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23729135 No.23729135 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophybros how do we respond to the encroachment by modern science? Especially the latest advances in quantum mechanics seem to BTFO us more every passing day.

>> No.23729137
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>> No.23729142

What is the quantum physics of ethics?

>> No.23729143


>> No.23729149

>ethicssissies think anyone cares about their subjective opinions

>> No.23729151

You don't. Science has thoroughly rendered most philosophy obsolete and has relegated philosophy to defending the revelations of scientific theory. For too long, philosophy has been the slave of the church to defend superstition and dogma. Now that science has put men on the moon and allowed us to live for over a hundred years, we have no need for philosophical speculation.

>> No.23729154

they are the same thing, your decision is the wave function, when you make the decision it collapses

>> No.23729156

There are yogis in the Himalayas that are thousands of years old. Science ain't shit

>> No.23729161

you must be white, yogis are known scammers and con artists

>> No.23729166

Scientism was already refuted by Guenon (phub) et al, unironically

>> No.23729171

porn hub upon the benis

>> No.23729172

i would say the reverse is true

the world as viewed through science is less materialistic and reductionist than ever

>> No.23729190

I like science but I hate Popper and I am a communist.

>> No.23729211

lame bait. Stemlords have been pretending to have "solved" philosophy for the past century. They do this by:
a) defaulting to utilitarianism (without argument oc)
b) defaulting to political liberalism
c) dismissing metaphysics, defaulting to logical positivism (unaware that the logical positivists themselves gave up and returned to metaphysics)
d) acting like discoveries about neuroscience prove hard determinism (ignoring any moral implications of this)
e) dismissing philosophy of religion when it doesn't align with their preconceived worldview
f) ignoring existentialism
g) appealing to things like "quantum mechanics" as if it could conceivably solve any serious philosophical problem

>> No.23729214

I am pretty sure philosophy is solved in a deterministic universe, which science has all but proven at this point.

>> No.23729220

your brain is the size of a peanut

>> No.23729221

The exact kind of statement that science can easily disprove. And you wonder why our team isn't taken seriously when you post utter shit like this.

>> No.23729320

Beyond mathematical formalism theories of quantum mechanics are philosophy thougheverbeit

>> No.23729325


>> No.23729332

>Two more weeks

>> No.23729338
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science being overrun by leftists

>> No.23729436

Science is so arrogant because of its alliance with government (=the left).


Maybe instead of inventing COVID they could work on making progress in basic science after like 1960

>> No.23729442

>encroachment by modern science?
are you under the impression that science has discovered anything since your parents were born?

>> No.23729543

science has always been an appendage to the body of philosophy. It exists solely because we let it

>> No.23729628

Only one of the issues I listed has anything whatsoever to do with free will. And guess what, even if we live in a deterministic universe (which has not been proven), that still doesn't prove hard determinism (compatibilism could still be true). Physical determinism is irrelevant to ethics, political philosophy, aesthetics, philosophy of mind, epistemology, logic, phenomenology or basically anything else.

>> No.23729674

The study and a sage
An ancient brazen luminaire
Just a bat flap from answers they want to hear
They're evident
To every cynic eminent

Movement around the sun
All in eternal time
The heaven's fires turned to light
The moon that governs birth and then decay
The principle decreed
By laws you think you will conceive
And then some accident
To throw it all in place!?

>> No.23729681

>quantum mechanics
Don't worry about it. It's all literally made up for the sake of getting government grants.

>> No.23730604

Quantum mechanics are the blackpill of the scientific community. They have all been mindbroken by it. It proves Kantian Idealism more than anything.

>> No.23730611


>> No.23731829

Science is also subjective as well if it’s supposed to be real science

>> No.23731837

>Science is also subjective
Not really. The whole point is to construct experiments that are reproducible by others.

>> No.23731840

Science is an ideology at this point, which means no one should take it seriously.

>> No.23731893

>Especially the latest advances in quantum mechanics
Such as?

