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File: 24 KB, 318x498, My_booky_wook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2376512 No.2376512 [Reply] [Original]

Have any of you read this?

What did you think of it?

>> No.2376518

that's the kind of book you read because it will give girls a reason to approach you on a train.

>> No.2376522
File: 137 KB, 419x654, katy-perry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd give his ex a fucky-wuck, I can tell you that for nish.

>> No.2376526

I think if you gave any bed partner of his a go you'd get an itchy knob.

>> No.2376527


true enough, but the skanks I fuck on the reg give me all kinds of itchy fucking bits anyway. Women are all slags.

One told me she's got HPV the other day, apparently there's fuck all I can do about it, but it won't bother me either, so result.

>> No.2376534
File: 14 KB, 270x313, bukowski_drinking4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But that's nearly everyone in the western world. He's had his knobby-wob in more bitches than Kennedy.

>mfw I have no fucking idea what bitches see in him.

>> No.2376542

I received it for Christmas a few years ago and read a bit of it. I got just beyond the part where he was molested (twice: on one occasion a neighbour stuck a finger up his bum, on another he was forced to watch an older boy wank) and to his time in stage school, then I got bored and never opened it again.

>> No.2376545


>> No.2376549

>mfw I have no fucking idea what bitches see in him.

He's kind of a clone/parody of rockstars of old who've they've never had the chance to fuck because they weren't around in the sixties. He's also quite funny and rich and famous.

Reason enough I think. I like the man myself. Not that I would let him fuck me, but I'd gladly share a bottle of scotch or two with him.

>> No.2376554

Forgot to add that I won't read his book because it's probably dull as fuck. He should stick to the odd tv appearance or something.

>> No.2376557


>He's kind of a clone/parody of rockstars of old who've they've never had the chance to fuck because they weren't around in the sixties. He's also quite funny and rich and famous.

All of those things apply to a lot of other people who don't seem to get bitches' gussets frothing to quite the same extent. Most of them aren't ex-junkies with enough diseases to kill a fucking rhino into the bargain.

I don't get it. I think he's moderately amusing, but I don't think I've ever deliberately watched anything he ever did. I was on a plane last week and Arthur was one of the movies on offer and or about 1 second I thought "Well, I liked the one with Dudley Moore", then I thought "meh" and watched Captain America instead.

I stand by my choice.

>> No.2376565

I saw only a few seconds of the Arthur remake, and was violently sick for half an hour. He no doubt both exaggerates and misremembers his sexual prowess.

>> No.2376579

I enjoyed it greatly. He does make heroin sound awfully moorish ...

>> No.2376583


Well, he's probably quite charming. And English, which American females in such cases find attractive more often than not. Other than that there is no formula for this, he's just good at getting bitches to fuck him.

Women don't have reasonable criteria to fuck or don't fuck a man, it's often quite vague. It's not all that rational. I can usually spot the guys who have it though, for some reason. And in some occasions I can tap into that source myself and find it quite effective. I don't really have any idea what it is precisely though. Some African Americans might call it swag. Some horrible people might call it the X-factor.

Most people would call it charisma.

>> No.2376595
File: 47 KB, 454x299, moors..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



unless pic is related, I think you may mean moreish.

>> No.2376602


Puns everywhere

>> No.2376619

>>mfw I have no fucking idea what bitches see in him.

He's handsome, charismatic, funny, smart, rich and famous. It's not exactly a mystery.

>> No.2376622

the others are arguable but wtf

>> No.2376627

not really
certainly not

>> No.2376636

>He's rich and famous. It's not exactly a mystery.

>> No.2376643

He is certainly handsome, in a Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow sort of way.

>those defined cheekbones
>those deep-set eyes
>that symmetrical face

He's purportedly pretty well read, too.

He's funny enough to be a successful comedian, which, even if he does pale in comparison to people like Stewart Lee or whatever, makes him way funnier than your average person. And his charisma goes hand-in-hand with that.

>> No.2376653

Yeah, I'm pretty happy with that.

>> No.2376660

>those defined cheekbones
>those deep-set eyes
>that symmetrical face
He has none of those. The deepset eyes are eyeliner.

>> No.2376722
File: 71 KB, 300x300, 1322883520481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2376767

Fuck off, cancer. SAGE

>> No.2377006
