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File: 209 KB, 1097x899, 1097px-James_Abbott_McNeill_Whistler_-_Nocturne-_Blue_and_Silver_-_Chelsea_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23738880 No.23738880 [Reply] [Original]

Where are the new atheist authors with good arguments? It's all just "muh physics" snobbery and 0 knowledge of philosophy.

>> No.23738889

demons are real bro
it's hard to be an intelligent atheist when you realise this

>> No.23738911
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The problem atheists have now is one Christians have traditionally had: loudness and wagon-circling bullying have replaced sound argumentation. That's how you get books like A UNIVERSE FROM NOTHING from Lawrence Krauss that argue "quantum fields are nothing, bro." Fortunately, even the atheists in the physics community didn't play along with this bullshit, making Krauss have a meltdown.

>> No.23738930

It's mainstream now. Atheists are dumber now because religion is more obviously stupid nowadays. In the 1800s most atheists were scientists, philosophers, or nihilist students. Nowadays every bisexual gen z kid is an atheist.

>> No.23738936

>Fortunately, even the atheists in the physics community didn't play along with this bullshit, making Krauss have a meltdown.
they may not play along but they are worse than Krauss who at least tries to reconcile the illogical nature of his beliefs. And Krauss seems like a grade-A retard

>> No.23738940

bro sensory data verifies sensory data because data is data

>> No.23738941

>demons are real bro
Are there any serious and logical inquiries on the ontology of demons?

>> No.23738950

I don't see whats the problem with that religifag

>> No.23738955

>1 = 1
with this emendation, I agree. Dig up those middle school algebra books.

>> No.23738968

not sure what that means but look up a psychiatrist called jerry marzinsky and his work with treating schizophrenics.
he found asking your guardian angel for help would stop the voices, or reading psalm 23

he mentioned shamens and some christian mystic swedenborg

>> No.23738976


>> No.23738981
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>reading psalm 23
wait I thought belief in Christianity was a joke.

>> No.23738988

even if you disprove Christianity, atheism doesn't win. False dichotomy. God is certainly real. Whoever they are.

Jehova's Witness ftw

>> No.23738989

2 is just 1+1 signified with a different sign, so I dont see your point

>> No.23738997

psalm 23 just seems to work, even if you aren't a christian.
playing or singing really positive and uplifting songs that make you feel good also works.
they're a sort of energy parasite feeding off your soul but they need to make you feel like shit to get the right resonant frequencies to extract that energy so they manipulate you constantly.

the way he describes it is pretty spooky and many others corroborate similar experiences

>> No.23738998

so one signifies two? or does two signify one? very thought provoking, I must say, indeed

>> No.23739008

>dumbass doesnt know what equal to means
This is the issue to religifags. 1+1 and 2 are the same exact thing written in two different ways. Just like sensory data gives us sensory data, why would that be a problem?

>> No.23739012

are you so removed from the original post that you are in favor of tautologies?

>> No.23739016

human cognition can ground it's knowledge in participating in a community and being handed down knowledge through participating in a tradition. Old athiests still had a tradition they were handed down and got to ride off of that. Nowadays the tradition is "i watched tv and went to college" and that's it. Religious people at the least have a historical relationship do to their tradition, even if you take it up later and convert you'll be forced to consider history, and your place in it and the impact that has on ideas.
Athiests are fundamentally ahistorical and rootless, meaning they don't have access to or interest in that knowledge, and that knowledge directly undermines their self understanding so are apt to flee from it.

Just as an example if you aren't familiar with Christian scripture you cannot read or understand nietszche, shakespear or basically any culturally significant work that is historically involved.
I grew up secular in that kind of environment and used to be an athiest who was "muh physics" so I know what growing up like that is like.

>> No.23739021

Why would there be something insensible?

>> No.23739022

lol I used to be an athiest/grew up totally secular as just the default and the thing that made me start looking into religion was a debate someone posted on /pol/ between WLC and krauss. Krauss was insanely retarded and WLC literally got him to contradict himself like 4 times in as many sentences, it was insane how stupid he was. WLC at least was able to form an argument even if it didn't convince me. Krauss is pretty great at tearing down the image of physicists being intelligent.

>> No.23739025

>I grew up secular in that kind of environment and used to be an athiest who was "muh physics" so I know what growing up like that is like.
me too actually but Kant btfoed it outta me when I was 18.