>> No.23731902
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i deny all science

>> No.23731906

this is an example of a casualty of information warfare. poor kid got owned by ruskies

>> No.23731924

That would imply that both science and philosophy are to be held as beliefs and not as a process

>> No.23731931

And that’s what it mostly fails at

I’m not a kid, I’m 42
>inb4 Dunning-Kruger
Dunning-Kruger is a political tool at this point.

>> No.23731935

>And that’s what it mostly fails at
Then the process works and has filtered out unsound and unreproducible results. By contrast, no such filter exists for philosophers.

>> No.23731941

no, don’t assume anything. it’s exactly as i first said
you’re a demoralized contrarian dumbfuck

>> No.23731944

Not at all actually.

>> No.23731948


>> No.23731950

My job is done here. Bravo.

>> No.23731954

Philosophy is worthless.

>> No.23731960

>gets btfo
>leaves thread
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>> No.23731969

>he replies, online, on the device provided by god himself

>> No.23731970

What philosophical framework leads you to this conclusion? Does it actually surprise you that if you strictly work from a set of axioms your work will reinforce your belief in those axioms?

>> No.23731972

>encroachment by modern science
Not a thing
> Especially the latest advances in quantum mechanics seem to BTFO us more every passing day.
Goyim news
Kill yourself

>> No.23731979

What are your axioms?

>> No.23731983

>Does it actually surprise you that if you strictly work from a set of axioms your work will reinforce your belief in those axioms?
What philosophical framework leads you to this conclusion?

>> No.23731984

It's a scientific framework, not a philosophical framework. For all your hatred towards us, you sure do love to claim our ideas for yourselves. Is that because you have none to show?

>> No.23731987

>It's a scientific framework, not a philosophical framework.
>epistomology is not philosophy
Brainlet sciencet

>> No.23731994

Among others the relatively unjustified idea that I can derive some kind of truth from logic as conceived by the Greeks.
How did you come up with this scientific framework based on nothing but the framework itself? How does that historically happen and why isn't that circular logic?
How can anyone be this mindless?

>> No.23731995

Lol, you really just mixed up epistemology with the scientific method? That’s like confusing a recipe for cake with the taste test. One’s about understanding how we know things, and the other’s just the process of testing if something works. Keep up!

>> No.23732004

>testing if something works
According to what metrics and how did you derive those metrics from the framework you're using the metrics on?

>> No.23732005

>Among others the relatively unjustified idea that I can derive some kind of truth from logic as conceived by the Greeks.
Kek so you're a brainlet too, why are you arguing with others if you are unjustified in your own beliefs? You can't possibly know what's right so you're just a retard who can't teach anyone anything. By your own admission.

>> No.23732011

You're asking for metrics on something that's about understanding how we even get to those metrics in the first place. It's like asking for a ruler to measure the concept of measurement. This is honestly getting embarrassing for you at this point.

>> No.23732016


>> No.23732018

Given that we both accept the axioms and logic we can explore the logic that follows. It may be useful in a given context but that context is philosophical even if we only base it on wanting to survive.
You don't grasp the simplest form of logic, it's completely beyond you. All you know is conditioning, all you can do is trigger automatic reactions like an AI.

>> No.23732027

I am a postdoctoral researcher at Berkley. You are a clown.

>> No.23732029

>Given that we both accept the axioms and logic
There are many types of logic brainlet and no one here said they accept aristotelian logic. Idiot.
>You don't grasp the simplest form of logic, it's completely beyond you. All you know is conditioning, all you can do is trigger automatic reactions like an AI.
HAHAHA the crybaby is already having a breakdown because he got BTFO

>> No.23732033

you mean string theory?

>> No.23732043

Yes, it make me angry when people refuse to accept my logic. Honestly, that's all I have for myself. It's sad actually.

>> No.23732044

>It's like asking for a ruler to measure the concept of measurement.
Yes. What do you base the concept of measurement on retard? You believe refusing to even think about your fundamental assumptions serves the search for truth? You're promoting religious dogma not science, which is rooted in philosophy.
Again every post you make is only revealing that you don't grasp absolutely basic logic. This post is so predictably braindead that it has a name.

>> No.23732053

Bohemian Mechanics most likely. Evidence as recent as 2022 supports this theory. It puts an end to philosophical debates, just like Godel put an end to epistemology.

