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23595041 No.23595041 [Reply] [Original]

>Recommended reading charts. (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23588301

>> No.23595095
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I'm almost halfway through book 4 and I'm seriously considering just bailing on the series. The first part of this book with only following Karsa was cool, but now that it's back to standard Malazan fare it's starting to feel like a slog again.

I'm barely feeling a connection to any of the characters, there's way too many of them to keep track of and it seems every character will now also be having at least two names to keep track of (and 90% of names are just nouns). There's too many plot-threads going on and it's impossible to gauge what is actually relevant in the text and what is just side tangents and fluff. To top it off there's the endless talk and descriptions of military plans, ranks, squads, companies etc that I can't even begin giving a shit about. I've been using the slides but that just makes it feel like work and studying instead of being a story I can simply enjoy and get immersed in.

GotM was my favorite so far with much tighter and faster pacing and smaller cast and it really got me interested and hooked on the world, it's mysteries and continuing this huge series. After that DHG was a slog and MoI was a step up but still just fine. The payoff to both of these were also really underwhelming after such huge books and after hearing that these are generally considered the two best books in the series. I really want to like the series since I hear so much praise for it and that it all pays off hugely down the line, but I don't know if I can be bothered pushing through. I keep telling myself that it'll start clicking with me if I just give it a bit more time, but I'm starting to feel unsure about it being worth it in the end. I have so many other books I also want to read and these are taking such a huge chunk out of my reading time.

Can anyone give me some motivation to keep pushing through? Or should I just accept that this series propbably isn't for me right now?

>> No.23595186
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>> No.23595191
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>> No.23595197
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>> No.23595201
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>> No.23595205
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Meh, I like this silly one better.

>> No.23595250
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>> No.23595259

Normalize silly sci-fi book cover art.

>> No.23595265
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>> No.23595271


>> No.23595295
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>> No.23595325
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Read Dungeon Crawler Carl

>> No.23595371

Run into a freeway

>> No.23595384

no u

>> No.23595531
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>> No.23595614

>t. Ghost of Harlan Ellison

>> No.23595641
File: 66 KB, 658x1000, Son of the Black Sword.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Son of the Black Sword was a mediocre read over all. Anything that wasn't the MC killing things or related to the MC killing things was a chore to get through, and compared to the authors own Grimnoir Chronicles or even his Iron Kingdoms books, this one suffers from poor pacing and uninteresting characters. The first 12 or so chapters were good, but after that the quality gradually gets worse and worse until picking back up in the final tenth of the book. The great action scenes and entertainingly autistic MC can't save it from a boring as hell world and a shallow plot that had no business being over 400 pages long.

Correia's a fun enough writer, but nothing he's written made me eager to read past the first book of whatever series he does, and this sure as hell didn't change that.

>> No.23595984
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Should I read the rest of the series? Sounds like they won't be as good as Hyperion.

>> No.23595986
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Fuck wrong pic

>> No.23595994

Hello everyone. I'm looking for some good SF for my dad. He used to read Sci-Fi a lot as a kid--Science Fiction Book Club, Bradbury, Asimov, LeGuin, etc. Massive fan of PKD. I mostly read litfic so I have trouble finding him new books to enjoy. I gave him Stanislaw Lem (since I've read some Lem and found him quite nice) and Gibson (he didn't like it, neither do I) and I'm now out of ideas. Which authors should I be looking at? Preferably newer stuff that he likely hasn't read, or maybe European stuff. Please don't recc. me pure slop or anything extremely hard (he cannot read Egan). He also doesn't like soft sci-fi. He likes hard science fiction mainly, speculative but realistic stuff, it just can't get too intense.

>> No.23596029

The Expanse maybe

>> No.23596072

Does he like old science fiction pulps, ie. Planetary Adventures where Venus and Saturn are jungle planets before we knew Venus was an uninhabitable hellhole?

>> No.23596091

Book 4 into 5 is the highest point in the series in my opinion.
Book 6 drops off a fucking cliff in quality.
If you do not like the series so far do not read further because it shits the bed in like 8,9,10 and by 7 I asked at several points why the fuck I was still reading.

>> No.23596092
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Don't mind me, just the greatest hard scifi first contact novel ever passing through.

Also it's free on his website because Watts is a bro.

>> No.23596111

Three body problem

>> No.23596174
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>or anything extremely hard (he cannot read Egan)


>> No.23596176

>Greatest hard scifi first contact novel ever passing through
That's not the Mote in God's Eye

>> No.23596316

>Enjoying cuckoldry literature.
I should have expected no less from this place.

>> No.23596337
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>> No.23596375

Just finished The Killing God and I can see why Donaldson was dispairing at the amount of editing down he was forced to do. And this was the "acceptable" compromise he was able to make with the publisher.
This is reality for the modern publishing industry for a guy who was a star 40 years ago. I guess this will be the last we see of him.

>> No.23596383
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self publish

>> No.23596409
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Fucking Australia, mate.

>> No.23596438

The rest of the series isn't as good. It isn't too terrible either. You should instead read the cunnykino that Simmons wrote.

>> No.23596442

I would say at least read them, especially Fall of Hyperion since you've already read Hyperion. Fall doesn't have the same literary quality but makes up for it in story pace despite a few wonky reveals that should have stayed mysteries.

Endymion is actually OK and is basically a decent chase novel with some interesting world building. I really didn't like Rise, it finishes the story off and has some decent sections but the final reveal and quantity of retconning actually arrived to spoil the whole series slightly for me. Don't regret reading all 4 though

>> No.23596503


>> No.23596525

I'm reading The Name of the Wind right now. It was okay for a while but I don't know if I can stay interested in the magic boarding school plotline. Just such an uninspired slop premise and I don't think I like Kvothe enough to read about him attending classes and shit. Was kind of hoping all the university talk at the start would be subverted rather than followed through on.