>> No.23739026

it is what it is bro

>> No.23739034

they have no real thing to stand upon, atheists are just an idiots

>> No.23739061

Not an argument faggot KEK get heemed

>> No.23739064


>Researcher Helmuth Nyborg and Richard Lynn, emeritus professor of psychology at the University of Ulster, compared belief in God and IQs. Using data from a U.S. study of 6,825 adolescents, the authors found that the average IQ of atheists was 6 points higher than the average IQ of non-atheists.


>> No.23739082

control for race, economic background, and sex

>> No.23739104

imagine bwcoming a adolf hitler acolyte in 2385. noone will carw. join the maga meme war in 2084. noone cares about atheism. literally noone.

>> No.23739111

>you have to master my christian theological framework that you don't care about at all or you can't debate me
what would you know, skeetface?

>> No.23739144

>>you have to master my christian theological framework that you don't care about at all or you can't debate me
Well I mastered Physics and the ways of satan, so maybe extend the courtesy?

>> No.23739155
File: 194 KB, 1080x1619, atheists love faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

atheism today isn't about thinking pragmatically, it's about being a good heckin chungus. all the cool people (jewish media) form all their opinions for them, god not being real chief among them

>> No.23739158

they worship the civic religion, everyone has a god

>> No.23739188

Wrong. 2 is how we define the result of applying the addition operation to 1 and 1. That is to say, 1+1 is the definition of 2.

>> No.23739215

Its because atheism and science have become symbols of intelligence. Whenever something becomes a symbol of intelligence, you get people who think they're smart adopting it so they can appear smart. But this falls through when they talk. And one of the most annoying types of people are stupid people who think they're smart.

>> No.23739238

Graham Oppy is quite good

>> No.23739246
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Atheism is becoming the new normal, like in Europe. Religion contains too much nonsense and self contradiction. Tough luck Christ sisters.

>> No.23739247

You have to be so naive to believe in abrahamism in 2024 it's insane

>> No.23739257

Bro, I thought the whole "sheep" thing was a cheap insult, but the Bible literally compares Christians to sheep? Wtf?

>> No.23739259

fuck your mom faggot

>> No.23739260

>use rhetoric
>"do you even philosophy?"
>make sound argument
>"it's a leap of faith ok?"

>> No.23739267

Christians are good goys who get sheperded like sheep by the king of jews, Jesus. That's why they worship jews like it's their life purpose, the exception of course are poltard christians who are incredibly retarded and cognitively dissonant about their beliefs.

>> No.23739268

your arguments are soo weak

>> No.23739271

you are good slave

>> No.23739284
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ur a fag

>> No.23739295

you're a little retarded

>> No.23739332

give an argument then.

>> No.23739338
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>> No.23739358

christianity wasn't always jewish it was judaised to corrupt it and distort it from its original meaning to take control of it and make it something else
the history of the past 2000 years has quite literally been erased and perverted to make you not aware of what actually happened

>> No.23739380

>Repeatedly misspells the word "atheist," showing that he utterly lacks any familiarity with what he is talking about.

>> No.23739382

And physics proceeded to btfo Kant like 100 years later

>> No.23739384

Jesus was literally a Jew

>> No.23739392

It was quite literally a jewish mystery cult, and jesus was a jew. It grew in popularity with the urbanites and underclass, then came the proto-sjws who destroyed all roman iconagraphy, temples, statues, and literature.

>> No.23739414

Well the new atheism is apatheism
No longer is it necessary to have arguments for atheism because obviously religion is stupid and not worth thinking about

>> No.23739418

>destroyed all roman iconagraphy, temples, statues, and literature
which is why no-one has ever read plato and why the pantheon no longer exists

>> No.23739420

>Jesus was literally a Jew
no, jews are post christian transfiguration
everything is warped

this back and forth is pointless, but question why saul/paul was split into 3 people across 700 years

>> No.23739431

>t. never learnt physics
many such cases!

>> No.23739587

proof athiests are all redditors

>> No.23739633

There's an obvious reason why atheism is strongly correlated with being a moron.

>> No.23739713

Religious people are insufferable for their credulity

>> No.23739838

You're talking about the invisible-sky-daddy mainstream joiner religions. There are other options.

