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2364565 No.2364565 [Reply] [Original]

>be in library
>go specifically to area where people are supposed to shut the fuck up
>a couple comes in and sits in front of me
>they start whispering
>I think "well im not going to be a cunt and im sure they have things to do so they will stop soon."
>three hours later they have not stopped whispering,
>no one has gotten any work done
>i move


>> No.2364571

this is University library by the way, also there is a specific section for collaborative learning where people are supposed to talk

>> No.2364582

"I'm sorry, but can you guys keep it down please? This section is reserved for studying."

>> No.2364583

For 3 hours you endured this? Here's a similar story.

>At Library, designated shut the fuck up floor
>Guy near me on phone, his voice, while low, is booming because most people are being quiet. He hangs up after a few minutes.
>Thanks buddy, time to get back to studying
>Black guy sits down, loud as hell, speaking in ebonics.
>Immediately gets on phone, speaking impeccably loud, swearing extensively, and generally conforming to every negative stereotype about blacks
>That's it.
>Get up, go over to him, "Excuse me."
>He ignores me
>Bang on his table "EXCUSE ME"
>He looks at me like a scratched his car. "What?"
>You're being incredibly loud.
>"And be quiet."
>"Whenever I get off da phone, yea. Other people is talkin too"
>Tell him he's rude and leave because if I stayed to listen to this nigger any longer I was going to be convicted of a hate crime.

>> No.2364584

if you are too beta to tell them to shut up
then its your own fault

>> No.2364586

That is an amazing apartment and view you've got there, op. I'm jealous.

>> No.2364589

Could you BE more beta? Jesus

>> No.2364602

By keeping quiet instead of confronting him? He was hardly "beta"

>> No.2364606


that's... not how that word would traditionally be used, certainly

>> No.2364609

It's not like I wouldn't have but in the situation I felt like I would have been made out to look like an asshole and i realized it wasnt worth it. Also I kept on with the logi that they were going to shut up eventually because at first they were on and off.

>> No.2364662

I have yet another another story about annoying people in libraries

>dead silent library filled with students studying
>guy behind me starts taping pen really loudly
>clearly annoying everyone around
>asian girl gets up and politely asks if he's the one making that tapping noise
>guy starts questioning whether it's HER who's making the tapping noise
>asian girl timidly sits back down and the tapping continues twice as loud
>asian girl asks me if I hear the noise
>I get up, turn around, call him a fucking asshole cunt bitch or some other string of expletives rather loudly
>pull out a switch blade and start stabbing him repeatedly and everyone starts screaming and I turn around to the asian girl, tell her that we're in a library and that she should keep quiet and slit her throat and start fucking her jugular orifice

Nah that last part didn't happen it was more like this:

>I leave because he's obviously going to continue
>tapping continues

Don't make annoying noises in libraries. It's the best way to make strangers want to strangle you.

>> No.2364676
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>not being born hard of hearing
>not being able to turn off your hearing aid and study and read in absolute silence when you want to

Get on my level, casual 24/7 always on hearing people

>> No.2364684

That'd be kinda awesome actually.

The slightest noise prevents my being able to concentrate, and especially anyone talking.

>> No.2364714
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You wouldn't believe how useful it was when I wrote the LSAT in a room full of clicking and shuffling pencils. The boost in concentration I got from the complete silence helped me ace the test.

And don't even get me started on sleeping on airplanes or in a noisy apartment. Just take out my hearing aid, and shut my eyes. Instant sleep. So good.

My hearing aid has bluetooth, so when I feel like it, I hide my Ipod and bluetooth transmitter in my pocket and listen to lowkey ambient music in class without being hassled by the teacher.

My hearing aid also comes with an incredibly powerful shotgun mic which I can activate when I feel like. Its intended function was to help people in noisy social situations, but it works equally well for eavesdropping on whispered conversations


>> No.2364767

damn, dat shit sounds tight

most people here would benefit from just getting some cheap-ass foam earplugs. put those things in, and you'll have to look up to confirm whether there are still people around you.