>> No.23732055

>no one here said they accept aristotelian logic
If you do science you're working based on the assumption that this form of logic can reveal truth about the world.

>> No.23732058
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>Bohemian Mechanics most likely. Evidence as recent as 2022 supports this theory. It puts an end to philosophical debates, just like Godel put an end to epistemology.

>> No.23732063

could someone give me a good example of the necessity of metaphysics? like a concept where the abstract foundation is necessary

>> No.23732064

>the brainlet can't even follow a 4channel conversation

>> No.23732080

>What do you base the concept of measurement on retard?
Measurement isn't arbitrary; it's grounded in the spacetime plane, where we quantify distances, time, and other physical properties in a consistent and reproducible way. This isn’t just some philosophical exercise, it's how we explore and understand the universe. The tools of measurement let us map out reality itself, from the smallest particles to the stretches of space.
Gonna piss your pants?

>> No.23732084

proves that reality is shaped by observation.

>> No.23732087

You make scientists look bad bro, people can't tell you're stupid.

>> No.23732096

? Aristotelian logic is just a set of common sense English class observations about arguments. It's not true in the sense that mathematical logic (baaaasically computer programming) is

what does this have to do with the foundations of science?

>> No.23732102

Stop confusing him, he can't take 2 conversation at the same time

>> No.23732107

Actually, progress in quantum theory and the application of information theory across the sciences, particularly pancomputationalism in physics, is sort of a great vindication of the assumptions of classical metaphysics, key Patristic ideas, and Thomism. Certainly they need to be modified, but some neo-Thomists have pretty compelling updates and rely heavily on new progress in the sciences.

I think the complexity studies/information shift will one day be seen as a paradigm shift as big as quantum mechanics and relativity. It allows for a tremendous amount of unification across fields, including the natural and social sciences, and really cuts the legs out of "building block" or corpuscular ontologies.

The relationality at work at it is right at home in classical metaphysics, the only thing that really is not fitting is the analogia entis and a rejection of the univocity of being, but this certainly could come back around.

At the very least, as the Boomers die out, so does the whole "anti-metaphysical movement," which was itself just an attempt to dogmatically enshrine a very particular sort of metaphysics. We are looking at sort of an "ontological turn." The new generation of physicists is a lot more interested in this sort of stuff.

>> No.23732117

>The new generation of physicists is a lot more interested in this sort of stuff.
Forgot whose observation it was (Feyerabend?) that boomer physicists were barbarians and none of the appreciation of culture you saw in like Einstein, Bohr, Heisinger

>> No.23732126

Maybe. There is certainly a lot to be said for classical metaphysics and the way phenomenology is "baked in" from the begining and how well it can work with science. The whole avoiding subject/object dualism thing seems important, and avoiding deflation vis-á-vis truth (which basically leads to anti-realism if not nihilism).

Still, I think it will be very hard for the mainstream to accept it because it has a strong association with Christianity. Even guys who avoid God talk and do a lot with contemporary science like Sokolowski get written off on account of being priests.

Although, funny enough, a priest developed the Big Bang theory and it was originally attacked as "another zany religious nut arguing for creation."

>> No.23732134

Anything logically consistent, any model, math or idea works the way I described. Given a set of axioms we explore what follows. You believe your axioms are holy dogma, that's religious zealotry not science.
>distances, time, and other physical properties in a consistent and reproducible way
Given a set of axioms. To start with you have to assume your senses can reveal truth about the world, that there is such a thing as truth and that these logical relationships we're describing are relevant to it. That the measurements are consistent just means your models are logically coherent.
Why are you so hostile to the idea of simply critically looking at your assumptions? That's the principle of the enlightenment and the beginning of science. You're behaving like a religious zealot not a scientist.

