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/lit/ - Literature

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23512301 No.23512301 [Reply] [Original]

>The play begins with Bolloxinion, King of Sodom, authorising same-sex sodomy as an acceptable sexual practice within the realm. General Buggeranthos reports that this policy is welcomed by the soldiers, who spend less on prostitutes as a consequence, but has deleterious effects on women of the kingdom who have recourse to "dildoes and dogs". Prince Pricket and Princess Swivia commit incest with one another. With the court and country reduced to erotic madness, the court physician counsels: "Fuck women, and let Bugg'ry be no more". The king himself, however is unconvinced, while the Queen dies of venereal disease. Amid the appearance of demons, fire, and brimstone, Bolloxinion declares his intention to retire to a cavern and die in the act of sodomising his favourite – Pockenello.
Was Cromwell really bad enough to cause this?

>> No.23512933
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>> No.23512954

King Bolloxinion's wife was the Queen, Cuntigratia. It's all a bit Monty Python, no?

>> No.23514012
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>We to some darker cavern will retire.
>There on thy buggered arse I will expire.

>> No.23514970

>I would advise you, sir, to make a pass
>Once more at Pockenello's loyal arse.
>Besides, sir, Pene has so soft a skin
>'Twould tempt a saint to thrust his pintle in.

>> No.23514975
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