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2352242 No.2352242 [Reply] [Original]

best way to organize a bookshelf?

author's last name
original publication date
earliest edition for multiple copies

subject alphabetical
author alphabetical
date of original publication

>> No.2352256

By flavor.

>> No.2352260
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>> No.2352261

author and year.

>> No.2352265

What he said

>> No.2352271


>> No.2352277

I tried this.
It started with Tao Lin - Shoplifting from American apperal and then I realised the rest of my books are about middle class/rich yuppies.

So yeah. I need more books about autistic college majors living in poverty.

>> No.2352279

Not year. why year? are you retarded? It's author and genre. Fuckhead.

>> No.2352282
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>Doesn't understand the autobiographical filing system

>> No.2352294



>> No.2352299

Author names in alphabetical order, for each author, books in the order of year

>> No.2352311


author AND genre? Most authors do one genre you retarded munt

>> No.2352769
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No one does.

>> No.2352791

fiction: author's last name
nonfiction: subject

damn that was easy.

>> No.2352800

My bookshelf in kind of full, so the books are just arranged in a way that allows them to fit. Everything is faced spine out anyway so I don't really need to order them.

>> No.2352837
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By size. Big books on one side, small pocket books on the other. That's about it.

>> No.2352849

I don't have any bookshelves, so I just stack them by size because they are more aesthetically pleasing that way.

>> No.2352859

Big books on the bottom, smaller books on the top.

I used to keep all my heavy tomes and Absolute Sandmans on the top shelf, but then it got top heavy and tragedy struck. It was sitting across the hall from a wardrobe with a floor-to-ceiling mirror... Poor, poor Benji. We just couldn't stop the bleeding.

>> No.2352886

>organise book shelf
>being unable to recall the exact location of every book on a disorganised bookshelf.

Seriously do you guys even care about your books?

>> No.2353302
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Nationality, Author, Chronological.

>> No.2353335


I just watched the clip. Is that movie good?