>> No.23739928

>Gets exposed as a lying fraud.
>Tosses insults to try to distract.

>> No.23740021
File: 135 KB, 1000x538, 1533203893545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>appeal to their ego by associating atheism with their sense of intelligence
>teach fedoras that they don't have to study something to be strongly opinionated about it
>encourage them to be confrontational by way of mimicking/parroting fedora idols
Fedora tipping was always cringe and the fad died out when people started making memes about it. The only people still doing it are the least self-aware autists imaginable (i.e. complete retards).

>> No.23740126
File: 51 KB, 735x536, DBEA19CC-2D5E-4E6D-8BE3-F799CCA8FA99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What arguments need to be made that haven’t already? Atheism has already won the cultural war in the first world.

>> No.23740219

Atheists still destroy christcuck apologists on YouTube on a daily basis, so you're lying.

>> No.23740227

I'd be shocked if atheists could actually talk about physics. Most are just "I don't want to listen to others' beliefs" people, no different than Christians who at least feign interest before trying to lead you to Christ. Point being is that most people do not have beliefs beyond what's sociable.

>> No.23740255

It's just the opposite.

>> No.23740321

Was there ever a time where this was this was the case? Atheism itself is a religion practiced by those who lack self awareness to see itself as such but instead believe it to be the result of some logical analysis. Moreover, most of them exist as a reactionary state to religion, they don't care about actually solving anything about the origins, they only care to seem right by "owning" the religous folk, hence why their belief is not oriented around what supposedly cant be the case. They think themselves logicians who have the "burden of proof" in their favor, not understanding that conditions regarding information is required for such thinking to be sound. They don't get that when considering the plausibility of a hypothetical in the absence of information that you must consider how much it conflicts with the state of affairs. However given the impossibility to understand the nature of an origin which in order to be such must inherently have a point where something comes from nothing, the concept of some external force, i.e god(s) (which itself alone doesn't really solve the question for existance as a whole but only the universe) becomes as good of an explanation as any, given the absurdity of such in light of causation and time moving forward. By saying that by no means could there be some deity, they suggest that they have some means of ascertaining information to the origin point that removes it as a potential explanation, but none could possibly ever be had, nor is any observation of laws on earth sufficient to debase such given the above conflict. As such their ideology is the resultant state of belief, even if they are more specific and believe that nature alone is contains the means for the origin to occur, they have no means of concluding such, thus they are no different spiritually than religious folk but somehow hypocritically see themselves as empiricists, hence the name of their religion.
More honest folk who reasonably don't believe in doctrine usually become spiritual but not religious, where they typically describe themselves as "agnostic" (though gnosticism is it's own thing) or simply admit it's beyond understanding and don't attempt to comprehend it.

>> No.23740323

They are the same as they have always been. Misguided and low in self control as well as general intelligence.

>> No.23740375
File: 52 KB, 1024x767, God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing you said makes the Christian God any more plausible. It's within everyone's understanding that such a laughable human construct is nothing more that the primitive projection of terrestrial minds.

>> No.23740412

Never did I speak to christianity in particular, but the concept of god(s) generally, to which your suggestion of implausibility is baseless. As an aside I also feel that a specific personification is unlikely.
Your insistence of returning a more general assessment to this dichtonomy showcases the obsessed nature of atheists and their lack of desire to have any real principals to their ideals. If you think religion is wrong and dislike it, go ahead, but that doesn't mean the fundamental ideas they originate from are incompatible with reality.

>> No.23740455

Because atheists don’t actually get called out on their bullshit by mainstream society. They never actually face real challenges so they gloat over their victories and become complacent.

>> No.23740473

Familiarity with Christianity and atheism are not mutually exclusive.

>> No.23740502

Do you use the word "god" without personification attached to it? Why would you use one of the most baggage laden words in the whole language when you just mean to say "it's a big mystery and could be anything"? Also, you can't just float above the the issue of the "dichotomy" as if you are above it. Either society is controlled by people who think the author of the universe gave them specific instructions that they will enforce on you, or it will be controlled by sensible, reasonable people. People being indoctrinated into crazy beliefs actually has repercussions on society and leads to mass suffering like the widespread practice of cutting up baby boy penises. It's all well and good to be ambivalent personally about cosmic questions, but people take these belief systems and behave atrociously. Take the very concept of morality, a huge number of people thinks it has more to do with the arbitrary will of a father figure in the sky than it does with an actual person's suffering or flourishing. Mind virus, poison, brainwashing, all these terms are not nearly harsh enough on the true wickedness wrought on the human race by religion.

