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File: 239 KB, 1200x1799, 1200px-Jordan_Peterson_by_Gage_Skidmore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23542874 No.23542874[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

unironically, clean your room

>> No.23542930
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>clinical psychologist who spent decades personally helping hundreds of people severely afflicted by mental illness
>academic who published dozens of widely cited papers ranging in subjects varying from practical counseling, historical/philosophical roots of psychology, research paradigms in neurology...
>research scientist working on the operationalization of personality constructs as well as the neurobiological basis of addiction
>university professor who mentored dozens of grad students into academic, research, and counseling careers
>assisted in the development of software that increases the likelihood of at-risk students reaching graduation as a side project
>accidentally became internationally famous and ended up publishing 2 best selling books (so far) as well as organizing lectures in various countries throughout the world
>he's a drug addict tho!
>his office was messy once!
>er...you don't have a dad!
>er...wash your dick!
>his daughter is a slut!
>he likes the Jews!
>he's controlled opposition!
Still triggering trannies who don't like the truth, libtards who propagandize, racists he won't associate with, and pseuds who can't tell the difference between a media personality and real life.

>> No.23542935

I'm sure he has done some valuable things, and I appreciate the stand he took for free speech (up to but not including criticizing Jews), but he is undeniably an embarrassing faggot as a human being.

>> No.23542941

I did and bedbugs are shitting up my walls still.

>> No.23542949
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Peterson will touch a nerve by simply pointing out something that is blatantly ignored in the way an ideological group frames an issue. He exposes ideological blind spots in a simple and straightforward way; this leads to the fellow travelers of whichever idea is being discussed having a breakdown and exposing themselves. He's valuable as a media personality if even for that reason alone.

>Peterson: it would be productive to involve men in the conversation about violence against women in a way that doesn't label masculinity as inherently negative
>Libtard: so you're saying in order to make men care about rape women have to be returned to the status of men's property
>Peterson: the rise of identitarianism is linked to reactionary politics that sublimate personal resentment into collectivistic extremism
>Chud: so you're saying white people don't have group interests and therefore shouldn't exist
>Peterson: transgender ideology specifically targets a group of people likely to be confused and open to mental pathologies via social contagion--we shouldn't give hormones to children let alone surgically mutilate minors
>Tranny: so you're literal nazi saying we're a disease and we should be exterminated like one
>Peterson: anonymity increases the likelihood of pathological behavior so perhaps one way to alleviate the negative repercussions of its overall influence would be to segregate accounts on these specific widely used social media websites--it's definitely better than secret and selective control of the public narrative as it exists now
>/pol/tard: so you're saying you want everyone everywhere to be tied to whatever they say and do at all times...I'm a freedom fighter [goes to another thread to post about AOC's asshole while writing "nig*er" 50 times]

>> No.23542958


>> No.23542964
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He wears funny suits to trigger his enemies and it surprisingly works.

>> No.23542968

>He wears funny suits
Sounds based.

>> No.23542997
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>> No.23543008

My honest opinion:
He gives great lectures and talks, but his writing is very poor. I could only get halfway through "12 Rules for Life" before quitting. Each chapter introduces a new "Rule", and then Peterson goes on rambling about many different ideas that don't really connect to one another. Some of the rules aren't even all that profound, just basic shit like "Stand up straight, raise your kids right, etc."

He had his 15 minutes of fame, and I enjoyed some of his talks, but Peterson isn't someone about whom I would say "Dude you NEED to check this guy out, it will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!"

Could be worse though, you could idolize Andrew Tate instead

>> No.23543013

His alcohol study has trash methodology.

>> No.23543015

He needs to clean my balls first

>> No.23543025

Juden Peterstein

>> No.23543048
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>> No.23543052

I wonder if the shoes matched the belt. This is important to know.

>> No.23543074

i sharted my diapy 3 times today. books for this feel?

>> No.23543083

Start with the Greeks

>> No.23543138

This nigga gets ratio'd by Fuentes on his own posts

>> No.23543146

Because he's friends with Netanyahu and he cries fucking constantly like a woman.

>> No.23543147

What are his thoughts on Trump using Hitler's language?

>> No.23543158

>using hitlers language
If only

>> No.23543163

The president himself pointed that out. If you google it many credible news outlets have confirmed it.

>> No.23543174

Evens and I ask a girl to have sex

>> No.23543179
File: 57 KB, 976x850, 1693373243369893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God help you

>> No.23543180

Just kidding. I don't want to have sex.

>> No.23543182

You already rolled anon you have to do it. She will say yes and you will HAVE to have sex with her.

>> No.23543205

Why should God help me? Joe Biden does cocaine on hooker ass and it's because he sold his soul you need hardcore drugs to run a country as complex as America.
What a dumb decision I made. What a horrible dumb decision. I don't want to go through the process of sex because it doesn't even matter. My mom is my guardian so she will legally disown me if I take another step further. If I seize it so to speak. By God that would be fucking epic if I did so. We could talk about the law and how it transforms and make speech. This is the power of virtualized medicine. and also talk about the mistake I made which could mean horrible eternal damnation with a eternal consequences with a society that controls the continuum (the timeline of the big bang). I don't think I want to even bother today but I want to have sex so bad decidedly so. I want to throw that mutt God into the ocean of his own cauldron of boiling piss. What a massive ass headache I have.

>> No.23543210

Should I do it? Dubs will decide.

>> No.23543212

You're on the verge of something great you need just a little more adderall, just a few more

>> No.23543213
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How is there not a single pair of dubs on this thread

>> No.23543243
File: 29 KB, 413x413, 1718506567634794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, uh, ate the dubs

>> No.23543263
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>> No.23543301 [DELETED] 

For you

>> No.23543311

baka desu senpai

>> No.23543373

The only real issue I have with Peterson is his approach to life is very one size fits all.
>just embody the hero, stand up for what you think is right, but don't do a collectivism!
That's just a collection of nice ideas, that aren't remotely workable as a model for getting stuff done on the societal level. People collectivise because they have to. Because an individual will be crushed by the first gang they run across. This is obvious.

Now, taken as a psychologist, who has a particular set of teachings to help people sort their personal lives out, he's not wrong. Everything he says is pretty much right and helpful, within that context.

If anything, the problem is that the world tried to pigeonhole this guy into being some kind of political figurehead, as opposed to a clinical psychologist, which is what he is.
And I don't blame him for speaking out against transgender ideology literally setting itself up in opposition to Western values of free speech, which it is doing, but he maybe should have gone back to his own lane after speaking his piece on that.

>> No.23543393

>That's just a collection of nice ideas, that aren't remotely workable
How is cleaning your room not workable? Its literally the simplest and most basic yet important thing to do. Your room reflects your life as a whole, start by cleaning that shit up

>> No.23543396

Because cleaning your room wont stop your meth uncle walking in and raping you in the ass.

>> No.23543521
File: 96 KB, 630x630, SEELE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jordan Peterson is evil and stupid. He has a daughter and says, “We are here to suffer so learn to suffer like a man.” A potential paradise could be like a never ending DMT trip with the constant pleasure level of heroin. If you get bored then it’s not paradise. There don’t even have to be human bodies. His is just a severe lack of imagination. And there is no sense in which suffering or mediocrity create meaning. All the meaning you need would be packaged into the paradise experience. But I am not experiencing such meaning and perhaps never will. That’s why despite the abundant grace and mercy I think I am not subject to a fully benevolent God. Perhaps God is like Jordan Peterson and I therefore consider him my enemy.