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23510076 No.23510076[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the funniest word? For me it's gabagool or smegma

>> No.23510078 [DELETED] 

I'm trans btw

>> No.23510083

Oh and a shitskin

>> No.23510092

Nigger, obviously

>> No.23510133

I've actually never seen this. I saw one girl who said 'no white guys' then I saw her some years later pushing around several white kids.

>> No.23510186

Urine. It's very funny when pronounced with a fake Russian accent with a hard R. Also
>you're in trouble
>urine trouble

At is also my favorite word in Hungarian. "Hugy" sounds menacing and angry. Like the evil version of pee.

>> No.23510201

no one asked faggot

>> No.23510204


>> No.23510254

Blin is funny

>> No.23510261


>> No.23510407


>> No.23510417

Saying niggard is an unbeatable loophole in the janny system.


>> No.23510492

I wish women were prevented from having sex

>> No.23510822

I bet you do you cocksmoking faggot

>> No.23510827

not enough sleeve tats

>> No.23510964


I refer to my penis as a clunge plunger.

>> No.23511060


>> No.23512794

favorite recent one: "edentulous"––toothless, without teeth.

>> No.23512972

American are deranged freaks, they have a weird obsession with making everything about race, so when a chad breaks a woman's heart she need to start hating all white males.

>> No.23513163

>Edentulous comes to English directly from the Latin word edentulus, which in turn comes from the Latin prefix e-, meaning "missing" or "absent," and the Latin root dent-, meaning "tooth"
Something new every day.

>> No.23513227


>> No.23513336


>> No.23513535


>> No.23514089


>> No.23514187

An intellectual

>> No.23514195

(((crazy))) because they're very quick to medicate

>> No.23514221

Thread summary:
The lugubrious niggard found smegma in his gabagool

>> No.23514226

Somehow using the words in a sentence makes it less funny.

>> No.23514237

You're either too young or too low IQ to be on /Lit/. Reported for off-topic.

>> No.23514468


>> No.23514500
