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File: 101 KB, 400x595, CrystalBells.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2376079 No.2376079 [Reply] [Original]

Sleigh Bells or Crystal Castles?

Which band do you like better, and why?

>> No.2376108


>> No.2376119
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Do not pretend to know...
there's NEVER a time but now...
And I will never back down...

>> No.2376120

Well Crystal Castles' first album is overall better than most stuff Sleigh Bells has done, but CC second album was shit and their first was based on stolen material anyway. And Sleigh Bells isn't bad. So I like Sleigh Bells more.

>> No.2376140

Sleight bells are okay, but they suck live.
Crystal Castles tend to bring HEALTH with them when touring.
So Crystal Castles. Just because they don't suck live and have a great support band.

Alice is a slaaaaaaaaaaaag.

>> No.2376141


>> No.2376151

Pitchfork doesn't agree. They think that their second album is much better. I never listened to first album. Heard it's more 8-bit oriented and I'm not into chiptune shit.

No they don't suck live, Crystal Castles do however. Alice can't sing for shit live.

Also you know that from your personal experience with her, right?

I remember when I thought that Alexis was prettier and less slutty, but then I saw tons of shitty tattoos on her and that told me everything I need to know about her.
tl;dr: They're both sluts. But then again who isn't?

>> No.2376155
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take this riffraff away from here

>> No.2376209


>> No.2376218

Sleigh Bells because that dude played in Poison the Well, and PoT is fucking epic.

>> No.2376343
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if i were to wear an ironic hipster shirt ironically, would i make a sound?

>> No.2376354

>poison the well
You're doing shitty 'hardcore' wrong.
I bet you like Thursday and Bring Me the Horizon too. I'm onto you faggot.

>> No.2376363

I like Sleigh Bells slightly better, but they aren't favorite bands of mine or anything. Here is my current favorite band (Big Black), and another favorite band covering one of their songs (St. Vincent). Listen to the original up to the chorus at least, its around 3 mins. Gives me chills.

Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r5zTZthbFo
Cover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVhCo7PoVpA

Big Black was harsher, noisier, louder than any of these shitty "hardcore" bands around today.

>> No.2376377 [SPOILER] 
File: 71 KB, 500x500, Shellacatactionpark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when Steve Albini only had one good band.

It wasn't big black.

>> No.2376378


But Crystal Castles
because I've never heard of Sleigh Bells

>> No.2376385
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>prettier and less slutty

Hold on just a fucking second. Where have I heard that before?

>> No.2376390

>I've never heard of Sleigh Bells
Rectify this. And Sleigh Bells, I've never really gotten into Crystal Castles.

>> No.2376394

Only sick music makes money today (teehee)

>> No.2376396
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>Listening to people turn knobs and fiddle around with electronic devices rather than actually play an instrument

>> No.2376398
File: 295 KB, 500x333, sb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying we're Listening to people turn knobs and fiddle around with electronic devices rather than actually play an instrument
Is that a lute there?

>> No.2376405
File: 212 KB, 616x593, Ignatius_J__Reilly_by_jeremiah_r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, in fact, it is, you filthy reprobate.

>> No.2376457

You're a faggot if you listen to anything other than this


>> No.2376479

xoxo ~~~ copy this if you believe riff raff has no place on /lit/ ~~~ xoxo

>> No.2376483

Of course Pitchfork doesn't agree, they are too busy wanking over NMH.

>> No.2376484

meant to sage

sorry guise

xoxo ~~~ copy this if you believe riff raff has no place on /lit/ ~~~ xoxo

>> No.2376548

I actually don't know anything about Glass except she's a shit singer in actuality.

Sleigh Bells released an album that was loud as shit, which I both liked and disliked for just that fact. There were only a few tracks that stood out for me.

Crystal Castles II was a boss record, and though I didn't hate CCI, I liked it a lot more (the whole chiptune shit got old fast and seems to have been rightly marginalized),

>> No.2376551

That's really shitty, even for country.

>> No.2376558
File: 90 KB, 452x299, SLEIGHBELLS_IMG_0613forBLOG900x602bW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know what's Thursday. Never listened to Bring Me the Horizon because I heard lots of negative stuff about it, plus people say its emo, plus the worst fanbase ever, etc, etc.
Poison the Well is the real, genuine hardcore. What do you know about it, honestly? Come on, recommend me some good bands.

Shellac is shit, Big Black is awesome. They are probably too loud/noisy and abrasive for you to handle them.

Derek looks pretty fucking cool when he's playing with his hoodie on, I sometimes find him more attractive than that slut. And she is kind of fat as well. And her tattoos are disgusting. Seriously who finds that attractive?

>> No.2376559

Crystal Castles is so much better. Sleigh Bells is alright but I got bored of their record on like the third listen. But, I will say that the chick in Sleigh Bells is hot as fuck, like a 9 out of 10, and I want to pee in her butt, while Alice Glass isn't attractive at all (but she is pretty bad ass, I'll give her that).

