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File: 32 KB, 400x400, il_430xN.80086045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2357179 No.2357179 [Reply] [Original]

Accents thread. What kind of accent do you have?

Which do you enjoy and which do you abhorr?

Feel free to Vocaroo.

>> No.2357182

mexicanfag. I have faint traces of what you call a southern accent, but when I talk in english they vanish. Not sure how I sound in english. Retarded, maybe?

>> No.2357195

generic american

>> No.2357197
File: 14 KB, 371x450, faulkner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Southern / Georgia accent.

>> No.2357208
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>> No.2357210

Neutral English accent - not quite RP, but close. Some brits think I'm a foreigner because they can't place me within the UK.

>> No.2357211

I don't have an accent.

>> No.2357214


>> No.2357219

Danish with bornholmish accent.

>> No.2357221


>> No.2357222

Please keep your /soc/ threads in /soc/. Reported.

>> No.2357223


southern here too. also,

>dat filename

>> No.2357235

Language is literature.

>> No.2357251

Northern Irish accent and living in England.
Bitches love it.

>> No.2357254

North Eastern American, Connecticut specifically. Which means I over pronounce shit. Lab-or-a-tory instead of labritory, shoore instead of sure, OBviously instead of oviously, ect.

>> No.2357261


y no one vocaroo yet? Apologies for my poor quality mic.

>> No.2357263

this except not as strong or slang.

>> No.2357273

Pacific Northwest.
Feels generic, man.

I love the southern american drawl, german is cool, and of course anything from the british isles.

I hate new england accents.

>> No.2357277

>Northern Irish
>not a fucking gypo cunt.

>> No.2357285
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Filthy westcoast pig.

>> No.2357286

all the bitches hear is that guy from P.S. I love you, or one of them romantic movies. Gets 'em all moist

>> No.2357287


West Coast?

>> No.2357293

Sure. More like all the girls hear is "I'll tarmac yer drive and steal yer money"

>> No.2357296
File: 26 KB, 400x400, robbie_burns_tshirt-p235665452043037264z8nxt_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I apologise profusely for both my singing and the sound quality, should anyone actually bother listening to this:


>> No.2357297
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So do you have an opinion on scottish independence yet, fannybaws?

>> No.2357298

Well that's what I say, but all they hear is "I want to show you the valleys and hills of the old country and sex you up"

>> No.2357302


>> No.2357306

The Rabbie Burns fannybaws (not to be mistaken for 'person') is against independence but for further devolved powers.

>> No.2357308

Aye. I'm opposed. I'm not a unionist. I'd love Scotland to be independent, but not in the current circumstances... and especially not under that cunt salmond.

>> No.2357312

generic American, but I live in the South. Southern drawls really annoy me

>> No.2357310 [DELETED] 


my very first - and very awkward - vocaroo (managed to say "and all of that" twice within the same ten seconds, please be gentle).

>> No.2357314


>> No.2357316

>English Accent
>Rose Wolfe
It's clearly not.

>> No.2357317

did you say liverpool in a scouse accent?

>> No.2357324

I don't see why we need it. We're stronger economically and militarily as a union. The only reason for independence is sense of pride. Nationalism never made sense to me. I'm from glasgow and I give as much of a fuck about people in inverness or perth or Livingston as I do for people in newcastle liverpool london or cardiff.

>> No.2357325

yeah, not in a very good one though.

>> No.2357327
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The Euro will recover, Scotland will be able to represent itself at EU summits and we will join the European-Scandinavian master race.

>> No.2357329


>> No.2357332

Yeah but we need to find a way to get all the junkies and dole scroungers to fuck off to England before our independence.

>> No.2357333


I hate Scotland too, but this isn't about pride. Pride is what motivates the delusion middle-englander euro-skeptics who are supposed to represent our country for the rest of the world.

Becoming a proper international state and assimilating with the rest of europe is terrifying for people who still imagine the UK as some kind of ridiculous mini-america.

>> No.2357344


Glasgow needs to get its shit together.

Murder and drugs capital of western europe.

>> No.2357347

It's also got the third highest GDP per capita out of any city in the UK (first and second being London and Edinburgh respectively) so there's not really cause enough to drop the bomb on Glasgow yet.

