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/lit/ - Literature

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2370286 No.2370286 [Reply] [Original]

I'm new to the reading thing. ofcourse I've read before but I've never decided to read a book unless school told me too. now I've got months of time on my hands, can't work, no college 'til september, and I really want to get into books more. so, as an aspiring /lit/fag I decided to get the book Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss because it seemed interesting enough and I've heard good things from a friend.


also, how do I make sure my mind doesn't go drifting off? my attention span tends to be on the short side.

>> No.2370296

Shitstorm inc

>> No.2370298

Great book. I enjoyed every book in this series, and have read them each twice.

As for how to remove distractions, do just that. Get comfortable. I like to lay on my couch. Turn off all electronic distractions like the TV, radio, etc. I usually leave my phone in another room because I have gotten into the horrible habit of checking it every 5 minutes or so. Also, a little weed or a nice stiff drink never hurts to relax.

>> No.2370299

>books about wizards and shit
>aspiring /lit/fag
You're doing it wrong.
I mea if you enjoy fantasy great, but yeah, not it's not /lit/

>> No.2370302

lol, get the hell out of here with your faggy pompus bullshit. "It's not /lit/". Implying that this is some sort of book club.

>> No.2370304


>> No.2370303

I'm glad to know that someone is beginning to read again

But as a warning, /lit/ generally hates paperbacks with the author's name 3x bigger than the title, and anything published after the 1960s really (with the exception of Pynchon, Nabokov, and DFW). You won't see a lot of threads that aren't about:
1. Ulysses
2. Jacking off to Ulysses
3. DFW
4. Worshiping Ayn Rand

>> No.2370312
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Sorry, I neglected to mention that we love to pretend that we actually understand Nietzsche; and that we aren't just a bunch of pretentious hipsters.

>> No.2370315

What he said. IF you want to have serious discussion without people attempting to look more intelligent than others, or scoffing at people for enjoying a genre of book that is different than those they read, look elsewhere. There are a lot of different forums out there for every genre imaginable.

To answer your question though, I would recommend that book. I bought it for my nephew a while back, and ended up reading it before giving it to him.

>> No.2370318
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>> No.2370332

it's fucking garbage "fantasy" where the magic comes in the form of deus ex machina with no real structure to it.

also it's one of those "hurr lets jump around in time because this is how you make a good book lol"

>> No.2370336
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You should read Sam Pink, Noah Cicero, Megan Boyle, Tao Lin, Ana C, Ben Brooks, Brandon Scott Gorrell and Mallory Whitten.

The writers of our generation.

>> No.2370339

also forgot to mention: the author is a disgusting proponent of "free love" and other degeneracies.

>> No.2370342

>the hipster writers of our generation

I don't hate it like this guy OP but its HIGHLY OVERRATED, I read it and it's so overdone in the details I felt it lacked in the main plot and the protagonist is a mary sue genius who DAZZLES his way into a distinguished school and becomes a hero just because
if you want a really really good story read The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie

>> No.2370348

What, you mean you don't master magic just by being so good at it, while being a professional musician, while cultivating relationships with downtrodden prostitutes, having feuds with rich princes, going frolicking in magical villages who have special herbs to get rid of STD's and unwanted pregnancies?

>> No.2370352

the highpoint of the book was when he walked off the roof and broke his arm, that was hilarious

>> No.2370355

You mean when the prof tells him to jump off the balcony?

doesn't make up for the rest of the book tho

>> No.2370366

the fucking girl that the main character is in love with makes this book 10% worse, the lol coincidence of everything makes it 30% worse. still alright for killing time though.

>> No.2370376

Everytime I see Noah Cicero he is stoned as hell.

>> No.2371114

haters gonna hate

>> No.2371586

Kvothe is so awesome, how come the reality doesn't ripple and explode around him? I bet he can't sleep at night, constantly woken by the sound of his own awesomeness, poor chap. You haters are obviously all just jelly you can't be awesome and alpha as him at 15.

>> No.2371600

It's a great book. Kvothe is a little too perfect, which makes him boring some time. The second book is a little aimless, but it's a very dynamic, action-filled read.
And to fix your attention span, you need to put the phone away, turn off the TV, sit in silence, and immerse yourself in the story.

>> No.2371606

Great book(s). Can't wait for the third. I don't have the strongest attention span either, op, but these the name of the wind had me hooked and I ended up taking sick leave from work so I could read it.

>> No.2371610

Didn't you read the book? Kvothe is to "pure" and "nice" to fuck Denna. I hate that fucking plot tumor. I wish she would die or get fucked.

>> No.2371620

NAme of the wind thread?

What does everyone think will to kvothe in the third book? I hope that he returns to his old self. That beat down he got in the second book had me suprised.

>> No.2371646

This guy could write a tv guide and make it seem like a masterpiece. Needs to work on his story a bit, but the book is great. Denna is a bitch and a whore. Devi is far superior.

>> No.2371746

twilight for neckbeards

>> No.2371793

It's a deconstruction of the Mary Sue

>> No.2371816

I was scrolling down through /lit/ and the authors name some how looked like Ruthlessfuck. Sage for being off topic