>> No.23596528
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>reading a fantasy novel

>> No.23596532

not watching

>> No.23596566

>Hard scifi
Man, I hate to break it to you, but cognitive and neuroscience have advanced a lot since it was published. I'm not saying that is as soft as, like, Star Wars, but believe it or not, the cognitive science angle isn't as cutting edge as it was back then (and it's slightly shifted against some of Watts' core theses). Things like the Icarus array and the quantum specs engine are very creative, but looks like we could build something more efficient and faster (!) than the Theseus in just a couple decades.

>> No.23596568

Stephen Baxter and Charles Stross seem like what he's looking for. You could start with Accelerando for Stross, and Baxter has authorized sequels for War of the Worlds and The Time Machine

>> No.23596603


>> No.23596661

>but cognitive and neuroscience have advanced a lot since it was published.
In what ways?

>> No.23596679

Why are all these
type videos always done by the douchiest looking assholes who are, at least to my own knowledge, NOT famous writers.

>> No.23596688

Because all the famous writers are getting paid big bucks to mumble into a mic for 10 minutes at cons in between shagging cosplays and doing coke

>> No.23596768

Depends on what you two fellas mean by "hard SF".

>> No.23596797

probably because the personality you need to have to be a good writer and the one you need to have to be a successful youtube clown are diametrically opposed

>> No.23596826
File: 67 KB, 324x500, dragonclaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

och I hadna read thi' series since I was a wee bairne think I'll give it a revisit

>> No.23596833
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>> No.23596846

I just finished it. The only thing I regret is it's not complete, which makes me hate it

>> No.23596864

It's not that big of a deal, in fact it makes it better. Imagine if it was finished and the story complete, no matter how good the ending, people would have forgotten about it already. One other thing to consider is how many otherwise good novels actually have poorly written endings

>> No.23596889

He constantly gets pulled away from the class setting to do whacky bullshit, so if thats your only issue then youre good.

Have you gotten to the cuck monologue yet?

>> No.23597151
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>> No.23597159
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>> No.23597165
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>> No.23597186

Ritual posters get the rope

>> No.23597194

Ritual posters get the rope

>> No.23597200 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23597366
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I enjoyed. I await the next audiobook.

>> No.23597477

the slog of slogs a metaphor for the slog of life

bakker truly is king

>> No.23597547

What’s the name of the cunnykino?

>> No.23597588
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>mere moments away from first encounter
>flashback chapter about some whore nobody cares about
One of the worst chapters I've ever read, and I pray there's no more of her because everything before that was actually enjoyable.

>> No.23597591

How do I stop enjoying harem litrpg slop.

>> No.23597595

>Space vampires
>Hard Sci-fi

>> No.23597601

Vernor Vinge

>> No.23597671

Ilium/Olympos. tbf cunny is only a small, uncomfortable part of it. It's a pretty good book if you can get past the intellectual masturbation. That has always been Simmons's problem. He wants to tell grand, neatly connected narratives, but he also wants you to know that he has a degree in English literature.
Pre-retardation Stross is kinda comfy ngl
oh god please post the cuck monologue

>> No.23597680
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>> No.23597682


>> No.23597686
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how "writer's barely disguised fetish" is Sapkowski's tidbit on female elves in the Witcher ovulating when cumming from human men?

>> No.23597693

Why is Pat such a cuck, bros?

>> No.23597718

What does any of that have to do with fantasy? Glad I skipped Wither.

>> No.23597726

He was explaining why Witcher elves got supplanted by humans in one world and why the Aen Elle elves wiped out the humans on another world

>> No.23597767
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>a fantasy novel
>time period reflects those of middle ages or late middle ages
>characters use words introduced in 1700s, 1800s and even 1900s.

>> No.23597824

The space vampires are great and it's hilarious how many midwits get triggered by them.

>> No.23598077
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Desolate Era sure is boring

>> No.23598095

>getting filtered by a fantasy novel because it wants to be readable to its target audience

>> No.23598119

NTA, but I wonder how much is making it readable and how much is because the author's fetish requires modern day knowledge

>> No.23598148

>fantasy novel
Not really. It's just some polish coomer fiction set in a fictional world with few fantasy elements. Like many such novels it's pretending to be something it's not.

>> No.23598155 [SPOILER] 
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new book cover

>> No.23598177

>polish coomer fiction
what's coomer about it besides the passage posted? I've never read it.

>> No.23598183

Drop it, read Eternal Sacred King instead.

>> No.23598203

Geralt is very low t, he never shows any kind of initiative, he is a submissive side character that just follows female mcs.

>> No.23598227

that explains the cuck porn SFM I saw of him watching Coach from L4D2 fuck Yennefer

>> No.23598244

>watches cuck porn
>blames Geralt

>> No.23598264

I was just searching rule 34 xxx for Yennefer and clicked a video that had Coach's face in the thumbnail

>> No.23598307

is it haremtrash

>> No.23598337

Reading dune currently and really loving it
Any good books like it?

>> No.23598364

Wait until you figure out that Nilfgaard and Kaedwen ally to divide Aedirn between each other and Keadwenians justify the event as "brotherly help" and "liberation of oppressed minorities" and it's actually completely okay to do since the state ceased to exist when Nilfgaard invaded.
Also Nilfgaard invades the north using army groups and they commanders give orders ripped straight from the German invasion of Poland in WWII.