>> No.2357350

I like the influence we have in england. england will always be more powerful than us. I'd rather push for devolved powers whilst maintaining a union so we can affect them and they can't affect us.

>> No.2357351

I'm pro-euro. We're just in a shit state right now and we will lose institutions like our nationalised banks to the English. And don't think Salmonds claim to oil will mean shit.
Plus we spend more than we get in.

And Salmond should not be known as the man that gave us independence. He should be known as the tory in disguise scummy cunt he is.

Can we wait for the old firm to get into the English championship (like they'd last in the EPL) before we get independence? Taht way the wedge and all the glory hunter neds fuck off?

>> No.2357358

Salmond a Tory in disguise? What a complete and utter load of shite. You're just quoting some drunken old fart you spoke to in a pub aren't you?

>> No.2357359

>implying scottish independence wouldn't lead to us being supported by every other nation that only hates us because we are run by the english?
>implying England will have power when all the Scots no longer fight on their front lines and they loose their cannon fodder.
>Implying if we get independence the welsh wont try (even with their lack of exports) and it wont start up the 'troubles' (What a silly fucking name) in Northern Ireland again.

>> No.2357361


guess where I'm from

>> No.2357364


>> No.2357366 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2357373
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What more devolved powers can you ask for that wouldn't basically constitute independence? A foreign policy office? Our own military?

And why should we care about having a say in what England does when we can collaborate with the rest of EU? The EU which currently has a higher GDP than America.


>Can we wait for the old firm to get into the English championship (like they'd last in the EPL) before we get independence? Taht way the wedge and all the glory hunter neds fuck off?

SLAF, you're a fucking genius.

>> No.2357381

I have a mix of midwestern blank accent and vague traces of a spanish accent handed down through my puertorican mother

I hate german, spaniard, asian, and portugese accents

>> No.2357384

false analogy
ya lit =/= movies for young adults

>> No.2357386

I'm an estonian, and speaking a finno-ugric language, my accent sounds northern-european (I guess, almost like the finnish accent)
My boyfriend does enjoy it, since to him it's quite exotic. Also some others have told me I have a nice accent. But even if my english is fine, some words are hard to pronounce, and my accent can come off strongly.
I like the australian accent.

>> No.2357388

vocaroo. nao.

>> No.2357393

UK, I'm from London but people often assume me to come from a posher background than I do.

Part of the reason is that I loathed the school I went to which seemed to encapsulate the concept of 'chavviness' and people pointed out that I seemed posh and it was a way of distinguishing myself. I always grew to admire the more preppy side of life. Since going to university and seeing some of the ignorance and snobbiness of some of the people who have no clue what poor people live like I have moved my sympathies back towards the area I grew up in.

Anyway, I really like Northern Irish accents on women. After watching Fargo I really love North Dakotan accents too.

>> No.2357400

Common Civilized Dutch.

When I speak English, I prefer to speak it as plain as possible. No strange accents or anything, just BBC like.

>> No.2357401
File: 86 KB, 595x418, griffiths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen how he squanders our money. He's either a tory or a fucking moron.

He also wants 16-17 year olds voting in the referendum and yet he refuses to put money into making schooling better for said age group. He's in it for himself. He wants to go down as the guy who gave scotland independence and that's all.

plus he's a fat jambo and it shows in the fact that he approved deal in which Edinburgh invest in building a whole new stadium for them.

I should take the place in the SSP that that shameful bastard Tommy Sheridan opened up.

Oh god a possible girl. Oh me oh my.

>> No.2357404


>> No.2357412



>> No.2357414

I can't understand you.

>> No.2357416


good, cunt.

>> No.2357423

It's just some drunk trying to take the piss out of the Scottish.

>> No.2357445
File: 79 KB, 500x375, medalliontipbrogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Australian, South Australian/Victorian.

Bit more elocution than the average guy.

I dislike Chinese accents, but man what really pisses me off is Indian accents.

>> No.2357453
File: 10 KB, 638x772, That Feel Geordie Edition.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2357466



>> No.2357471

Does each county of england claim its own accent?

