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23647481 No.23647481 [Reply] [Original]

Its so comfy. Why did people tell me its bad? Its so good.

>> No.23647483

No man would ever tell you it's bad. Surely it was a woman who said so.

>> No.23647486

Nobody who's read it says it's bad. Now get on with it and read Kull and Solomon Kane too.

>> No.23647559

No no it was men who said its somehow low and garbage
Already have
>Gulka the Gorilla slayer
Pure kino

>> No.23647603

For me it's "The Pool of the Black One."

>> No.23647610

It was a thing to bash Conan a while, because it's base and sexist and anti-intellectual.
Basically, nerds were mad about it. Half of them also never read the stories, and thought Conan was going around raping women.

>> No.23647624

Scarlet Citadel for me.

>> No.23647630

Howard is the last person you would think writing rape scenes. He was extremely sensitive and many that knew him said he was basically a big teddy bear

>> No.23647661

Holy fuck thats true. It triggers nerds. I have to admit I thought he was raping women as well but then in the first published conan story the bad guys take conans women and theyre all "unused to brutality". Does conan lick pussy?

>> No.23647665
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>No no it was men who said its somehow low and garbage
Something more ridiculous than a woman then.
Howard's the only person in history who has managed to make Puritans cool.

>> No.23647684

His painter equivalent (and well known for giving Howard's works visual life). Also shit on by art faggots. How did actual men get kicked out of all the arts?

>> No.23647709

>How did actual men get kicked out of all the arts?
Anything intellectual or artistic became regarded as feminine and the popular image of the dumb, muscly, barbarian brute Conan became the "masculine" stereotype.

>> No.23647733

Conan wasn't just about brutishness. Howard's description is panther-like, agile, can move in a dark, a thief as much as a warrior. It's all around adventurer shit. Not grug-tier. And he had cool, strong women in his stories too.

>> No.23647747

they needed a strawman and it was easy to attack masculine popular literature with the public image that Howard and related works had.

sure, we know it ain't true but the damage has been done. on top of that, noone even thinks to look at the popular-ish SF/F women writers that got a start in that era like C. L. Moore or Leigh Brackett. Moore did her own Jirel of Joiry female led sword and sandal stuff while both Brackett and Moore basically did proto-Han Solo.

it's a shame but I guess it just proves that any feminist activism needs a (straw)man.

>> No.23647755

He's also resourceful, open minded, has a sense of humour, isn't above helping people in need. Almost everything people think about Conan is wrong.

>> No.23647826

>a thief as much as a warrior.
Based dual class

>> No.23647829

>ITT: bunch of LARPers come up with imaginary enemies that hate their book
I can guarantee you most people have never heard of these books nor have they ever even talked about it, positively or negatively. Which isn't to say that the books aren't great.

>> No.23647910


>> No.23647934

The book(s) are great on their own and don't need imaginary enemies to prop up their value.

>> No.23647980

Dude we're clearly discussing Conan's reputation among the greater cultural zeitgeist and tons of authors have said dumb shit about the character. That backhanded Stephen King compliment is even printed on tons of editions of the original stories. It's actually pretty disrespectful to Howard. Iirc even de Camp has said some ignorant stuff about Conan/Howard's writing in general

>> No.23648012

>the greater cultural zeitgeist
This is irrelevant shit, Conan would never stand for this.

>> No.23648027

>No no it was """"men"""" who said its somehow low and garbage

>> No.23648131
File: 24 KB, 651x500, 674B23CD-79A8-433A-860D-1D06A69D0C6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason I thought Conan was a comic book, but this thread taught me that it’s actually a set of novels, good to know, I’ll surely read them.

>> No.23648171

>For some reason I thought Conan was a comic book
Probably because he's had a bunch of really great comics for a character that didn't originate from that medium

>> No.23648189

>his painter equivalent
Frazetta's paintings aren't anything like howard's writings. frazetta didn't even read the books he painted covers for
Besides, frazetta drew nigger porn and howard was a racist who hated niggers
The comics aren't great in any way and are responsible for the shitty flanderised image most people have of conan

>> No.23648225

>The comics aren't great in any way and are responsible for the shitty flanderised image most people have of conan
Depends which ones you're talking about. Marvel's Conan the Barbarian from the 70's is pretty flanderized and shit, but Savage Sword of Conan is kino and in the issues adapting the original stories they usually have prose ripped straight from the text accompanied by great art. The Dark Horse is stuff is more of a mixed bag, but solid all around. The newer Marvel stuff was shit, Ablaze's The Cimmerian and the current Titan stuff is okay.

>> No.23648228

For the nu-Marvel stuff, I hear Jason Aaron's run was apparently good (which is surprising since it's Aaron) and Savage Avengers was fun. Otherwise the opinion of that era just seems to be "it exists".

