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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.41 MB, 1232x1068, greatestofalltimeww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2356018 No.2356018 [Reply] [Original]

Which one is the best book, and why?

For me it's Infinite Jest, but I've never fully read Gravity's Rainbow, just started reading it in fact. People say that these two are very similar, but I didn't notice any similarities as of yet. Can anyone explain me how or give an example of why the two are similar.

Atlas Shrugged is the worst of the four I think.

>> No.2356023

>/lit/'s favorite books
>mfw according to /lit/ Atlas Shrugged is both its favorite and least favorite book

>> No.2356027

Infinite Jest is the most modern novel, and in my opinion, the most important to my own growth and point of view. What Wallace was grappling with was the modern condition for the intellectual of the 21st century. There's a lot to appreciate in that novel.

>> No.2356028

>no 2666

Away with this trash

>> No.2356038

That's the wrong Joyce if you're trying to get each of those authors' best books. Come to think of it, so is Gravity's Rainbow.

Those should be Finnegan's Wake and Mason & Dixon.

With the choices given, though, Joyce. He's still awesome.

>> No.2356045

GR but only just over Ulysses

>> No.2356047

Ulysses is the best book because IT'S MOTHERFUCKING ULYSSES.

But seriously, why is everyone on the internet so obsessed with ranking things? Why does there have to be a best? Even if we assume that it's possible to objectively rate the quality of a book, I don't see why we need to have some sort of strict sorting method where, given any two books, one must be "better" than the other.

Basically, what I'm saying is that tiers make more sense than lists. Ulysses, Gravity's Rainbow, and Infinite Jest all belong in a very high tier, because they are considered by many people to be some of the best books ever written, but how do you compare them to each other? Moreover, what do you gain by comparing them to each other (in terms of quality)?

>> No.2356052

I never read IJ despite hearing so much good stuff about it on /lit/. But then again, it's /lit/.

I really cannot take the guy seriously because of the way he looks like. It's like he was a total wigger, and wearing bandanas and shit... ugh. But of course don't judge the book by its cover, et cetera, et cetera, it's just that I cannot take the guy seriously.

>> No.2356061

They're all different and do different things.
Which one is best is going to depend on what you want out of the novel.
I'm a big fan of Ulysses and Infinite Jest. GR was sort of meh, but I'm planning on either rereading it or reading some other Pynchon novel soon.
As for similarities, IJ is more DFW at his DFWiest for 1000 pages, doing what he does. That would be, hyperverbose, obsessive, clinical, cyclical over the course of "chapters". Gravity's Rainbow is sort of the literary equivalent of ADD on acid. There's a whole lot of shit going on, just like IJ, but nothing really focuses up (like IJ [and I mean sort of how the narrator starts with a huge cast and then just sort of narrows in on a few characters]). With GR, many characters are introduced and we spend a few pages with them, and then they leave. Slothrop leaves for like 300 pages and you kind of forget about him at one point.

IJ is more about addiction and addiction to information and entertainment, GR is more about the absurdity of the lives of individuals contrasted against a world war and the postmodern/latemodern/w/e/ world.

>Can anyone explain me how or give an example of why the two are similar.
So I guess in direct response to your question, they're not really that similar, people just lump them together because they're both touted as these postmodern doorstops that are supposed to be their respective author's magnum opus.

>> No.2356062

How the fuck does Atlas Shrugged and Infinite Jest belong next to Ulysses and GR? Atlas Shrugged and Infinite Jest are in no ways contenders for greatest novel of all time, the only one that really is is Ulysses. GR top 50 but, not top 5.

Infinite Jest and Atlas Shrugged aren't even in the discussion. Atlas Shrugged is not canon and Infinite Jest may not be either.

>> No.2356063

Because everything is based on competition and rankings, world without those could not exist. Or at least us humans haven't evolved to that level yet.

>> No.2356066

Look at yourself in the mirror. Give DFW a chance.

>> No.2356069
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>Infinite Jest
>I ain't got time to read that

>> No.2356079

“You know, I don’t want to be offensive. But ‘Infinite Jest’ is just awful. It seems ridiculous to have to say it. He can’t think, he can’t write. There’s no discernible talent.” - Harold Bloom

>> No.2356083


You know, I don’t want to be offensive. But Harold Bloom is just awful. It seems ridiculous to have to say it. He can’t think, he can’t write. There’s no discernible talent.

>> No.2356093

DFW is a writer who wanted to be Thomas Pynchon but lacked the talent.

