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/lit/ - Literature

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2359875 No.2359875 [Reply] [Original]

This is the fucking /lit/ board

Not music
Not movies
Not comics
Not video games
Not fantasy novels

This is /lit/

>> No.2359883

>not metaposting
>not bawwwing

>> No.2359887

All those things are literature.

>> No.2359892

Chopin is literature

>> No.2359896

What about books that are made into movies?

>> No.2359898

You say rate my story, I say sage reported
You say Rand, I say Dewey
You say Tao Lin, I say Ulillillia
You say D.F.Wallace, I say Pynchon
You say Murakami, I say Kafka
You say Bolano, I say Joyce
You say Tolkien, I say The Holy Bible(KJV)
You say Game of Thrones, I say Homer
You say Hesse, I say Goethe
You say Calvino, I say Nabakov
You say Dostoevsky, I say Henry James
You say Marx, I say Keynes
You say Hitchens, I say W.F.Buckley
You say Camus, I say Russell
You say Husserl, I say Frege
You say Heidegger, I say Wittgenstein

92% of posters on /lit/ have turned to sci-fi and fantasy. If you are part of the 8% that still reads real literature, copy and paste this message to your five other threads. DON'T LET THE SPIRIT OF INTELLECTUALISM DIE!!!!!!!

>> No.2359901

Seriously though, I agree with these:

>Not music
>Not movies
>Not comics
>Not video games

Please keep that shit off /lit/, along with stuff like "What do you smoke/drink/eat/wear/pose like while you read?"

>> No.2359902

Dostoevsky > James, fag.

>> No.2359903

You say Camus, I say Kafka

>> No.2359904

>If it's Russian it must be good

>> No.2359905
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>> No.2359910

if it's Dostoevsky, Bulgakov, or Gogol it must be good.

>> No.2359913
File: 146 KB, 1038x800, eminem-7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's discuss Eminem lyrics, it's literature! Look, he's Alex from a clockwork orange. I had to explain it to all my friends because they are such plebes hahahahaha I love starbucks

>> No.2359914 [DELETED] 

>you say Calvino, I saw Nabakov

>> No.2359920

Alright faggot, if you've got a good idea for a thread about what you in your infinite wisdom deem to be literature, post it. If not, stfu.

>> No.2359922

it's thoroughly unfair how you've grouped the likes of DFW and Dostoevsky and Bolano with the likes of Rand and Tao Lin and Murakami.

>> No.2359924
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>> No.2359932

>Not fantasy novels

Science fiction and fantasy are both genres of literature.

Many classics of science fiction and fantasy are also considered classics of literature in general.

Anything by HG Wells, Robert Heinlein, Phillip K Dick, or JRR Tolkien for example.

>> No.2359936
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Fuck off, faggot.

>> No.2359938

Tolkien is not considered a classic of literature in general. It's classic fantasy.

He did not influence a single author outside of fantasy.

>> No.2359954

Maybe, but heavily influencing authors of you're own genre is still an accomplishment.

But my point is that science fiction and fantasy shouldn't be dismissed without a second thought as "not lit".

I'll admit 90% of the genre is little more than pure entertainment, but the real gems of the genre are good enough to be considered literary classics instead of just another "sword & sorcery" or "lasers & spaceships" book.

>> No.2359957


>heavily influencing authors of you're own genre is still an accomplishment.

Not if that influence is bad influence, like in the case of Tolkien.

>> No.2359976

I don't understand the Tolkien hate. He wrote the iconic novels of the fantasy genre.

Did everybody and their brother copy him? Yes. But to take that out on Tolkien is a bit unfair.

>> No.2359980



I mean


Now it's Tolkien's fault that a lot of people ripped off LotR? Are we gonna give his corpse some jail time for that now? Seriously?

>> No.2359983


>He wrote the iconic novels of the high fantasy genre.


>> No.2359984

Yeah, it's an accomplishment, but within fantasy. I like Tolkien, I don't have anything against him, but I don't think he is classic of literature "in general".

Robert Louis Stevenson might be just a cool adventure writer, but he influenced the likes of Nabokov and Borges too...

I mean, Tolkien is praised, but he is praised for the way he dealed with those fantasy themes. Those who were influenced by him have a mentality of "doing like Tolkien", whether they achieve something or not. In the case, I'm comparing him to Stevenson and certainly Nabokov is not trying to be "like Stevenson", much like Hemingway did not try to be like Twain.

>> No.2359986


>Now it's Tolkien's fault that a lot of people ripped off LotR?

No, it's his fault LoTR wasn't very good.

>> No.2359995


Oh god. I haven't browsed /lit/ since its first few days... you guys don't like Tolkien anymore? What happened?

>> No.2359997
File: 39 KB, 235x232, quitgettinmadatliterature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the "mediocre" figures in Russian literature would be considered impressive if they came from a country with a lesser canon (that is, any other fucking country).

>> No.2360002

It's just this thing that we do.

