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23773415 No.23773415 [Reply] [Original]

My country is an intellectual and cultural wasteland that has never contributed anything to civilization at large. Its educational institutions are based on amerimutt neoliberal diploma mills sans the prestige and billions of dollars that get poured into them by sponsors. Most university graduates in my country have an unjustifiably high opinion of themselves which coupled with their genetic midwittery makes for their passive-aggressive pseudo-intellectualism. For this and other reasons I mostly shun participation in the cultural and intellectual life of my country but of late I am very sad because I can't participate in meaningful discussion about ideas with other people. Does anyone else have the same problem?

>> No.23773421

>Does anyone else have the same problem?
Yup, you said it. People don't want to talk about intelligent things because it makes them feel stupid.

>> No.23773428

Emigrate somewhere else, connect with a few others who share the same interests and cultivate taste, bring forth meaningful conversations instead of waiting for them. The vast majority of people aren't and have never been readers, writers, artists. It's not a bad thing, not everything has to be accessible.

>> No.23773439

I just read my books, like I always have. I've always had a very niche taste, but I like it that way. Just avoid people and you are good to go.

>> No.23773441
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It's "immigrate"

>> No.23773451

Also, just because you read doesn't mean you are smart, otherwise I would be a genius, because I read the smartest guys on the planet.

>> No.23773456

It does mean you are smart. I read smarter guys than you and they have made me more intelligent by extension.

>> No.23773462

I have absolutely no desire to meet anyone outside, except it's a cute girl.

>> No.23773469


>> No.23773551

Big Fish in Small Pond. You can be your country's Snorri Snurlson, translating what you deem to be the most representative parts of the canon into your tongue, and eventually elevate that sad state of affairs.

>> No.23773624

Or you are not as smart as you think you are and quite despicable.

>> No.23773714

depends which way you're going, surely

>> No.23773734

You sound Romanian

>> No.23773755

>My country
Honestly this sounds like it could be any other country sans the US and a select few West Euro countries

>> No.23773765

Good question. Usually, I frequent obscure online communities full of people who also have autism, or, who at least think they do, and then we make fun of everyone else while discussing obscure theories and books, and calling one another faggots. It's called www.neopets.com

>> No.23773771

It is every country including the ones you listed. No idea why you'd make an exceptional carve out for the anglosphere. America is full to the brim with retarded people, and this is actually MORE true of America's intellectual class than of their general population. Average Americans are barely literate, but can still identify basic patterns and have threat response. American intellectuals on the other hand, would try to make friends with an uncaged jaguar because there are no unbiased studies proving that jaguars bite people.

>> No.23773773

I take it you're from one of those countries?

>> No.23773848

Being peak makes you lonely by definition. The more peak you are, the lonlier it gets (Schopenhauer said it). Being the first in somethink makes you lonely in it. Developing your own unique world view makes you unique. You can not talk honestly anymore, everything becomes a translation and thus fake, distancing. Im in the same boat.

>> No.23773952

Schopenhauer also was a rich fart who had no idea what real loneliness even means. Being really peak at something gives you fame and social status, which obviously makes it easier to get to know people.

>> No.23774029

Many peak people only become known after or close to their death:
Nietzsche only got famous once he was retarded and almost dead
Schopenhauer was old, but I guess he was always a faggot
Ludwig Mises is just now starting to get (semi) popular
Marc Aurels diary was published after his death

Being peak often times is alien to common sense. It would not be ground breaking, if it was flacid and easily digestible to common idiocy

>> No.23774260

>Nietzsche only got famous once he was retarded and almost dead
This is false. They were slobbering over him from the moment he first published. He was the youngest appointed professor ever, being appointed when he was like 22 or something.

>> No.23774339

I relish it. Academics need to be strung up by their intestines

>> No.23774451

>Most university graduates in my country have an unjustifiably high opinion of themselves which coupled with their genetic midwittery makes for their passive-aggressive pseudo-intellectualism.
Yeah, pretty much. In my work, I've met a lot of liberal university-educated types from the third world, and they somehow came off to me as even more obnoxious than the ones we have at home.
I surmise that it's partly class snobbery gone into overdrive since they feel they are the only people who have thoughts that matter in their countries, or that they are cool cosmopolitans now because they interact with white people regularly on a professional basis.
I don't blame you for not wanting to interact with them. Keep your head down and turn to writing, maybe privately in a journal or personal blog. Maybe one day, in a better age, you will be recognized as a novel thinker by your countrymen.