>> No.23740503

Based well informed anon. Do you think evil people are being possessed by demons? Any other tips to rebuke them?

>> No.23740584
File: 884 KB, 1170x1444, 50873C46-B492-4020-B9E4-E58CF0AB2109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how come god put the prostate 2-3” up your butthole
how come he made it feel good when the prostate is rubbed

>> No.23740609

I'm not too sure on possession, I think it's possible, if you observe the actions of our leaders they appear to be actively channelling these spirits. Some clearly worship them or make trades for promotion. There is a hierarchy within then and they seem to behave depending on geography.

Stay away from drugs like meth that break down your defences, so called plant medicines create a conduit for exploitation. Alcohol should be avoided or at least the hangover it provides a pitiful emotional state that they can readily feed off of.
Since these entities exist and exploit us in a spiritual realm, they have access to all of our memories and will pull up our worst memories and dreaded or most embarrassing moments to afflict us then it is possible to interact with them and combat them through thought. The first true step is thus to identify which thoughts are your own and which are not, firmly rejecting these thoughts by saying things such as "no that's a lie" will help to differentiate yourself, visualising them tied and gagged can impede them but direct interaction should be avoided as it will only strengthen their connection, so prioritise identifying what is and isn't yours then ignore the rest and seek out positive things as much as possible that elevate your mood it seems to hurt them.
One does not need to be experiencing full blown voice attacks to suffer from them, they seek afflict all of us daily, directing us to make bad decisions or isolate us from others

Fasting and certain diets such as the ketogenic state seem to also work well at suppressing the phenomena which us linked to mitochondrial health and insulin resistance, look at the work of people such as chris palmer and his brain energy theory other research finds a connection to parasites, I suspect that these are mediated by different mechanisms opening the door to them is a product of weakening the body in some way, I'm still trying to reconcile the metabolic against the spiritual. Your conscious experience and interaction with the world is possibly an illusion since ideas shape reality.

>> No.23740618

You can find threads about this on /pol/ or /x/ if you're lucky or the 4pleb archives.
I'm still not all that clear on the mechanisms behind it all but religions seem to partly act as protective guidance against these assaults.

Oh if you have traumatic issues or other psychological carry over it is helpful to deal with these as this reduces the attack surface.

What's that quote about not fighting against flesh and blood but principalities?

>> No.23740785

Good thing real niggas know most normal/average people are too stupid to rule themselves and the default human ideology is a path towards self annihilation.

>> No.23740789

You sound like a terminally online 15 year old role player.

>> No.23740801

>If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/.
The fact that these culture war threads never get moderated is disgusting.

>> No.23740819
File: 59 KB, 663x462, thomas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There have never been good arguments for atheism. It only became popular because it was novel and rebellious, like most other things Gen X made popular.

>> No.23740823

blame the jews/christkikes. they shit up this board because they can’t talk about literature with any depth.

>> No.23740867

Here's a link to Jerry's youtube channel, some very good discussions of the problems and interviews.

>> No.23740884 [DELETED] 

A lot of this just sounds like a load of crap. How tf does something that comes from the earth work against it? It doesn’t add up.

>> No.23740885

>it’s not me, it’s everyone else!

>> No.23740888

Some of that sounds like a load of crap to me. How in hell is something grown from the earth supposed to work against people? If that’s true, human beings are not natural.

>> No.23740890

It doesn't feel that good.
t. fag

>> No.23740891

What parts of it? I'll try to clarify what I can.

>> No.23740897

Atheists [SPOILER] do not exist [/spoiler]

>> No.23740904

oh no, not everyone else, lot of good fellow lit students and even autodidacts here who understand literature. it's only the jews/christkikes who are too stupid to engage in literature discussion

>> No.23740917

I don't think any reasonable person would consider themselves to be an atheist. How could you know for certain that God doesn't exist?

>> No.23740919

Alhamdulillah my brother. Only idiots or those under satan's spell would deny Allah. May the peace of Muhammad (PBUH) be upon you.