'sall pom to me.

>> No.2357475


wtf are you on about, you must have immigrant parents for your accent to come across as foreign tainted.

I have lived in England for 40 years and I have never doubted someone was born here because of their accent.

For the record I have a London / Surrey middle class accent though I do accidently a bit of rural sussex occasionally.

>> No.2357476

American Broadcast English/General American/Standard American English

I literally don't have an accent.

>> No.2357486
File: 83 KB, 664x512, superray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have lived in England for 40 years

>> No.2357488

>not Received Pronunciation

You've an accent there chummy.

>> No.2357490

>we spend more than we get in.

Actually that's a common misconception, Scotland sends all of it's tax revenue and such south to England and they send a certain amount of that back up for our budget.

If Scotland broke off we'd have a good 3-4 Billion more each year to work with from what the English wouldn't be taking.

Of course it wouldn't really matter in the short term since if we break off we'd need to take on a portion of the national debt and it would likely just go towards that.

>> No.2357496

>implying might doesn't make right
>implying America isn't numero uno

Say that to my face not online fucker and see what happens.

>> No.2357503
File: 8 KB, 200x192, 1325016920993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all glasya cunt.

>> No.2357504


Pretty sure I said "knew-cassel"

>> No.2357523

French, because i'm french.
And i dont abhorr it, its fucking horrible.

>> No.2357530

I dare any of you to guess where I'm from


>> No.2357531

As an native english speaker, french is likely to be the most beautiful language. The accent is pretty poor unless you're a female though.

OT: When fluent in english, greek accents can sound great, strangely enough.

>> No.2357537

dunce. cannot put you anywhere.

>> No.2357539

Going to guess dutch or belgian. Monotone doesn't help though.

>> No.2357551

Nope. Here's a piece of Rose's blog reenacted by: me.


>> No.2357553

It's really quite difficult to understand you.

Rose's blog?

>> No.2357554

Link to that blog, please.

>> No.2357555

Greece or south eastern yurop

>> No.2357556

err, skandy?


>> No.2357557

I sound like Fred West.

Cool huh?

>> No.2357560

Right, sorry. I forgot we weren't on /g/ or /v/ or /b/.
She's just a random English girl who has stuff scattered around the internets.
Is it difficult to understand my accent or what I mean by "rose's blog"?
I'm not used to talking fast in English, maybe my dicction is shitty as a result thereof.

>> No.2357561

She erased it. I have an .hmt saved here.

Nope. Give up?

>> No.2357562

Googled her name when it came up earlier.
She seems one of those "I play games and write and am a girl" type people.

>/g/ /v/ /b/

And I was right.
~She is irrelavent.

>> No.2357563


>> No.2357564

'strine accent

i like swedish accents,

hate 'apologetic' asian ones, not meaning to be offensive.

>> No.2357565

I think you just need to slow down and articulate more, maybe work on which syllables you stress in a sentence, then your English will be perfectly fine.

>> No.2357567

Nah, brah. She likes videogames but she doesn't go on about it with the whole "silly boys, don't hit on me" ordeal. People posted about her on /v/ (in my opinion) because she is flippant about it, which is unusual, especially if you're as attractive as her. Anyway, I guess it's a love her or hate her thing, but I don't think you can come up with any conclusions that fast.

>> No.2357568

Neutral Northeast American with a touch of Brooklyn. Is that a thing?

>> No.2357569

>reading Tao Lin like an autistic retard... or Tao Lin.

Also, I'm a 24 year old man, I should not have the voice of a 10 year old.


>> No.2357571

Still, you can't deny the fact that she is in attention-whore, which is enough for me to lose interest.

>> No.2357572

I would hit her like some kind of celestial collection of phalanges. But I'd feel dirty in the morning, like David Sewell after Dali photographed him masturbating on that crucifix.

>> No.2357574
File: 71 KB, 350x309, Marylin-Monroe-Reading-The-Greatest-Book-Ever-Written.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's me doing a reading because fuck you.


>> No.2357575

The only thing she posted "out there" was her youtube videos. If that makes you an attention whore, then alright. The rest of it was found by stalkers.
Anyway, it's funny how people are so relunctant to accept being made noticed is something intrinsically human.

