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File: 5 KB, 160x236, kierkefag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2359609 No.2359609 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We hate on Kierkegaard.

>mfw I'm Kierkeshit
>mfw I believe you need to have unjustified and absurd faith
>mfw nothing can exist or have meaning outside oneself and one's faith, effectively.

>> No.2359618

>mfw I'm kierkegaard and troll people as hard from the grave as I did when I was alive
>mfw I'm kierkegaard and chinks learn Danish, a most useless language, just to read me
>mfw I'm kierkegaard and I have a research institute dedicated to me

>> No.2359623
File: 619 KB, 200x150, dirch passer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw it's the same face

>> No.2359645
File: 29 KB, 315x375, KIERKEGAARD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm Kierkegaard whose hair is more fabulous than all of yours.

>> No.2359663

2deep4u + umad

>> No.2359671

>trolling Kierkegaard

Can i know why?

>> No.2359674

I took a picture of him to the hairdresser once, true story.

>> No.2359675
File: 17 KB, 380x149, kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2359696

just finished fear and trembling. don't think "teleological suspension of the ethical" is a good justification for abraham's actions but its a nice tool that i'll use in other areas. that's what you don't get. so what if you don't buy his conclusions on faith or anything else? he is one of the greatest destroyers in philosophy, you can learn so many techniques to hammer away at totalizing systems (like Hegel's, as he often does). by doing so you carve out your own freedom by creating cracks in systems that purport to fit you in nicely somewhere.

>> No.2359732
File: 13 KB, 300x250, soren-kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm kierkegaard
>mfw the girl I left hooks up with another man within a month
>mfw the rest of my existence is spent in depression

>> No.2359739


lol is that actually him?

>> No.2359742

That's August Strindberg for God's sake

>> No.2359751
File: 93 KB, 607x405, Kierkegaard (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm Kierkegaard, and I'm the star of a vampire romance novel.

>> No.2359759
File: 65 KB, 362x403, murrka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mfw Murka-friend can't understand freedom as something one struggles with

>> No.2359760
File: 11 KB, 330x477, Kierkegaard_200-330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw kerkegaurd

>> No.2359766

Wasn't Kierk the embodiment of betaness?

>> No.2359768

I never thought of it that way, but.....


>> No.2359774

I've never thought of it this way entry-level pleb.

>> No.2359777


No. he broke off the engagement. Fuck that bitch.

very alpha

>> No.2359779

All his philosophy was pretty much based on his drama after rejecting her

She found another guy to fuck

He was forever alone

>> No.2359781


psychological reductivism = can't admit 2deep4u

>> No.2359783

Come to /lit/ for your favorite complex philosophies reduced to memes!

>> No.2359784

Killing your god is pretty alpha imo.
Though he never did, so yes.

>> No.2359789

Yes, I also blame him for ruining the reputation of my surname which is almost the same as his. And for getting people to continually ask me whether I am related to him.

>mfw I'm kierkegaard and chinks learn Danish, a most useless language, just to read me

Not that useless. Very similar to Norwegian and Swedish, so one can read those with some proficiency as well if one learns Danish.

Hate him mostly for being such a bad philosopher.

>> No.2359793


this is why we need a /phi/ board. For those who think 4chan is the place to discuss complex philosophies.

commence the petitioning of the moot!

>> No.2359802

As much as I would like to see that happen,
I don't think it would be much better than here.

>> No.2359805


>Not that useless. Very similar to Norwegian and Swedish, so one can read those with some proficiency as well if one learns Danish.

Awesome. Then you can go question your existence in all of scandinavia

>> No.2359814

same person

>> No.2359824
File: 95 KB, 316x500, kierkegaard-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to dig deeper, DEEPER

>> No.2359834


who says it has to be good? it could serve as a decoy for the pretentious

>> No.2359842

>implying there wouldn't be idiots going >>>/phi/ all the time

>> No.2359851

He's implying that that would be a good thing, leaving /lit/ idiot-free, which I don't see happening.

>> No.2359856

>Implying kierkegaard isn't the greatest existentialist AND theological philosopher of all times.

oh /lit/, you're so silly.

>> No.2359860

Do you also think Nietzsche was a bad philosopher? What is wrong with their leanings?

>> No.2359870


As a friend put it to me yesterday, their thinking/writing is too fluffy.

>> No.2359885

Both you and your friend are plebs who cannot into Nietzsche.