>> No.23740930

Thank you my Muslim brother, I pray you get your many virgin women!

>> No.23740936

Brother you are a pagan not an athiest. Enough of this pap.

>> No.23740938

>I pray you get your many virgin women!
I just can't take islam seriously it seems demonic.

>> No.23740944

It's the complete revelation of Allah's love and mercy and design. He can only be known through His Prophet (PBUH). Those brothers of the Book, the Jews and Christians, do not know the fullness of God. They have only a partial picture.

>> No.23740947

If Mohammed is the perfect muslim, look upon him and in clear light and tell me he's divine.
If Mohammed is allah's perfect messenger than I cannot see allah as divine but more demonic.

>> No.23740950

What do my words have to do with atheism or paganism? I just describe what I understand of the problem.

>> No.23740953

You must have faith, brother. Only through faith can you come to know Allah fully. The Jews, the Christians, they only know a small part.

>> No.23740957

tell me how you can look at mohammed and see him as divine except with a scimitar dangling over your neck

>> No.23740960

No muslim believes he is divine. A human, a messenger. Unlike Christians, we believe in one God: Allah.

>> No.23740967

There are no arguments needed for atheism. Anyone who argues for atheism is a retard wasting time with other retards.

>> No.23740968

Mohammed is the perfect muslim so clearly you must emulate him. You study his words and life and seek to emulate him, so your actions muist follow the demonic.

>> No.23740972

I see you don't understand the power of faith. Faith is what gives us the knowledge of God and his existence. Atheists and those under satan's spell always want proof, and physical evidence which goes against faith.

I hope one day you discover the power of faith, and then may you bask in Allah's light.

>> No.23741036

The obvious question is whether reading the psalm in English to a schizo who knows no English would have the same effect

>> No.23741045

This is a interregnum; it will be replaced by Islam

>> No.23741074

the jews prefer islam

>> No.23741078

why do jews/christians prefer islam?

>> No.23741103

Why is that an obvious question? It's an absolutely braindead question and the answer is no.

>> No.23741146

It's both of you retarded faggots. Can you guys just add each other on discord and talk it out instead of permanently filling up 40% of the catalog with your incessant whining?

>> No.23741154


>> No.23741162

Atheism is and always has been sophistry. The real reason atheism is dumber now is actually very simple: atheism is a relatively new thing. Not even the enlightenment thinkers were atheist in the proper sense. It’s a strictly modern delusion and one has to be a complete imbecile to affirm it with confidence.

>> No.23741172

Exactly, it's similar to how Christianity is a relatively new religion compared to others such as Judaism, Zoroastrianism, paganism, and Hinduism: it appeals to imbeciles.

>> No.23741178

christianity is older than judaism, what we call judaism today is a response to christianity

>> No.23741182

Ironically, this is the imbecile take. The basic skeleton of Christianity long predates Christians and actually all of these religions. Christ brings within revelation but not the basic contradictions of monistic doctrines or whatever. This isn’t even a classicist argument by the way. The atheists weren’t wrong because they’re newer. Did you miss that? They’re wrong because the new people happen to be dumb.

>> No.23741184

good points. atheism and christianity. the modern midwit's belief systems

>> No.23741306

Because proper atheists like Leo Strauss, David Hume, Martin Heidegger, and Friedrich Nietzsche are beyond the comprehension of r/atheism, which is the level of intelligence today. The New Atheism was catastrophically bad, these faggots would say things like "science disproves Christianity" and actually believe it.
Moreover, they lack an understanding of historical, Christian theological reflection and have never looked into the harmonies between faith and reason developed in the medieval ages and onward. They've never heard of the Summa Contra Gentiles, and their idea of scriptural exegesis is to quote the Psalm that says "there is no God" and stop there, because /thread.
The root cause is lack of liberal education, which teaches importance of logic, grammar, and rhetoric, and engagement with the western tradition in the sciences, philosophy, theology, and literature.

>> No.23741328

I think you're wrong here, unless by "proper sense" of atheism you mean "only observable, material reality i.e. chunks and particles of matter exists". That is new (it's also retarded). But I'd say Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle would qualify as atheists, since they all sought guidance for how to live from reason and experience alone, they discounted the gods.
>inb4 Prime Mover
Even if there is an eternal source behind material reality, it has no bearing on everyday life. Neither would Plato's forms. There's also atheism expressed in viewpoints in the Vedas, but I haven't read those closely, this is just hearsay from someone who had.

