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23541817 No.23541817[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are men so stupid at interpreting media?

>> No.23541829

A stallion is a male horse.

>> No.23541837

>moral rot is bad because... uhhh... IT JUST IS, OKAY?!?!

>> No.23541840

> masculinity is le bad, a hollywood cuck told you so, go work 16 hours a day so some jew can make a million bucks this year goy

>> No.23541852

there's something absurd about the male condition. lots of artists have been onto this (maybe all of them). wilde said each man kills the thing he loves. look at othello, strangling desdemona while kissing her.

>> No.23541864


>> No.23541873

>the male condition
Manicured hands typed this post.

>> No.23541878

I AM... LE MALE!!!

>> No.23541880

Has she (or 'she'?) considered that those media are incorrect? Reappropriating media for your own ends is evil and based btw.

>> No.23541881
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I love how MEDIA LITERACY has now switched left and right’s traditional positions. Lefties now argue for the primacy of intent and a singular form of media interpretation. Righties claim the death of the author and media being entirely subjective.
Every day I pray for nuclear war.

>> No.23541886

Skyler was a bitch though, both meanings.

>> No.23541887

>Author: "Conflict is interesting. I'm going to take this common thing most men can relate to and I can write well, then contrive some intrigue and drama from it."
>The OP tumblr tard:

>> No.23541890
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orson welles said it

>> No.23541893

The whole "media literacy" thing is dumb when it comes to art. If people interpret a piece of media that way it's more interesting to understand why, what they get out of it, and what about the work allows them to ignore aspects of it that contradict their interpretation, but it seems like no one wants to bother with that and everyone wants a simple, "correct" way of interpreting creative works.

>> No.23541897

It's annoying because this 'media literacy' angle is a roundabout, implicit way to moralize about what media is acceptable and how it should be consumed, rather than as your post implies explore how it makes people feel.

>> No.23541903

So this is just another /pol/lit thread where incels samefag and dick suck each other with their bitter rage. I see.

>> No.23541906

Correct, I despise women.

>> No.23541910

>Righties claim the death of the author and media being entirely subjective
No they don't

>> No.23541912

>stop liking what I don't like

>> No.23541913

Come over here and we'll make it a murder-suicide, you ugly little wench.

>> No.23541917

because the left is in power now. It's all just about power 99% of the time. The real danger is the left convince themselves they don't really want to dominate and control (they do) and are simply "good fucking people" unlike the right who have no qualms about it. Just look at the disaster of every leftist revolution. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

>> No.23541972

In what way are the left in power right now

>> No.23541976

Read Reverend Insanity

>> No.23541987

sorry my definition of left doesn't fit your 1920s soviet union definition of "left". Just remember the term leftist was first used to describe radical liberals. Sorry you can't keep up with the times gramps.

>> No.23541989
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>In what way are the left in power right now

>> No.23541995

>watches Breaking Bad once

>> No.23541996

>random companies that lobby for destitute working conditions are actually left wing because they put faggots in their ads bro

>> No.23541997

This thread already have bait enough.

>> No.23542005

>sorry my definition of left doesn't fit your 1920s soviet union definition of "left"
>use my even older definition instead
Lol ok

>> No.23542013

you're a retarded fatass who supports your own destruction. decadent nigger

>> No.23542019 [SPOILER] 
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All me, btw I look like this.

>> No.23542023 [DELETED] 

Do I need to pull up a contemporary political spectrum for you? Here you go gramps. Also if you're going to get so hung up on the term left. How about I just say social leftists? No way you can argue with that. So now that social leftism is in power they are censoring social right opinions just like the right did to them. You ok with that now Che?

>> No.23542035
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Do I need to pull up a contemporary political spectrum for you? Here you go gramps. Also if you're going to get so hung up on the term left. How about I just say social leftists? No way you can argue with that. So now that social leftism is in power they are censoring social right opinions just like the right did to them. You ok with that now Che?

>> No.23542048
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>masculinity is ... le bad
Why do they want effeminate men so badly? Effeminate men all burn.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10
>Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
>Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

>> No.23542061

Turns out a lifetime of social conditioning is powerful. And honestly when someone lives a (materially) way better life than you it makes sense to want to strive for that, especially if you're young
By the original definition, both sides of that chart are leftists lmao. Most people in america are pro-capitalism and pro liberal democracy

>> No.23542067

Nobody is using the original definition of the word Che. It was to illustrate to you the changing meaning of the word. You finally understand now?

