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File: 25 KB, 270x339, 270px-Paradise_Lost_19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2361962 No.2361962 [Reply] [Original]

Shouldn't we praise the Satan for showing us what a lying pleb God really was? God never wanted us to know good and evil. Satan on the other hand was a bro and told Eve to eat the apple.

>> No.2361965
File: 157 KB, 742x811, Nietzsche187a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't you heard?
God is dead.

>> No.2361968


>> No.2361969

b-but.. they're not real

>> No.2361970

That wasn't Satan. It was just a serpent ,which happened to be idol from a pagan religion. The whole point of adding it in was to bastardize the group practicing it by saying that they ruined society.

>> No.2361982
File: 32 KB, 800x387, sat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2362005
File: 198 KB, 411x614, note.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one has ever considered that before.

>> No.2362021

Satan gave man free will.

>> No.2362029 [DELETED] 

Anyone got that list for Prince Of Nothing?

Celebrimbor - Khellus Anasûrimbor
Dúnedain - Dûnyain
Eä - Eärwa

>> No.2362032


>> No.2362071

>lying pleb

I've heard God criticized in a fascinating variety of ways, but that, anon, is the icing on the cake. Made me lol.

>> No.2362102

If Satan punishes the evil-doers, wouldn't that make him the good guy?

>> No.2362107


No, he took it away.

>> No.2362112

Currently reading, about 4 chapters in and is it normal reaction to be rooting for Lucifer/Satan? God just comes off as an overbearing tosser.

>> No.2362123

Spoilers: Satan is actually working for God. Also, "Satan" is a job description rather than a name.

Fuck, Satan has free access to Heaven, and when he visits, God doesn't go "YOU DEVIL, WHAT YOU DO HERE", he just goes "Oh, hey, Satan. What up? Where you been, man?"

And then Satan says "Shit, I've just been hanging out, you know? I've been wandering around the Earth for a bit, checking shit out."

And God says "Cool, man! Have you checked out that guy Job? He's one of mine, dude! Fucking sweet!"

And Satan, this being his job, says "No, I don't think he really likes you. You should test that shit."

And God goes, "Yeah, I will. Thanks, Satan!"

>> No.2362126


And after finding out who is directing the movie does anyone else think it'll be pretty shitty? It is being made as the same bloke who did Knowing and I, Robot.