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23532488 No.23532488 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23532492

Hell is just niggers

>> No.23532578

I find cities depressing. The more crowded the worse it is. Add security measures and it gets 10 times worse. If there was a personalized hell mine would be an airport. It's like every single person there would fucking kill you for a spot in a line and then snap out of it and be human again after getting off their plane and leaving.
But I really like other people, greatly enjoy their company, and am genuinely interested in them, in natural settings.

>> No.23532584

Very helpful, thank you.

>> No.23532636

Why would you use Nausea for the OP? Read No Exit, the line will make sense.

>> No.23532646

Ah, shit. My mistake. I was preoccupied.

>> No.23532674

The question still stands, is hell really other people? I'm gonna barf from the fascism.

>> No.23532783

Truly hell was other people for ugly dude like Jean, imagine get bullied everyday for your looks, if he was alive today he would become a hardcore incel

>> No.23532794

For ugly people, yes.

>> No.23532798
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nigga did ok

>> No.23532843

No he didn't, fuckin hookers wasn't (and still is) a good

>> No.23532996

Nausea was not where this line occurred. I am more partial to Dirty Hands, but No Exit is good though. The rest of his plays usually aren't worth the effort. So if you haven't read No Exit then the best I can offer you is the usual subjective vs objective dichotomy and how this technically brings everyone to the same existential level with a touch of Wittgenstein thrown in by adding that we really have no idea what is on the other person's mind. If you read No Exit then it is pretty self-explanatory, Garcin literally explains it.