>> No.2376574

i prefer Suicide, the band

99% of e/lit/es have turned to support boring student girls that have never fit-in here apart from the open-mindedness that comes with being a degenerate lesbian. copy and paste this to 4 other threads, dont let name fields with persoanlity die!

>> No.2376642

Too many DFW threads on the front page.


>> No.2376657

>bumping non-/lit/ thread to combat DFW threads

You are the cancer.

>> No.2376661

Everything's better than two-three people constantly obsessing over a shitty dead writer and samefagging their own threads. Plus I like these bands.

>> No.2376676

im guessing that's her kerosene cover? pretty cool when you've only heard her do those fancy pop arrangements.

>> No.2376754

There's still too much cancer/DFW shit on the first page.

>> No.2376995

person will be all over this thread

>> No.2377979

Honestly, Sleigh Bells is working on a whole 'nother level.

Crystal Castles sound pretty amateur-y, imo. :)
Like, I thinks their more of a sensationalist
craze the the teeny boppers got on due
to thinks like um skins ya kno? :D
Plus Sleigh Bells is on MIA's
label which i find UBER
rads! :DD So rly...

>> No.2378023
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>> No.2378032

I apologize if I offended you kindly, mister! :)

>> No.2378045

They're both garbage targeted towards "alt" young adults.

>> No.2378047


>> No.2378049

Crystal Castles.
They play festivals shit, but they play grimy little clubs well.

>> No.2378082



>> No.2378085

But both are equally fcking amazing live

>> No.2378615

Bumping because it's more interesting than the DFW shit.

>> No.2379085

Suicide sucks shit, it's only two people who can't pull it off live. Plus they're old.

>> No.2379098

Why is everyone saying that chick from Sleigh Bells is such a slag? So she got some tats, she's a hell of a better singer than Glass, who's just a front for Ethan Kath.

>> No.2381278

She is a better singer, Alica Glass can't sing for shit, and she's only 2% of Crystal Castles. They are both huge whores though.

>> No.2381289

Why are you guys talking about /mu/ on /lit/? Isn't that like against the rules here?

>> No.2382130

Tattoos are for whores and niggers. End of.

>> No.2382134

I don't know, they are both equally disgraceful. A waste of time and resources.

>> No.2382170

>People seriously discussing the merits of Crystal Castles and Sleigh Bells
ITT: I learn that /lit/ is made up of 16 year olds.

>> No.2382177

I lost all my faith in /lit/ when I saw this thread.

So /lit/ is composed of a bunch of hipsters who desperately want to look cool, just as I thought.

>> No.2382182


the abyss gazes also, bitch

>> No.2382187

>hipsters looking cool on an anonymous board
Yep, that's what's going on.
>Sleigh Bells and Crystal Castles cool
You're not very hip, are you?

>> No.2382209

Not on an anonymous board you fucktard. They know about these bands because they want to be cool and hip.

>> No.2382228

>thinks CC and SB are cool
Sure is 14yo in here.

>> No.2382231


>> No.2382239
File: 14 KB, 308x350, williams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw both got 7s from Scaruffi

>> No.2382241


>> No.2382255
File: 34 KB, 500x399, Bjorks big ol book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wfw This thread

>> No.2382258

Damn, I missed you bro.
Where have you been? Didn't see you on /lit/ in the last few days.

>> No.2382296
File: 10 KB, 300x168, images..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

princess chelsea

>> No.2382303
File: 21 KB, 600x399, sleigh bells.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I'm gonna trust a critic who gives a 7 to flavour of the month hipster garbage.

Pic related: you're seriously getting behind this?

>> No.2382310

I respect that guy because he was in Poison the Well, plus he's pretty hot.

>> No.2382312

He's a dumbfuck who equates everything to classical.

Never take a critical, non-subjective opinion about music from anyone other than learned musicians. The guy is a mathematician and has no business in the arts.

In spite of his academic pretense and incessant bitching about the low standards of rock criticism Scaruffi doesn't make the effort to adhere to a bare minimum of sound journalistic and scientific style in his writing, it's rife with unsourced, controversial claims, overtly emotional arguments ("baww beatles reactionary white conspiracy"), unwarranted, self-indulgent namedropping (claiming the Beatles wrote "baroque sonatas", likening Kanye West to Wagner, ...) and consistently misused technical vocabulary (the namedropping example is bad enough, the self-conscious articles on "classical music" contain many more).

It's not an issue introduced by translation either - though holding him responsible for flawed translations published under his name would be right and proper.

TL;DR: He's a bad journalist and hypocrite who fails to live up to his purported goals.

>> No.2382317
File: 14 KB, 224x224, índice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salyer has more literature than those shitty bands.

I hate this kind of threads...

>> No.2382321
File: 617 KB, 1600x1598, salyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salyer indeed.

>> No.2382322


a good alternative to bumping threads you hate is to not bump them

>> No.2382324


(I have dyslexia, dude. It's a bad problem...)

>> No.2382325

They're both talentless.