>> No.23598393

sounds like Sapkowski likes his fantasy to be allegories of IRL stuff

>> No.23598428

Is it bad that I think the most plausible apocalypse in sci fi is not nukes or global warming, but the elites just using space ships to leave and taking all the people with expertise to maintain our tech with them?

>> No.23598440

Holy newfag

>> No.23598443

Literal cuck cope

>> No.23598466

The books were written by a Pole and for Poles, so they're made to be easily understood by that audience. It took a long while before they got translated into English.
I wonder if westerners even pick up on these things. For any Pole the usage of phrases like "brotherly help" is a dead giveaway for what the author is going for.

>> No.23598476
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Redpill me on R A Lafferty, bros. Where do I start?

>> No.23598485

It's not bad, just retarded

>> No.23598523
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Looks pretty good
Now do people feel about about first ace edition covers?

>> No.23598526

meant to quote

>> No.23598527

There isn't anything coomer about it, sure there's a lot of sex and teasing but it's never really focused on. People have sex, it's normal. Just because you have educated wizards and elves who both live for hundreds of years use scientific terms sometimes to describe genetics and societal behavior doesn't mean much.

>> No.23598576

>People have sex, it's normal
Speak for yourself, you nasty sex-haver

>> No.23598593

Why so? They're already attempting population downsizing and destroying our educational systems.

>> No.23598602
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finished Darker Than Weird, another short story collection by John Fultz, after liking The Revelations of Zang collection (and Worlds Beyond Worlds somewhat) as recommended by a bro here a couple of months ago.
it is quite good. some fantasy and some scifi stories, horror tinged

>> No.23598641

His stupid fucking girlfriend? She dies eventually.

Space vampires but plausibly constructed with mostly existing or near-future tech, what's wrong with that? Every component of the creature already exists.

>> No.23598659

Fourth Mansions. I just finished Past Master earlier today and it's a bit more abstract.

>> No.23598688

Fucking garbage

>> No.23598722

I don't know what counts as harem in chinese xanxia. There is an awful lot of female characters (too many in my opinion) but mc only has one love interest not really a harem but still too many females. Apart from that the story and writing are pretty good

>> No.23598725
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Yeah, her. You're told of her passing before she's even introduced which only makes you give even less of a fuck. Is there gonna be more of her and her dumbass butterfly tattoo that "flaps nervously"

>> No.23598738

Don't remember. Just skip past her bits, it's not like you'll be arrested if you don't thoroughly savor every word in a book.

>> No.23598741

The only reason I trudged through that muck was because I expected there to be some piece of information that would be important to the overall story later on. If that's not the case then I'll gladly skip them all.

>> No.23598748
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Remeber these things?

>> No.23598762

Pandora’s star

>> No.23598764

The sequels, Foundation, Hyperion

>> No.23598789

Anything by Wolfe

>> No.23598878
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i enjoyed twi so ive been reading litrpg slop for a few months. ive come to the conclusion that most of it is shit (surprise). wouldnt recommend anything below b tier. also my opinion is gospel and basically youre retarded

>> No.23598889
File: 138 KB, 400x600, 58643-tenebroum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Tenebroum

>> No.23598898

you know what, ill do just that. im counting on this rec anon.

>> No.23598911

If you want to be the next meme book you need to spam your shit everywhere, not just once a thread

>> No.23598914
File: 116 KB, 642x1000, 71Bbs+Ih5rL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bizarrely enough, this is one of the few books I've ever read where for 95% of the book I felt
>uugggggghhhhhh, this is terrible
and then at the finale everything comes together in a satisfying fashion that makes me think "huh, that was worth the read after all".
Don't trust the cover though, this isn't medieval fantasy at all, it's steampunk Napoleonic/Great Game fantasy with a shamelessly transparent version of 19th century Earth. It's half Horatio Hornblower, half The Wild Wild West.

>> No.23598916

Does it cost money?

>> No.23598918


>> No.23598921

There is no need for that.

It's on royalroad

>> No.23599037

If something isn't available in physical I ain't reading

>> No.23599045

so far this is actually quite good. did you write this?

>> No.23599058

How do I know if a book written by a woman is readable by men or only for women?

>> No.23599074

Look at the cover.
Does it have a man on the cover? If yes, is he embracing another man romantically? If yes, then the book is gay as hell and not worth reading; all other scenarios are readable.
Does it have a woman on the cover? If yes, is she sexy? If no, then the book is feminist drivel and not worth reading; all other scenarios are readable.
Does it have a non-human creature or object on the cover such as a wolf or dragon or airplane or boat? If yes, is it embracing a woman romantically? If yes, it is shameless bestiality smut and not worth reading; all other scenarios are readable.
Does the cover not have any figurative art at all, just text or abstract geometry? If yes, the book is some philosophical twaddle or feminist drivel, and not worth reading. There are no scenarios where this will be readable.

I hope that helps clear things up for you.

>> No.23599135

How do you guys deal with book burnout? I finished Oathbringer a month or so ago and haven't felt the need to pick up any other book since. I REALLY want to get back into reading, but man, as good as that book was, it took me out.

>> No.23599139

I don't deal with it because i avoid bloated garbage. Oathbringer is not a good book, you don't want to continue the series because its dull Marvel nonsense.
Read the Curse of Chalion as a palate cleanser. Stay away from anything by Sanderson or Erikson.

>> No.23599142

Read Dawnshard then go for Rhythm of War

>> No.23599148

Well it's a good thing taste is subjective, anon.
That was the plan, but I might shelf it for a bit. At least until Stormlight 5 is closer to being released.

