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23521883 No.23521883 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good examples of Orwell's newspeak being used in modern society?

>> No.23521892

Anything uttered by the americancerous new world order.

>> No.23523353

The word "Hatespeech" seems straight out of Orwell

>> No.23523374

Just look at how the media is talking about Israel and Russia

>> No.23523473


>> No.23523479

islam is peace
??? is slavery
diversity is strength

>> No.23523486

"Diversity is our strength" is a big one. Repeated without any critical thought

>> No.23523497


>> No.23523502

Prebunk the malinformation.

>> No.23523504

"Media Literacy"

>> No.23523505

New world order’s place of origin is actually Bavaria in 1776, not from the America formed in 1776.

>> No.23523525
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>> No.23523528

her penis

>> No.23523588

The whole concept of political correctness

>> No.23523610

go back to /pol/, retard

>> No.23523624
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>be /pol/whiner
>never add anything of value to the discussion

>> No.23523640

If art is subjective and up to the interpretation of the beholder, then "media literacy" (arriving to the desired message/outcome) is the antithesis of open expression.

>> No.23523731
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>> No.23523746

When exactly did /lit/ become a we live in a society board? Somewhere along the line books became a pure pretense

>> No.23523844


>> No.23523845

what was 4chins doing pre-2016?

>> No.23523855

A bunch of fun shit like raiding Habbo Hotel, trolling the Church of Scientology, and inventing all of the internet's memes.

>> No.23523873

A lot of the younger anons don’t understand that not everything was ideological or political before gamergate. It was a simpler and better time

>> No.23523882
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>fake news
>alternative facts
>her penis
>critical race theory
>dog whistle
>alt right
>pregnant people
>bottom hole
>chest feeding

>> No.23523955

Esperanto as a whole

>> No.23523962

"nation" not being synonymous with "race" anymore

>> No.23523971

Art is subjective is not a justification for being oblivious to obvious satire

>> No.23524024

rent free

>> No.23524040

>Media Literacy
Yeah, thats one. Media literacy used to be about maintaining criticality toward all media, including experts, and now it's about defending toeing the line of mainstream media and accepting their criticism of a given person/subject.

>> No.23524056

I don't understand why lefties spend so much time and energy on fighting 19th century ideas of nationalism when ideologies are downstream from politics rather than politics being downstream from ideologies. Just because you go "umm X nation didn't exist before the 19th century" doesn't mean that chuds are going to start liking being exploited by their elites or being terrorized by ethnic and religious minorities any more.

>> No.23524108

What isn't newspeak these days?

>> No.23524113

Popularizing the happy merchant and shieit memes.

>> No.23524119

Yeah, they try so hard to find some evidence of Africans existing in Europe 500 years ago, as if that's supposed to knock the legs out from under people, so they can't object to African underclasses pouring in in record numbers.
It's beside the actual point, and everyone knows it is.

>> No.23524152

It gets even funnier when you remember that 19th century nationalism was created by the bourgeoisie to attack aristocratic rule. The same bourgeoisie who now sees the same nationalism as its greatest opponent.

But this discourse also became really schizophrenic ever since the war started. Nations and peoples never existed, they all had to be invented in the 19th century, and borders are just artificial lines on a map, invented to keep separate what should be together...yet the borders and nationhood of this one country in eastern europe are sacrosanct just because it is strategically convenient for the western chimera for it to be sacrosanct. Not to mention the gigantic push in europe for rearmament and military funding. What will they say to the white european males they plan to send into the meat grinder in their coming war? That they will be fighting for gay rights, feminism, and immigrants?

>> No.23524272

Fortifying our democracy is creating the means to better commit electoral fraud.
Global warming was just changed to climate change one day, so that cold days proved that they were right too.
We don't have immigrants now. Now we only have asylum seekers and refugees, at least in Europe.

