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2357271 No.2357271 [Reply] [Original]

>look at bookshelf
>I've never re-read any of these books.
>Why did I buy them?

I should use my library more

>> No.2357276

I know that feel. I refuse to even buy second hand books, or the cheapest versions, and all for nothing.

>> No.2357278

yes. you should use your library more. also look at finding book trading warehouses, where you can trade your old books in for new books of equivalent worth. or donate your books you will never read again.

>> No.2357279

After i buy and read them I keep them because I I like to dip in for special quotes

>> No.2357280

Possible re-reading
So girls will be impressed when you bring them over

I don't know about other people, but I build an emotional attachment to books I read, and I like to have the actual copy of the book I was attached to.

>> No.2357288


I was like this, then I moved. Then I moved again. Then I moved again. Lugging books city to city is no fun.

I've kept my reference books and a couple of novels, but every time a pick up a book at a shop all I can think is "god, where am i going to put this fucking thing"

Oh, and I'm married so I don't need to pick up broads.

>> No.2357290

> not re-reading your own books

thats your fucking problem right here. well, I wouldn't reread all those pulpy thrillers I read as a kid, so I gave them away, but other than that I like having books I particularly liked around. I pick them up from time to time and read a couple of pages or even the whole thing. If I books I try to get linen-bound editions that are in rather good condition (usually 2nd hand, otherwise I couldn't afford them).

Non-fiction is whole different matter, though. I never buy a non-fiction book unless I don't know that I will need it frequently as a reference.

I have appr. 1000 books on my shelves, btw

>> No.2357292
File: 151 KB, 711x948, kafka-abrod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9000+ hours in mspaint

>> No.2357301

Yeah, I can see it becoming a problem when I have to move. I guess I'm just a book hoarder and I love the idea of having tons of books to pass on. I'm sure I'll get over it eventually.

>> No.2357303
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>I'm married so I don't need to pick up broads.
Check out this funny guy!

>> No.2357320

Start the process of converting all your books into epub/mobi and get an e-reader.

I've ended up converting 80% of my collection and it's save me a ton of time with moving from place to place. (not having to buy bankers boxes every-time also saved a pretty penny to.)

>> No.2357511

>Moved into apartment back in November
>Only had a couple boxes to move books so I would dump them on the floor and go back for more
>Finish moving the books they cover 1/4 of the floor
>Set up book case
>To this day I still haven't put them on the bookcase 3 feet away
>Step around them every day

>> No.2357993


Sex (nearly, three days off a month) at least once every night with a beautiful woman who is great at it and knows exactly what I like. U jelly? Yeah, u jelly.

>> No.2358003
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>remember a book
>pick up, open on random page
>read a sentence
>cool, read a paragraph
>read a whole chapter already
>fuck I'm late to work
>put it back on shelf
>mind at ease and inspired
>that feel

>> No.2358035

Having exclusively used libraries and friend's collections for years and more recently an e-reader and the glorious internet, I've managed to keep myself reasonably well read without amassing any cumbersome books of my own. Which is really nice.

>> No.2358036


What kind of husband brags about his wife's sexual prowess?

>> No.2358037


one who is anonymous on 4chan

>> No.2358050

A real-life grown-ass man with a real-life beaut-y-ful woman wife

>> No.2359481



>> No.2359494

I never re-read any books either, but I like to have them around.

I'm from a european country, living in another country, and the only way to read books in my own language is to truck them across borders and keep them in my home.

>> No.2359500

I own every book I've ever completely read, with one exception. I don't think I could ever get rid of them. I have few possessions so I don't mind if they take up space.

>> No.2359502

Oh, and I reread most of them.

>> No.2359509

Or get an e-reader. Solution to all your problems.

I've given and thrown away most of my books last year, a couple hundred of them I guess. Now I just have single box of books which I tend to look things up in or reread a lot (mostly philosophy) and for the rest I use my kindle. Feels mobile, man.