I think it's more the works though. The Hobbit is generally thought to be good, LoTR not so much. Plus lots of discussion by dicks who can't into Death of the Author.

>> No.2360004

No we never liked Toliken. It's just that /lit/ has been invaded by angry Uni undergrads who hate anything that isn't in the Western Canon. (For that matter I don't think we've even had a Divine Comedy thread. Sad.)

>> No.2360005

Next you're going to tell me that only neckbeards from /tg/ like Tolkien.

I almost raged.

>> No.2360006

I think most of us do (well, I certainly do, and I'm not even a fantasyfag), but a vocal minority have taken issue with him recently.

>> No.2360011

Arguing about opinions is retarded.
This thread is retarded.
Read what you want, you idiots.
Now shut the fuck up and go read a book.

>> No.2360012

/lit/ has always been about the discussion of things that most people read in high school or college.

Every time I come in here it's 1984 or Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.2360017

>This thread is retarded.

Not entirely, it's true that music, movies and vidya have no place here.

>> No.2360016


>No we never liked Toliken.

Are you fucking kidding me? This board (or at least what I saw of it) was all about Tolkien and Rowling during its first days.

>> No.2360018
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>implying /lit/ doesn't like genre stuff

>> No.2360019

don't forget rand.

>> No.2360030

You're right, those things have no place on this board; however, you will notice that the posts in this thread have nothing to do with vidya, music, or movies.

>> No.2360032

I still have to laugh at how /lit/ has banned all discussion of an author.

It's like you don't even realize the irony.

>> No.2360035


Oh god, how did I forget.

>> No.2360040

Because in the first days it was composed of everyone else on 4chan stopping by and wanting to talk about books they read, which meant mostly Rowling, Colfer, Tolkien, and highschool required reading.

Now they're all gone and us fags left here are just stuck circlejerking about stupid shit forever.

>> No.2360045
File: 69 KB, 300x393, rand.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of that was ironic though. It was already commonly accepted fact all across 4chan that if there was ever a /lit/ board the best trolling material would be Rand.

>> No.2360056

Welcome to life, stranger.

>> No.2360066


>Arguing about opinions is retarded.

What else are we supposed to argue about?

>> No.2360071


>> No.2360074

Fair question.

We should probably be arguing about ethics. Arguing about whether or not Tolkien is good just seems absolutely retarded to me.

>> No.2360079


Perhaps you just don't understand what critical evaluation is.

>> No.2360084
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Oh look, the guy in his high tower trying to teach us that same vague message


We do read what we want, but we also tell you why we don't want your shit novels

>> No.2360085

It is in lit's true nature to argue about Tolkien. We do it without effort or deliberation, therefore it is in a sense moral to do so, or more that it would be something like immoral not to.

>> No.2360090

>not realising that /lit/ is more a sub-community on 4chan as opposed to a board of lit enthusiasts.

>> No.2360091


Honestly this is the first time I see this board since then and I think it would be better if it went back to those days. Even though it was mostly mainstream books being discussed, the posts were surprisingly good.

>> No.2360098

I agree.

I really wish literature was capable of having more drive and anticipation behind it like /a/ or /v/ content can. I want to get excited about book release dates. I think 1Q84's release was the only recent thing anything like that though.

>> No.2360106

We simply lack the population

>> No.2360108

Ayn Rand and Tao Lin threads everywhere on day 1

>> No.2360113
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Oh look, another thread full of stereotypes about sci-fi and fantasy.

>> No.2360369

Since when did /lit/ turn into /mu/?

Remember when the board just started and everyone was neat and classy instead of being pretentious motherfuckers about everything?

>> No.2360481


>> No.2360496
File: 8 KB, 251x151, 1323822998053s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you expect on a website full of basement dweller /v/ aspies?

>> No.2360499

> when the board just started and everyone was neat and classy


> "you had an arseful of farts that night, darling, and i fucked them all out of you"
> nigger-Lovecraft
> CUM-guy
> Rand and Salinger trolling all over front page
> paedo-fanfic
> Doctor Kashmir
> A Thread of Trolls

>> No.2360515

>implying Kashmir wasn't class as fuck

>> No.2360522

> implying the other stuff on that list wasn't classy as fuck

>> No.2360825

So he posts a picture of John Boehner's eyes...

OP is about to cry?


>> No.2360972

> A Thread of Trolls

Say what you want about it, but isn't it a good thing that HBO has gotten people hooked on a pretty good fantasy series?

I would have never picked up any of the Song of Ice & Fire series without first getting hooked on the HBO show.

>> No.2360984

why do you torture me so?

>> No.2360985

No one I know has ever read or even heard of The Divine Comedy.

Also, is Paradise Lost still getting that action movie adaption from Hollywood?

>> No.2360991

This makes me think, has any of you ever read Ulillillia's book?

>> No.2360993

Probably because they'd know it better as Dante's Inferno.

>> No.2361525

what happened to quentin the tripfag?

>> No.2361530

He's on /v/ a lot of the time.

>> No.2361552