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File: 650 KB, 1026x1892, christianity and paganism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23666346 No.23666346 [Reply] [Original]

Books against neo-paganism?

>> No.23666359
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>> No.23666403

garbage twitter coal that is eradicating /qa/ culture as we speak

>> No.23666407

referring to neo-paganism? true, Aryan edits have always been nigger coal.

>> No.23666420
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>> No.23666434

>jew even doe half the most influential neo pagans like bap are gay jews

>> No.23666436

Neopaganism is iFunny rapefugee coal. You probably weren't even on /qa/ before the shoah.

>> No.23666442

I don't trust any basedjak poster to talk about love and peace.

>> No.23666536

It's pretty much self-refuting, none of these trve kvlt arvan reclaim evropa neopagan types really believe in Odin and Thor and shieet, they all have the spirit of your typical crypto-Nietszchen Andrew Tate wannabe who sees acting like a nigger as the highest metaphysical aim, none of them have a spiritual or religious bone in their body. It's all an elaborate way of saying fuck you to Christianity. It and the blue haired tumblrina/SJW/whatever the fuck they are called now crowd are a sexually dimorphous species.
It hardly matters anyway, these people inevitably fall into purity spiralling over who has the least jewish influence or who is the most white or whatever the fuck.

>> No.23666545

But yes, I do love the taste of jew cock in my mouth.

>> No.23666547

yea. and even more ironically a lot of them are ashkenazi jews, kek.

>> No.23666556

Christianity is a religion that solely befits femboys and women.

>> No.23666559

i never said i'm a neopagan howbeit

>> No.23666560

brap dedicates the last chapter of his book to saying you must be a christian republican because that‘s what normies are

>> No.23666561
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>> No.23666568

he's also a gay skinnyfat (((fag))) like you that got topped by a tranny at yale

>> No.23666584

>bringing god's chosen people up out of nowhere
i sense some jealousy

>> No.23666589

Why are you so defensive, brother? Jews rock!

>> No.23666592

amen 2 that

>> No.23666597

on the money

>> No.23666600

yea, verily

>> No.23666607

>god's chosen people
Not according to God's Word.

>> No.23666614


>> No.23666617

when did he say that brother

>> No.23666632

Pilpul commencing in 3...2...1...

>> No.23666637
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you are brown

>> No.23666638

>when did he say that brother
Here: >>23666584

>> No.23666643

Those who reject the Lord Jesus Christ aren't God's people. Read Isaiah (KJV) and the four gospel accounts.

>> No.23666647

sorry i should have specified
when did the LORD say that

>> No.23666648

Oh, I agree. The OP is a neopagan jew ready to pilpul though

>> No.23666650

i feel like these contradict each other

>> No.23666654

Pwned by low IQ writing even before you began. no wonder you're postin on the chans. How does mushka feel about her little Mazek being a schizo failson?

>> No.23666660

hop on twitter and you'll find out quick that ashkenazis like it to express their hate towards goys in a more sublimated way than their ADL counterparts

>> No.23666663

>How does mushka feel about her little Mazek being a schizo failson?
please tell me what this sentence means. i feel like i'm reading fuckin chinese over here

>> No.23666666

no thank you

>> No.23666668

ashkenazi jews never not done here

>> No.23666671
File: 389 KB, 720x437, riddle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23666674

Guenon's Reign of Quantity or Crisis of the Modern World

>> No.23666675

This is a jewish neopagan thread, you atheist retard.

>> No.23666682


I'll do as I please unless you have the means to stop me

>> No.23666699


>> No.23666742

Fuck off super satan

>> No.23667444


>> No.23667572

>havamal stanza 48
>Kind, brave people
>live best,
>they never nurture a grudge

>stanza 103
>If you want to be very wise,
>be happy at home,
>and cheerful with a guest.
>Cultivate wisdom,
>a good memory, and eloquence,
>and speak kind words often.

>stanza 69
>No one is totally wretched,
>even if his health is bad-
>some find happiness in their children,
>some in their kin,
>some in their money,
>some in work well done.

>stanza 132-133
>Never mock,
>never laugh at,
>a guest nor a wanderer.
>Those inside the house
>rarely know anything
>about the stranger who knocks at their door,
>but there is no man so good
>that he has no flaw,
>nor a man so bad he's good for nothing.

>stanza 131
>I advise you to be wary,
>though never fearful;
>be most wary about drinking,
>about other men's women,
>and about a third thing:
>about men and their temptation to steal.