>> No.23542069

>You ok with that now Che?
No because that is not true. Social media algorithms push right wing shit even if you're not looking for it. The supreme court is now a right wing partisan institution, right wing governments are politicians are winning elections throughout the west. Companies are axing their "DEI" programs and pulling away from doing lipservice to gays etc. Something I can't stand about you people is that even when you're clearly gaining power, you have to play the underdog. It is so duplicitous, the ploy is so obvious, yet people still buy into it wholeheartedly. I can never tell if someone actually believes this crap or their just another mark

>> No.23542079

Oh oh oh a leftist complaining about playing the underdog? You guys have been larping as that since the 60s. It really is a key feature of leftist thinking. Even under communist dictatorships there was always the fear of "revisionist" and subversive "bourgeoise" elements. It really tells you something about their psychology that they can only imagine themselves as the loser and the weaker party even with total control.

>> No.23542080

I'm not that original person, but yes, and I also understand the rhetorical trick you are playing. By using "left" to describe a subset of liberals, you can easily conflate them with communists to win political points with retards/the uneducated masses

>> No.23542084

Don't you have anything better going on in your life other than samefag and post shitty baits on a slow board? In a sunday, to make it extra retarded

>> No.23542091

You right wing faggots are literally doing that right now. You always do it. Even if Trump wins again and congress swings right, people like you will complain about witch hunts and seeing a commercial with an interracial couple in it or something

>> No.23542092
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Only good piece of media for men is when it says men are bad?

>> No.23542093

I mean I'd like to hear where social values like transexual rights, multiculturalism, intersectionality etc fit on the political spectrum if not the left.

>> No.23542095

The weather is unpleasant and I'm bored. You're here too

>> No.23542097

Is there a right wing push back against the left? Definitely? Do the left have the current upper hand in the culture? Undoubtedly. The same thing can be said in reverse for the 80s.

>> No.23542098

Not an economic issue so it doesn't fit anywhere on the "political spectrum". Historically communist regimes killed fags and retards like you

>> No.23542103

Tranny surgeries are profitable for doctors to do, hence why they're pushing it. What now?

>> No.23542105

It's tumblr logic. It's designed to be sassy and memeable.

>> No.23542106

>the culture
Just vague enough that it can mean anything you want

>> No.23542108

>back to the 1920s commie definitions again

Again get with the times old man. But you really think there is no such thing as "left-wing socially, right-wing fiscally" Because that's essentially what our elites are pushing on us right now.

>> No.23542110

Btw I'm an incel with a small dick if that matters.

>> No.23542111


I accept your concession.

>> No.23542114


>> No.23542118
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I personally promise anyone reading this post that within your lifetime, women will be re-subordinated and obnoxious minorities will be [redacted]. I PERSONALLY promise you. All the annoyance you feel will be removed. You will experience a form and degree of QUIET which you currently don't even know is possible, a form of quiet which your ancestors took for granted. You will feel all of nature breathe in solemn silence around you, you will see no graffiti or litter, you will hear now vapid woman whining and no minority jibbering. You will realize you have been stress-tensing muscles you didn't even know you had, as all of them relax for the first time in your life. I personally promise you this is coming. You just need to hang on. Any time you feel like you can't take it anymore, any time you feel pounded down, remember that the time is coming when you will never have to hear a woman's opinions unless you specifically solicit them.

>> No.23542125

> curtain is le blue

>> No.23542126

Keep fantasizing bitch boy

>> No.23542135

I'm going to give you a spiritual pat on the back and hope that's true, serenitybro.

>> No.23542138

>Why do they want effeminate men so badly?
Women and blacks are the perfect consumer cattle. Their feminine traits make them extremely susceptible to marketing and propaganda. That's the reason all marketing nowadays is specifically targeting those two groups.

>> No.23542178

>White men are above consumerism and propaganda

>> No.23542181

Nobody said that.

>> No.23542186

*ruffles hair* keep coping, kid.

>> No.23542277

Schrodinger's black: they are unruly, violent wreckers of civilization and compliant, feminine drones, as it suits the person speaking

>> No.23542313

1. Rorschach was based and red pilled
2. Skyler was a bitch from hell pretty much from episode one

>> No.23542433

>Media literacy award

>> No.23542449

>Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.