>> No.23599154

By reading it, chudrick

>> No.23599156

Are you caught up on other Cosmere books? If not the most relevant imo to read would be Warbreaker followed by Mistborn series. Warbreaker can be seen as a prequel of sorts to Stormlight.

>> No.23599158

I've finished Mistborn era 1, Warbreaker, Stormlight 1-3 and half of the Arcanum stuff. Saving Mistborn era 2 after Stormlight 5.

>> No.23599159

to add to this, the secret histories should be read after the mistborn trilogy, and before stormlight

>> No.23599160

Don't bother with mistborn era 2.

>> No.23599163

I'm gonna read it all eventually.

>> No.23599165

sandersonite CRETINS please go

>> No.23599166

Right but era 2 is worthless. It literally has nothing to offer. If mistborn era 3 ever comes out, then read era 2. But as it stands era 2 is not worth reading.

>> No.23599167

fuck off and go read your bakker- and xianxia shit
we're enjoying books here

>> No.23599169

speaking of enjoying books. the wheel if time is single handedly destroying my interest in fantasy as a genre. it's literally that one episode of family guy where brian world builds on adderal and then writes a boring book.

>> No.23599174

How far in are you?

>> No.23599179

book 4, chapter 35

>> No.23599191

>book 4
Well there's your problem. You're supposed to stop reading after book 1.

>> No.23599203


>> No.23599213

I'd say finish the book and if you aren't feeling it by then drop it. Most people rate it as their favorite book but I didn't agree with that, though I still thought it was great.

>> No.23599216

I take a break from reading and watch youtube videos on history. At least that's what I did a few months ago.

>> No.23599217

i think it's the best so far, but like... the best of a bad situation is still not good.

>> No.23599224
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>Depends on what you two fellas mean by "hard SF".
this is a good point. does hard sf have to be rooted in real science or extrapolated from it? if someone autistically comes up with made up principles and "science" while his story focuses on it as principal point would that classify it as hard sf?

>> No.23599232

I think hard sci fi necessarily must mean the latter. Because no sane person would think that the book that one theoretical physicist wrote based on fringe theoretical physics is anything other than hard sci fi.

>> No.23599245

I haven't read the Xanth series but it keeps popping out to my attention that I might consider checking it out. All I know is it's somewhat lewd and lighthearted. How it compares to Dickson's The Dragon and the George ? I found that series (well, book since I've only read the first book so far, two next ones are still waiting on my bookshelf) fine but somewhat lacking.

>> No.23599249
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Recently found my old box of Dragonlance novels and reread the first book. I remember loving these when I was younger and reading it again as an adult was a somewhat enjoyable stroll down memory lane. It's certainly not the highest quality prose and it often reads a bit railroady (probably due to it's nature as a DnD book) but it was a pretty simple and fun enough read. Except that one dump part where Goldmoon and Riverwind stop the plot to give Caramon a lecture on abstinence. That was just... a bit much. Like I wasn't really reading this to see a chapter where to dude plows Tika over a mountain of dead Draconians but c'mon. You guys were being a lot better at keeping your shit out of this until then. Anyways I'll probably get to the other ones sooner or later. I'd like to at least get through the first trilogy again. Tanis needs to stop being a bitch.

>> No.23599250

Of course not

>> No.23599254

>Does it have a non-human creature or object on the cover such as a wolf or dragon or airplane or boat? If yes, is it embracing a woman romantically?
are there books where a woman gets fucked by an airplane/boat out there?

>> No.23599256

Is it Ursula le Guin?

>> No.23599258
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>taking 4 books to realise this

>> No.23599262

Book 4 is pretty good but I can understand where you're coming from. Removing most of the women from the story would have improved it immensely. I'm on book 5 right now but whenever I start a chapter and see Egwene, Nynaeve and/or Elayne on the first page somewhere I put the book down and start the audiobook at 1.75 speed.

>> No.23599268

People told me it got better :(

>> No.23599271

It gets better. But then it gets worse. It's kind of all over the place frankly.

>> No.23599274

Unfortunately people are wrong

>> No.23599279

It starts kinda mid, gets progressively better up to book 6 and then starts getting worse with each book with the lowest point being book 10. After that the last four are amazing and just gives you payoff after payoff and makes the whole journey worth it.

>> No.23599281

god damn you

>> No.23599288

picked up the entire series in hardcover omnibus volumes. What am I in for?

>> No.23599290

I want to read WoT but every time I go to pick up a copy I see it's like 800 goddamn pages and I just lose any urge to break into it.

>> No.23599293

800 pages is like a normal book what

>> No.23599299

No. And also for the first part of a series? Also no. Lord of the Rings is like 1200 in it's entirety. 800 for a volume 1 is just a doorstop.

>> No.23599301

that's like a regular fantasy book these days
my Shadows Rising copy has 1250 pages while Fires of Heaven has 1000

>> No.23599304

I haven't read either but they sound bloated to high hell.

>> No.23599306

don't look up brandon sanderson

>> No.23599309

any recommendations for RR?

>> No.23599310

Only because everyone wants a doorstopper trilogy.

>> No.23599312

A lesson in motivation and focus

>> No.23599315

They are. You could remove entire BOOKS from WoT and miss nothing. Joke that Jordan got paid by the page exists for a reason.

>> No.23599319
File: 379 KB, 1300x1920, 41886271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate that shit. You cant find a good standalone fantasy novel anymore without it being spun off into a trilogy or outright series.

>> No.23599320

LotR walked so that the rest of fantasy could run. People expect more of the genre these days than just a basic bitch DnD session.