>> No.2356094

fuck objectivism fuck ayn rand fuck atlas shrugged

1: as a philosophical system, objectivism is a joke. There are plenty of good critiques of it online, and this is not meant to be one of them. it's an ideology that cannot even stand up under the weight of it's own poor arguments.

2. look at the consequences of ayn rand's philosophy….do you know how many murders and horrors have been committed by such practicers of rational egoism? what about ayn rand's own life? she was miserable person with contempt for everyone, fucked over everyone close to her, and died a wretched shit of a person as she lived. she's like the female modern marquis de sade mine minus literary talent

3. and sammy d: the person sucked, she created a philosophy, which was poor and also sucked, and now most anyone who can think hates her. connection made.

4. reasonjester: benefits of subjectivism: all of art. you don't understand subjectivity. in the slightest. read foucalt, kierkegaard, and nietzsche, then go fuck yourself. those who highlight the godliness of mans reason are sad and desperately trying to make men gods in a world where theyre animals, but subjectivity attempts to make men fully what they should be.

5. fuck ayn rand.

>> No.2356096

Lol this one was pretty good. Anyone got more of those?

>> No.2356099


"So-and-so has no talent" is one assertion that always really bothers me. It just doesn't make sense. DFW wrote a novel that affected a lot of people on a deep and personal level. Regardless of how you feel about the quality of his writing, it seems absurd to claim that he has no talent when he achieved a success that most writers can only dream of.

It the same deal with people who claim that popular writers like Stephen King and Stephanie Meyer have no talent. They write books that appeal to a lot of people; this takes talent. It may be a talent that you don't value very much, but it's clearly a talent that not a lot of people have, or else a lot more people would be millionaire authors.

>> No.2356110

Rand was a hateful old hag who believed selfishness was a virtue, she also died bitter and alone.

>> No.2356114

No it doesn't take talent. It takes stupid people following stupid people. Argumentum ad populum, look it up on Wikipedia.

>> No.2356116
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I would love to read Infinite Jest, but I bought a copy for my bf instead.

>> No.2356117


At least you are putting DWF where he belongs, next to Stephen King and Stephanie Meyer.

>> No.2356124

omg you're a girl! give me msn or skype we should talk sometimes :D

>> No.2356128


I'm not claiming that books are good because they're popular. I'm claiming that it takes talent to produce a popular book. I believe this because tons of people write books, and only a select few of them become popular. A certain author maybe be stupid, and the majority of their readers may be stupid, but the reason that the author is the one making money from the rest of the stupid people is that they have a talent that the others don't: namely, writing books for stupid people.

>> No.2356132

Go back to /adv/ you scum.

>> No.2356163

Why does everyone here hate Ayn Rand so much?

>> No.2356164
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20th century doorstop general?

>> No.2356169


She's a bad writer and her philosophy is stupid.

>> No.2356170
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>20th century
Barely scrapes in.

>> No.2356175

Why does everyone here talk about Ayn Rand so much then?

>> No.2356178


We like to complain about things. You should know that by now. It's not exclusive to this board.

>> No.2356194

She really is a bad writer. Anthem was the worst two hours of my life.

>> No.2356203

Seriously, fuck Ayn Rand. Stupid ass bitch, someone needs to travel back in time and run that cunt over with a fuckin Chevy, fuck man. Fuck objectivism and shit, bro. Am I right? Damn sheltered kike, she just mad cause she has a fucking eternal period, you know, like the one that lasts fucking forever. Fuck Jimbo Wales and Scott Pilgrim too. Yeah. You wanna be a selfish little bitch and take shit from other niggas? Fuck you money-grabbing jewface. I rape your bullshit, bro. Fuck Ayn Rand.

>> No.2356208

i laughed way harder than i should've..

well played, sir.

>> No.2356214

Fun fact: Ayn Rand, the objectivist opposed to everything regarding "leaches of society," accepted social security and Medicare late in her life because, get this, she couldn't afford to pay her bills.

>> No.2356220

DFW is a writer who was influenced by Pynchon but superseded his master.

>> No.2356229

>No Savage Detectives
>No Underworld


>> No.2356254


>> No.2356287

David Foster Wallace failed badly at writing just as he failed at life. He was a tortured soul who battled with depression for years. With writing he was always trying to be something he isn't. Infinite Jest is pretentious because DFW was perpetuating his books as "deep" without actually feeling that way himself. Appearing artistic for the sake of appearing artistic.

