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2369610 No.2369610 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: multilingual general

ever had that feel when you overdevelop your secondary languages because you think your native one is ugly and then find yourself in the uncomfortable position of needing to use a dictionary frequently when reading your own native language?

pic related, it's my face when this happened to me

>> No.2369620

How fucking stupid.

>> No.2369626

wow, just wow. And I thought I had a cognitive bias against my homeland.

>> No.2369641

why? 'frequently' might be a bit of an overstatement, but i do need to use the dictionary more when i'm reading in my native language.

i don't have anything against my homeland, i just think my language is ugly.

>> No.2369698

is that pacino in dick tracy?

>> No.2369699

No, only smug fucktards who are over in-your-face about language acquisition do that (on purpose, I might add).

They do it to boost their egos.

>> No.2369701

OP what is your native language and the one you learned?

>> No.2369704
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Das Fühl, wenn even German is impossible for me to learn and I will never speak it properly.

>> No.2369705

usually this occurs when someone wishes to brag about their successes in learning a second language.

i tell them in my head, at least, "no, i'm sorry, but you didn't fucking forget English during that semester abroad in Lyons, during which time you interfaced with friends & relatives on a daily basis over facebook, twitter, e-mail, and the telephone."

>> No.2369708

*friends and relatives back home

>> No.2369719

"interfaced" is a DFW thing, right?

>> No.2369722

Does anyone else think that Spanish sounds really annoying?

>> No.2369724


This OP sounds like a total doucebag.

"ooo look at me! i forgot my own fucking language because apparently im AWESOME at languages" !!11!11!1111!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2369728

i'm not proud nor am i "bragging", it's an admittance of failure. a failure which i am trying to rectify, just thought that it might have happened to someone else. i didn't do it on purpose, it just kind of happened due to easy access and subsequent overexposure to foreign media and last month it just kind of hit me how neglectful i was being. i don't go around telling people LOL MY VOCABULARY IS SMALL.

it's a character in the sopranos doing an impression of "whenever i think i'm out they PULL ME BACK IN".

not really important, and i don't want to offend anyone by telling them their language is ugly. the way it happened was by living near the border so i could easily get books on the other language. neither one is english, though, which i admit is also shamefully underdeveloped.

>> No.2369730

It may happen if you're a shut in, non native english speaker, whos only social outlet is the internet, namely 4chan, for 7 years straight starting from age 15. Just saying.

>> No.2369733

Hebrew sounds terrible.
Spanish is only annoying because hispanics are chatty as fuck in public places where decent people lower their voices.
If you're female and speak french, I'm probably in love with your voice.

>> No.2369737

What's the point of learning another language if you haven't even perfected your native one?

>> No.2369742

I don't know, why does 'native' make a language more important than any other? It makes sense if you were an immigrant and left your homeland as a child, it's immediately beneficial. In practice I don't think anyone waits until they have "perfected" their own language before learning another.

>> No.2369746

you guys are totally misreading my post. i'm not bragging, nor am i trying to say that i 'forgot' my own language, just that my vocabulary in one was left underdeveloped. if you read my post as it was intended you'll find no trace of arrogance, i'm sad that this occurred and don't feel good about it at all.

>> No.2369747

1) Italian
2) Russian
3) French
4) English
5) Spanish
6) German
7) Lithuanian
8) Portuguese
9) Japanese
10) Icelandic

9001) Arabic
900000000000001) Chinese
900000000000000000000001) Vietnamese

>> No.2369748

no harm meant. how did this situation develop? y u no share details?

>> No.2369753

>italian and russian first

russian and italian sound like shit.

how do you explain the distance between italian and spanish.

>> No.2369757

Well, I guess the people I'm probably the most critical of are those who grow up bilingual and yet somehow manage to sound idiotic in either tongue. I'm certainly more forgiving of those who set out in later life to learn another language.

>> No.2369762

english is 1500 years old, dumbass, how is it undeveloped?

>> No.2369763

well, i basically live in the border of country a and b. i took a liking to b and frequented a bookstore with a lot of b in it, and consumed most of my media in b to help. i spent my childhood/puberty like that and now i realize that by undermining a for so long that now i need to focus intensely on it for a while. details about the languages can't really help the thread. have you had something similar happen?

>> No.2369765

Ask any Italian how they feel when they hear someone speaking Spanish.

>> No.2369770


samefag detected. gtfo of my 4chan. your attempts at trying to brag about how good you are at learning languages has backfired. you will not receive compliments or awe here.

>> No.2369768

i meant that MY english is shamefully underdeveloped, as you can see by my writing of ambiguous and confusing statements like that one.

>> No.2369772

>implying a native speaker's opinion on his language matters

People tend to mix their identity with their nationality and their language, so they will all tell you how awesome italian is. Disregarding OP.

>> No.2369775

>2!!!!) Russian!!!!!
>4) English
>5) Spanish
>6) German
O rly?

>900000000000001) Chinese
I'm ok with this.

>> No.2369781


russian, german, spanish/portuguese, and jap?

are you fucking kidding me?

russian - ugly as fuck
german - ugly as fuck
spanish and portu - annoying, too fast
jap - asian so therefore also suck

and i never even heard lithu since it is a weak country populated by weak people who have no importance whatsoever and therefore not a single fuck is given about them (so i can't judge their shit, but im guessing it's fucking stupid in either a russian or finnish sort of way)

you are a fucking idiot, sir.

>> No.2369782

that wasn't me. he saged, presented a totally different account of how his thing happened and, more importantly, used caps. if you read any of my actual posts you'll see i'm not trying to brag, it's more of a shameful self-inflicted minor disability.