>> No.23524281

Too fancy. It needs to sound dumber
This is a good one
Ironically "orwellian" may actually fit the bill since it has been stripped of all nuance when coming up in discourse and instead of being a warning against the subtle and insidious means a totalitarianism can use to control its population (newspeak being ine of them) it has become a mere shorthand for a generic repressive regime, maybe with some form of mass surveillance involved
Btw I don't think this has happened by design of some malicious agent, I just think people are dumb and they are never as dumb as when they try to use words they don't know the meaning of to sound smart

>> No.23524311

>earlier (last week) the department of defense (war department) provided (gub gibs) foreign aid (bombs) to NATO (anti-communist) ally (neoliberal hegemony) Israel (da joooz) to support (fund) the war (genocide) against hamas (vague leadership of child prison gang)

>> No.23524314

>anything wrong with anything
>it's communists, leftists!
>every bad political decision
>it's communists, leftists!
>but the western governments are openly capitalist and far right
>it's communists, leftists!
>almost everyone votes right wing parties?
>it's communists, leftists!
>there aren't even any actual communists
>it's communists, leftists!
>it's communists, leftists!

>> No.23524364

>thread immediately devolves into direction brain shitflinging
never change america

>> No.23524384
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man where have I heard this one before...

>> No.23524387

>Hate speech is not free speech
>[Enemy] is not human

>> No.23524394

A lot of times newspeak isnt needed at all and people will just deny reality, contradicting themselves or being purposefully ignorant for the sake of whatever they want to believe.

>> No.23524405

This is extremely dangerous to our democracy
Ugh, i still get the chills thinking about that
I would say the cancer that is zoomer talk. But they just have stupid words of the week
Meems. Fucking richard dawkins hope he goes to hell not because of his militant atheism but the damage he caused by coining the stupid word meme. Although this place and other big mid 2000s internet sites surely helped turning that stupid word into the mind virus(how ironical, please notice how smart i am) that it is now

>> No.23524431

but what nation would "race" even be applicable to today?

>> No.23524439


>> No.23524445
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>> No.23524453

>there aren't even any actual communists
Real communism hasn't been tried.

>> No.23524564

If you had posted about any of that on /lit/ you would have been met with fuck off back to /b/ the same way people now say back to /pol/.

>> No.23524575

"Love is love" just makes me think of pedophilia and even more unimaginably deranged shit.

>> No.23524587

Holy based. Would finally pick up a newspaper and read if it was worded like this.

>> No.23524602

It is actually leftists.

>> No.23524696

I love these schizo theories, tell me more.

>> No.23524814

It's also from 2008, and doesn't explain they eight years of history skipped.

>> No.23524828

>hate speech is not free speech
>proceeds to write hate speech against white people
>you cant be racist against white people

>> No.23526386

>cheap fakes
The hot off the presses newspeak the Biden campaign is using to explain away video footage of him being senile.

>> No.23526438
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British tabloid covers and internet memespeak

>> No.23526451

you gonna pretend anything vaguelly right wing and not also impotent isnt call fascism?

>> No.23526686

silence is violence

>> No.23527081

Not the above anon you’re responding to, but it’s standard conspiracy fare going back at least to John Robison’s 1797 “Proofs of a Conspiracy…”. The full title of which goes:

>Proofs of a Conspiracy against all the Religions and Governments of Europe, carried on in the Secret Meetings of Free-Masons, Illuminati and Reading Societies, etc., collected from good authorities

Lore/mythos compounded upon other lore over time, and this basically eventually became this “Illuminati” pop-culture meme as we have it today. But the original Robison was very serious about it.

>> No.23527147

>“Illuminati” pop-culture meme as we have it today
An Adam Curtis documentary, I think it's "Can't Get You Out of My Head", goes into how some guy reestablished the Illuminati conspiracy theory as a way to innoculate the masses against such. It ended up backfiring and alphabet agencies started promoting conspiracy theories to poison the well against narratives concerning actual wrongdoing. I'm pretty sure it was CGYOoMH but I can't remember which episode...probably within the first 3.

