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/lit/ - Literature

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2356647 No.2356647 [Reply] [Original]

>I think we ought to read only the kind of books that wound and stab us. If the book we are reading doesn't wake us up with a blow on the head, what are we reading it for? ...we need the books that affect us like a disaster, that grieve us deeply, like the death of someone we loved more than ourselves, like being banished into forests far from everyone, like a suicide. A book must be the axe for the frozen sea inside us.
-Franz Kafka

So lit, why don't you do this?

>> No.2356653

I love movies like that, books never really hit me in that way.
Interesting you posted that though, thats kinda the reason I'm reading 120 Days of Sodom.

>> No.2356655

That feel when farewell to arms... that feel when the Road..

>> No.2356658

Are you reading anything like that right now?

>> No.2356667

i always do that

>> No.2356668

>I know that feel
So can we have a "How I acquired said feel" thread?

>> No.2356672

By that I mean share books/film that had that effect on us.

I´m about to watch Ikiru for the first time.

>> No.2356687

nice ideal but it isn't necessarily helpful for individuals still trying to discover what else is out there and how to appreciate it. i.e. in order to read only books that wound and stab you have to have already read the books before - so you know they meet the condition - or be willing to quit everything early on if it doesn't take a shiv to your soul in the first chapters. either way you restrict yourself and don't account for works that require effort and rereading to 'get' in a full sense or that hit you differently at different points in life. i'd rather read a number of personal stinkers to discover one new personal favorite than just sit and reread the handful i already know.

>> No.2356692

>in order to read only books that wound and stab you have to have already read the books before - so you know they meet the condition -



>> No.2356694

>you can't dictate a good book from the first few chapters

>> No.2356697

I use to believe that, then I realized that every book I forced myself to read to the very end... never did become any better.

>> No.2356708

I do. It's the best way to FEEL.

>> No.2356714

Examples of books/film/other media that had that effect on you?

>> No.2356724

The best way to feel is reading a book. Crazy cats lurkin

>> No.2356730

Fantastic idea. Brb, making a pop up book with the pages cut from sheet metal

>> No.2356761


uh yes. you wouldn't know it if a book is about to stab you. Just don't put something spiky around the book while you have your back turned

>> No.2356762


Actually dude, you have to read the book before you even know it's going to touch you deeply. Kafka said something dumb here, you never know what's inside the book AND YOU FUCKING READ IT BECAUSE YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS

if you don't like reading book without being spoiled, fuck you

>> No.2356766

I do this but not consistently. Kafka may be my favorite author of all. Not that I'll ever understand all the evil in the world, but I think I've convinced myself of it enough to where I need to think about something else.

>> No.2356776

I think he might have read a bit to much schopenhauer.

>> No.2356785

He's posturing a bit there, for sure. Which is his prerogative as a writer. Surely a book which uplifts and amazes you has the same value as one that cuts you. But that's not as cool a thing to say. And Kafka was cool.

>> No.2356792

Schopenhauer is hard to call rational but I think he was right about his ethics. People don't think the world is suffering because they are sheltered.

>> No.2356797

I think people need to be reminded of the problems of the world. People presuppose that the world is good way too much.

>> No.2356822


The moment that hits the hardest in A Farewell to Arms, the death of the love interest and child is horribly manipulative on the part of Hemmingway. It was an unnecessary development that in reality sought only to shock, adding little depth.

>> No.2356825


>> No.2356833

ASOIF fits the describtion for me

>> No.2356835

>notice Kafka's use of typically masculine violent and penetrative language
>connect it to his pornography addiction
>disregard another phallocrat

>> No.2356837

It's not so important to read books that make you weep or feel a sense of loss. Instead you should be reading books that upset every idea you hold close. If you're left wing read right wing texts, if you're atheist reading religious texts, if you're liberal read conservative texts.

>> No.2356842


Reading self-declared ideology of any bent is fucking stupid and counter-productive.
It's spelled with seven "m"s dude.

>> No.2356851

not really you should be informed of your antithesis. it would be ignorant and niave to accept without consideration that it's just 'self-declared ideology of any bent'

>> No.2356853

An axe would do nothing to a frozen sea. Get you shit together, Kafka.

>> No.2356858

there's a textual variant - 'smote the sledded (pol)acks on the ice' that makes better sense.

>> No.2356865


I'm a right winger, it's impossible to avoid leftist books.

>> No.2356866

How will I know if that will happen without reading the book?

I thought Kafka was supposed to be a smart guy?

>> No.2356876


I can only have an "antithesis" if I'm involved in politics on either side. I don't know how offended to be that you're implying I buy into partisan nonsense of any kind.

Some people read for the stories, y'know.

>> No.2356879

politics and religion were only examples. do i really need to point that out? you can be as nonpartisan as you like, but you will have ideas that you hold dear. you should challenge these.

bet you don't read them.

>> No.2356880
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because i dont want to

>> No.2356886


You're assuming that it's always possible to know which ideas are "challenged" by a book before reading it. Which is so crazy I think I'm being trolled here.

As I said, if a book's stance on any subject can be inferred from its title alone, it's more likely to be Ann Coulter than Shakespeare, neh?

And you know damn well which of the two I don't have time for.

>> No.2356899

You can read more than the title without reading the actual book, by the way. You can read reviews and descriptions of the books.

why are you being so hostile ? what Im saying is reasonable. You're thinking of it in terms of fiction where it is less appropriate. Obviously if you don't like an author there's not much point in reading it. But it would help to be familiar with it, especially if you have a strong opinion against it or it might even be worthwhile reading it if you know it's got a a wide following and at the very least it diversifies your learning and solidifies your own perceptions.

Please leave accusations of troll out of this. it's juvenile.

>> No.2356902
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Because I read for fun, obviously.

>> No.2356906


This is a misunderstanding. I read fiction - such as Kafka, the focal point of this thread - for entertainment, and to be stimulated imaginatively. I don't read it out of a sense of duty to legitimise or challenge my beliefs. The way you view literature - or the view you are advancing here, in any case - is incompatible with my own.

And the distinction between Coulter and Shakespeare is far more than merely "liking" one better, and you know it.

>> No.2356914
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>> No.2356917

Infinite Jest wounded and stabbed me.