>> No.23732142
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>> No.23732146

What does "quantum" even mean? It seems like a term scientists use to say any kind of mumbo jumbo and make it seem profound. As far as I know, quantum is a quantity, what's so special about "quantities" that it merits an entire field to the study of it. The most diabolical use of the term I've heard is the idea of a "quantum" foam, how could "foam" be a quantity? "Foam" is just a retarded way of saying a medium, and a medium can't be quantized. These retards really think they'll ever find the base quantity of existence by colliding particles, if they had any rudimentary logic they'd realize that any "quantity" can be reduced ad infinitum, thus making the entire field a pointless endeavor. Base reality will never be a "quantity", when you look at in the world you don't see quantities. It's exactly why philosophy is necessary, scientists wouldn't be so retarded if they understood the debates between philosophers since time immemorial about these very topics. Any time atomism appears in history it is logically btfod for being the absurd nonsense it is.

>> No.23732159

You're pointing out assumptions that are already well-understood and accounted for in science. Yes, we assume our senses can reveal truth, but those assumptions are tested and validated by the consistent, reliable results we get. If those assumptions were flawed, science would collapse under its own weight, but instead, it’s built everything from quantum mechanics to space travel. The fact that these assumptions hold up under rigorous testing is precisely what makes them relevant and reliable. So, raising these points as if they undermine science just shows a misunderstanding of how science actually works.

>> No.23732172

Kant specified cause and effect as 'impure' a priori due to the requirement of experience and listed physics as being only partially a priori. At some point it is possible that Kant will be relegated to sceptic. No idea if this is something that will happen in a human lifetime.

>> No.23732177

Btfo by who exactly?

I accept your concession

>> No.23732182

>but those assumptions are tested and validated by the consistent, reliable results we get
You can't be sure your assumptions are right if you only allow measurements based on those assumptions. There are obvious phenomena staring you in the face right now that can't be accounted for by those assumptions meaning your models are absolutely, definitely not complete. If you demand to only work within a given model there's no way to falsify the model.
>The fact that these assumptions hold up under rigorous testing is precisely what makes them relevant and reliable.
Their relevance rests on your goals.
>raising these points as if they undermine science
You're an illiterate idiot. You're the one undermining science, trying to remove its foundations, literal "undermining". I'm pointing out that it rests on philosophy.

>> No.23732186
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I think it has to do with the behavior of light, like how it was thought to be a medium through which wave-like radiation moved, but then it was learned it also behaved like discrete particles (hence the quantum) or something like that. So even though philosophically you prove objects in space are infinitely divisible, yet we've empirically found apparent particles of light, or some shit like that idk

pic unrelated i just thought it sounded scientific philosophic

>> No.23732191
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Refuted by a shitpost.

Also by Plato, Aristotle, Thomas, etc. who all entertained his core presuppositions and rejected them as retarded.

>> No.23732193

>Especially the latest advances in quantum mechanics seem to BTFO us more every passing day.

how so?

>> No.23732194

Interesting how you didn't respond to the central point and only quoted the contextual bread of my sandwich:
>If those assumptions were flawed, science would collapse under its own weight, but instead, it’s built everything from quantum mechanics to space travel.
How about you ease up off the insults? You don't have any published papers, I do.

>> No.23732202

See >>23732053

>> No.23732204

>Interesting how you didn't respond
Interesting how braindead, illiterate and unscientific someone can actually get.
Their relevance rests on your goals. Do you not understand what that means and how it directly relates to the fact that you're a mindless religious zealot?

>> No.23732206

>You don't have any published papers, I do.
Dumbest creature that ever lived btw. Not even the tiniest hint of a thought process, just conditioned platitudes and the dumbest appeals imaginable.

>> No.23732209

Credit engineers for the modern world, not scientists. There has been ZERO output of anything worthwhile from the fields of quantum theory. Nothing worthwhile has been discovered from colliding particles. Engineers have a surface level of the way the world works, they know when they tinker with things a certain way certain things happen. Even if they don't understand how and why it certain things happen, via tinkering they are able to invent things. Of course, if scientists did anything worthwhile instead of trying to discover a god particle it'd be a big help to inventors who need a correct model of the way the world works instead of having to stick their hand out in the dark. Lastly, you can credit most of the modern world to tesla, not jewstein or anything that came after him.
Another example of what happens when you remove philosophy from science, scientists will just accept blatant contradictions like wave-particle duality, or a wave that is not a wave of anything.