>> No.23648262

I forgot about Savage Avengers. That was actually a pretty fun comic, so wasn't all bad I suppose.
>Jason Aaron's run
Pretty sure the upcoming issue of Titan's Savage Sword series has him writing a story with Cary Nord on art. Guess I'll find out if he's any good when I get that issue.

>> No.23648271

What's your favorite story so far?

>> No.23648888

Had a dating app profile and matched with a girl who has "sword and sorcery" as a favorite genre. She asked me what I liked and I said Conan and she called me a rapist. Wish I was joking.

>> No.23648939
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Never got round to reading it

>> No.23648961
File: 1.64 MB, 1593x1018, FvxUnk5XoAIX7TE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Solomon Kane

>> No.23649477

Not to be that edgy, TRP-overdosed incel, but maybe she's into that.
Not literally, but the fantasy.
Probably not from you though.
Sorry bud.
I don't think any female wants to get taken by a nerd who reads fantasy books then goes online and talks to other nerds about reading fantasy books...

>> No.23649754

Yeah but she was the one with "sword and sorcery" books in her bio, not me. Though I wonder what "sword and sorcery" books she is even reading then, certainly not Fritz Leiber if Conan is too controversial. My main point is your typical "reader" thinks REH Conan books are filled to the brim with Conan raping.

>> No.23650287

>howard was a racist who hated niggers
more racist than a Texan during his time though? Solomon Kane has moments where he doesn't portray them negatively and describes some black characters in a positive light.

>> No.23650416
File: 154 KB, 694x783, Frazetta-05-Conan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>frazetta didn't even read the books he painted covers for
Some of them,from the stories though. He had to read a couple at most.

>> No.23650433

((They)) need you to be feminine because female energy maintains the status quo. This is self evident as women love to conform.

>> No.23650438

Sick picture!

>> No.23650584

> Novels
Well, short stories and novellas. I think he Howard only wrote one actual Conan novel.

>> No.23650799
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He didn't have to read all of them to get the idea. They're both artists who weren't faggots. Howard was a boxer from Texas. Frazetta a greaseball from Brooklyn. Men can have their "sensitive" sides without going full retard. That's what I think is shut out currently. It's like it's all or nothing.

>> No.23651721
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>I can guarantee you most people have never heard of these books
How fucking young are you?

>> No.23651730

Not him but I was in my late 20s telling two roommates that I read Conan before bed and they knew about the movies but looked at me confused. I showed them picrel -> >>23648939 and they looked even more confused

>> No.23651785
File: 1014 KB, 2400x3600, 51pTnFE1WwL._AC_SL1500__remastered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best collection of Conan stories? Thinking of getting this one.

>> No.23651789

>And he had cool, strong women in his stories too.

Thanks for the heads up, never gonna read this slop

>> No.23651813

Actual, feminine women (female), not modern day "girlboss" shit.

Also they all get fucked by Conan anyway.

>> No.23651815

The comics are drivel seeing as they trashed howard's vision and portray conan as a shirtless berserker and his world as a classical era world
He literally just asked for an overview of the stories and then painted, he didn't read the conan or john carter stories or anything else
>He didn't have to read all of them to get the idea
He didn't get the idea seeing as his portrayl of the hyborian age is nothing like what howard described
>They're both artists who weren't faggots
Frazetta drew porn of niggers fucking white women. and this wasn't a comission either it was his private artwork

>> No.23651874

>they trashed howard's vision and portray conan as a shirtless berserker and his world as a classical era world
Conan may have the shirtless berserker appearance, but he's still plenty verbose, introspective, and crafty in the comics. No excuse for the world though.

>> No.23652674

The one in the OP is pretty good. It's all of the original Howard stories in the order he published them, without any pastiches or tampering/editing.

>> No.23652981

>The comics are drivel seeing as they trashed howard's vision and portray conan as a shirtless berserker and his world as a classical era world
None of this true lol. Read better Conan comics is all I can say

>> No.23653009

that particular collection in general is amazing. excellent illustrations and a fantastic series of stories. One of the greatest reads of my life.

>> No.23653190

Red Nails

>> No.23653316

Of the omnibuses, which ones are good - I know Roy Thomas' ones are great, so do not bother mentioning the obvious? Can I read them out of order? I have about 7 of the main one, 3 of the other, 1 king conan, and all (3?) of Kull?
i know it's not conan, but can any of you anons say anything about vampirella, the one from John Carter, and that other chick also from Dynamite? Am asking because i own a great deal of books with those characters but have never get around to actually read them, but every time I glance at them I sort of feel the urge to read them.

>> No.23653327

>Cormac Mac Art
Kek, he knew.

>> No.23653495

It's one of the few works that really is good as it's said to be. It is amazing pulp literature. I weep that Robert left this world so soon.

>> No.23654059

Sad that we never got a mature Howard writing full length novels. I do wonder what he would have produced.