>> No.23542468

Leftists abandoned that in the 80s with the rise of New Historicism. I think the left, with few exceptions, has always treated art primarily as a space to propagandize and their interpretation and explanation of these works as whatever is most convenient to them. The "death of the author" position would always be untenable to the kinds of people who venerate propagandist engineers like Brecht and Gorky.

>> No.23542480

>Skyler was a bitch from hell pretty much from episode one
She's fine at first. Just concerned that Walter is too proud for his own good and that he's clearly keeping a secret. It's only by season two that she's something like a bitch from hell, and that's because she's increasingly fed up with Walter lying to her.

>> No.23542497

Marvel movies are fucking retarded.

>> No.23542520

>they are unruly, violent wreckers of civilization
This isn't incompatible with being manipulable consumers.

>> No.23542541

Would be a valid criticism if retarded femoids didn't go yas queen slay to every action that characters like Daenerys and Rhaenyra do

>> No.23542573

Women force men to pursue power and dominance because they don't reproduce unless a man is powerful and dominant. Stop reversing the accountability and responsibility back onto men with verbal jujitsu. You can't force men to pursue power and dominance while also complaining about it. That's called a double bind and it's what narcissists and psychopaths do.

>> No.23542599

this conveniently overlooks the fact that these characters are all intentionally written to be cool because nobody would tune in to watch a fucking gay loser fall into moral decrepitude. Tony Soprano, Don Draper, every character in that vein, is written to be cool because if they were just irredeemably disgusting nobody could get invested in them.

>> No.23542613 [DELETED] 
File: 64 KB, 1080x606, 1719606279183690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>23541817 >>23541829 >>23541837 >>23541840 >>23541852 >>23541864 >>23541873 >>23541878 >>23541880 >>23541881 >>23541886 >>23541887 >>23541890 >>23541893 >>23541897 >>23541903 >>23541906 >>23541910 >>23541912 >>23541913 >>23541917 >>23541972 >>23541976 >>23541987 >>23541989 >>23541995 >>23541996 >>23541997 >>23542005 >>23542013 >>23542019 >>23542035 >>23542048 >>23542061 >>23542067 >>23542069 >>23542079 >>23542080 >>23542084 >>23542091 >>23542092 >>23542093 >>23542095 >>23542097 >>23542098 >>23542103 >>23542105 >>23542106 >>23542108 >>23542110 >>23542111 >>23542114 >>23542118 >>23542125 >>23542126 >>23542135 >>23542138 >>23542178 >>23542181 >>23542186 >>23542277 >>23542313 >>23542433 >>23542449 >>23542468 >>23542480 >>23542497 >>23542520 >>23542541 >>23542573 >>23542599
Look at this relevant image

>> No.23542635

The media only exists to perpetuate the capitalist system by distracting a passive audience. Your globohomo programming has no effect on this input/output machine, go back to your territorial pissings in whatever ideological sandbox you are the product of where the image you posted seems to have relevancy.

>Wir sind jetzt alle dreckige Amerikaner!

>> No.23542677

you need to change your diaper

>> No.23542682
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>> No.23542696

Yes. You know I like the dark hair one.

I feel as though we might be able to reach a synthesis from this with a bit of dialectic.

>> No.23542701


>> No.23542705

I was being mean but the dark haired one is the best choice so I'm giving you a pass

>> No.23542712

Could they not just be women who are physically capable?

>> No.23542722

Largest tits and most accentuated body curve, I would be worried if you didn't think that.

>Brain bugs in charge of both humans and bugs.
>Human intelligence agents acting as consigliere.
>specialized bug artillery and human auxillary weapons are retained.
>10% of both residual human and bug populations are decimated upon consecration in great ceremony of burying hatchet.
>human and bug prisons are emptied and former prisoners conscripted.
>scientists from both begin the process of human/bug hybridization.
>human/bug federation goes forth to conquer everything else in the galaxy.
>mandatory intermingling to force both participants to adapt to whatever viruses and bacteria each possesses.

>> No.23542845

lmao, brilliant observation anon. wish I had thought about that.

>> No.23542873

>nigger strangles mudshark gf
many such cases

>> No.23542890
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>> No.23543042

>black people are a monolith

>> No.23543058

Someone post the image comparing Women's highest ranked movies of all time to Men's.
Like Peter Jackson vs the Godfather lol
I think about that image a lot.

