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2355353 No.2355353 [Reply] [Original]

Books you have to read this semester?

For my history class

>> No.2355363

That just made me want to read "All quiet on the western front" again - such a good book.

>> No.2355372

jane eyre
great expectations
assorted tennyson/rossetti
jekyll and hyde
importance of being earnest
body double
mystic river
city of theives
girl who fell from the sky
olive kitteridge
the kite runner
King Arthur and his kniiights
travels of sir john mandeville
the song of roland
tain bo cuailnge
song of nibelungs
secret history of the mongols
tale of genji

>> No.2355382

oh boy here we go

Cunningham - The Hours
DeLillo - White Noise
Dostoyevsky - The Devils
Dostoyevsky - The Gambler
Dostoyevsky - Notes From Underground/The Double
Dostoyevsky - Crime & Punishment
Faulkner - Light in August
Gogol - Collected Stories
Ishiguro - Remains of the Day
Joyce - Ulysses
Lovelace - The Dragon Can't Dance
Ondaatje - Anil's Ghost
Spiegelman - Maus I & II
Stein - Three Lives
Turgenev - Fathers and Sons

>> No.2355395

Modest Proposal
Slaughterhouse 5
The English Patient
Pride and Prejudice
The Girls of Slender Means
The Bell Jar
The Age of Innocence
In the Penal colony (Kafka)
The Oxford Book of Caribbean Short Stories
To the Lighthouse
Mrs Dalloway (not actually on the reading list but heavily hinted at)

and then all my history reading

>> No.2355453

Make sure you actually read the Jungle, dude. It's worth it. Admittedly, I love the industrial revolution so that's a possible bias. But still!

>> No.2355469

Already read it and I loved it, next up is The Red Badge of Courage tomorrow probably.

>> No.2355470

>The Things They Carried
I hated that book so much. Worthless trash.
"Everything in this book is true!"
Several chapters later...
"Everything in this book is false!"
"Just kidding, it's true!"
"No wait, it's actually false but it's true if you want to believe!"

Regardless, the events that happen are so boring, I couldn't give a shit whether the author was lying to me or not. I can't believe I actually finished that book.

>> No.2355478
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I'm in France studying English language & literature at the moment and I envy you all.

>> No.2355481

the heartbreaking scene where he was debating a life of a coward who fled the draft near the border.
the aftermath of being bombarded all night and being covered and mud and shit and blood and your former buddies viscera.
the rumor that an over zealous gf is now regularly making raids with black op troops.

it wasn't boring, it was very moving

6/10 though nice effort

>> No.2355486

Sense and Sensibility, Rosencratz and Guildenstern are Dead, Heart of Darkness, Mrs, Dalloway, Jamrach's Menagerie, Major Barbara and loads of Romantic poetry by Keats

>> No.2355488

Meh. I absolutely hated the way everything was presented and the whole true/false stuff was so obnoxious to me. I'll stand by my statement: I hated it and found it boring.

>> No.2355492


-- henry kissinger

>> No.2355502

was a traitor

>> No.2355505


are you dalereed? i hope you're dalereed

>> No.2355506
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I'm enjoying literature on a purely voluntary basis.

>> No.2355512

who is dalereed?

>> No.2355519
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>have to
The Complete Poems & Plays ~ TS Eliot
Selected Prose of TS Eliot ~ TS Eliot
>will probably end up
Any number of Beckett's works
Reread Ulysses, maybe read Finnegans Wake
Probably all of Wittgenstein's work
Much of Henri Bergson and William James's work
Maybe some Charles Sanders Peirce
Probably some Sigmund Freud

>> No.2355527

The Jungle's an alright book about the struggles of an immigrant in a long ago America, until it becomes a huge pitch for socialism at the very end of the book.

>> No.2355541

A Brief History of Chinese Civilization
The Bhagavad Gita
Dao De Jing
The World's Religions
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
The Portrait of Dorian Grey
The Time Machine
The Turn of the Screw
The Faerie Queene
Paradise Lost

And lots of miscellaneous poetry and essays.

>> No.2355584

I wish the ending went like this: Jurgis killed off through another chain of events at the hands of capitalism. Then cue the socialism pitch. I mean, I'm a Democratic Socialist but the ending was straight propaganda.

>> No.2355638

>Contemporary American Lit
-Neuromancer (Gibson)
-White Noise (DeLillo)
-Blood Meridian (McCarthy)
-Gain (Powers)
-The Mezzanine (Baker)
-Maus (Spiegelman)
-Fun Home (Bechdel)
-Interpreter of the Maladies (Lahiri)
-The Intuitionist (Whitehead)

>20th Century Cities: Tokyo, Shanghai, Paris
-Song of Everlasting Sorrow (Wang)
-Sanshiro (Natsume)
-Lust, Caution (Chang)
-Empire of Signs (Barthes)
-Shanghai (Yokomitsu)
-Man's Fate (Malraux)
-Foreign Studies (Endo)

>Intro to Japanese Culture Meiji-Present
-A Modern History of Japan (Gordon)

>> No.2355647

Isn't Gibson generally considered Canadian?

>> No.2355649
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>> No.2355652

I don't have a single piece of required reading that's not a textbook this semester. Kinda lame.