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/lit/ - Literature

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2368056 No.2368056 [Reply] [Original]

The amount of sadfaggetness here? Completely sad levels of it.

Horrible is not a good word to use when describing this place.

Deplorable. Yes.

Angst driven, yes. (Just open up a thread with a woman in it and you will see).

If you spend too much time here you will forget that writers are social beings, interested in all the fine things of life, the dark and the light. They are incredibly good at getting to know strangers and they love to tell a tall tale every now and then.
You will find them in all the watering-holes of the world and you will be constantly surprised by their energy and joi-de-vivre.

Alas, if you stay here long you'll begin to think what I am saying is untrue. Your view on the world will be chipped away until all that is left is smelly mush. And it is within this mush that the reek of this forum comes.

Because of the nature of 4chan one ought to constantly remind oneself of the socially inept, mentally deranged and otherwise completely dim-witted swine that litter this den of thieves. However, most of us don't remember that. I've seen smart, socially adept kids come in here, get beaten into submission by one of the PO-MO bricks and trapped for a good six months by the heaving sweating smelly mass of neck-bearded clones all cleaving at one another to be recognized as the next greatest tragic writer 2deep4mainstream masses.


That's what I do.

I laugh out loud and then turn 480 degree and walk out of this sausage-fest.

p.s. pic related, it's you.

>> No.2368058

just another shade, m'dear

>> No.2368059

You should write self-helf books anon

first shave your neckbeard though

>> No.2368063
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>/lit/ How do I make this sound less gay?

I believe in life after love. I believe in persistence, determination, and passion. Strength, the strength to continue, is what I needed. And Strength is what I found. To give yourself to someone and lose them is the equivalent to losing your soul. I gave myself and my life to a girl, and she took it, and returned it a battered and broken husk. She shattered and crushed me until I was near useless. That was my story. That was my punishment for having trusted someone so fully that I believed they could do no wrong. the feeling of having someone who you can confide in, and reveal every memory, passion, and pleasure, is as great a joy as it is a pain to lose. People tell you that love is an emotion. The wise know better. Love is a force that tells your very being to go against everything you know, to lower the barriers it took so many years to put up to protect yourself from the cruelties of the world. Love is a parasite that claws its way to the depths of your mind ripping everything asunder on its journey to your heart, incinerating every vein, every organ, every ounce of humanity until all that remains is a burnt functionless shell that can barely walk on its own. After for so long, being dependent on this “parasite,” living without out it seems near impossible.

>> No.2368064


>good writers hanging out at watering holes being social

Yeah, no.

>> No.2368068


You are either 18 and you have it all worked out or you're 30+ and you're failing.

>> No.2368073
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Reported, saged and filtered.

>> No.2368076
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>I believe in life after love.

>> No.2368080

This is like those old trash-heaps in New York where all the bumbs would sit around and masturbate to porn magazines with rat-shit strewn through them. Eventually, if they stayed their long enough, they'd think they actually knew things about the trash-heap. They'd preach to you about the great life on the trash-heap, about their talent for existing there, about their self-described rare intelligence. And people would get sucked into the idea, especially tourists, they lost their minds over these absolute drop-outs riffing on and on like used car salesmen, just without the tacky suits and the mint-gum breath.

Eventually, when the tourists returned home, they'd invite all their friends over to show them photos. Sure enough they'd pull out the photos with the trash-hobos, the prophets on the shit-heap, and the tourists would try and try to explain to their friends just how DEEP and AMAZING and LIFE CHANGING it was to see and be with those incredibly rare and intellectual people totally living against the great, but it wouldn't work, and their palms would grow sweaty with angst, unsure if they'd been tricked, it would only hit home as their friends walked out the door with weird, consoling smiles on their faces "oh, looks like you had a great trip" they'd say with a grimace, eager to escape the weird and sad moment, finally the tourists would go upstairs to bathe and then make love. But as they tried to clean themselves they began to realize they had brought the stench of stupidity home with them. They scrubbed and scrubbed for days on end, becoming shriveled and pale, and then, when all hope was seemingly lost, they tried to make love. But neither of them could get the image of the trash-hobo with his shit-eating grin sitting on his rat-poo mound out of their mind and so they stopped and they sat there on the banal bed and wished they'd never existed.

>> No.2368081

You're usually retarded, but this evening you're being extremely retarded.

>> No.2368085


Don't be a faggot. I'm in exactly the same position but I would do it all again and I will make myself equally vulnerable to another girl again. You can't experience love without pain, but that's no reason to forgo love.

>> No.2368087
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fuck me..

>> No.2368092

I'll give /lit/ this much - you guys have the best original content on all of 4chan.

>> No.2368117

Shut up, OP. /lit/ is the highest quality board on 4chan

>> No.2368152

>If you spend too much time here you will forget that writers are social beings
Funnily enough the majority of this board are readers, and anyway 90% of the 'writers' here are just idiots looking for help with their creative writing homework. At least the flash fiction/poetry threads are fun until the elitists arrive.

>> No.2368175

there is nothing worse than an arriving elitist

~Paul Coelho

>> No.2368191

Nah, /x/ has that claim staked out.

Anyway, literature is a solitary hobby. If you choose to make it a lifestyle like many here have, of course you are going to seem sadder.

>> No.2368209

"There is nothing worse than a predictable novel blandly written by a fat bore--except if the theme is 'following your dreams,' whatever the good goddamn that means."
--Thomas Pynchon