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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.23553[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who gained the most from this merge?

The /fit/izens who learned the value of reading?
Or the /lit/izens who finally got to loosen up a bit?

>> No.23581

/lit/ for sure
/lit/ was such a stuffy pretentious board

>> No.23598

your mother

>> No.23599


they learned that you can both lift and read, its crazy

>> No.23616

I would say both got something out of it
/fit/ got some tips on reading and why people enjoy literature and /lit/ got tips on working out and why people enjoy working out.

I honestly hope it happens again.

>> No.23650
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/fit/zens are all betas in disguise. The muscle doesn't cover up the insecurity. And 75% of them are abusing steroids - the most pleb of all drugs.

Maybe if they read a book or two (besides manuals on how to seduce 19 year olds) they'll realize how terrible they are, and really improve themselves.

>> No.23667

I enjoy both boards, so this change was pretty fly.

>> No.23704

You call horny virgins posting pictures of women loosening up? /lit/ is alrady one of the calmest boards on the site

>> No.23720

>tfw our /lit/ bros are going away soon

>> No.23742

>75% abuse steroids
>Id be surprised if 75% of /fit/ lift

>> No.23759
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>tfw no rounded beaner gf

>> No.23783

/lit/ finally learned that people who lift aren't all "muh dumb meatheads"

>> No.23805
File: 95 KB, 493x929, 1491055645735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both had equal gains. It should be self explanatory that working on your mind and body is the true Greek God tier thing to do. I wish this merger stuck, it's probably the best merge out of the all that happened.

It's a huge shame that there's no chance for it to happen and we will be going our separate ways soon.

>> No.23810

>steroids - the most pleb of all drugs.

Second most, please.

Alcohol is most pleb. Just ask Hemingway.

>> No.23821

What is that rectangular thing on her back?

>> No.23851

Her battery

>> No.23880

Her control panel.

>> No.23899

>Naturally I was interested in talking about Hemingway and his work. He was not.
>My wife needled him. "Is it true," she asked, "that you take a pitcher of martinis up into the tower every morning when you go up to write?"
>"Jeezus Christ!" Papa was incredulous. "Have you ever heard of anyone who drank while he worked? You’re thinking of Faulkner. He does sometimes—and I can tell right in the middle of a page when he’s had his first one. Besides," he added, "who in hell would mix more than one martini at a time, anyway?"


>> No.23935

It's a chastity-belt-type thing for her bra strap. It's a new thing for the most prudish of folks. This particular model is called the Chas-Tittie, sold by Naked Brand Group.

>> No.23974

Hopefully we learn to crosspost and forge the strongest alliance on this dumb ass website.

>> No.24003


>> No.24052
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Most /lit/izens who have read the Greeks and other philosophy already know that a healthy body is conducive to a healthy mind. There's already a decent crossover from /lit/ onto /fit/. Nobody on /lit/ rails against lifters or is resentful.

Your average /fit/izen though does not read and probably has no more interest in reading now than they did yesterday

>> No.24391

there's a significant user overlap

>> No.24491

In fact, I was pleasantly surprised. These are the only two boards I use regularly.

>> No.24555

>Or the /lit/izens who finally got to loosen up a bit?

if /fit/ is about 'loosening up' it is a shame to the world of fitness and self perfection. what a fucking dog you are. i know you will die unfulfilled.

>> No.24584


>> No.24626

This. /lit/ are patricians and the only true men of the modern world. /fit/ are muscle dummies, but at least they have domain over their own bodies and thereby surroundings.

>> No.25257

>That severe anterior pelvic tilt.

jesus christ she needs to fix that before it fucks her up when she gets older

>> No.25368
File: 67 KB, 600x400, diogenes-of-sinope-daniel-georgescu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the patron saint of /lit/, we've been /fit/ before most you most you even discovered creatine. We are the OG's when it comes to fitness.