>> No.23543082
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>> No.23543088

Because autism is primarily a male condition. Doesn’t make us stupid though. We could have colonized Pluto if women didn’t exist and we reproduced asexually. This is just facts.

>> No.23543127

Men will keep acting like aggressive, domineering jerks because women reward it. Wammin always say they want sensitive, agreeable, feminist basedlords but in real life they feel repulsed by them and only keep these people around as pets.

Men think these hyper masculine characters are cool because they just have to step one foot outside and they'll instantly see the types of actions being rewarded.

>> No.23543162

someone recently posted a teal swan video about 'nice guys finish last'. said something like: nice guys aren't really nice, they act in a way to curry favour out of a fear of conflict. those sort of men can't provide protection & that's why girls don't like them.

>> No.23543171

> nice guys are cowards, men should be strong, i hate toxic masculinity and gender roles though teehee
Women are like this all the time and are very defensive when you point it out.

>> No.23543176

Why the hell did we give women political and social autonomy?

>> No.23543183

i think 'men should be protective' is a biological attraction, and 'i don't like toxic masculinity' is a normal social response.

>> No.23543190

To crush unions.

>> No.23543193

Female liberation is when you work for a kike 60hrs a week and have the state raise your children

>> No.23543195

That's Dual Mating Strategy in a nutshell. Welcome to 2013 anon.

>> No.23543201

Tangentially, I've noticed the third world is about a decade behind the west in relation to culture. The stuff that third worlders lap up from Tate were already trite PUA/manopshere talking points in the early 2010s

>> No.23543202

60 hours? You lazy welfare queen you better work 80! My shabubula is havin a bamitzfah next week, it's not like you have a family at home waiting for you. And no you're not logging those hours or so help me I'll kick your tuchus outa here!

>> No.23543203

sorry i don't watch PUA youtubers mate

>> No.23543206

Modern women see nothing wrong with this, notwithstanding the bags that have formed under their eyes after being paid a fraction of what they're billing the kike's clients

>> No.23543208

Tate is irrelevant really. Progressive circles still don't understand they are the cause of social unrest and try to imagine there's some impressive marketing campaign causing this because they only see things in terms of power and cynical market manipulation. They can't conceptualize the idea that there is a universal, justified grievance with their behavior.

>> No.23543209

I don't know how to interpret the rank numbers, so the ranks are all really low, but it's ordered just by gender differential? Not sure how this says anything.

>> No.23543215

women submit to authority, whether that's a husband or a boss. Right now elitists has cucked the working class male, like they have for most of human history. Women getting used up like tools is more normal than them having happy, healthy families. DESU people don't care too much about what's good for them. They do what they see and don't think about it too hard.

>> No.23543217

Very true, but that would demand them having self-awareness. It's pretty funny to see when they encounter someone who doesn't take their axioms for granted. You can make them kvetch by simply asking why equality is actually desirable. In relation to Tate, they also misunderstand him and his ilk in the sense that they believe all dissent is to be associated with him despite the fact that the majority of the online right despise him for various reasons.

>> No.23543219

It's interesting that a man's gender role hasn't changed in society. We're still expected to provide financially and protect. I'm not against it, but if that's the case, modern women should play their role too. Question: If women claim gender roles are outdated, why should men play protector for women?

>> No.23543227

>the online right
that's it right there. There is no online "right". There's online DISSENT. And all dissent is rightwing and radical in the eyes of progressives and liberals. Donald Trump is part of the nazi alt right somehow, but he would get on his knees and like Netenyahu's taint live on television if AIPAC asked him to. Progressives put Alan Tate and Trump, and incels in a bucket called "radical" because they make criticisms from time to time and want the nsa to bust it up.

>> No.23543229

>It's interesting that a man's gender role hasn't changed in society
Their gender role is perfect for neoliberal capitalism. They work all day. Plutocrats want everyone to be like that.

>> No.23543235

because it's not to do with society, but human nature (that's pre-societal). so to answer your question: it's an instinct.

>> No.23543268

Paolo Sorrentino's Loro is a grea exploration of this theme,because it implicates woman just as much as men in the moral decay, and the protag is presented as a genuinely decent man, just a poonhound

>> No.23543277

To be fair, this is just a temporary rollout to get goys excited over dying for Israel, a couple election cycles and the toxic wokism will be back in full force to ensure your children get on hormone blockers.

