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23518569 No.23518569[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pewdiepie's new video on Mishima's Sun and Steel:

>> No.23518577

>faggot larping, america: how cringe!
>faggot larping, japan: wow, so deep and introspective

>> No.23518586

There's not an equivalent to Mishima in America.

>> No.23518587

>Who is Zyzz

>> No.23518598

Please be joking anon please be trolling please for the love of God don't do this to me.

>> No.23518600

Mishima's philosophy goes beyond "go out, get shredded and fuck bitches"

With that being said long live Mishima and long live zyzz! Fuck you, nerd!

>> No.23518669

why niggas gotta make working out a spiritual journey?
Zyzz's philosophy (or lack of it) around lifting is more authentic than Mishima's ever was. Sun and Steel is cope for him being attracted to men and coping by getting into obsessing over his own like ever other jacked gay man.

>> No.23518686

Should have The dark lord Spaniard, Janoy "Sith Lord" Cresva.

>> No.23518690

damn only 80k views in 2 hours. he used to get 500k. Youtube is dead

>> No.23518693

>why niggas gotta make
why do you write like a retarded zoomer?

>> No.23518701

Stunning lack of awareness.

>> No.23518702

I would pay my rent money for an AI video of Mishima, Pewds and BAP making out all sweaty on a beach in Hawaii

>> No.23518715

Does he really think "Sun and Steel" is a "novel"? Or did he misspeak (0:44)? Anyway, looks like he's doing well.

>> No.23518721


>> No.23518969

Good for him, now he should read Heidegger, Ponty, Varela and Noe

>> No.23518974

kys is millennial slang actually. You can tell because it's an actual phrase being shorted not just shit like "for real"

>> No.23519086
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>> No.23519097

keep it

>> No.23519116
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>> No.23519200

Cringe. Why doesn't he read someone more insightful, like Adolf Hitler and Carl Schmitt?

>> No.23519217

Sun and steel was such a good book. Compare it to some soppy Hemingway or bukowski bullshit.

>> No.23519220

It's good, but one of the main ideas was copied from Oscar Wilde.

>> No.23519225

Which one?

>> No.23519236

Did he also fuck males in the ass for 7 days?

>> No.23519529

Did Mishima ever do that? I suspect him to be more of a blow buddy rather than a fudge packer

>> No.23519560

he was a subby bottom iirc

>> No.23519580

The distinction between words and actions as a metaphysical conflict of art versus life, the idea of words as decadence in opposition to the physical realm of action.
>Actions are the first tragedy in life, words are the second. Words are perhaps the worst. Words are merciless...
Afaik Mishima said that Wilde was important to him, particularly Salome, so my guess would be that this concept is derived from Wilde.

>> No.23519596
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>men don't hit the wa-

>> No.23519629

I'm not gonna watch this. anyone who did who can tell me if he actually "got" Sun and Steel?

>> No.23519685

I think he is sincere in really trying to practice some of what Mishima describes, but overall it felt a bit surface level. He left out the whole theme of death and everything that makes the text sometimes weird and difficult, like the ejaculation metaphors, sexual undertones and the historical context of Japanese philosophy. He also called "Sun and Steel" a "novel." And he interrupts the video after three minutes to advertise his engergy drink, which I think Mishima would have hated and would have felt repulsed by. But for his audience it was probably interesting and possibly inspiring.

>> No.23519691

Robert Graves and Pablo Picasso were fucking 17 year old girls while they were 75+

The reason men "don't hit the wall" is that men are graded on more than just their looks, and women are brutal graders anyway so it's not even worth trying to coast on your looks as a man, unless you won the genetic lottery big time.

>> No.23519707

>Pablo Picasso were fucking 17 year old girls while they were 75+
There's a whole song on this

>> No.23519778
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For my first reading I tried to read Sun and Steel in original Japanese because I thought I was hot shit and could handle it, ended up dropping it like 1/5 of the way through. Should I read the translation?

>> No.23519789

>I was reading a book
>Should I continue reading this book?
How some of you manage to navigate the internet is fascinating.

>> No.23519805


>> No.23519983

I personally believe that Mishima was in all likelihood bisexual and that people who claim he was "gay" only do so to trigger the chuds. Also Japs don't conceive of homosexuality in the same way westerners do.

>> No.23519985

learning a language is hard dude

>> No.23519991

Slander. Japan always strong. Always power top and power forward.

>> No.23520015

Does anyone know any Western equivalents to Mishima? Not in anything to do with his style, but just in being a writer and a bodybuilder/athletic and writing about the latter as a subject.

>> No.23520259

Bronze Age Pervert

>> No.23520261

I meant a serious author.

>> No.23520326

OK Jew

>> No.23520361

The author you named IS a Jew, nigga.

>> No.23520376
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>Oy vey! take the psyop goyim!

>> No.23520397

Why is Sun and Steel $90 on Amazon. Fuck this. Guess I'm just pirating it and using my e-reader

>> No.23520410

There was some post ww2 french author that championed working out but I can't remember his name

>> No.23520417

Zyzz was Australian you dumb fuck

>> No.23520450

Between the both of you, (((Schlomo))) and (((Herschel))), how many palestinian kids have you killed today?

>> No.23520462

Bruv, BAP is an actual Jew born in Israel, what are you talking about? He's also pro Zionist and FOR the killing of Palestinian babies, contrary to me, who thinks Israel should be wiped from the face of the earth. You don't seem to follow his tweets.

>> No.23520489

I hate this faggot and all his faggot zoomer fans who turned him into a father figure because they were raised by single mothers.

>> No.23520505

Mishima or PewDiePie?

>> No.23520530

Pewdiepie. Mishima had the decency to kill himself.

>> No.23520574

BAP isn't Jewish and he isn't a Zionist and he doesn't support the war in Palestine either. Unlike you he's an antisemite. Everything you said are lies to distract from the fact that (((you))) are Jewish.

>> No.23520653

You are such a fucking Jew, it's incredible. He admitted being Jewish himself, you retard.

>> No.23520688

BAP has never admitted to being Jewish nor is he. On the other hand a rabbi sucked (((your))) mutilated baby penis. Sucks to suck huh jew.