>> No.2382334

This. This x1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

>> No.2382332


sage due to riff-raff inside /lit/

>> No.2382337

>anything past 2000
>real, genuine hardcore
Pick one.
I don't even listen to hardcore and I know this.

>> No.2382346

They released their first EP in 1998.

>> No.2382349

>trying to assure himself that they aren't cool so he can still call himself hipster
Sure is to mainstream in here.

>> No.2382352

>Poison the Well
You mean the repetitive angry angst with no musical originality or soul?
Yeah, that's it.

>> No.2382357

Carry on.

>> No.2382362

Hardcore ended in the early 90s. Poison the Well and tons of other bands like them were post-hardcore, a beginning with bands like Refused and Drive Like Jehu in the 90s. It's called post-hardcore because they took the basic hardcore punk style and slowed the tempo a little to make it sound closer to alternative rock and/or used melodic breakdowns and intricate guitar styles more fashionable in metal at the time.
Also there were quite a few really good post-hardcore (judging within the genre) albums that came out past 2000 like Fear Before's The Always Open Mouth.

>> No.2382364

I like refused.

>> No.2382370

Poison The Well was pretty original at first. I hadn't seen a band like them when I first saw them in 2000. By the time You Came Before You was released, they'd settled on a sound somewhere between AFI and HeavyHeavyLowLow, but they were a pretty good band for awhile. All the line-up changes they had kind of fucked them up.

>> No.2382375
File: 33 KB, 500x379, Scaruffi++e+le+sue+coquet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's a dumbfuck who equates everything to classical
Yeah and he admits that, he calls it treating rock as art rather than a commercial product. And secondly comparisons to classical aren't so avoidable when it contains the greatest examples of most musical styles and came before this stuff chronologically.

>Never take a critical, non-subjective opinion about music from anyone other than learned musicians.
Being a great musician doesn't automatically make you a great music critic.

>The guy is a mathematician and has no business in the arts.
Ignoring the stupid science/arts division, he's also a prize-winning poet. Just hear out what dem kids with better A-levels have to say about your fav hobby for a change.

>In spite of his academic pretense
uh, i think you're horribly uninformed of his qualifications. are you the same guy that bitched about him on the old metacritic music forums?

>it's rife with unsourced, controversial claims, overtly emotional arguments ("baww beatles reactionary white conspiracy"), unwarranted, self-indulgent namedropping (claiming the Beatles wrote "baroque sonatas", likening Kanye West to Wagner, ...) and consistently misused technical vocabulary (the namedropping example is bad enough, the self-conscious articles on "classical music" contain many more).
[citations needed]

is there anyone that meets your standards in rock criticism btw?

>> No.2382376

Me too, I like Dennis Lyxzen. I'm not a huge fan of International Noise Conspiracy, but it's still good stuff.

>> No.2382379

>By the time You Came Before You was released, they'd settled on a sound somewhere between AFI and HeavyHeavyLowLow
AFI? Whoa, that sucks.

I'm not that much into post-hardcore but my favorite artists are Drive Like Jehu and Unwound (Leaves Turn Inside You is the greatest thing ever). At the Drive-In and Refused are pretty good as well. Fugazi's later albums are also somewhat post-hardcore.
...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead's Source Tags & Codes is also good if it falls into this genre.
Last year La Dispute released a new album. I've seen a lot of hype around it, but didn't give it a shot yet.

>> No.2382382


>Unwound (Leaves Turn Inside You is the greatest thing ever)

you misspelled "challenge for a civilized society"

>> No.2382385

C'mon man, admit it, a few of the songs on You Come Before You were laden with the melodic style AFI used on albums like Black Sails and Sing the Sorrow. You Come Before You is still a good album, hell, I listen to it sometimes even now, but they'd blended that style in pretty heavily at that point.
Never liked Fugazi, but yeah they would definitely be included in post-hardcore.
I've never gotten into La Dispute. I don't know why.

>> No.2382387

Wow, how funny. I don't have that album.

I got Unwound, Fake Train, New Plastic Ideas, Repetition and LTIY.

LTIY and New Plastic Ideas are obviously the best.

>> No.2382392

I remember being 14 when I got into AFI. A guy that's been studying psychology recommended them to me. I thought that he is smart and knows what's the talking about so I convinced myself that they must be good. A few years later I realized I was wrong.

>> No.2382396

I'm glad we can have a good music discussion on this board. Same as we can have a good discussion about cool obscure films. :)

This board is honestly the best on 4chan. On every other board I get trolled or flamed. /mu/ sucks shit, just as /tv/.

>> No.2382549

>that feel when people are actually seriously discussing Sleigh Bells and Crystal Castles

>> No.2382554

>tfw you bump it

I've noticed a steady influx of fourteen-year-olds in the past couple of weeks.

>> No.2382663
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>> No.2382723
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Why not?

Just to make this somewhat /lit/ related, does anyone else see allusions to Elie Wiesel's "Night" in the lyrics of Celestica?