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2377101 No.2377101 [Reply] [Original]

So, the world is in the state it's in currently because they're going to need lots of cannon fodder/money for WWIII, correct?

What am I still in the dark about?

Also, why is Germany so fucking master race?

>> No.2377110

Germany isn't that well.

>> No.2377108
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>> No.2377113

Why do people care so much about casey anthony murdering her child.... that's what happens every day all over the country, they call it ABORTION!

>> No.2377122


Germany is at 83% debt to GDP, has not recapped its banks, and has gone bankrupt 3 times in 100 years.

inb4 geopolitical reasons, economics is just politics is just war by other means.

Also, most governments dont want a great power war, they want to stimulate their Military Industrial complex through proxy wars where the payoff is mineral or oil rights. Great wars destroy companies.

I found this interview really good on where the world is headed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5V3kpKzd-Yw

Kyle Bass isnt some crazy or a doomer, he runs a 4.5 billion dollar hedge fund and the UT pension fund.

>> No.2377125



>> No.2377126
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>> No.2377127

>1.3 children per women
>importing lots and lots of turks
>president is a jew

germany ain't doing too well

>> No.2377135
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It's because of a lot of things, one of them being people trying to find the cause of things and using it as a scapegoat.

Mostly, people are desperate.

Desperate about success, happiness, life, war, terrorism, culture, health, having an opinion, making movies, having children, not having children, fighting something, fighting for something, cursing, being kind, being proud, being ashamed, getting lonely, gathering in groups, following religion, using the scientific method, joining the army, fucking, not fucking, censoring things, buying, selling, borrowing, voting... People are DESPERATE to all of that. They... Th-... they can't think! There is no time! Hurry! OMG OMG!!!!!

>> No.2377137

Here ya go... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GlZFiCqIGo

>> No.2377176


I disagree. We are in a crisis, but I think what it is mostly indicative is the decline of the american economic empire. Its a change of dynamics. Europe is reliant on the american economic empire, and has been since the marshall plan, so it is showing symptoms more acutely than what america will show over the next 20 years. We are simply in a situation where a lot of people will lose a lot of money.

Now peak oil, thats our problem

>> No.2377197

>spew shit he probably read in the papers
>think it's accurate
>believes in peak oil

go back to reddit

>> No.2377200


lol. Bow down to east-asia, bro. It looks like it's their turn.

>> No.2377215

>peak oil
Jesus... I hate that movie Collapse.

>> No.2377678


>> No.2377941

>Peak oil
do you have even the faintest idea of how much oil we have on this planet, including shale?
the day we run out of oil is the day the water is drained from the sea.

>> No.2377945

>>Peak oil
>do you have even the faintest idea of how much oil we have on this planet
You have no clue what you're talking about. At least do a cursory google search.

>> No.2377953

if you're getting your info from cursory google searches no wonder you don't know shit

>> No.2377956

>reserves increase every year


>> No.2377958

The problem with oil is that it requires land and that involves property and politics and a bunch of shit that fucks everything up.

>> No.2377959

Understanding peak x was part of my Civil Engineering degree. If you have anything but stupid questions, I'd be happy to answer them.

>> No.2377967

can you explain a bycycle's lateral dynamics to me

>> No.2377974

unlike every other resource, right?

politics only sucks because we live in a goddamn democracy with lots of shitskins.

>> No.2377981

caused by gyroscopic forces

anyone who claims otherwise, believes in voodoo and magic.

>> No.2377983

Too bad my dad's a chartered structural engineer; excuse me if I trust his word instead of an internet keyboard rhetoritician.

>> No.2377996
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If you like that sort of thing, look up pic related. Saw a guest lecture from the guy who headed the design team. However, it's too vague a question, and not my field.

It's amazing how all Civs have the exact same knowledge, and you, by relation alone, have osmosed that knowledge.

>> No.2378017

Two points:
Firstly, my dad's a structural engineer, he's been working in the oil industry for the past 15 years. Not a civil engineer.
Secondly, I didn't claim to osmose his knowledge, I'm repeating what he's told me.

>> No.2378020

what has he told u?

