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23773522 No.23773522 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get over an internet addiction and start reading again? I don't understand why I spend my days browsing social media and feeling bad about it when reading has always given me lots of joy but I can't seem to get myself to do it anymore

>> No.23773537

You can start by using the internet as a tool instead of lifestyle, check the catalog and search the archives before posting. It may not give you any (You)s but it will lead you to the 38,394 previous times this question has been asked and possibly an answer. Or you could just shut off your phone and computer and tablet etc.

>> No.23773542

Addiction is always a coping mechanism for an underlying emotional issue. Resolve the issue, you remove the need for addiction.

>> No.23773544

Just do it, there are no tricks. Motivation is a spook. Force yourself to do it, you will learn to love it.

>> No.23773545

I recently had a day long power outage and my god it was amazing
I read 330 pages easy

>> No.23773547

I'm having a pretty hard time now, but there's no option to resolve it other than wait for a few years while trying to make the best out of it

>> No.23773813

Read Inner Work by Robert Johnson

>> No.23774839
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This works. It's doable. The only tough thing is no internet and that's why work in a library or anywhere else than your home

>> No.23775605

Read outdoors.

>> No.23775767

>Only take a book with you that you wanna read and nothing else except maybe clothes
>Go out
>Throw away key

>> No.23777122

I've been thinking of downloading a bunch of books, albums, movies, and games. And just turning my internet off for a month.

>> No.23777126

Get rid of your devices and buy a dumb phone. Keep a laptop at a family or friends house, or just use a public computer somewhere like the library or an internet cafe.

That's easy mode.

>> No.23777128

wow what a beautiful dog

>> No.23777197

It's like lifting weights. You don't say, "oh god, i'm really out of shape" and then go to the gym and start bench pressing 280lbs. What I mean is that you don't start with something daunting. You start with something "light" but not completely devoid of literary value. I recommend Suetonius or maybe a good short story anthology. Then you develop a habit over time and then "up" the difficulty of what you're reading.

>> No.23778062

Not OP but this makes a lot of sense.
What's something short and easy to read for a 16yo or so?
(I'm not actually underage, just ESL with the same attention span problems OP has).

>> No.23778216

Read physical books. It's something about them being tangible things that you see around you. It's a reminder to not fuck around.

Ebooks - even on a dedicated reader - are usually left unread. Physical books, always read.

>> No.23779130

>Addiction is always a coping mechanism for an underlying emotional issue.
Freud was a pseud and so are you

>> No.23779137

What he said

>> No.23779176

Shake up your routine and surroundings. If you’re in public doomscrolling is less acceptable. I sat on a public bench today with the specific intent of reading. Read about 50 pages. Came back home and after dinner I read about another 60. I have this sort of ritual that gets me in the mood for reading where I’ll light a candle and then lie on top of my bed wearing a dressing gown with a croquet quilt over my chest and a cotton blanket over my back. Then I’ll drink either tea, cider, or a whiskey and lemonade (famous grouse mixed with 35p Aldi lemonade) as I read. I find that this helps. Come up with something similar. Yes I am a giga-autist

This. However it helps if your environs are comfy.

>> No.23779183

I do most of my reading these days from electronic books downloaded for free off the internet, with the exception of my physical Bible.

>> No.23779188
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>whiskey and lemonade
Holy fuck man

>> No.23779193

I have a list of nice books that I want to buy, but I just can't afford to buy all the books I'd like to read. Have to get a lot of them for free and read them on screens, which isn't as nice as a physical book, but it is better than not accessing necessary books, documents, materials.