>> No.23527154

Why do they have such a fixation with Russia?

>> No.23527171

Now I just sit in silence

>> No.23527183

Still a subversion thread. It's not newspeak, groupthink, or doublespeak.. it's hypnotized people or more appropriately clay golems empowered by the will of satanic energies.

They solved hypnotism in he 60s

>> No.23528237

The set of words that are soft banned on TikTok and have created a set of slang around them.
Unalived, etc

>> No.23528464

Islam is peace
Tradition is slavery
Diversity is strength

>> No.23528507

China, Japan, Russia, literally all Asian and middle eastern countries. Most European nations up until about 30 years ago. Basically the only places where that wouldn't have been synonymous until very recently was the new world.

>> No.23529066

>What will they say to the white european males they plan to send into the meat grinder in their coming war? That they will be fighting for gay rights, feminism, and immigrants?

>> No.23529212

Geniunely haven't heard this, but it's impressively retarded.
I presume the source is feminism.

>> No.23529702

Some claim this is particularly and especially a Robert Anton Wilson/Robert Shea/Discordian production (sounds like what you’re talking about), where they popularized it even more (as in the Illuminatus trilogy of books) and it hence became the pop culture phenomenon it is today. But other people themselves were talking about this rather seriously before Wilson and Shea, they were getting the research and speculation from somewhere (from already existing conspiracy theories).

R.A.W. was a damned sharp, clever, interesting and intelligent figure, but part of me dislikes how goofy he made some of this and his tongue almost always been in his cheek.

>> No.23529744

Really, co-opting of the word "Pride" to mean the acceptance of sexual degeneracy.
Hell, grooming used to mean combing your hair. Now....

>> No.23529774

I put on CGYOoMH as I went to bed and Curtis starts getting into it in the first episode. I was falling asleep but some guy, it might have been the dude who was buddies with Lee Harvey Oswald, worked for Playboy and inserted a fake letter about how all political assassinations over the past 2 decades had involved the Illuminati. He thought that it was such a farfetched and nonsensical theory, the Illuminati, that it would innoculate the public against conspiratorial disinformation but as we well know now it didn't.

The series is on YouTube. Here's the first episode: https://youtu.be/2kKDJ3ZoLPc

>> No.23530432

Esperanto speakers are if anything more prone to anti-authoritarianism. They're also obviously anti-war.

>> No.23530479

the rainbow now means anal rape...

>> No.23530525

"Check your privilege"
"Black and Brown bodies"

>> No.23530874

When they stopped using "equality" and started using "equity", felt like it happened all at once across the board with no explanation.

>> No.23530881
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"territories" instead of "colonies" because the United States totally isn't an empire because empires are evil and stuff...

>> No.23530887

"United in our diversity", it's real; look it up

>> No.23530890
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>> No.23530906
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It's everywhere. Almost anything you read will lie to you. The anti-thought oppresses you constantly. You choke on it.

>> No.23531506

I feel like this image just displays why equity is kind of dumb
Like why does the short guy deserve to have more boxes just because he's short
Also these descriptors are just backwards
Equality is the one that is fair and equity is the one where everybody is made to be the same

>> No.23531583

The russian meme you just posted, dumbass.

>> No.23531600

pol is satire friendo

>> No.23531611
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lmao zigger copes

>> No.23531621

Equity isn't fairness, it's about making the appearance of fairness by forcing equality of outcome and you can only do that by treating people unjustly and unequally. It's like SJWism, they don't care about real justice, only the appearance of justice.

>> No.23531631
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OK chud

>> No.23531726

I'm fine when it comes to the boxes
But that doesn't mean I'm fine with enforcing a minimum 50% women ratio in leadership positions, etc

As always in "ethics", my problem is with making a broad principle and applying it to all cases
it's just so silly
I view all cases as particular, there doesn't need to be overarching principles

>> No.23531730

That's an Orwellian phrase.