>> No.23599321

Someone should make an edit that cuts WoT down to a three books and one wife

>> No.23599328

>story is already slow as shit thanks to the hunt for black ajah interrupting the good stuff with Rand, Mat and Perrin
>supposedly it will get even fucking worse after book 6
I don't know if I'm gonna survive this bros...

>> No.23599334

I mean, from a publisher perspective it makes sense. You're taking a relatively large gamble putting a book out, might as well ensure that you recoup more of that investment by trying to get fans hype for more books from the same author, that way you're not having to get the hype cycle started up all over again and can pick up where you left off.

>> No.23599336

>tfw listened to the audiobook for the first book
>didn't know it was 800 pages
how, seriously how the fuck? nothing happens! the entire book is setup! 800 pages of fucking setup! HOW!

>> No.23599337

I've read some of his Conan stories. They were fine. I don't think he really GETS Conan but they were fine and it's clear the man CAN do short.

>> No.23599338

One book and three wives, take it or leave it.

>> No.23599342

it's a long series

>> No.23599351

For no other reason that it wastes its time.

>> No.23599352

The problem is they're not running. The strolling at best. LoTR was a singly long book but a lot of stuff was actually happening. This shit is just a fundamental lack of editing.

>> No.23599359
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Funny you say that because Japanese approach with LNs has been a ton of smaller, shorter publications rather than few massive ones.

>> No.23599360

But we're not talking just about wheel of time now, EVERYTHING is that long these days. SoIaF? several books between 700-1000 pages. Stormlight? 1200 pages EACH. All authors want their own epic story that they'll be remembered by.

>> No.23599361
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>People expect more of the genre these days than just a basic bitch DnD session.
I at least respect D&D fiction. It's always amusing to see the author transcribing game rules and spell effects into prose to tell a story.

>> No.23599363

yes but with lotr there's the whole "actual story structure doesn't match the trilogy format it was published as" which might impact the pacing and actual things happening

>> No.23599365

It's almost like you can have self contained stories within a larger work.

>> No.23599366

You sicken me

>> No.23599379

Tolkien is an interesting case in that his stories were just something to fill the world with rather than the other way around. When you think about both the Hobbit and LotR were just two stories in a ridiculously fleshed out world with extensive history and languages of its own.

>> No.23599384

Sure, but all the same the world building never got in the way of the actual story. We learned about the world, characters myths and legends and it was like seeing the world as the characters did on their quest. He didn't pause the plot to pad out his page count.

>> No.23599385

But the key thing ti take away is that they are actually stories.

>> No.23599397

Are there still any BotNS autists in this thread? I've started rereading The Shadow of the Torturer and I'm nooticing lots of details that went over my head on my first read. One of the things I've been thinking about is when Sev meets Rudesind the old picture cleaner. Rudesind makes an off-hand comment that he believed Sev was for Vodalus, something that no character, and especially not some no name, should know at this time. If I recall correctly Rudesind later returns in connection with Father Inire, a known time traveller and old man. Could Rudesind simply be one of his disguises?

>> No.23599429

>Could Rudesind simply be one of his disguises?
Obviously, but that's not really important.

>> No.23599455

>but that's not really important
What do you mean by that?

>> No.23599483

>Carl in dnf
>primal hunter in b
Congrats, you have the worst taste in this thread, it's quite a feat

>> No.23599487

The only books written by a woman that I enjoyed was the sword of shadow series. Too bad it will never be finished and ofc theres a cuck plot, because femoids cant help themselves

>> No.23599488

Despite being one of le mastermind puppeteers behind le very event in the book, Father Inire is very much disconnected from the actual content and the plot. Every mention of him could be dropped from the entire series and not much would change. Hence me saying that it's not really important.

>> No.23599493

I just finished book 7, gotta say I was really disappointed by book 6 which was a slog and a half, while 7 pleasantly surprised me. I though 7-10 were the slog

>> No.23599498

You have severely misunderstood the series. You're supposed to read the female chapters and rage fap for 40 000 pages.

>> No.23599499

It does get better than it was.

What nobody ever told you is that it gets good.

>> No.23599502

Like all epic fantasy it gets better only because you're more invested in the world and the characters. It's a combination of sunken cost fallacy and the Stockholm syndrome.

>After that the last four are amazing
From The Gathering Storm and onwards I hated everything except the last chapter where Rand lights a flame with his new not-Source.

>> No.23599506

>and one wife
Sounds like shit

>> No.23599508

Agreed, 7 was really nice imo even though most people put it in the slog. 8 and 9 have their moments too but are generally very slow. The only one I actually had a problem with was 10.

>> No.23599512

>Like all epic fantasy

>> No.23599514

nice spoiler bro

>> No.23599516

>xhe's a harem cuck

>> No.23599519

>multiple female partners

>> No.23599525

Mention a single exception and it better not be fucking Malazan.

>muh spoilers
But actually, sorry. I honestly forgot not everyone read this shit as a teen 15 years go.

>> No.23599528

Legends of the Dragonrealm

>> No.23599529

My issues with WoT are as follows
>dry narrator
>weak character voice
>character development happens between scenes
>painfuly arbitrary pov swapping

>> No.23599538

>dry narrator

>> No.23599542

I have not read it so I cannot really comment but considering the author seems to be best known for writing Warcraft and Diablo novelizations I seriously doubt it.

>> No.23599548

Good story telling is good story telling. The problem with most epic fantasy is that it focuses more on the epic fantasy part and less on the telling a good fucking story part.