>> No.2356291

It's kinda pathetic that all you need to do is mention DFW on this board and everyone gets instantly riled up. Kinda Pathetic, and kinda hilarious

>> No.2356302

It's also kinda funny how all of you guys made up DFW to be some kind of a god or super deity or something really otherworldly when he was in fact just an ordinary guy just as any of us is. He lacked in talent so he tried to make up with pretentiousness and footnotes therefore "inventing" a new style akin only to himself.

>> No.2356305

>still not believing in the Ubermensch theory

>> No.2356311

>Implying that I even like David Foster Wallace

I'm not actually a huge fan, but i can appreciate that the nigga had talent, which is more than I can say for Pynchon and Joyce. Meretricious mofos

>> No.2356315


>> No.2356326

that site is such dogshit

how can you even link to it? Fuck, leftists should be killed.

>> No.2356340

I just watched this and enjoyed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVzhhvCRTCo
Wow he really seemed like a real nice guy. ;_;

>> No.2356342
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Ulysses is definitely the best. It's more avant-garde than the other stufff.

>> No.2356352

Why is DFW so special? Not that he's a god. He was a fan of tennis which means that he enjoyed weak moral and material pleasures just like the rest of the human race does.

>> No.2356357
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>> No.2356384


dat reasoning

>> No.2356396

yeah that.
Also take a look at his favorite books list, it's all plebe entry-level garbage.

>> No.2356400

He only made that list to perpetuate the "humble nice guy" image he cultivated all his (long, long) collegiate career.

No use nor sense taking it at face value.

>> No.2356409

Just because Foster Wallace wrote books the size of toddlers with 300 pages of footnotes, doesn't mean he can't enjoy ''simple'' things.
It just feels like some people are butthurt or feel less superior when a writer or author they use to prove their superiority, turns out not to like the things he's supposed to like judging from his work.

>> No.2356416

His work ain't that good, honey.

>> No.2356421

Can anyone here recommend a book for me?
Something along the lines of the author describing his views on life (anywhere from politics/government, weather, people, space, or just life in general)?

>> No.2356428
File: 266 KB, 328x498, although of course.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good one for DFW.

>> No.2356429

Hermann Hesse.

>> No.2356432

Much appreciated!

>> No.2356433

Why does every thread on /tv/ has to turn into a DFW thread?

>> No.2356436
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I preferred the pic related unedited version.

>> No.2356514
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Well, to start off, you put kindling in a wrapper in the same image as 3 novels whose majesty is incalculable. I can see how you were put on the wrong path in the first place.

JMHO Ulysses.. because it's James fucking Joyce. Eye patch, glasses, bow tie and dinner jacket. Ayn Rand and her hypocrisy can't pull that kind of shit off.

>> No.2356540

i admit,

i giggled pretty hard at this

>> No.2356551
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>> No.2357765

second. I have yet to be disappointed.

>> No.2357776

Gravity's Rainbow under 2666

>> No.2357781
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>> No.2357787

>Didn't like a book which is highly regarded
>'No, it must be the book that's wrong'

>> No.2357797

I've only read Infinite Jest and Gravity's Rainbow so far, and I'm siding with IJ. It just struck more of a chord with me.

>> No.2357800
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>> No.2357803

Hate both. And as much as I hate to agree with D&E, there is such a thing as objective quality in literature.

>> No.2357811
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>> No.2357818

. . . or one of you could be objectively wrong.

>> No.2357823

No, it's evidence that you're wrong

>> No.2357827

>read foucalt, kierkegaard, and nietzsche
Bad arguments for subjectivity. Nietzsche had interesting things to say at least. But knowing that reason is man's best way to understand the world is in no way in conflict with the view that man is barely above other animals. Rationalists are generally the most humblest in that regard.

>> No.2357831

this is completely subjective of course but holy shit i'm trying to think of a boringer less productive argument and not a single one comes to mind

>> No.2357844

1. Gravity's Rainbow
2. Infinite Jest
3. Every other book written by a person.
joint 4th. Ulysses and Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.2357857


the only reason you don't like ulysses is you're a british nationalist

>> No.2357869

Puritan scum.

>> No.2357894

>implying I care about my nationality/let it effect how I like books.
Worse: Catholic.

...I haven't finished ulysses. I always get mid way through the second part and feel no urge to keep going. I just hate on it because i'm so hipster and po-mo.

>> No.2357908

Have you made it through Oxen of the Sun?

>> No.2357936

I have not, but I am aware of it's importance.

>> No.2357942

It's important, but it's also where the book levels out. Everything after OotS is cake compared to most of the rest of the second part.

