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/lit/ - Literature

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23511718 No.23511718[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23511725
File: 17 KB, 640x262, Screenshot 2024-06-21 155936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're not wrong.

>> No.23511747

Go to that troons profile history. Half the shit he posts is simply memes from here. So it’s probably the troon who made this thread to drive traffic. Fuck off and die, faggot

>> No.23511794

>/lit/ was perfect before le orange man

>> No.23511806

You've inferred that from very little evidence, not to mention that the reddit poster extended their assessment on 4chan to all boards.

>> No.23511810

Lmao, you must be that exact guy

>> No.23511816

Imagine being so ideologically insecure that you have to take everything as an offense and have to throw a tantrum at any perceived slight.

>> No.23511818

More presumptions. Think before you type, please.

>> No.23511820

*whiny, smarmy, nasally reddit jew voice*
> Imagine being so ideologically insecure that you have to take everything as an offense and have to throw a tantrum at any perceived slight

>> No.23511826
File: 5 KB, 158x210, baixa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoken like a true reddit basedlord

>> No.23511841

Samefag. All you're communicating is how insecure you are with yourself and your ideology that you have to resort to bad faith arguments and shit flinging. I'm sure your insecure tantrums will do a lot to convert the reasonable.

>> No.23511858

lmao gottem

>> No.23511866

>whiny little bitch can’t go one post talking about insecurity
>whiny little bitch can’t even identify a samefag
>whiny little bitch is a newfag
>whiny little bitch mentions the most retarded reddit platitude — bad faith arguments — used by people with middling IQs
Go back

>> No.23511879

>with more open fascism
Hold on, are reddit lit bros based?

>> No.23511886

Nobody is whining but you.

>> No.23511889

I simply parodied the common complaint that goes around on the site about how the site was so perfect before some X point in time. Newsflash, we have access to actual archives of /lit/ that go all the way back and guess what it was mid af in its initial stage. After 2015 or so there is an increase in the diversity of topics being brought up.

>> No.23511949

you can tell it's the same guy because of the reddity uptight passive aggressiveness, lil dude probably has a onions beard as well

>> No.23511958

bot-level posters like you are the reason the boards are going to shit btw

>> No.23511960

I have already doxxed three people on RSbookclub who were stupid enough to reveal unique user names and details on other subs. I inform their employers they post on Reddit, which has numerous pedophilic and pornographic sub-reddits on the platform. These accounts all have been deleted within days of doing so. If any redditors are reading this, just know you better be very careful. I am always watching.

>> No.23511963

no, you don't.

>> No.23511977

this seems like a better place to hang out than /lit/, later bros

>> No.23511981

Hiya :3 Welcome, Friend! Folx here love to have ya!

>> No.23511997

their employer knows what 4chan is you retard. have you looked on twitter lately? it's worse than here

>> No.23512001

Uh-oh... The redditors seem a little scared...

>> No.23512010

because they are stupid retards lmao
never read a book mentioned on reddit never intend to

>> No.23512012

what's your favourite book?

>> No.23512025

I've been on 4chan since 2010 you lemming. eat shit

>> No.23512034

Aww little redditor is getting nervous and using the naughtiest swear words. Oh no...

>> No.23512038

Mein Kampf, first edition.

>> No.23512046

/lit/ really is trash these days. There are still some good anons but the vast majority have ruined it.

>> No.23512052

parody was always a central quality of this site, don't like it youre free to leave

>> No.23512061
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2006 here
Theres no escape

>> No.23512062

“Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they’re in good company.”

>> No.23512072

Being 4chan now is all about saying you’re 4chan and not reddit. As far as tangible qualities that /lit/ has, there are none. It’s a dumping ground for anons who are above other boards because anything can be related to literature

>> No.23512074

>Reddit psychoanalyzing
Cringe go back

>> No.23512077

The singular "their" is a dead giveaway as well.

>> No.23512085

Umm umm... Any books that can grow a pair of legs and can be my wingman so I can get pussy??? Here's my blogpost btw

>> No.23512146

mindless regurgitation is not parody

>> No.23512148

Ok? I agree with u

>> No.23512150

> I've been on 4chan since 2010
And you’re proud of this?

>> No.23512155

that's why I specifically said "bot-level" posting

>> No.23512210 [DELETED] 

explain what you mean by that

>> No.23512228

My favorite streamer Mr. Destiny said that. In fact that's how I found out about 4chan but after 2016 it is a nazi shithole. Before that it was very inclusive and progressive.

>> No.23512237

imagine being this much of a stupid nigger couldn't be me

>> No.23512238

Mind the slurs pal. Why hasn't moot put a wordfillter yet?

>> No.23512262

So they realize that their own Reddit posts are so boring that they have to copy memes from this place while still wanting to farm those precious social credit points.

>> No.23512269

show me on the doll where reddit touched you

>> No.23512284

ask ur mum she knows where we touched each other

>> No.23512317

I swear Anna must shitpost here.
Dasha doesn't read, obviously.

>> No.23512350

hello ladies

>> No.23512389

What memes?