>> No.23599557

Yeah, everyone focuses on the big histories, the epic battles and the buckets of lore but at the end of the day they always forget that this shit started out quite mundanely. "In a hole in a ground lived a hobbit."

>> No.23599580

I am, started book three today and already preordered the new hardcover editions

>> No.23599624
File: 2.98 MB, 1920x1080, life of a haremcuck protagonist.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>xi doesn't know

>> No.23599633

Only a weak man could be mogged by his harem, and a weak man wouldn't have a harem in the first place. I mean seriously, socializing with your harem as a group? What kind of man doesn't know that would be retarded? There is a reason emperors harems are housed away from the emperor.

>> No.23599640

History shows that harems are for weak men who need MORE to prove to themselves (in vain) they're not bitches. Imagine spending all your money on women, maintaining them, imprisoning them, guards for them, keeping suitors at bay, being forced to add another concubine because some general wants to get a favor from you, having them murder your children when you're out of town and generally being catty subhumans towards each other, you, and your empire.

>> No.23599694


>> No.23599698

He is such a cuck
And his writing sucks

>> No.23599703

>character development happens between scenes
This is just plain not true. At most this happens with rand at times and it's on purpose to highlight his growing insanity and how the people around see him with mistrust

>> No.23599708

His writing is good, that's why it's so infuriating that he's a cuck.

>> No.23599736

>this is just plain not true
>this happens with one of the main character

>> No.23599800

if that were from a real harem story one of them would be under the table giving him a blowjob.

>> No.23599815

> a weak man wouldn't have a harem in the first place
1 in 12 people in Asia can trace their genetic ancestry to Genghis Khan and his harem.

>> No.23599842

How often do you buy a book?

>> No.23599849

I don't know what youre implying, anon. Are you saying ghengis was a weak man?

>> No.23599851

Only when absolutely necessary

>> No.23599858

I guess I get 6 or 7 books a year. Mostly wait for books to get translated to my language when I'm buying physical, which is quite slow

>> No.23599864

I've bought around 20-30 new books this year, and then I've picked up maybe 15-20 or so from thrift shops and yard sales. Those aren't necessarily stuff I'm planning to read right now but stuff I can see myself getting to some time down the line so might as well pick it up for cheap. I've read 40 books so far this year.

>> No.23599868

Whenever I find a good deal for a book I liked.

>> No.23599873

I used to buy them constantly and now I have more books than I could read in a lifetime at my relatively slow pace, but I'm still planning on taking a motorcycle ride to the next major town over early next week to see if I can find anything that looks good.

>> No.23599980

2-3 times a year. I usually buy about 10 books a year.

>> No.23600127

Thanks for the list, I'll give some of the top rated ones a read
I tried finding more good litRPG stories after getting into TWI too but all of them were absolute bottom of the barrel seld indungent garbage

>> No.23600174
File: 358 KB, 351x470, coi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It isn't as good as LOTM...And now Lumian became a girl

>> No.23600188


>> No.23600197

once per book

>> No.23600209

Sounds kino, is it a
>In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer.
type deal? Or is it a sanderson style non-phenomological type situation?

If it' the former I'm going to trudge through the series to get to it.

>> No.23600260

The actual quote from the final epilogue: "No way to light the tabac. He inspected it for a moment in the darkness, then thought of the pipe being lit. And it was."
And a couple lines later the text mentions him "smoking his impossible pipe"

The main theory seems to be that the scene implies - due to events at the end - that Rand has become so attuned to the pattern that he can manipulate it's threads through his will alone.

>> No.23600268
File: 260 KB, 1036x1500, godc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Godclads.

>> No.23600274

Yes. I can't remember exactly what it was called but it was either by Holly Lisle or Mercedes Lackey.

>> No.23600279

I read Patrick Son of Ireland finally. It's decent enough, and oddly enough a quick and easy read despite being 557 pages, but I think it's the weakest of the Stephen Lawhead books I've read, with the exception of the latter two Dragon King Trilogy novels. It doesn't hold up to the likes of Dream Thief, Song of Albion, or Byzantium. Or the first Dragon King novel.

>> No.23600294

The Dragon soul is the Demiurge, simple as.

>> No.23600311

Thank you for giving me the actual quote. It killed my desire to read on. I'm giving up, I quit.

Why is the prose so hostile? It's not even laconic, it's fucking barren.

>> No.23600317

So if a wolf or a dragon is embracing a man, that's good, got it

>> No.23600372

persuade me

>> No.23600393

dcc is 14 year old 'ow my balls' type humor.

>> No.23600406

i tried and the author just uses so many retarded buzzwords in the first few chapters without explaining shit.

>> No.23600446

Yes, because a wolf or a dragon next to a man always indicates a platonic friendship, since no author will ever satisfy the desires of male monsterfuckers, only women.

>> No.23600493

>the author just uses so many retarded buzzwords in the first few chapters
this but LOTR

>> No.23600556
File: 389 KB, 471x780, et2fUjyQ5YL3ClLEn8L7LzV6cxHSpesCF21hOB054EdPnJn7bGGVczZaKRKSjlp9pXHUq9mzLnrEvQcj-6g-1J_qM8kKWeXHMckbHD8Wdj06_IWztw5yMqeUJcs0YjN7SJsaEX4i-1918176617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never seen anyone mention this author itt, what do we think of him?

>> No.23600558

You people and Gene Wolfe told me that Mask of the Sorcerer is good. It's not good. What gives?

>> No.23600561

If a book has a fag or a female on the cover then it's not worth reading.
Simple as.