>> No.2357962

I will end up trying again, inevitably. I will make it my goal to at least reach and finish Oxen of the Sun.

>> No.2358920

Very insightful. Thanks a lot, bro.

You are stupid, kill yourself.

>> No.2358927

Ulysses is the best. Gravity's Rainbow is also brilliant. The other two are crap

>> No.2358948
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This too.

>> No.2358971


lolposteditagain XD

Beyond cursory similarities like silly pomo names and a penchant for rambling, DFW just really does not remind me of Pynchon at all. There's a certain earnestness/concern/pity in DFW that Pynchon lacks imo. Also, with Pynchon I'm always very aware that I am reading a story. DFW does intimacy better. Between author and characters, author and reader, characters and reader. Pynchon is excellent, but there's a certain spectacle to his stories that always keep me at kind of distance.. I'm not saying DFW is better than Pynchon or that Pynchon is better than DFW. I just really don't get when people think DFW is a failed wannabe Pynchon.

>> No.2358987


and why the fuck is atlas shrugged even on that list?

You just unveiled yourself as a suburban teen

>> No.2359015

Did you make that picture yourself OP? If so why did you have to add in Atlas Shrugged instead of something ,well, good like 2666 or something?

>> No.2359036

I actually don't like Atlas but it's one of the most discussed books on /lit/ so I thought I'd put it there.
Never read 2666, sorry.

>> No.2359044

1. Ulysses
2. Gravity's Rainbow
9001. Infinite Jest
999999999999999999. Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.2359045

Good book you should check it out. I liked Savage Detectives too.
Also good work on that picture, I would have saved it if Atlas Shrugged wasn't on it

>> No.2359053

Pretty much. You've got it down just right.

>> No.2359056
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Haha, thanks if serious. I actually thought it was pretty bad.

>> No.2359065

What's with so much bashing on Ayn Rand?
Objectively what's so bad about Ayn Rand and her philosophy? Some people live by it. Could you do better? Could you write philosophy? Or start your own movement?
How is her philosophy worse or better in any way than let's say existentialism? It isn't. All philosophy is philosophy. There is no good or bad philosophy.

Plus Atlas Shrugged was a pretty good book, fucking all the powerful women and shit, nawhutimsayin?

>> No.2359066

Read the rules

>> No.2359082

Wow, I cannot believe this :O

>> No.2359117

Those rules are a fucking joke. Nothing there is supposed to be taken seriously except the 'no cp' rule. Just take a look at this:

>/adv/ - Advice

>1. All advice threads welcome. Requests are allowed.
> 2. No hookup threads!

>> No.2359122

Rule #4. is not a joke.

>> No.2359143
File: 35 KB, 640x727, funny-picture-the-stupid-it-burns..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayn rand is a cunt!

>> No.2359217

Well, the first time I readed about objectivism I noticed a lot of logical failures in the main concept, which I found terrible because philosophy is supossed to be based on logic, you can't just come up, fuck everything every other philosopher have said and create your whole shit, there are some pillars and rules you have to follow, you have to read something or either way your whole view would be full of fallacies and logic failures, like the Ayn Rand one, but of course her fanbase can't see this.

>> No.2359231

An Question:

What is the difference between DFW and Pratchett?

>> No.2359243

Pratchett writes parodies of fantasy and fantasy cliche. DFW writes immense discourses on obsession and depression.

>> No.2359307

Now:Fellowship of the Ring (third attempt, really want to have read them seen as I enjoyed the films and like the concept of the books; but they are just so damn boring for huge amounts of time)

Previous: Fight Club...
Next: Two Towers I guess

>> No.2359329

I'm one of three people in the world that bought The Pale King!

>> No.2359336

If you are not a rothbardian then you are a statist.

>> No.2359341


>> No.2360397

1. ulysses
9001. gravity's rainbow
900000000000000000001. infinite jest
∞+. atlas shrugged

>> No.2360692

Even if you dogmatically disagree with her political views and find the actual story within Atlas Shrugged to be lackluster, you must have some appreciation for her writing style and eloquent usage of the English language.

>On the morning of November 4, Hank Rearden was awakened by the ringing of a telephone. He opened his eyes to the sight of a clear, pale sky, the sky of early dawn, in the window of his bedroom, a sky the delicate color of aquamarine, with the first rays of an invisible sun giving a shade of porcelain pink to Philadelphia's ancient roof tops. For a moment, while his consciousness had a purity to equal the sky's, while he was aware of nothing but himself and had not yet reharnessed his soul to the burden of alien memories, he lay still, held by the sight and by the enchantment of a world to match it, a world where the style of existence would be a continuous morning.