>> No.2359900

Kierkegaard is so important in our theological debate i think, since we need to accept that to have faith, you have to leap into the absurd. This CANNOT be argued against, but if the theists accept this, that they cannot reason for their faith, they will be rejected by the academic society. But they will at least be tolerated, which they shouldn't be now, intelligent design et cetera.
Kierkegaard would call intelligent design blasphemous, not evolutionary scientists.

>> No.2359946

>During most of his life Wittgenstein took great interest in Kierkegaard. It could well be that this interest goes back to his youth in Vienna when he donated a sum of money to Theodor Haecker who through his translations and own writings introduced Kierkegaard to an Austrian audience. At any rate his friend Norman Malcolm much later reports that Wittgenstein held Kierkegaard in esteem and referred to him "with something of awe in his expression as a 'really religious' man". According to another friend, O'Drury, he even called Kierkegaard "a saint" and "by far the most profound thinker of the last century". Malcolm also tells us that Wittgenstein had read THE CONCLUDING UNSCIENTIFIC POSTSCRIPT but found it "too deep" for him.

>> No.2359953

what does ITT mean?

>> No.2359970

"I'm [a] Tremendous Tosser"

>> No.2359971

Internet Technology Theatre.

>> No.2359991

In this trend, like "in this trend of hating of Kierkegaard, I'll state the following"

>> No.2359994

I think that...

>> No.2360000

"It's true that"

>> No.2360007

"I talk to", as in "I talk to those who think that..."

>> No.2360013

It's a deformed "InTo iT"

>> No.2360037
File: 80 KB, 399x650, thesicknessuntodeath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kierkegaard personally.

>> No.2360048
File: 402 KB, 2084x1527, kierkegaardbeaton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2360049

I too think...

>> No.2360051

Iesus, Teneo Te
Jesus, I have you. When you feel like you have backed someone into an intellectual corner.

>> No.2360058
File: 1.29 MB, 480x360, dachshound gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behind Nietzsche or Heidegger.
2/10, bro.

>> No.2360062

How readable/accessible is that book? I'm not well acquainted with philosophy but it caught my eye while I was browsing through Amazon the other day. If you reassure me well enough I'll buy it on Monday.

>> No.2360065

Poor man's Kierkegaard and Hegel.

>> No.2360129
File: 56 KB, 334x575, Kierkegaard..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very accessible. Kierkegaard just sort of talks about things. His approachability is probably a big part of why he's so widely liked.

>A despairing man is in despair over something. So it seems for an instant, but only for an instant; that same instant the true despair manifests itself, or despair manifests itself in its true character. For in the fact that he despaired of something, he really despaired of himself, and now would be rid of himself. Thus when the ambitious man whose watchword was "Either Caesar or nothing" does not become Caesar, he is in despair thereat. But this signifies something else, namely, that precisely because he did not become Caesar he now cannot endure to be himself. So properly he is not in despair over the fact that he did not become Caesar, but he is in despair over himself for the fact that he did not become Caesar...In a profounder sense it is not the fact that he did not become Caesar which is intolerable to him, but the self which did not become Caesar is the thing that is intolerable; or, more correctly, what is intolerable to him is that he cannot get rid of himself. If he had become Caesar he would have been rid of himself in desperation, but now that he did not become Caesar he cannot in desperation get rid of himself. Essentially he is equally in despair in either case, for he does not possess himself, he is not himself. By becoming Caesar he would not after all have become himself but have got rid of himself, and by not becoming Caesar he falls into despair over the fact that he cannot get rid of himself. Hence it is a superficial view (which presumably has never seen a person in despair, not even one’s own self) when it is said of a man in despair, "He is consuming himself." For precisely this it is he despairs of, and to his torment it is precisely this he cannot do, since by despair fire has entered into something that cannot burn, or cannot burn up, that is, into the self.

>> No.2360159

>A despairing man is in despair over something. For in the fact that he despaired of something, he really despaired of himself, and now would be rid of himself. When the ambitious man whose watchword was "Either Caesar or nothing" does not become Caesar, it is not the fact that he did not become Caesar which is intolerable to him, but that he cannot get rid of himself and become Caesar. Hence it is a superficial view to say "He is consuming himself," for precisely this it is he despairs of.


Much better.

>> No.2360166

i can't find a pdf of either/or anywhere, and the closest decent bookshop is about eight hours by car.