>> No.2369793
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>russian - ugly as fuck
Мне кажется, или ты и правда СЕМЁН!!!

лол, до сих пор ничего об этом не знаю.

>> No.2369798

>too fast

if you listen a lil faster I ain't got to slow down for you to catch up, bitch

>> No.2369802

Perhaps someday someone who speaks Spanish will actually say something worth listening to. Until then...

>> No.2369807

I speak fluent Spanish, but I despise being asked by morons to speak Spanish for them as if being multilingual is some sort of spectacle.
I speak Latin too, but only for writing since it's never been useful in conversation.
And I speak English as my (non-native) language because It's simply what I am accustomed too. I've been in the United States for most of my life, so it's not hard, but I do occasionally pronounce/spell words incorrectly.

>> No.2369809

Preguntaréis: Y dónde están las lilas?
Y la metafísica cubierta de amapolas?
Y la lluvia que a menudo golpeaba
sus palabras llenándolas
de agujeros y pájaros?

Os voy a contar todo lo que me pasa.

Yo vivía en un barrio
de Madrid, con campanas,
con relojes, con árboles.

Desde allí se veía
el rostro seco de Castilla
como un océano de cuero.
Mi casa era llamada
la casa de las flores, porque por todas partes
estallaban geranios: era
una bella casa
con perros y chiquillos.
Raúl, te acuerdas?
Te acuerdas, Rafael?
Federico, te acuerdas
debajo de la tierra,
te acuerdas de mi casa con balcones en donde
la luz de junio ahogaba flores en tu boca?
Hermano, hermano!
eran grandes voces, sal de mercaderías,
aglomeraciones de pan palpitante,
mercados de mi barrio de Argüelles con su estatua
como un tintero pálido entre las merluzas:
el aceite llegaba a las cucharas,
un profundo latido
de pies y manos llenaba las calles,
metros, litros, esencia
aguda de la vida,
pescados hacinados,
contextura de techos con sol frío en el cual
la flecha se fatiga,
delirante marfil fino de las patatas,
tomates repetidos hasta el mar.

Y una mañana todo estaba ardiendo
y una mañana las hogueras
salían de la tierra
devorando seres,
y desde entonces fuego,
pólvora desde entonces,
y desde entonces sangre.
Bandidos con aviones y con moros,
bandidos con sortijas y duquesas,
bandidos con frailes negros bendiciendo
venían por el cielo a matar niños,
y por las calles la sangre de los niños
corría simplemente, como sangre de niños.

>> No.2369810
File: 12 KB, 340x300, Supposed%20portrait%20of%20Miguel%20de%20Cervantes[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitches don't know bout me

>> No.2369814

See what I mean?

>> No.2369812
File: 9 KB, 500x375, Lope%2Bde%2BVega[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

philistines gonna philistine

>> No.2369811

Chacales que el chacal rechazaría,
piedras que el cardo seco mordería escupiendo,
víboras que las víboras odiaran!

Frente a vosotros he visto la sangre
de España levantarse
para ahogaros en una sola ola
de orgullo y de cuchillos!

mirad mi casa muerta,
mirad España rota:
pero de cada casa muerta sale metal ardiendo
en vez de flores,
pero de cada hueco de España
sale España,
pero de cada niño muerto sale un fusil con ojos,
pero de cada crimen nacen balas
que os hallarán un día el sitio
del corazón.

Preguntaréis por qué su poesía
no nos habla del sueño, de las hojas,
de los grandes volcanes de su país natal?

Venid a ver la sangre por las calles,
venid a ver
la sangre por las calles,
venid a ver la sangre
por las calles!

>> No.2369815
File: 17 KB, 400x298, Borges[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2369848

>Implying all languages don't sound like shit, and that some are simply worse sounding than others.

Though I happen to like the sound of Slovenian and French..

Arabic is shit tier sandnigger fith that makes my ears bleed.

>> No.2370010

Ask a Spaniard how Italian sounds, they'll respond in kind.

I speak 5 languages and can function in many others myself and have chatted with women of many of the cultures that speak the languages I do about which languages they prefer aesthetically.

Let's say it's not a sexy blonde speaking in a steady voice just above a whisper so you know it's pertinent to getting laid, but the average, illiterate (in the sense of not being a litterateur like so many of us try to be) speaker:

1) French
2) Russian
3) (Eastern European) Yiddish
4) Arabic
5) German
6) English
7) Greek
8) Italian
9) Bantu (in general, not any specific dialect)
10) Hebrew

>> No.2370020

That's a good one.

>> No.2370022

i agree, skipping arabic. i have a bunch of arabs living around me and whenever they're speaking arabic on the fun it sounds horrible. horrible.

>> No.2370026

OK, well then I acquiesce, but the Arabic I have studied and heard sounds amazing and the Spanish chicks I speak with agree :P They've exoticized the culture of the Arabic-speaking people though in much the same way that the English did the Spanish.

>> No.2370033

>i have a bunch of arabs living around me
such is the death of our civilization

fight cultural marxism every day, kill a leftist, save the world.

>> No.2370035
File: 236 KB, 1200x1014, happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have a bunch of litterbugs living around me
such is the death of our civilization

fight cultural wastefulness every day, plant a tree, save the world.

>> No.2370041

i don't care about the life or death of civilization. too concrete for my sensibilities.

i think the reason spanish sounds so ugly when compared to other romance languages is because of the influence the moors had on the language. just a hypothesis though, i'm not a linguist.

>> No.2370054

how will you practice your mathical mysticism when you are forced to work in the fields?

>> No.2370059

oh please, whenever the times too rough for me able to continue to live my breezy cyrenaic lifestyle i'll just kill myself. no biggie.

>> No.2370063

sure is coward here