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/lit/ - Literature

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2360411 No.2360411 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, how's it going?
What are you reading currently? How are you liking it?
What do you plan on reading next?

>> No.2360415

I'm currently reading the early journals of Virginia Woolf alongside 'le petit prince'. After these, I'll be reading Asterix in the original and Saul Bellow's 'Herzog'.

>> No.2360414

good, tanks
currently reading demons by dostoyevsky, liking it so far
dno yet, maybe the moviegoer by percy walker, or golden bowl by henry james
what abt you op?

>> No.2360425

Also, the journals are interesting and provide a 'key' for some of her later novels. Le petit prince is pretty good, the first novella I've read in French.

>> No.2360432

Currently reading Frankenstein. Up next is Paradise Lost. Coincidentally, there is a Paradise Lost quote in the beginning of my copy of Frankentstein.

"Did I request thee, Maker, from my clay To mould me Man., did I solicit thee From darkness to promote me?"

After that, I'll probably read Breakfast of Champions or A Farewell to Arms.

>> No.2360455

A Clash Of Kings. Boring, Martin keeps putting good chapter after chapter and then suddenly it's Catelyn.
Steel and snow

>> No.2360460

War of the Worlds, Lolita, and Lord of the Rings. War of the Worlds started slow but it's picking up, Lolita is pretty boring, and Lord of the Rings is good but it'll take me ages to get through it so I'm reading shorter books at the same time.
I plan on reading either the Picture of Dorian Gray or a Brief History of Time.

>> No.2360461
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Leaving the Atocha Station. I'm not liking it that much anymore. It was okay to begin with, but the deeper I get into it's just a middle class white kids tales about how he visited spain, got high, drunk and had sex with the locals. I'm scottish, I do this every summer.

>> No.2360466

I also have no idea why I saged. And my next read is going to be a poetry collection. I do not know which yet.

>> No.2360476

Can you please read Your Father on the Train of Ghosts, by GC Waldrep and John Gallaher? I want to know what it's like but don't want to buy for it a while yet.

>> No.2360485
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just finished The Grass Harp. i liked it but i liked Other Voices, Other Rooms better.

What should i read next /lit/?
Music For Chameleons
The Sound and the Fury
The Violent Bear it Away
As I Lay Dying

>> No.2360489

The Sound And The Fury

>> No.2360505

I read 'Automated Town' an excerpt from it, and the title seems interesting. I may actually pick this up.

The question is why would you want me to read it for you. My opinion on /lit/ isn't highly respected.

>> No.2360513

I'm reading Catch-22 which is taking an incredibly long time to finish between work and school...but I love the book.

Trying to decide between Blood Meridian, Brave New World, and Slaughter-House Five next.

>> No.2360517

best to read "as i lay dying" before "the sound and the fury".

>> No.2360528

what is the reasoning behind this?
is it just an easier access point into Faulkner?

>> No.2360531

From whence did you get that picture? And do you know her name? She's breathtaking.

I'm currently reading The Great Gatsby.

It's boring. I fell asleep while I was reading it on two separate occasions. I'm 130 pages into it and it finally had some conflict
going on.

My next book will probably be Hamlet. The Odyssey is going to be read soon as well.

>> No.2360536
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Reading 11/22/63(King) and Arguably(Hitch). Both are pretty awesome, next i'm going to read In Cold Blood.

>> No.2360541

>is it just an easier access point into Faulkner?

yeah, pretty much.

>> No.2360552

Lord of the Flies. Probably Moby Dick next.

>> No.2360554

ok thanks

>> No.2360556

Because I want to read more contemporary poetry and I would like to see more discussion of it on this board. Also, I don't look down on your opinions and never have done. I actually think you're a pretty decent tripfag.

>> No.2360663

Benjamin Burgis - Truth is a One-Player Game: A Defense of Monaletheism and Classical Logic.

A friend of mine's dissertation. It's pretty good actually. http://scholarlyrepository.miami.edu/oa_dissertations/677/


I'm not sure what is next. I've been thinking about reading more of Steven Pinker's books since I read one of his recently (The Blank Slate). However, I also want to read a textbook on linguistics, as my knowledge of that has come in a non-structured way (Wikipedia). That and something like 50 other books currently on my to-read list.

>> No.2360728
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>Hey /lit/, how's it going?

>What are you reading currently? How are you liking it?
Schacht's account of Will to Power. Pleasant enough but not very ambitious, just bread and butter herpaderp power-relationship stuff

>What do you plan on reading next?
What I'd like to read? Certeau's 'Practice of Everyday Life'
GOTTA GO FAST tho so I will probably be spending most of my reading time for the next couple of months on bits and pieces

>> No.2360749
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I'm doing well thank you.
Currently Reading
Byzantine Slavery and the Mediterranean World - Rotman
>Scholarly and thick, but I think the French translation and the specific topic are to blame.
Venice: Pure City - Peter Ackroyd
>So far a dry but informative account of the wettest most unique city. Loving it. Beautiful book.
Theodora: Portrait in a Byzantine Landscape - Anthony Bridge
>Quite a vivid focus on this empresses period, and so far he's gone into how much they loved their chariot races
Dante | A Life - R.W.B. Lewis
>This one is great too. I'll probably never read his stuff, but knowing him and his world is fascinating
So far on the first chapters of all four

>What do you plan on reading next?
Oh I'm sure you're taking careful notation. That's enough for now son.

>> No.2361029

i'm literally on the last story of ficciones. it's been a nice little book but willing myself through a book in spanish is tiring. i think it's an ugly language. although several of his stories sound more like very detailed treatments for novels than stand-alone short stories, as if he just wanted to shoot the shit or talk about a concept than, you know, executing it.

next book is la fille aux yeux d'or, because I need to practice my french for a test.

>> No.2361066

Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert. It's fantastic. The language is stunningly beautiful. I'm almost finished with it.

I have a copy of Middlesex by Jeffery Eugenides sitting, at the ready, on my desk. I read an interview with him in the Winter 2011 Paris Review and felt compelled to find his work.

>> No.2361078

I read that about a month ago and was decidedly underwhelmed and disappointed (Madame Bovary, not Middlesex, which I have not read but heard good things). I understand its historical value, but I found it pretty drab.

>> No.2361102

>Hey /lit/, how's it going?
Enjoying my day in bed.
>What are you reading currently? How are you liking it?
Too many to keep track of. Quran, Bible, awaiting my Book of Mormon in my theology/religion exploration. In terms of 'actual books' I'm breaking into IQ84. Halfway through Rich Dad, Poor Dad, almost finished Accidental Billionaires. Plus half a dozen others which I've only cracked open, then kept for a rainy day.
>What do you plan on reading next?
Benjamin Franklin, Isaacson
Hardcore Zen, Brad Warner
Great Expectations, Charles Dickens

>> No.2361114

well, it seems silly saying this here, but I just finished A Feast For Crows and am starting The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.