No.23773589

History usurps the past. Politics usurps the retard. No book needed.

>> No.23773597

How does history usurp the past?
What about when you want to understand current day affairs and don't have the time to dive deep into history?

>> No.23773607

History is not the past, it is how we view the past. Very different things.

>> No.23773616

Then you start at the beginning like everyone else did, so you start with the Greeks

>> No.23773809

It doesn't matter where you start, just read a lot. It's like filling in a jigsaw puzzle. Doesn't matter which piece you lay down first.