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23554250 No.23554250 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right?

>> No.23554259

he's obviously right, even incel philosophers like shloppy are completely obsessed with the opposite sex

>> No.23554265

He said this, while looking like that. Martin includes sex scenes because he is horny and needs something to tug his todger to later on. This quote is how he justifies it.

>> No.23554274

Lord of the Rings doesn't need sex scenes, it would ruined

>> No.23554634

Lots of things are a necessary part of life but they're not really great to read about.

>sunset found her squatting in the grass

>> No.23554975
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>huuurrrrrrrrr im literally too stupid to understand that sam porked rosie and thats where all those kids came from, I need a gratuitous sex scene to explain it to me

its so hilarious that this mans entire legacy in in utter ruins. couldn't have happened to anyone more deserving

>> No.23554995

Is he right that sex happens in real life? Yes. Is he right that Middle Earth is incomplete and sexless? Of course not, and mister Planetos has no authority from which to speak about the completedness of worldbuilding for that matter, either.

>> No.23555049

Yep. The picture is the only refutation necessary. He’s just a slob who gets off at exposing his own slobbiness. Can you imagine Joyce complaining about the lack of sex scenes in Shakespeare?

>> No.23555110

If sex happens in real life I would've had it by now

>> No.23555114

The exception does not define the rule.

>> No.23555116

Tolkien fought in the deadliest war in history and had several children.

This fat manlet ran away to Canada and despite liking sex so much he IS a genetic dead end.

>> No.23556151

Remember that he inserts himself into Sam.