>> No.23774541

Mises is getting popular because of the inroads the libertarian movement has made in the Internet since the 1990s. Nobody in academia takes Austrian economics seriously these days which wasn't the case in the 1920s when Mises was viewed as one of the foremost monetary economists in the world

>> No.23774552

This used to bother me as an American because American popular culture is anti-intellectual, but I realized first of all that there are esoteric intellectual circles you penetrate if you really want to. But then I realized that intellectualism is bad in general. What is “intellectualism”? What is an “intellectual”? We all have an intellect. Being overly intellectual is a disorder, not a good thing. The binary is unhealthy in both sides. So these days I run in both circles and neither. My favorite people are people who don’t starve the intellect but don’t get trapped in it either.

>> No.23774561

I don't really need to engage intellectually with most people period, none of the jobs I've had have ever really demanded much of my mind and my simple daily life does not demand it either.

Besides having interesting discussions with readers like you on this basket weaving forum, I mostly only have intellectual discussions in contexts relevant to a shared interest or goal.

Any sort of serious intellectual correspondence is with close friends, colleagues, and the educated leaders of the many political, armed guerrilla movements against international zionism.

>> No.23774640

The unwashed masses of every country are anti-intellectual. Move to Geneva or Basel where you will be surrounded by only the snootiest of global elites.

>> No.23774667

No, I have found giga based auto didacts in my country. There are few of these wizards everywhere. Look around frog, you'll find few chums.

>> No.23774674

Bruh Schopenhauer knew Goethe in his youth and he use to visit his mother literary parlor.

>> No.23774915

GM saar, eh?

>> No.23775012
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>be me
>be reading book in public
>old woman walks up to me and asks "what are you studing anon"
>it is harry potter
The Iliterate woman tought is was studing because aparently that is the only reason people read books and not for entertainment.

>> No.23775042

If you were so smart, and your fellow countrymen so dumb and illiterate, you'd find a way to spread your intelligent ideas in a way others could understand them.

But instead of touching grass and talking to people, you whine on 4chan to inflate your ego and distance yourself from your community and those around you.

>>23773551 is spot on. If you're as smart as you say you are, go ahead and translate a cannonical work into your native language.

Thousands of intellectuals have been in the situation you describe and were smart enough to convey their ideas to the masses. You're just justifying your narcissism and confining yourself further and further into your pseudointellectual bubble to avoid taking any action about the problems you see around you.


>> No.23775053

>never contributed anything
Your country will be on the periphery of somewhere that has. If you’re a European then it’s quite likely men from your country participated in the administration of a great power or were part of the intellectual tradition of that great power. Lean into that. Most of the intellectual establishment in Ireland have been Anglo-Irish, for example.

>unjustifiably high opinion
This is true of almost every uni graduate almost everywhere. The ones in the 1st world unironically think they’ll solve the worlds issues writing sociology essays and the ones from the 3rd world think they’ll ctrl+alt+shift their country into prosperity by becoming a doctor, lawyer or engineer (ignoring they need to build up light industry and develop the necessary rule of law for the professional class to have the conditions to benefit the nation instead of emigrating to the west and becoming overeducated taxi drivers).

Something similar happened to me a few years ago. An old Punjabi man walked up to me and asked if I was reading (I think I was reading Dicken’s “Hard Times) for study or pleasure and the question sort of stun locked me because the idea I’d read for study (I was sitting on a public bench near one of the town greens down the hill from a church) just seemed so alien given the context. He then lectured me on the importance of education. This happened in Northumberland which made the encounter somewhat unusual.

>> No.23775354

>I am very sad because I can't participate in meaningful discussion about ideas with other people
If you found a group of intellectuals to have discussions with you'd find them extremely annoying and hate everything they have to say. You already know this though because you describe them in your post:
>Most university graduates in my country have an unjustifiably high opinion of themselves which coupled with their genetic midwittery makes for their passive-aggressive pseudo-intellectualism
See what I mean? Unfortunately, these ARE the intellectuals. And you (justifiably) hate them because more often than not they sit around jerking themselves off about how much better they are than everyone else. That's normal though. You can find intellectuals shitting on other intellectuals for being pompous, annoying assholes in every era of history.

>> No.23775643

>If you found a group of intellectuals to have discussions with you'd find them extremely annoying and hate everything they have to say
Can confirm. This is actually what led to me making a general rule not to form friendships around overly abstract topics like philosophy or even talk directly about them in polite company ever. Gentlemen discuss literature arts, hobbies, poetry, women. But nitpicking over the finer details of philosophy that you are autistically fervent about will only make others grind against your sensibilities and vice versa. This includes going too deep into the whys of pretty much anything. There's a reason philosophers are usually curmudgeon old men who all hate each other.
>Those Greeks were superficial - from profundity! And are we not coming back precisely to this point, we dare-devils of the spirit, who have scaled the highest and most dangerous peak of contemporary thought, and have looked around us from it, have looked down from it? Are we not precisely in this respect Greeks? Worshippers of forms, of tones, and of words? And precisely on that account artists?

>> No.23775648

Betray your country and let mine conquer it.