>> No.23543586
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Based men

>> No.23543767

The moral rot and decay come from men giving up on ambition, competition, striving, and turning into the sort of internally dead coomer-consoomers she should be careful to wish for. Not that she truly does, "her" opinions are to virtue-signal on social media in between getting railed by badboys, perhaps with a well-trained male feminist pet at home.

>> No.23543777

Yes, unironically

>> No.23543780

That could simply be solved by taking the responsibility of sexual selection out of the hands of females and back into the hands of men where it belongs

>> No.23543790

Look at this very site. I wouldn't wish most anons' lives on my worst enemy. And they did it to themselves.

>> No.23543793

Because that’s what they’ve always been, essentially. Rousseau crawled so Marx could walk.

>> No.23543807

I see leftists are returning to Straussianism.

>> No.23543847

>women can only appreciate media about men through the point of view of bitching about men, and how they aren't women
Big surprise there.

>> No.23543855

How are we morally rotten?
I think people should behave properly, and criminals and perverters of culture should be punished.
I'm more morally inclined than most of the people you know who would probably let their friend off for drink driving, or doing a bit of vandalism as long as no one was around.

>> No.23543868

People always confuse ethics with morals and believe that ethics and morals go hand in hand, when the opposite is usually true

>> No.23543874

Skylar White is a fucking bitch and anyone who defends her belongs in an oven.

>> No.23543877


Pretty sure she was giving her husband a birthday handjob WHILST reading in the very first or second episode.

>> No.23543886

If you had a good dad/uncle/grandpa growing up this was something he told you, no need for PUA brownoid "content"

>> No.23543887

>Why are men so stupid at interpreting media?
I think the reason is contained in Aristotle's Poetics.

>> No.23543894

What's ethical? Allowing people to break bottles in the street, so kids can cut themselves?

>> No.23543897

Women are more intuitive and able to understand the unspoken or the merely felt to a stronger degree. Most men are too autistic to understand literature. Just take a look at all the retarded or juvenile takes and interpretations here. Probably 15% of /lit/ is an effective reader

>> No.23543908

Women just presume men are wrong for being men. Everything men do that they don't understand is "evil", even when they live comfortably off the fruits of it.
They may piss and moan about war and empire building, but if they didn't have the luxury of living in places build by those things, they would complain about that too. If they had no food, and nowhere nice to live, that would immediately be men's fault as well.

>> No.23543918

Sir, this is a Wendy’s

>> No.23543924

>What's ethical? Allowing people to break bottles in the street, so kids can cut themselves?
No. You do know what I'm talking about though, right?
>I don't care about the moral character of the country, as long as everything happens legally
There's many people who actually think like this. This easily enables evil to take root.

>> No.23543926

>If they had no food, and nowhere nice to live, that would immediately be men's fault as well.
And they'd be right. Women complain no matter what, and it is all easy dismissed out of hand. But a nation that degrades to the point of scavenging and turning tricks for a chicken leg--that truly is the fault of the men.

>> No.23543930

Ethics is a joke and should not exist. It’s just an excuse for some Jews to get goy to do things they want

>> No.23543932

Wendys promotes cis-hetero Whiteness in there advertizing and discriminatory practices by hiring to many POC.

fucking based

>> No.23543938 [DELETED] 

>Just take a look at all the retarded or juvenile takes and interpretations here
No, those are just 3rd worlders aka "shitskins", sweetie. All the violence against women posts? same thing again.

>> No.23543946

All the founding fathers and theoreticians of PUA are white. Going back to Casanova

>> No.23543950

Muslim third worlders are 100% correct about women and have the right attitude completely.

>> No.23543952

So get out of men's way, and stop bitching, while they carry everything for your own benefit.

>> No.23543955

Nice bait, tranny. YWNBAW.

>> No.23543961

See, I don't even care about "the law". I care about what's right.

There are laws that are absurd like copyright law. I fundamentally do not think software piracy is wrong.
At the same time, I think if you're going out of your way to destroy, and make other people's lives worse, you should be punished. You shouldn't be allowed to just spray a bit of graffiti on a wall. You should be thrown in a bog for that. It's for the good of society, and it matters.

>> No.23543969

Doesn't change the fact that the overwhelming majority of their fanbase are brown incels.