>> No.2360169

If you're an atheist and you hate Kierkegaard, you clearly don't understand him. I'm not saying he should convert you, far from it. You should be able to use Kierkegaard's ideas to express existentialism to the religious. Religious people don't get existentialism. Just like they don't fully appreciate the insight of Nietzsche or Buddhism. Religious people are concerned with existential thoughts even though they don't admit it because they think they've surpassed it when really all they've done is cut a short cut through the maze wall. Whenever they do encounter Existentialism they dismiss it lazily usually by misinterpreting Kierkegaard. Kierkegaard doesn't agree with them and if they knew better they wouldn't agree with Kierkegaard. If they could be made to understand Kierkegaard then they would encounter Heidegger, Sartre, and Camus and have a more complete understanding of their being.

>> No.2360171

Well, you're a dick and you deserve it.

>> No.2360180

i deserve not to be able to find either/or? why.

>> No.2360184

Well, you're a dick

>> No.2360202

have i offended you in any way?

>> No.2360222

You seem like a cool guy so here.
They didn't have it at my book store.
I love Either/Or


>> No.2360233


This. I'm an atheist and appreciate existentialism greatly. Religionfags remain confused.

>> No.2360247
File: 55 KB, 725x291, 1322974380131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you very much!

>> No.2360257


So you can learn two and a half languages (Norwegian and Danish might as well be one language, eff you nationalists) to speak to fewer people than there are in… Florida.

>> No.2360259


Also: http://youtu.be/8_iixmqSBQw

>> No.2360277

but you know, florida isn't exactly the world's center of literature. and there's a whole lot of cool guys whom you can read if you know danish/norwegian/swedish.

it's almost never useless to learn a language.

>> No.2360287

unless you learn esperanto

>> No.2360699

Yes, when you put it that way, it sounds worse than it is. There may not be very many Scandinavians, but learning a foreign language is a very valuable thing. Besides, for a native speaker of English, these are among the easiest languages to learn (Norwegian being the easiest). Well, not counting constructed languages (like Esperanto).

Also, I forgot to add. One can speak with people from Greenland and Faroe Islands as well (most of them learn Danish). This is a rather large area on the map.

Then there is the literature one can read in its original language.

>> No.2360704

Marry and you will regret it etc
Dude had issues

>> No.2360705

You are wrong. It is very useful to learn Esperanto.

And, the quality of people who can speak EO is really high. One can see this from the fact that EO Wikipedia is just as large (# of articles) as DA Wikipedia, even though DA has a lot more speakers. The highest estimate of how many can speak EO is about 2,000,000. That's less than half of speakers of DA and very likely very inflated.

>> No.2360717


are you married or just bigot?

>> No.2360737

are you entirely aware of what I'm talking about? There was a bit more to that quote than the first sentence.

>> No.2360752


I'm not saying it's useless, I'm saying Scandinaviafag's reasons were kind of silly, because it isn't super useful. And Florida may not be, but English is.

I am all for learning small languages (hell, I read Ancient Greek and actually would like to learn Danish myself), but I don't pretend it's useful in a non–hobbyist/intellectual–stimulation sense.

>> No.2360757


totally agree. wiki is interesting on this:

Adorno · Auden · Barth · Becker · Bergson · Binswanger · Bonhoeffer · Borges · Brandes · Brunner · Buber · Camus · Croxall · de Beauvoir · Derrida · Dreyfus · Frankl · Gadamer · Heidegger · Hesse · Ibsen · Jaspers · Kafka · Marcel · Marcuse · May · Muggeridge · Percy · Rilke · Sartre · Shestov · Strindberg · Tillich · Unamuno · Updike · Urs von Balthasar · Welsh · Wittgenstein

>> No.2362135

But I dont hate him. He's one of my favorites.

>> No.2362156
File: 47 KB, 523x452, Stirner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was the first actual existentialist
>mfw I published a book in 1944 destroying all philosophical and religious thought that kept me back from intellectual freedom whilst Kierkegaard was still and would ever be struggling with his God
>mfw I was a zen master in disguise stating that things have no inherent value or meaning in themselves, only what I project on it, I being not some sort of tangible self but the "creative nothing".
>mfw Nietzsche said nothing about me because every time he tried he felt his own philosophy fall apart before the bullwark of my glorious egoism
>mfw I can't be touched, won't be touched, haven't been touched
>mfw the person who put the most effort in destroying me came no further than "he doesn't take in consideration the historical hurr" (not understanding existentialist thought departing from the experience of the self) and "he supported free trade/wasn't a communist and that's not nice."