>> No.23600565

Tigana is a classic rec, lurk more

>> No.23600570

I have a life :(

>> No.23600599

but females are cute.

>> No.23600632

it is good

>> No.23600645

mid books that usualy have great endings.
the concept and the worlds are also preaty unique

For their time they are preaty great (better than most other old series) , I don't know why they are not more popular.

>> No.23600663

I've only read the Fionavar Tapestry (of which that is the first book) and it was a little bit underwhelming based on the presumed premise - that of a portal fantasy from modern day college grads to a medieval fantasy world - which is practically dropped as soon as they're in not!Middle-Earth. As far as LOTR ripoffs go however, it's rather better than Mithgar/The Iron Tower by Dennis L. McKiernan.

>> No.23600699
File: 343 KB, 1668x1547, GJ36FjNa0AAvBVB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name the most obscure good sci-fi book you know.

>> No.23600757

I only read popular good books. Obscure books are obscure for a reason (because they are garbage).

>> No.23600760


>> No.23600774

i suppose it’s a faint hope that the author’s read at least a poem of Lovecraft?

>> No.23600779

This. Nobody here actually reads for sake of pleasure and discovering new ideas and thoughts. It's all normalfag-approved bestsellers with zero creativity, or nothing.

>> No.23600810

Hell Divers by Nicholas Sansbury Smith

>> No.23600844

I stopped reading this a long time ago around the point in the story where the young lad finds his own you know what with a you know what to find you know who. Does it get better or worse from there? I might pick it back up.

>> No.23600900
File: 364 KB, 2000x1103, 1714620609506339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the Brian Herbert books worth reading? I've seen people shitting on them for not being as philosophical and such but the main draw to Dune for me is the setting.

>> No.23600905

Use the archive. It only takes seconds to search.

>> No.23600914

That's still book one, right? It gets better. The first three books are genuinely good as a whole. The ending of book one is particularly amazing, but the series putters out in book four. That's where I stopped reading.

Did you read the extinction series?

>> No.23600916

It has nothing to do with philosophy, the brian books are just terribly written.

>> No.23600918

It also takes seconds to post, and archives don't give me (You)'s

>> No.23600966

How pozzed?

>> No.23600980

Obscure books have no new ideas or thoughts, if they had people would read and they wouldn't be obscure anymore.

>> No.23601008

It's hard to say, every reader seems to have their own favorite books/arcs and with different slog points too. In general the series let's up on the military fiction after HoC with much more expository philosophy prose and I happen to like Erikson's themes and style for that which has carried me through book 8 now. I wouldn't force it just for plot though, especially if 2+3 were underwhelming. I'd say finish HoC for sure for the cool Karsa stuff and a conclusion to the Rarakuu arc then drop or take a break. Book 5 is set in a whole new place and people's which will probably filter you at this point but I loved it, again for the writing as it's like King Lear with dark elves and a curse with themes of slavery, debt, shadow, familial obligation. Book 6 is back to the Malazans and relatively action heavy and Karsa continues to be a prominent story and whose who/important ought be pretty evident and easier by then

>> No.23601039
File: 98 KB, 600x471, TSHTDST1983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolute sci fi kino under 200 pages

>> No.23601054

I've just finished reading part 3 of HoC and pretty soon after I wrote that post the book started turning around for me. The Karsa chapters have been great and he's probably my favorite character now. There's also been a lot of mystery, lore and worldbuilding which I've really enjoyed.

I pretty much zone out every time there's a chapter about the marching Malazan army with Tavore/Fiddler/Gamet but around the halfway point of the book every other character and plotline got really interesting, so for now I'm hooked back in. Nice to hear that the military stuff lets up after this one too. There was really heavy focus on that in both DHG and MoI which is probably why they didn't work as well for me.

I'll have to see by the 5th how I do with a whole new setting and another cast of characters but that was never really the problem for me with DHG, so I'm staying cautiously optimistic for book 5. Heard a lot of people say it's their favorite.

>> No.23601075

This. It's a good thing that the top 10 most popular books in any genre contain the sum total of the depth of human experience and imagination.

>> No.23601104
File: 197 KB, 1426x2224, Front_Cover_for_The_Beetle-_A_Mystery_by_Richard_Marsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While there may indeed be great novels obscured by time, the sad truth is that like today, most of what was the top of any decade was slop. The good stuff was, and is, often overlooked.

>> No.23601175

I don't think so, I recall that being like book two or three when the new crew lands in some swamp or something like that. I've never heard of the Extinction series.

>> No.23601191

>The New York Times and USA Today bestselling series
My mistake for actually searching. You got me.

>> No.23601195

I read this book a few years ago and can't remember a thing about it.

>> No.23601197
File: 539 KB, 1296x2000, 3314369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a book with a homosexual main character, there wasn't nearly as much faggotry as I expected.

>> No.23601227

For as popular as it was at the time, The Beetle is assembly line slop, checking every cliche from the era. For a novel with a similar villain, She by H. Rider Haggard is leagues better for what it is, though I'm sure most anons who can stomach Victorian fantasy adventure stories have read it already.

>> No.23601242
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>> No.23601250
File: 113 KB, 998x974, 1663969218529376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been meaning to read She ever since I learnt it was one of Tolkien's favourites but somehow I keep forgetting about it.
>tfw suffered through Lair of the White Worm instead of reading The Worm Ouroboros (another T favourite) because I'm retarded and mixed them up

>> No.23601260

The Lair of the White Worm movie is actually pretty fun if you like schlocky b-movies.