>> No.2378021

I'm going to come off as a hippie by saying this, and go ahead and tell me off or correct me or start an ideological debate, but I feel like a lot of 1st world problems (i.e: >>2377135) would be solved, or at least reduced, if people just took a little time to sit still and just clear their minds. People today are too fidgety, they're always in a hurry to get whatever it is they're trying to get and forget about the small things along the way.

>> No.2378027

>structural engineer
Structural Engineering is a subset of Civil Engineering. I'm a member of both ICE and IStructE in the UK.

And you're not yet repeating, you've just said he told you something and not said what it was.

>> No.2378036

The thrust is that we've more than enough oil for the forseeable future, at least by the end of my lifetime. And I'm 20.

>> No.2378042

Any reasoning behind that statement?

>> No.2378054

Sure is sources in here.

>> No.2378061

Not that I can be bothered to find. A good chunk will be copyrighted documents that he'd be fired if it was found that he'd shared them with me, usually by hired research groups rather than companies themselves.

>> No.2378066

>A good chunk will be copyrighted documents that he'd be fired if it was found that he'd shared them with me, usually by hired research groups rather than companies themselves.
Seems legit.

Anyway, is anyone confused about peak oil being a real thing? Any questions?

>> No.2378158

So, they're not just breeding soldiers?


So, those people don't have an excuse? They like being that way?

>> No.2378340

i do think our society is a little mentally ill as a whole. i think it was the influx of tv, videogames, internet. it's even starting to come to a head i think. then again maybe im just paranoid.

>> No.2379189


Plus, a few more google searches and you can get canadas view on peak oil [they are willing to become an arctic superpower to protect it). Fact is, US Army Corps of engineers thinks its a problem, production topped off in 2006, Saudi Arabias reserves have almost certainly flatlined, etc.

What it comes down to is this. If Peak Oil believers are wrong, no big deal. If they arent, we are seriously fucked. Unfortunately, the debate isnt publicized, and it is politicized by faggots such as >>2377197. There must be a massive movement to green (and hopefully solar) energy sources soon.

>> No.2379192

The days of inexpensive, convenient, abundant energy sources are quickly drawing to a close. Domestic natural gas production peaked in 1973. The proved domestic reserve lifetime for natural gas at current consumption rates is about 8.4 yrs. The proved world reserve lifetime for natural gas is about 40 years, but will follow a traditional rise to a peak and then a rapid decline. Domestic oil production peaked in 1970 and continues to decline. Proved domestic reserve lifetime for oil is about 3.4 yrs. World oil production is at or near its peak and current world demand exceeds the supply. Saudi Arabia is considered the bellwether nation for oil production and has not increased production since April 2003. After peak production, supply no longer meets demand, prices and competition increase. World proved reserve lifetime for oil is about 41 years, most of this at a declining availability. Our current throw-away nuclear cycle will consume the world reserve of low-cost uranium in about 20 years. Unless we dramatically change our consumption practices, the Earth’s finite resources of petroleum and natural gas will become depleted in this century. Coal supplies may last into the next century depending on technology and consumption trends as it starts to replace oil and natural gas.

We must act now to develop the technology and infrastructure necessary to transition to other energy sources. Policy changes, leap ahead technology breakthroughs, cultural changes, and significant investment is requisite for this new energy future. Time is essential to enact these changes. The process should begin now.

>> No.2379196

I dont think its a cultural problem (while i do find urban and muslim/arabic cultures to be poisonous). Shit was far worse in the 1640s in germany, where the proper culture was to break protestants and catholics equally on the wheel for religious beliefs.

>> No.2379205


Have you heard the good /new/s?
There's a >>>/pol/ board, you fucking faggot.

>> No.2379210

Eat shit and die "bro". Someone asked for sources and i posted a plausible one. Maybe you should read it, that is what we do around here right.

>> No.2379214


>Europe is reliant on the american economic empire,

this is one of the most brainless things I've ever read on /lit/, and I've been hanging around here a while.

Europe would dearly like the American "economic empire" (hidden hyperinflation patched over by petrodollars) to die in a blazing heap. The minute the world trades Euros for oil in place of the dollar, the USA is doomed.

>> No.2379219

You're all Americans posting in an American thread.

>> No.2379227
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"We" read books here.
Fuck off and read some shampoo bottles, bro.

>> No.2379271
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>"We" read books here.

Aww, what a quaint little delusion.

>> No.2379308
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