>> No.2362206

Culture isn't spread as thin in Europe as it is in America.

>> No.2362392
File: 35 KB, 500x356, zen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddha was the first existentialist.

>> No.2362399

Foucault does that without being bullshit.

Your move, Kierkefriend.

>> No.2362402
File: 7 KB, 554x565, Cheerleader.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy this guy again

>> No.2362407

It's funny because [NAME REDACTED] spent books trying to prove that people are primarily motivated by their own desires, and after that, she came to the conclusion that it's absolutely fine to be a complete asshole to everyone.

Meanwhile, Stirner just started from that assumption, and never reached anywhere near the heights of colossal douchiness that she did.

Why don't you like Stirner?

>> No.2362416

I like Stirner. I just don't think he's the bees knees, although he is certainly worth a read. He writes poorly, he has all this post-hegelian bluster and he spends most of the book beating a horse he killed within the first quarter of it, or to be generous, half. I don't think he follows his thought through to the utmost on a number of areas.

>> No.2362430

>>mfw I published a book in 1944 destroying all philosophical and religious thought that kept me back from intellectual freedom whilst Kierkegaard was still and would ever be struggling with his God
Kierkegaard's struggling with his God is identical at Stirner's struggling with the "nothing" that bases his cause. Kierkegaard's belief has nothing to do with christianity as we know it.

>Kierkegaard would call intelligent design blasphemous, not evolutionary scientists.
Bullshit. Have you even read him?

>> No.2362431

The sophists were, silly.

Officially though, it's K

>> No.2362440 [DELETED] 

ugh, sorry about the half part of the post. Misunderstood it the first time I read it.

>> No.2362442

ugh, sorry about the second half part of the post. Misunderstood it the first time I read it.

>> No.2362711
File: 32 KB, 608x480, stirner5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"That guy" here, and thanks for recognizing. I'm very interested in which ways you think he didn't follow through.

Also, I myself don't think Stirner is the be all and end all of philosophy, but I find him strangely, almost suspiciously ignored in most discussions (not just on this board, everywhere) so I try to summon him where appropriate.

I do agree with you on the lousy writing though, in the sense that he repeats himself a lot. But I can't help but think it's party a parody of the philosophical climate of his time. When he is at his best however, he is glorious.

>> No.2362713

the first guy to wonder why he exists is the first existentialist. was that guy buddha?

>> No.2362717


That's a rather wide interpretation of what existentialism is. In that case, it was probably Satan.

>> No.2362736


>> No.2363233

Hemmingway is an existentialist too, most people overlook it.

>> No.2364111

>I find him strangely, almost suspiciously ignored in most discussions

Marx commenced probably the most successful intellectual beatdown on Stirner which left him practically erased from history.

>> No.2364119

Libertarians seem to be re-embracing him. He's like Ayn Rand without the ethical egoism/free market capitalism, or something like that.

>> No.2364167



Links provide a far more detailed look on Stirner's "disappearance".

>> No.2364181

Marx does tend to do that. His critiques are fucking devastating.

>> No.2364253
File: 43 KB, 640x372, ear-pulling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw you haven't traveled widely in Europe or America

>> No.2364278

Stirner is great but he is ultimately great in materialism. Kierkegaard deals in the same respects but to idealism.

Marx tried to critique Stirner. He shelved his critique cause he couldn't figure out fundamentally how Stirner could be wrong. None of them could really figure out how. The problem was that they were all Hegelian. Also, i fucking love how Stirner writes.

>> No.2365252
File: 31 KB, 315x500, stirner3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried to read said critique by Marx? I've read rental contracts that were more interesting. The only reason it is accepted in some circles is so that people don't have to deal with Stirner themselves.

I wouldn't call Stirner a materialist. I think of him actually as more of a nondualist in the material/spiritual sense.

I have yet to get into Kierkegaard properly, but I've bought Fear & Trembling some time ago. Would that be a good place to start?

>> No.2365267

>I've read rental contracts that were more interesting.
Rental contracts are always interesting since they involve a decent amount of my money going out every month. It doesn't get much more interesting than that.

>> No.2365273

>implying it was my rental contract

>> No.2365276

One way or another it'll involve your money. Otherwise, stop being weird.

>> No.2365295

you just didn't get it... And I'm not even the guy you were responding to.