>> No.2360698
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>Thinks no one bought the pale king.

>> No.2360700

Ranking everything, like this, is part of the information filtering you pick up when using the internet too much or too long. You wouldn't expect that on /lit/, or are we all fake readers?

>> No.2360710

1. Ulysses
2. Mason & Dixon (not pictured) by Thomas Pynchon
3. Gravity's Rainbow

huge gap

4. Infinite Jest

huge gap

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.2360712

Tao Lin? Kill yourself; I don't care how, but do it.

>> No.2360724
File: 85 KB, 560x553, 1321660208451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using a Kindle/Nook and pirating all of his /lit/erature
>paying for books
>waiting a week for them to be shipped to his house
>fapping to the scent of paper
>getting semen on his book
>having to flip actual pages
>not being able to read in the dark
>cracked spines with unsightly appearances

>> No.2360758

where the fuck is Vollmann?

>> No.2360902

The actual best books (includes a couple not pictured):

1. Green Eggs and Ham (not pictured)
2. Ulysses
3. Gravity's Rainbow
4. The Da Vinci Code (not pictured)
5. Babysitter's Club #97 - Claudia and the World's Cutest Baby (not pictured)
6. Atlas Shrugged
797897. Infinite Jest

>> No.2360910


You can't read from a Kindle/Nook in the dark either, you retard. They're not backlit.

>> No.2362259

infinite jest te h greatest book of all tiem xd amirite /lit/ you bunch of retards

infinite jest 1984 and ulysses is all you know about, fucking entry-level plebcore shit

>> No.2363218

Pynchon seemed to almost write with the intent of making it something you have to "solve". He was rarely straightforward in his sentence structure and had a tendency towards superfluous tangents that provided nothing for the narrative itself. When one encounters a page of material entirely about bananas or has to spend time looking up something about V-2 rockets, one would naturally assume this has purpose towards the greater narrative. In this case it really didn't and that is obnoxious.

>> No.2363313

except Pynchon is hilarious

just think of the narrator has some funny pothead guy who is surprisingly more intelligent/better
researched than anyone in any field. And it was maybe 2 paragraphs describing how Prentice cultivates and makes bananas smoothies

yer jus a retard

>> No.2363324


I've always wondered what the typical c/lit/'s book collection looked. That explains a lot.

If you had some Nabokov on there, you'd probably have the full set, everything you need to post on this abortion of a board.

>> No.2363360

>anxious white middle-class males with a slight superiority complex
>liking ulysses

pick everything

>> No.2364115 [DELETED] 

Agreed. The man writes about piranha-filled dildos and coprophilia just because he can. I thought the whole thing was hilarious.

>> No.2364124

Agreed. The man writes about piranha-filled dildos and coprophilia just because he can. I thought the whole thing was hilarious as well, when I realized it was meant to be absurd.

>> No.2364134

Doesn't know that name is bannable.

>> No.2364205

Ayn rand

>> No.2364226

There is a mastery and fun within Pynchon's works. He's not scared of words, and he's sure as shit not worried about how he's perceived. He just writes what he writes because he likes it, and it shows.

David Foster Wallace is always neurotic, and always scared shitless of how is work will be perceived, and it shows. He didn't use words because they were the best possible ones to convey his intention--he used words because they would bamboozle limited thinkers into believing they were reading lofty, great art. What ends up happening with DFW is that his prose is so obnoxiously stilted that every sentence is like a clumsy fall down the stairs.

>> No.2364228

Doesn't know /lit/ has no mods.
We have a Rand thread like thrice a week.

>> No.2365209

We don't have mods? Someone deleted my thread the other day, explain that to me!

>> No.2365219

Gotta love that smirk on Franzen's face.

>> No.2366573

ayn rand's philosophy may be shit, but is atlas shrugged a good book?

>> No.2367746

No,it's shit and you should feel like shit for reading it.

>> No.2368697


>> No.2370545

i wanna read atlas shrugged what should i expect

>> No.2370677

Only socialists can say Rand's philisophy is shit.

Great book.

>> No.2370721

Oh god, it's worse than I ever imagined.

>> No.2370723

>Using the fox news definition of a socialist.

>> No.2370724

Don't tell me you don't appreciate her writing style?

>> No.2370734

That is pretty bad and I am not even that other guy. Do you think the prose of Hunger Games were good too?

>> No.2370744


That. Is. Awful.

>> No.2370760


He's being funny.