>> No.23531901

So hamstring the best and brightest and give retards the most support? That seems like it will lead to total technological and scientific death

>> No.23531934 [DELETED] 
File: 259 KB, 2560x1445, Karine-Jean-Pierre-Furious-as-Unedited-Clips-of-Biden-Freezing-Up-1226999116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karine Jean-Pierre's "Cheap Fake" videos.
They tell you don't believe your eyes.

>> No.23531961

I don't understand why commies think the term leftists is only applicable to them. You realise it originally came about to describe liberals right? You're just stick in 1920s Soviet terminology.

>> No.23532422

The most hilarious part is that the way these retards use it is the opposite of what media literacy is supposed to be, but they are going to push it into becoming the mainstream definition, just like how they did with the racism = power + prejudice stuff.
Unironically that is part about media literacy, that art is subjective and analyzing art isn't about trying to decipher intent or what "it's supposed to mean", but about having the tools to explore different readings in the text. No fucking clue why leftists started using the term to mean, "Hmm, well, actually you aren't supposed to like Tyler Durden. Don't you know he's supposed to be a criticism to toxic masculinity?"

>> No.23532444

To me the most hilarious part about the Ukraine mess is that Zelensky openly talks about how Ukraine will be refunded as an example of post national multiculturalism once the war is over, but in the meantime, as the women are fleeing and a million men has been thrown into the meat grinder, it's all under the guise of Ukraine's nationalism and defending its unique culture. KEK. It's what they get for voting a jew.

>> No.23532456

>Gender-affirming care

>> No.23532467

If you had read Marx you would know that comminism is inherently teleological and is presented as the next step of liberalism. Communists, unlike fascists, don't dislike liberal democracy and the enlightenment in themselves, but for not being extreme enough to fulfill their promises of egalitarianism and universalism. Also, if you look it through a historical lense, if you do a genealogy of capitalism and leftism, you would realize that they are the same thing. The first leftists were literally the capitalist class of its time, and the line from those bourgeois cucks to modern liberals has been uninterrupted. "B-but in Europe liberals are consider right wing." Nigga, who gives a fuck about European politics. They are an America colony. Their politics are completely irrelevant. They have no sovereignty over their own nations.

>> No.23532480

America has always used Russia as a proxy to attack nazism, both in the cold war and now. The image Americans are given of Russia has very little to do with how Russia actually is. Think of Ivan Drago, for fuck's sake. Somehow the most stereotypical Russian villains are always nazi ubermen. This is not to say Russia isn't a very authoritarian society. Just that they are deliberately presented as nazis to the west, because that's what the people who run the west actually fear.

>> No.23532490

>Like why does the short guy deserve to have more boxes just because he's short
Because Christianity brainwashed the entire world with its universal values and the idea that all humans are, in principle, loved equally by God. It has been secularized as the believe in human dignity, but it's the same brain rot.

>> No.23532527

Because commies are the useful tools of liberalism. They may not even understand this consciously, but they do instinctively annd act accordingly. By calling themselves the only true leftists, they make liberalism seem the centrist and reasonable position. Commies don't actually care about historical materialism nor any of that bullshit. Maybe some did a century ago, but it stopped being the case a long time ago. Communism now is simply a way liberalism has of weaponozing mental illness in their favor. You may still find some orthodox communist here and there, but the only thing the vast majority of so called communists actually care about is normalizing their mental illness, which is done by liberalism, and in exchange for that, commies muddles the waters when it comes to class struggles. Look at the whole Occupy Wall Street. To this day you may hear some retarded Mark Fisher reader-type lamenting how liberalism confused the protesters with woke politics, as if the protesters had the IQ of Looney Tunes character running into a fake landscape painted on a wall. The protests stopped because the jews gave the protesters something they cared for more than wealth inequality. That's how all strikes end. By having both parts reaching a compromise, and that wasn't the exception.