>> No.23741332

Yes. The reason Thomas Aquinas is called the Angelic Doctor is because he taught extensively on the nature of immaterial beings like angels and demons.

>> No.23741345

Jews prefer Islam because of their pathological hatred for Jesus Christ.

>> No.23741346

same reason freemasons prefer it

why do kabbalists hate jesus?

>> No.23741367

When are you guys gonna stop shadowboxing the archetypal "reddit atheist" and realize that those people are basically extinct in most places. You really have to go looking for them now

>> No.23741392

This is true. It hasn't really been replaced by anything except "arguments' from cultural marxism, e.g. Christianity is part of the oppressive sexist racist patriarchal system, therefore it ought to be hated, etc.
Whether or not it's true is kind of beside the point, these days.

>> No.23741429

Oh, there's this concept I forget the name of but it's a form of psychological warfare via media, they make up bullshit to attack a person organisation or concept then when that is shot down they drop it iimediately and never refer to it but make up new bullshit and repeat it again and again, the problem is the bullshit sticks in peoples heads and you waste your resources shutting it down again and again.
It's very insidious but unless people demand higher quality proof it persists.
like the trump dossier and other shit.

>> No.23741561

These non-existent ghosts sure post a lot. >>23741440

>> No.23741629

Post penis

>> No.23741661

>when that is shot down they drop it iimediately and never refer to it but make up new bullshit and repeat it again and again, the problem is the bullshit sticks in peoples heads and you waste your resources shutting it down again and again.
cool it with the antisemitism, please

>> No.23741666

My guess is that they serve the Devil, and call darkness light and light darkness.

>> No.23741670

fuck me are you serious, 4chan? Now I look like a falseflagger

>> No.23741672


>> No.23741673

Nigga u gay

>> No.23741675
File: 61 KB, 768x1024, Epicurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>atheism is a relatively new th-

>> No.23741678

That was literally my second post in this thread. Paranoid much?

>> No.23741681

I don’t mind reading novels, but I read mostly history and /his/ rarely if ever discusses books.

>> No.23741889

how you know?

>> No.23741893

Funny thing is, that's what they say about THEIR prophets. I wonder if any of them (yours included) are right.

>> No.23741916

>I grew up secular in that kind of environment and used to be an athiest who was "muh physics" so I know what growing up like that is like


Fucking hell I hope my kids don't become god believing retards as they grow up

>> No.23741929

>Fucking hell I hope my kids don't become god believing retards as they grow up
dont worry they will grow up to be anime pfps that believe whatever Fauci (pbuh) declares because he has a high priest phd and is therefore infallible.

>> No.23741941

>The root cause is lack of liberal education, which teaches importance of logic, grammar, and rhetoric, and engagement with the western tradition in the sciences, philosophy, theology, and literature.
I know learning rhetoric is a necessity but it always works to obfuscate logic in an attempt to upholster it. That's why many debaters hide from their own weaknesses and try to "own" their opponent or write with beauty and not clarity.

>> No.23741980

Stuff like this makes me believe in Jesus no matter if the "science" says otherwise

>> No.23742006

Being an edgy nihilist misanthrope does not make you a "real nigga in the know"

>> No.23742025
File: 227 KB, 1140x838, goy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Islam actually tries to attack Judaism (who is attacking Israel (Islamic Iran) and who is defending them (cucked Christian USA)?). There is a very powerful strain of Christianity which thinks they can usher in the Rapture by helping the Jews get their homeland back, pretty convenient for the Jews, eh? Greatest ally ever, eh?

>> No.23742072

Because atheism, or at least agnosticism, is the norm for Western society now. Modern leadership figured it better to worship the American state cult of the GDP, LGBT/progressivism and the Science as a more effective way to rally it's populace behind some values rather than Christianity. Now the average atheist is one of those r/atheist types who thinks that metaphysics is wrong and is a logical positivist believing in nothing more but the 15 minute youtube videos on quarks or something without knowing that philosophy disproved logical positivism long ago.

>> No.23742531

You mean the evangelicals that came out of shit like like kiked scofield bible?

