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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 31 KB, 500x368, Julio_Cortazar_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2369965 No.2369965 [Reply] [Original]

I recently had a discussion with a Chilean friend of mine regarding the state of literature in Latin America. He mentioned his theory that Bolaños was it, the last of the lineage. I disagreed and argued that Bolaños while noteworthy for his success in the world of translations always held a contentious relationship with his Spanish readership. In fact, I think the closing of the golden age in Latin American Lit was precipitated by Cortázar's death in '84. The last great short story writer in a dying field. Thoughts? I can't be the only one to have reservations on Bolaños.

>> No.2369970

I think the problem is they are all subhuman spics and mongrels

>> No.2369974
File: 9 KB, 170x243, 170px-Mark_Twain_by_Abdullah_Frères,_1867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALL of literature died when this man's heart stopped beating.

>> No.2369978


You can't be serious.

>> No.2369980

I thought 2666 was good.

Savage Detectives felt a bit forced.

By Night in Chile made me throw up a little inside.

Overall 2/5 on Roberto.

>> No.2369986

Latin American lit was good at one point? News to me.

>> No.2369989


oh you

>> No.2369991


Amurrikans never stop to amuse me.

>> No.2369992

Latin America will never produce another Borges

>> No.2369993

Bitches don't know 'bout my Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

>> No.2369994

im reading cortazar at the moment

it occurred to me that DFW seems to have inherited or been influenced a bit by him

can anyone confirm/deny

>> No.2370002

Yes he was

>> No.2370001

bitches probably only know ggm

>> No.2369999

Tell me where I should start on Cortazar and I'll get back to you in a few days.

>> No.2369998

cortazar was a major influenc eon all fo the postmodernists

>> No.2369997


Borges wasn't even the best they had to offer. So therefore you are dumb.

>> No.2370004


I actually have yet to delve into any of his stuff, but I do vaguely remember seeing an interview where he mentions Rayuela as a work he admires. So, possibly.

>> No.2370007

im reading cortazar's cuentos cortos 2. couldn't find number one.

it's pretty cool.


thanks it was bugging me

>> No.2370008


Any short story collection that you can get your hands on would be best.

>> No.2370009

Carlos Fuentes is still alive

>> No.2370013


hurrr lit only talks about borges therefore he must be the best durr

Sabato wants a word with you.

>> No.2370014

Thoughts on Vargas Llosa?

>> No.2370015


Annoying, elitist, scum.

>> No.2370028


I think he, or she. wanted an opinion on his literary work.

>> No.2370030

Mainly about the time of the hero

>> No.2370043


it's shitty. there you go.

>> No.2370927

Anybody read any of Isabel Allende's work?

>> No.2371442

Beautifully written stories. Makes you feel nostalgic after and through the read.

>> No.2371609

Obviously no one here knows a bit about Latin American Lit. I mean they had Amado Nervo, Alfonso Reyes, Ruben Darío, etc. All of them are like from the latest of the XIX century and beginnings of the XX and were excellent poets. In their surrealistics times they had Asturias, José Lezama Limas (Who wrote a completely mad novel called Paradiso), Cortázar, Paz, Borges, Fuentes, Neruda, and some others. Well the point is that Bolaño was a really great writter and probably was the only one with a chance of write something really great in the future. But he died. You know, cause thinking that Vargas Llosa or García Márquez or any other of the writters of the latinoamerican boom could write something really brilliantt isn't logical. They're all too old. So therefore I think all the great writters are dead. And maybe there are some great writters out there, but they are unknown.