>> No.2357578
File: 845 KB, 1536x1024, Submarine-Film-Trailer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just going by her photos on her blog.

>> No.2357583

Less competition. Also, Submarine was an excellent film. Ayoade's idea to marry the internal fantasy with the film's visual language (so much shout out to French New Wave) was simple, but effective and delightful.

>> No.2357586

I fell for Yasmin Paige's character. I'd fuck that character hard. Literally. Ba dum ts.

>> No.2357584

Yes, if you have seen them, you shall realise that they are definitely enough.

>> No.2357587


Defining abstraction.

Is it just me or do I sound young?

>> No.2357589

I have a Southern US accent but I drop haitches and things like that, conflate "v" and "f" and sometimes replace "s" with "z." I use a lot of contraction-like elision, and people who expect more elocution have trouble understanding me if I'm not trying.

>> No.2357590

Oh, definitely. She can singe my leghairs anytime. But I'd still be thinking of Rose...

>> No.2357591

Canadian accent here

I just sound like a timid American

>> No.2357592

>Do I sound young
Not really. Just when you hear your voice in recording it's strange because you ehar it completely different.

>> No.2357593

Rose is worse because she's real and has flaws.
The girl from Submarine virtually doesn't exist. She's perfect if you want her to be.

>> No.2357596

Alex Turner's soundtrack was also very beautiful and yet haunting.

I should probably read the book.

I fully agree. I just want to hug her at the christmas party during the fathers breakdown.

>> No.2357600

I'm a native English speaker, and I strongly dislike French and French accents. I like German and Russian accents, and northern European ones. Welsh is beautiful.

>> No.2357603

guy who feel for the girl here
I read the book and was throughly dissapointed at how Jordana was portrayed. Richard Ayoade really improved the character in the film as to not only be more reasonable why Oliver liked her but as to make the audience also be mesmerised by her flauntings

>> No.2357604

I'm from northern California. I say hella. I also say fer instead of for, yer instead of your, etc. It's very lazy sounding. I don't have any sort of surfy guttural drawl though, but many people my age do speak like that. They sound absolutely retarded. If I get time later I'll vocaroo some general Californian accents I hear.

>> No.2357607

Maybe. I'd rather think of myself as Denis Lavant in Boy Meets Girl. Fuck the perfect couple on the bridge, I'd rather be in the imperfect relationship that doesn't quite work out.

>> No.2357609

>Alex Turner's soundtrack was also very beautiful and yet haunting.
I was pleased about that. I sorta like the Arctic Monkeys, but not that much, but I found his music for the film to be rather good.

>> No.2357613


"I'm not the kind of fool
who's gonna sit and sing to you,
about stars, girl.

But last night I looked up into
the dark half of the blue,
and they'd gone backwards."

It's so simple but so moving.

>> No.2357620

Simple is sometimes the best.

>> No.2357623
File: 136 KB, 302x450, farewelltoarms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image to further back up my claim.

>> No.2357624



>> No.2357628

Southern English?

>> No.2357629

Oh my, we need to do reading threads so I can hear some more of that Scottish accent.

>> No.2357632

>>2357628 here
haha it's obvious now. i'm a dunce.

>> No.2357635

south wales

>> No.2357639

>reading threads
I'd definitely be up for this. It'd remind me of the poetry night I used to attend.

>> No.2357645


omg is that you trumie?

>> No.2357662

Californian dude

Sound like a stoner

>> No.2357680


no, poetry is gay.

Why would I want to undermine this rugged, macho persona that I have toiled for so long to construct and maintain?

>> No.2357692
File: 59 KB, 462x348, swag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm the manliest poet this side of the pond.
>also mfw when girls tell me how good my penis tastes.
>not my face when I realise this isn't true and I'm a compulsive liar.

>> No.2357710

Another Scot here. Do I have a boring reading voice?


>> No.2357760

What book is that?

>> No.2357768

I'm German, not being able to pronounce 'th'.

>> No.2357773

Like everyone in t'e north.

>> No.2357885

Newfie is my favorite accent.