>> No.23742636

The serious Bertrand-Russel-style atheist philosopher died out long ago. The scientistic Dawkins/Hitchens-style antitheist sophist is a dying breed as well. The newest strand of atheism has nothing to do with philosophy or science at all and everything to do with personal feelings. They're less concerned with making arguments about truth claims than appealing to therapy speak (i.e. terms like "religious trauma", abuse, gaslighting etc.) and social issues like sexism, racism, homophobia etc. And this deconstructionist movement has been way more effective in deconverting Christians than New Atheism ever was.

>> No.23742645
File: 263 KB, 876x750, puberty blockers iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puberty blockers lowers atheitroon's IQ.

>> No.23742683

Best post itt

>> No.23742688

The average atheist has never thought about philosophy in their life and if they have it's only to offhandedly dismiss it. With few exceptions, modern atheism is as much a rejection of religion in particular as it is of the entire Western intellectual and cultural tradition in general. The number of people who would first and foremost identify themselves as atheist is incredibly small and usually incredibly autistic. It's not normal to be hyperfixated on something you have no use for. Much more common that r/atheist types are just casually anti-religious people who never think about anything terribly deeply in their lives and if they're forced to consider theological or existential questions usually have some intellectual escape hatch at the ready to get out of it. A lot like the average cultural Christian used to be, except with secular humanism instead.

>> No.23742981
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Stick to the classics. This goes for christlarpers too—not much worth reading has been put out in the last 40 years. Secular culture is so triumphant that even Christianity has largely rebranded itself as a political ideology. What are /lit/'s favorite arguments for God? That atheists are more liberal, gay, and transgender than Christians.

>> No.23743075
File: 46 KB, 339x515, Golden Bough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add in The Golden Bough by Frazer and maybe The Future of an Illusion by Freud

>> No.23743201

>The age of consent: 18
>The age of troonability: 10 lol

>> No.23743214

thanks anon it took a clickbait title and 150 replies to get what I needed. Are there any criticisms to the concept of God in general, specially towards a strong argument FOR God?

>> No.23743320

>Are there any criticisms to the concept of God in general
The Buddhists are the most robust historical opponents of theism, insofar as they teach any and all gods are just long-lived sentient beings, and not immortal, eternal, unchanging, etc., and their system has continuity over centuries. There really is no atheist tradition or atheist canon because it isn't a genuine system by itself and merely a singular position, often rebutting a specific theist opponent in a specific culture or time. But as for the chart, Assmann and Freud are evident readers of Nietzsche, and Nietzsche himself has a spiritually Hellene view of Abrahamism or monotheism, which brings him close to pagan Roman opponents of Christianity.

>> No.23743633

Because atheism is effective cognitive dissonance. They cannot even discuss morality.

>> No.23743666

Some of the dumbest shit ever said in all history. Mindless xenophilia and self-hatred.

>> No.23743692

Most of the old arguments are sufficient. It's up to the religious to pull their heads out of the sand. However, the late 00s wave of Atheism died because many internet atheists were SJWs in incubation. They formed a secular religion without a hint of critical thought to what they were doing. Genuine atheists are more rare today.

>> No.23743704

What are the good authors you allude to OP?
What are the old arguments?

>> No.23743751

>Mindless xenophilia and self-hatred.
You are the one reading scriptures about Israel's wars with the Gentiles, both actual conflicts and spiritual ones, and pretending you are the Israelite. Your texts must confuse you, since they also insist there is neither Jew nor Gentile. It is clear you are the lover of foreigners, loving them as yourself, and treating their words as gospel, and those of Gentiles as debased. And what self-hatred is there in observing that a God which is born is a God which dies? That a God which has causes to act and changes his mind is not eternal and unchanging? In congratulating yourself on your own righteousness, you show the class that the trueborn heirs to the fedora are christkangers.

>> No.23743822

>You are the one
Nothing I said implies any of that. Your irrelevant fantasies about me and mindless burgerisms aren't interesting.

>> No.23743829

Hume's view is fair enough

>> No.23743845

While that anon was inserting, him doing such was only a result of you providing nothing of substance in the first place, you just posted summary words for things that are not self explanatory with the context of the post which you replied to alone, resulting in what was effectively nothing more than an insult. If you aren't willing to dedicate even a sentence to explain reasoning then there's really no point to posting at all, your dissent or affirmations towards another anons post means nothing towards the potential validity of such.