>> No.23532537

>Open relationship
>Sexual harassment

>> No.23532599


>> No.23533521

At first glance I thought it was that Chapo Trap House book.

>> No.23533846

You shouldn't call it liberalism when they hate liberty and want to take away everyone's rights, they're not liberals.

>> No.23533895


>> No.23533923


>> No.23534225

Newspeak was when they removed concepts by making the vocabulary smaller, not when they added new words for new concepts. It's weird how many people get that wrong.

>> No.23534757

>It isn't precisely the same as the book, therefore it isn't applicable at all
The point of Newspeak is that the range of acceptable thought is limited by the artificially constructed language, which is exactly what's happening today. You're getting hung-up on irrelevant details.

>> No.23534785

That was part of it but Doublethink was also a major thing in Newspeak. The Party wanted to destroy critical thinking by forcing people to accept two blatantly contradictory ideas.

>> No.23535691

No one has mentioned "untruth" yet.

>> No.23536017

That one aged well.

>> No.23536081

But if the best are truly the brightest then why should they lay claim to or even need the assistance offered to the worst and dullest?

>> No.23536095

Theories based on "equity" are overly simplistic and fueled by resentment. Look up what happened when the CCP attempted to filter people into arbitrary classes upon gaining power.

>> No.23536127

Regardless the essential premise is still not disproven thereby.

>> No.23536141

Lol, spoken like a true retard.

>> No.23536145

not an argument

>> No.23536165

Your question implies that "assistance" is a resource that is either given or wasted. Assistance in this context is the labor of someone more competent, industrious, and clever being handed over (by force) to someone less competent, industrious, and clever. Taking the fruits of the labor of the strong and giving them to the weak promotes weakness and degrades society from its very core.

I don't want to reward incompetence and indolence, and you shouldn't either. What you reward becomes more prevalent.

>> No.23536174

>just trust instagram/facebook/tiktok-tier feeds for checking facts bro

>> No.23536183

They can't be sufficently self-sufficient and industrious if they're still having to rely on said society for their professions.

>> No.23536185

>says stupid shit, doesn't back it up, expects to be taken seriously
It was a statement of fact. You're a retard.

>> No.23536269

Not him but,
It also doesn't mean being oblivious to obvious draws or rational rather than ending at the mere level of antithesis, rather than going on to a greater synthesis.
>"This seemingly GOOD thing is actually BAD"
Is a horrible end point, since it doesn't explore why the thing in itself is attractive in the first place, and the merits it had that allowed whatever bad about it happen.

But against him, I always hate referring to art as "subjective" that just implies an ill confidence as to why you find something is notable or not.
Like I actually took The Great Gatsby as more positive towards the "American dream" then most, because the author continually universalizes the struggle towards the ideal
>Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that
year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no
matter — to-morrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms
farther… . And one fine morning ——
>So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
That regardless of the struggle itself, even if you fail along the way, there is something special and glorious in the pursuit.
but someone who JUST sees "American dream is pretty but BAD" destroys the real beaty and nuance of the novel in base switcherooness that anyone can do. "X isnt actually X, its Y!". reducing something to a hitpiece meant to push disbelief in how something could even happen, rather than a full exploration of a theme directed towards a higher understanding.

>> No.23536647

Finance guy here. The best part of this one is that 'equity' has a specific legal meaning, ownership in a business/assets. By teaching this vague social-mumbo-jumbo version to kids, especially poor ones without a business vocabulary, it's going to make it harder for them to understand financial materials. They won't read it and think 'what's equity' then find the right answer, they'll read it with the conviction social bullshit usually comes with and completely misinterpret it. I'm not a marxist or socialist by any means, but if I've ever seen an example of "class warfare" this is it.

>> No.23536664

Now replace communists/leftists with fascism/alt-right.

>> No.23536716

Words are niggerdly and I double use them triple-y