No. They require such harsh measures on account of their base nature.

>> No.23544110

/// We should have sat down and addressed the issues head-on /// It felt churlish to tell him that I was in a hurry, that the coffee would have to be quick /// She could always be relied on to hold court with hilarious tales /// Her remarks were intended to scotch rumours of imminent job losses /// The middleweight fight was said to be a grudge match /// After the row in a pub he drove off in a huff /// One is the passive failure to disclose something a negotiation counterpart doesn't know, while paltering is the active use of truthful statements to mislead /// Today, women tennis players are not encumbered by long, heavy skirts and high-necked blouses /// Even iconic Italian runabout boatmaker Riva stopped using wood for its hulls in 1996 /// The reason is misinformation for sure, and more fundamentally a lacuna in thinking prompted by an emotional reaction /// She thought that the houses were a nice little nest egg for her sons when they came of age /// There is widespread gloom and doom about the company's future /// Liquified gas is removed from the canister with a long offtake tube that runs up the length of the torch /// The unions have urged members to hold tight until a national deal is struck /// The sweet and tangy flavors of orange, honey and ginger coat the chicken for a quick, savory dinner /// Sally was tired of being called a stick in the mud by her friends just because she refused to drink alcohol /// The megasculpture reinscribes the values of colonialism on the landscape and regenerates the invisible power structures that made the creation possible /// Most orthodontic work is done on children between the ages of 10 and 14 /// The scientists in the crowd would look nervously at one another, the New Age types would beam and chortle /// The police has busted up two automobile theft rings /// After a clipping infraction, the team committing the foul is penalized 15 yards /// Television seems to me inimical to this inner sense, which is defeated by the ephemerality of the televisual flow /// Some of the patients are a bit doddery ///

>> No.23544347

your grandad used to sit you down and talk about Dual Mating Strategy

>> No.23544373
File: 65 KB, 564x459, 1691302764020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That doesn't mean effeminate, pervert.

Moses was said to be the most meek among men, and he killed the Egyptian, and he's the one who wrote the book which said he was the most meek.

>> No.23544425

For sure. It's really funny to me how they keep trying to blame the "culture war" on Chuds on the internet.
Bro, it was you. People are reacting to you, because you're the bully kid who kicks all of the other kids' sand castles over.

>> No.23544456

>votes for diplomacy and pacifism

>> No.23544462
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>> No.23544483

Yeah I think the issue is that this is a man/woman issue.
A lot of writers and directors and upper middle class people MASSIVELY overestimate the depth and intellect of the average person.
Like almost have of the USA population has the reading age of an 8th grader. Before Europoors start laughing it is just as bad in Europe and even worse in some cases.

Most people are not smart. Most people are not deep. Most people just go with the flow of their feelings and social pressure and do not care.

>> No.23544488

Not about media literacy. It is about different values.
Most people on some libidinal level are actually a bit more… Nietzschean is the only word that sorta fits. Most people are not super concerned about thinking about morality and how to improve the world and end suffering. On a visceral level people are impressed by strength and power and winning.

>> No.23544522

The irony of this woman writing this while stereotyping and putting down an entire group of people based on one characteristic

>> No.23544523

>piece of media written for males
So jewish propaganda
None of these whores cares about morality kek
What were we taught to covet specifically and by whom? People naturally want they want. Leftoids do not believe in genetics and human nature.

>> No.23544525

And just like that, her (I'm assuming it's a her) point is illustrated. Well done man

>> No.23544529

>people MASSIVELY overestimate the depth and intellect of the average person.
I'm not his greatest fan, but that's what made Shakespeare such a master in the eyes of most artists. He understood this well, and that's why his plays have so many scenes of gratuitous violence and sex...he knew he was writing for peasants, and for equally vapid nobles at times. And understood that to reach people, one needs to meet them where they are. You throw some red meat in and sneak in insight between the pornographic trash

>> No.23544536

Whatever a man loves, by default, makes him vulnerable, so he simultaneously hates that same thing. It takes a strong man to be able to overcome and reconcile that fear within himself.

>> No.23544537

She didnt make a point. Its just jewish drivel.

>> No.23544540

Yes, I know, everything in the world is Jewish drivel to you. I'm well versed in your perspective by now

>> No.23544548

Thats not what I said
More leftoid fallacies

>> No.23544551

You don't have to say it.