>> No.23743848

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. I haven't seen a single one of them accurately criticize what they sperg out and crusade against, even their "intellectuals" like Dawkins who is a pedophile sympathizer who "couldn't condemn" being molested by a pedophile hasn't made an accurate criticism of what he's dedicated his life to attacking. They're explicitly and deliberately anti-intellectual, they're willingly ignorant, and nothing they say is ever intellectual. Without tax funded indoctrination, nobody would believe their retarded science-denying creation myths of big bang, abiogenesis, and evolutionism. They can't even prove their religion so they just chimp out and rage and sperg out when asked for extraordinary evidence or demand you provide an alternative, because they don't understand how science works which explains why they almost all got the jab because "the experts" told them to. They're peak NPC, they were programmed how to think but they think they know how to think. They're fools and idiots.

>> No.23743852

>irrelevant fantasies about me and mindless burgerisms
ok retard, you sure showed me

>> No.23743869

Based on the contex he thinks it's dumb, mindless, xenophilic, and self-hating [for a Westerner] to know something about the Buddhist view of god(s) [because we are supposed to be racially Christian or something]. But suppose we lived in Rome in the year 124; wouldn't it be more fair to say a Roman was dumb, mindless, xenophilic, and self-hating to worship a crucified criminal from a community in Judea frequently at war with Rome? He is very ignorant and we shall know him by his fruits

>> No.23743944

I’m hardly a nihilist. I’m just a realist.

>> No.23743949

Frazer wasn’t necessarily an atheist. Freud definitely was, though.

>> No.23744902

>christians as the romans saw them
Highly recommended.

>> No.23744953

Very true. The Dawkins Russell line was purely an Anglo/empirical line going back to TP/Newton. The newest atheism is dumber and purely post modern and all about how you feel about something.
Which is likely to be the end of atheism and Christianity as truth is subjective and everyone thinks they’re right about religion and so there is no third party authority.


>> No.23745299
File: 284 KB, 1200x1824, Deep Nutrition - Catherine-Shanahan & Luke Shanahan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ellul and Ted were onto something, you know?

>> No.23745776

It massified, which is the main point and the rest of my post is secondary.
As far as arguments go, atheism being false makes it more difficult in the first place. Nevertheless that position of "philosophical atheism" has always been a very, very small minority, and has essentially disappeared today, losing to >>23742688.
>just casually anti-religious people who never think about anything terribly deeply in their lives and if they're forced to consider theological or existential questions usually have some intellectual escape hatch at the ready to get out of it
I might even change anti-religious to non-religious.
All the (non) arguments for atheism have converted a grand total of people in the hundreds of thousands.
In the end Sade was by far the most cogent and most strategic of the older atheists. On a world scale people became largely irreligious not because of philosophical debate but because people wanted to 1) have decadent sex (including massacring their children after it) without afterthought or 2) steal other people stuff (mostly voting themselves other peoples stuff) without afterthought, or even frame both those things positively.
We live in the age of neo-astrology, infinite debt and pregnant men. The massification of atheism has little to do with any intellectual movement, not even a wrong one.

>> No.23745820

>they don't understand how science works
This, it stuns me how they straight up ignore or are ignorant of the corollary following the principle of falsifiability, the sine qua non of scientific theories. If all scientific theories admit of being falsified, none of them can be verified, in the strictest sense of the word, only confirmed. Therefore it cannot have anything to say on matters of faith. Faith must be refuted on other grounds, like logic or philoosophy

>> No.23746629

>fuck jesus
>gimme sex and stealing instead
holy shit anon I don't necessarily think you're wrong but I really hope you are

>> No.23746953

Look at the average normalfag, that's exactly what they want. Restrictive moral codes and precepts are an impediment to endless hedonism and thuggery, which is why first worlders are becoming increasingly irreligious.

>> No.23747683

It's simpler than that. God's nature is not meant to be energy or mass, so physics has nothing to do with it. I do observe that most of physics is fundamentally incomplete because they posit nothingness everywhere where philosophy finds a thing. Math isn't real, Logic isn't real, Knowledge isn't real, world just is etc.

>> No.23747704

Islam is now the most powerful religion and nobody with a sense of self-preservation will attack it. The terrorists won.

>> No.23748051

Did Fineroo actually kill himself or is that just a rumor?