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23516025 No.23516025 [Reply] [Original]

who has the best taste in my book group?
apart from me obviously

>> No.23516033

Jane, though it seems she left the group. Does Angus suck on penises?

>> No.23516035

Your taste is so fucking mediocre. Shit I expect some loser over at TrueLit or RSBookClub to mention. Conversely,
>this thread again

>> No.23516037

Are you Laszlo K___?

>> No.23516052

yeah jane is great but disappeared during lockdown while we were doing it on zoom. she had a bunch of health problems and is very flaky and just drifted off, although she does still turn up very occasionally for someone else's book
angus is indeed gay lol and it's great when he picks something with explicit gay sex like at swim two boys (which was fucking great btw) and makes all the old ladies in the group read it
i've never been on those sites but i'm picking jon fosse next and from what i gather that's in keeping? i'm glad you recognise me, i tend to do this every couple of years when i'm drunk and bored

>> No.23516056

Damn. Thought you might have been the writer himself

>> No.23516088

Thought so! I can tell one of my own by what books they read. Seems like a pretty fun group then. I'd like to join a reading group when I move later this year, hopefully I can find one like this.

>> No.23516104


>> No.23516115

I was confused as hell by this until I saw that OP’s fave book is a Krasznahorkai novel.

>> No.23516118
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i have some basic analytics from my spreadsheet
i assumed that was the handle of someone on some discord or something but i do love me some krasz
my favourite book on the list is actually the unconsoled though

>> No.23516124

Sorry dude but I'm cracking up at the fact you thought (1) that avant-garde Hungarian author Laszlo Krasznahorkai posts on /lit/ asking who has the best taste in his reading group, (2) that he is in a reading group with people called Barbara, Angus and Sue, and (3) that he picks his own novels for discussion at the group's meetups.

>> No.23516142

barbara is a filthy chud

>> No.23516148
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OP is the least racist. Pretty based, OP!

>> No.23516158

racist isn't really the right word for picking translated stuff vs untranslated but it seemed the funniest column heading. i record the original language of all the books i read so it was an easy stat to pull

maybe a more appropriate heading would be something to do with being a pleb who reads watered down shit interpretations of other languages because they can't speak it themselves

>> No.23516163

Least xenophobic, least anglo-centric, anyway.

>> No.23516180

OP confirmed to be a cuckold

>> No.23516186

take your fetishism elsewhere, fag.

>> No.23516223

incidentally liz has advised us all months in advance that she's picking middlemarch next so we have loads of time to get through it
i can't decide if picking an 800+ page book is based or over-reaching but i've been making my way through it and it's great so far so i'm leaning in the direction of based

there are no formal limits in our group on what you can choose. i thought i was pushing it with the unconsoled way back when with the 500 page dream logic book but that was a huge success and we've had longer and weirder since

>> No.23516226

also the midnight library is by far the shittest book yet imo. absolute stupid normie trash and i'm going to have trouble trying to phrase my opinions in such a way as to not just be really mean to elizabeth who is a nice lady

>> No.23516239


>> No.23516255

I love Eliot. A great read.

>> No.23516271

he is.

>> No.23516273

Kek maybe if he was writing in the early 20th century

>> No.23516323

Why wouldn’t he?

>> No.23516326

I mean there's another Hungarian book in there too, seems pretty suspicious

>> No.23516345

what do you think that word means?

>> No.23516356

He’s about as avant-garde as ducks, newburyport is avant-garde to go by your middling intellect

>> No.23516358

You seem upset.

>> No.23516373

Liz > Jane > Angus/OP > the others >>> Barbara
you're living the life, OP. I wish I had a book group.

>> No.23516408

i feel so blessed with this group desu

it's not perfect and sometimes the books suck (for example the midnight library) but for the most part people pick things that are at least somewhat interesting and sometimes are fucking great
and more importantly everyone takes it seriously and reads everything and the meeting is actually a big in depth discussion of the book rather than just a cursory opinion check before it devolves into gossip like other book groups i've tried/heard of

i joined it over a decade ago when i was living with my parents when i was unemployed and my mum and liz had formed it because they had been in another book group where no one even finished the book and they wanted to have one where it was all people who actually wanted to focus on the reading.

she was telling me about it and they were reading books i'd read or was interested in so i'd talk to her and she was like "you should join the group and talk to everyone!" so i did and now i'm in a book group with a bunch of old ladies, my mum and a based gay economics teacher

>> No.23516465

What’s up? Didn’t realize you browsed /lit/. It’s me, Angus

>> No.23516472

Which one is your mum?

>> No.23516475

Gill, it's short for Gillian, which is short for Gillianigger (no one calls her that but dad)

>> No.23516477

i will leave that a mystery
no you are not lol but good effort

>> No.23516516

you and jane seem based

>> No.23516542

Lukewarm take: beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One can take the sloppiest of slop and find beauty in it and discuss it with taste, and one can shitpost garbage about Kant's Metaphysics.

>> No.23516916

alison easily

>> No.23517376

Damn, Barbara sounds based, is she single?

>> No.23517379

chud moment