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23512153 No.23512153[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do I so thoroughly drown myself in my hobbies like reading that I just forget about being an incel and the sorrows associated with it?

>> No.23512168

By drowning yourself in your hobbies. You just said it.

>> No.23512175
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You will never know until you have it, but pussy and women in general is a significant downgrade to your life. I constantly look back to my incel years with regret for having left it. Women are time and energy vampire, they will request you spend most of your free time with them doing absolute shitty stuff. Not only that, they will drain your energy. Yeah sex is great, but not that great either. Not great enough to sacrifice your creative energy and your limited free time for

>> No.23512191
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Updated pic

>> No.23512204

You can wait until your 40's to Hegel pill or go for the Hegel pill now. If it will cheer you up you can also call me a charlatan.

>> No.23512207

You're a charlatan

>> No.23512226

Is this really true? I can think of many great minds who were either married or had close companions during their lives. Or does he mean alone in some deeper sense, where one could argue, for instance, that even though Joyce was happily married for most of his life, no one, including his wife, truly understood him or his work? Even then I think you could find counterexamples, Wagner being one that comes to mind. It is also good to keep in mind that it is probably the fate of many mediocre minds to be alone as well

>> No.23512230

Sharing your life with another means sharing, who knew.
If your only experience with women is vampiric then why in the world would you stay?
Apply your own reason if you see it as reasonable.

>> No.23512232

Hehehe yeah and I have a flat head, you might like The Schopenhauer Cure.

>> No.23512236

>the fate of all great minds
Thank goodness, we're in the clear.
Back to dating fellas. Schopenhauer said it himself, you've no excuse.

>> No.23512267

Eating a sandwich feels better than sex. Drinking alcohol already feels 10 times better.

>> No.23512368
File: 2.56 MB, 1280x720, juhyeon nayoung yujeong1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most incels want to have sex for status and not for pleasure
they find it shameless that they haven't had sex

when you ignore what normalfags think being incel is not that bad. in fact it's a blessing because you don't have to deal with a nagging cunt woman
just use your hand

>> No.23512373

they find it shameful*

>> No.23512377

>Originally coined as "invcel" around 1997 by a queer Canadian female student known as Alana, the spelling had shifted to "incel" by 1999
>The first website to use the term "incel" was "Alana's Involuntary Celibacy Project", founded in 1997 by a Canadian university student known only by her first name, Alana, to discuss her sexual inactivity with others
The gender you love to hate coined the term you refer to yourselves unironically. Hahaha

>> No.23512386
File: 3.44 MB, 726x752, kotoko crying WhatchunisㅣEP.07 'WE UNIS' Debut Showcase Behind the Scenes [ap_P7NuTS_E]-[01.17.744-01.24.542].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't call myself an incel because i don't whine about not getting laid.
being an incel means you whine about not getting laid

>> No.23512391

incels whine about women 24/7
i find it annoying(even though i am technically incel myself)

>> No.23512399

Being an incel is a state of being. You want to get laid but can't? Incel. Your apathy has nothing to do with it.

>> No.23512431

This is true, though what they're referring to the insulting whip form it has taken in modern discourse rather than a neutral state of existence.
It's been used as a weapon of feminine aggression (gossip, rumor, innuendo, reputation destruction)

>> No.23512544

What is wrong with being celibate? Don't you realize that some of the worst moments of men's lives these days happen because of their girlfriends/wives? Don't you understand how easy it is to satiate the natural human sexual desire with the internet?

>> No.23512566

If they want a relationship so badly just go gay lole

>> No.23512592

>Don't you understand how easy it is to satiate the natural human sexual desire with the internet?
Whenever I masturbate to some hot woman, it always leaves me empty and wanting real intimacy rather than my rough hand and a screen. It's actual hell.

>> No.23512655

Lmao, you are all kinds of fucked up if you think satisfying a desire is hellish. Its kind of like wishing you had gold-leafed steak to eat instead of being satisfied with a bowl of oatmeal. Be satisfied with the oatmeal. And remember your life could have actually been hell if you were born in Africa.

>> No.23513942

sex with someone you won’t be marrying feels empty

>> No.23513949

I have no creative energy when I'm single.
I need my muse

>> No.23513976

People probably imagine an ideal relationship and that something close to it existed in the past. At first more guys were just thinking about their individual problems but now they see it as a societal problem and lament that. Some of the biggest suffering is due to women but maybe it doesn't have to be that way.

>> No.23513979

Why don’t you fight your way out of it? Kids are too soft these days. A little adversity and they collapse and hide. Whatever happened to bullying? Back in the day if you couldn’t get laid you were called a fag and made fun of. It made you strive to be better and fix your faults. Now not getting laid has become an ideology that some bizarrely embrace. Once embraced it makes a man uglier and bitterer. Don’t be a pussy. Talk to girls. Learn from failure. Succeed

>> No.23514001

Fighting your way out of it goes against the actual desire or ideal that many guys have. If you have to fight your way out of it by, lets say, making more money, hitting the gym harder etc. you realize how shallow it all is. At that point the romantic ideal is already destroyed and paradoxically the fight made it not worth fighting for.

>> No.23514010

What the Buddha Taught
Mindfulness in Plain English

>> No.23514058

Desiring women and not getting them is fine. Letting women control your every action and thought because you obsessively desire them is not.

>> No.23514092

offtopic. you're not a great mind, you're just another incel NEET shutin. take your depressive whining to /adv/

>> No.23514235

Turn 30 and you won't care anymore.

also look at people in your life. 80%+ of relationships are shit, so by not being in one you are in the top 20%. Call it cope if you wish.

>> No.23514726

Maybe for you, not for the real men. You never really ascended, now go back to being depressed and pretending it's a literary type of cool pain.