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/lit/ - Literature

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2372658 No.2372658 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite literary antagonist or villain?

Pic somewhat related.

>> No.2372663

Judge Holden. Hands down.

>> No.2372670
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>> No.2372674


>> No.2372676

Jules in A Fairly Honourable Defeat by Iris Murdoch. I think he's modelled after the uber-villain of literature (aside from Satan) Iago.

>> No.2372689

There was a villain in Blood Meridian? Pretty much every character was a total bastard, to say the very least.

>> No.2372695

This. Also Moby Dick

>> No.2372696

For someone who hasn't read past the first book, what makes Snape a good villain. I'm just curious.

>> No.2372713

Alan Rickman,.

>> No.2372720


Moby Dick isn't a villain so much as a nemesis. I guess you could call it an antagonist though.

>> No.2373088
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Marc Motherfucking C DuQuesne

dude didn't fuck around. left Seaton to deal with the Chlorans, then ran off with Stephanie De Marigniy.

>> No.2373386
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Villain: The Shrike from the Hyperion books

This is only one of the many things that he does:
He abducts people and sticks them on a giant metal thorn tree where their suffering acts as an antenna to attract a hypothetical compassionate god/creator roaming elsewhere in the universe

>> No.2373390

Kerouac's drinking problem.