>> No.23732211

Actually, relevance in science isn’t just about goals but it's about the ability to consistently predict and explain phenomena. Science isn't driven by dogma but by results. If a method or assumption doesn’t work, it gets discarded. The goal is to understand and manipulate the world in ways that produce reliable outcomes, and that’s been proven across countless disciplines.

Dismissing that as ‘religious zealotry’ is just ignoring the practical successes science has achieved, from curing diseases to sending spacecraft beyond our solar system. If that’s mindless, then sign me up, because it works.

>> No.23732215
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>listed physics as being only partially a priori
That was the exoteric teaching. The esoteric teaching was the implicate suggestion towards THE COMPLETE A PRIORI DERIVATION OF THE SYSTEM OF PHYSICS. There is, in truth, no difference between a priori and a posteriori KNOWLEDGE, only between the pure and empirical METHODS of ATTAINING that knowledge. What empirical scientists are slowly and painfully arriving at by the hard teacher of experience, metaphysicians have known since time immemorial.

>> No.23732221

Redditor detected.
>Science isn't driven by dogma but by results
Who's gonna tell him?

>> No.23732225
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>t. stuck at a lower stage of the dialectic
bro we can all be friends in hegelworld

>> No.23732227

>Who's gonna tell him?
That the computer he's using to post on 4chan is real and is the product of science?

>> No.23732228
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>combatibilitist clock tossed in garbage
>Kantian Sartreans will be right

You haven't even started an esoteric journey yet normie.

>> No.23732231

I missed you schizo kantposter.

>> No.23732238

shut up unawareheisnormal normie.

>> No.23732245
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No, that your understanding of the scientific method is incredibly naive and you need to stop watching Neil DeGrasse Tyson YouTube clips.

>> No.23732254

What's naive? Go on and explain it to me like a big boy instead of posting basedjaks.

>> No.23732264

The initiation rituals for this one were closed so you are stuck on the exoteric level. The uninitiated cope stench is strong on you though.

>> No.23732281

>The uninitiated cope stench is strong on you though.
there is great irony here

>> No.23732287

Modern science is pozzed, you retard. Even philosophy fags are still winning since they argue points instead of just saying 'the science is settled' like a bunch of cult members.

>> No.23732311

Superficial jest on my part. Kantian Sartreans have always been an extremely small group, no initiations or anything like that but just a very small niche group that would be validated in such circumstances. My Sartre instantiation is probably 80% Hegel, 15% Marx, and 5% Kant based depending. I'm usually called crazy when I use the Kant derived version. OVERTURN THE SYSTEMS AND RISE UP SUBATOMIC PARTICLES TO DESTROY THE WORLD ORDER RESTORE CHAOS

>> No.23732336
File: 27 KB, 250x382, Science_in_Action_(book).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think the description of the scientific method you learned in 9th grade is the be all end all on how the scientific activity operates you're embarrassingly under-read so there's not much point trying to have a discussion with you. Start with something like pic-related and don't come back until your arguments against it aren't basic/predictable.

>> No.23732351

No thanks, I think I will stick to actual scientists rather than a religious whackjob nut whose tenure was owed to his rich family.

>> No.23732467

Go read.

>> No.23732483

Hegel is cool, but he rejects the stupid/dogmatic presuppositions of Kant that lead him into an incoherent dualism.

>> No.23732499

rejects? no
supercedes? yes

>> No.23732540

Convert to Islam, my boy.
Allah is all the philosophy you need.

>> No.23733637

read fathers and sons

>> No.23733651

quantum mechanics seem to be adding more credence to Platonism and Buddhism than classical physics ever did, and the philosophy of science isn't at odds with science itself. There's really no war between the fields, except in the minds of respective dweebs on either side. As science evolves in its understanding of the material, philosophy evolves in its understanding of science, and they respond to one another. It's not really a dichotomy.
that's a good point too, quantum mechanics tells us little about ethics, beyond perhaps providing evidence for the theory of uniform interdependence. That may hold ethical implications.

>> No.23733835

Philosophy and Science are the same thing, by that I mean Philosophy is a science

>> No.23733838

this is not even babby's first thought about the philosophy of science. it seems like you're still at NPC level thought.