>> No.23601291
File: 120 KB, 692x1000, deep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ASOIAF condensed in 150 pages
Kinda based, the prose was great too

>> No.23601292

Sounds like pandering faggotry. He's probably terrified of being called a homophobe like this helps any. You can suck cock in broad daylight and still be called homophobic for not having sucked two instead.

>> No.23601348

It really wasn't.

>> No.23601350
File: 7 KB, 218x221, frog point truth nuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23601376

What the fuck happened to /our/lad joe? He used to be based

>> No.23601382

FWIW, you won't get much Karsa in book 5 but he's in every book after that. And yeah, book 5 is really fucking good, I found it pretty slow and hard to get into right up until a certain point (you'll know exactly when), then it's nothing but gas for the next like 70%

>> No.23601425

You don't like girlbosses jammed into everything now?

>> No.23601434
File: 3.25 MB, 1280x720, punch girls fight.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define girlboss jammed into everything

>> No.23601445

I was ok with Monza and Shy, but good god do i hate Savine and the 2nd trilogy because of her. An absolute cunt that made everything worse and got away with it, what the fuck was that faggot thinking when he wrote her worst part is everyone ignores her while shitting on leo.

>> No.23601464

>guy gavriel gay

>> No.23601467

>reddit author writes reddit book
Why are you shocked?

>> No.23601473

Lol that video looks retarded. 50% mma 50% dance off.

>> No.23601494

Abercrombie used to post on 4chan lol, own your children

>> No.23601499

I find Crowley funny because he's a completely standard genre writer but because he's so good he gets classified as literary fiction

>> No.23601535

You haven't read much Crowley.

>> No.23601562

The Eighty-Minute Hour by Brian Aldiss

>> No.23601640

You are pandering faggotry yourself, you aids infested faggot, kys.

>> No.23601694


>> No.23601699

Anything involving women that doesn't get my dick hard

>> No.23601724


>> No.23601771

The Quiet Earth

>> No.23601806

>redditors have never posted on 4chan

>> No.23601834

Leigh Brackett?

>> No.23601913

Close enough desu

>> No.23601942

Fugue for a Darkening Island by Christopher Priest

>> No.23602198

The general consensus I've seen is that pretty much everyone loves Leo and is indifferent to or hates Savine. And if you hadn't realized it by the 10th book in the series, it never rewarded good characters and pretty much always showed bad people getting ahead.

>> No.23602210
File: 22 KB, 432x648, 200145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any modern sf or fantasy books of a comparable quality to Wolfe's?

>> No.23602281

> a homosexual main character
Stopped reading there. Hard pass.

>> No.23602290

Need an sffg book with a manly gay MC who goes on adventures with a twink.

>> No.23602365

I've only read Fellowship of the Ring once when I was like 12 and I will never read the rest of it. There's just too much good new stuff and I can't be bothered reading these old dry overrated books. I appreciate what it did for the genre but Tolkien simply paved the way for the better things that came after.

>> No.23602366

Newer books are crap and you're an idiot.

>> No.23602374

t.anon (13)

>> No.23602384

Why would I read boring old Tolkien with pages upon pages of meaningless drivel that adds nothing to the basic trope-filled story when I can read amazing stories that push the imagination from the greats of our time like Sanderson, Abercrombie, Lynch, Brown, Rothfuss, Lawrence etc?

I'm 31

>> No.23602389

name 1 (one) "good new stuff"

>> No.23602407

You're good new stuff, anon. I love you.

>> No.23602413
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>> No.23602455
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>> No.23602462
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Don't worry, there's still plenty of time left to grow up and acquire some taste

>> No.23602512
File: 220 KB, 947x1200, lotr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to rearead it every wear. Then I watch the movies. Both animated and live action. And then I read the silmarillion.

>> No.23602527

literal brainrot

>> No.23602551
File: 1.60 MB, 320x181, keys.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's something more your speed

>> No.23602623

Not a single female character has gotten her comeuppance since best served cold, except that poison girl apprentice. Every one of them has had a good ending.

>> No.23602663

Anon, why are you so bothered about female characters coming out on top? Are you a misogynist?

>> No.23602686


>> No.23602690
File: 97 KB, 663x1000, 71OmDY2KpxL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's something more up your alley then

>> No.23602695

>here's a clear issue that plagues these books and makes them worse
>ummm chud why do you even care
Fuck off

>> No.23602697

what exactly is the issue? that a woman won in the end?

>> No.23602703

Read what i wrote and find out dipshit

>> No.23602708

You sure know how to support your argument.

>> No.23602709

I did and you're just seething that woman didn't get bad ending.

>> No.23602717

I do, while you clearly didn't present any counter argument besides why do you care, hence once again, fuck off

>> No.23602746

your argument is simply that you can't stand the woman character you don't like not getting punished in the end

>> No.23602758

Women always get good endings, men get bad endings (they sacrifice themselves to save the women) so why not seethe?

>> No.23602770

There's a clear difference between a single female character and every female character getting a good ending in a series that regularly punishes its characters.

>> No.23602783

Too Like the Lightning

>> No.23603085

>Women always get good endings, men get bad endings (they sacrifice themselves to save the women)
Just like in real life.

>> No.23603359

Don't gaslight me, Jesus.

>> No.23603367
File: 147 KB, 358x398, 8WUj26z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>annas-archive is down

>> No.23603371

works on my machine

>> No.23603373

Same, just refresh and try again anon.

>> No.23603374


>> No.23603430
File: 210 KB, 730x783, 867347685768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>annas-archive is working again

>> No.23603491


>> No.23603680
File: 57 KB, 441x302, 1695232537684926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sides were gone in that moment

>> No.23603783

Stop trannyposting, simp