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2350857 No.2350857 [Reply] [Original]

If you could be friends with any writer, who would it be?

"Amusement is the happiness of those who cannot think."
--Alexander Pope

I find myself agreeing with just about everything this bastard wrote.

>> No.2350871

That's the worst quote I've ever read and I'm angry to have read it.

>> No.2350875

Pope and I are laughing at you.

>> No.2350877

i would hate to be friends with writers
bunch of pretentious bastards

>> No.2350884
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>> No.2350887
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>> No.2350889
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What I love (loathe) best about this post is the implication OP is above such petty things as "amusement" and exists on a higher plane with his bro Alex.

>> No.2350892

sylvia plath, dammmn girl

>> No.2350895
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this guy, cuz he'd buy me drugs and take me home with im.

>> No.2350898

Karl Pilkington

>> No.2350900

This thread is full of all kinds of butthurt.

Rage on, pseudo-intellectuals. Rage, rage, against the telling of the truth.

>> No.2350903


not-so-subtle reference to a poem AND dubs. you win.

>> No.2350921

Adrienne Rich, because of reasons.

>> No.2350926

Who would want to fuck BEE, except some other, fat gay? Are you a fat gay?

>> No.2350930

Elitists, elitists everywhere.
Just start your own enlightened nation somewhere.
Then the people of the real world can get some work done.

>> No.2350939

>you're a pseudointellectual for pointing out that not finding things funny doesn't make you smart

okay guy

i think we know who's really in the throes of unreasoning rage here.

>> No.2350938

If you are laughing, then you are amused. If you are amused, then you cannot think.

>> No.2350936

The grand jest of it all is that you think what you and others like you are doing is "work." And you're wrong.

>> No.2350941

Maybe that's why reading Pope's poetry is just not in the least bit amusing.

>> No.2350942


>> No.2350952

Joyce or Hemingway just to pal around and go out drinking.

Maybe Wilde for some flamboyant adventures.

Also Pope sounds like a faggot.

>> No.2350965
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>> No.2350969

But, Pope is better than you are.

>> No.2351156

F. Scott Fitzgerald, we could drink enough gin to sedate a wooly mammoth and entertain one another with slash-fiction of other '20s Parisian ex-pats

(HemingwayxGertrudeStein, ewww)

>> No.2351224

Leonardo Da Vinci, just because he is arguably the most brilliant individual to have ever lived.

You: Hurrrrrr Durrrrr he isn't a writer.
Me: The Manuscript in the Uffizi Gallery of Florence beg to differ.

Also, suck my dick.

>> No.2351248

typical autist

>> No.2351251

J K Rowling
Stephanie Myer
L J Smith

>> No.2351255
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atm C.S. Lewis. i would love to talk to him about language and religion. though i think he'd go well over my head most of the time, maybe he could point me to all those references he makes and ide actually learn most of them.

>> No.2351426


It would be pretty cool, seeing him create all his inventions etc. Not to mention all the gay sex we'd have...

>> No.2351509

Roald Dahl. He was british spy champion boxer, decent writer and king of the universe.

>> No.2351512
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Schopenhauer. We could get together over coffee and talk about how Hegel is full of shit.

>> No.2351588
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Camus. He just seems like a bro.

>> No.2351652
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I was thinking J.R.R. Tolkien or maybe Madeleine L'Engle, but

>> No.2351826

George Orwell would have some pretty cool stories. He fought fascists and communists and got shot in the throat. He's like Hemingway, but in real life.

>> No.2351829

Kerouac. Just because he could score me some decent drugs.

>> No.2351840
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Barbara Cartland.

>> No.2351857
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Obviously the most friendliest of all writers/philosophers.

>> No.2351880
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my waifu, patricia highsmith. no doubt it would end up in crushing disappointment when she inevitably rebuffs by awkward, abortive advances, but at least i would be able to treasure the good times with her for the rest of my life.

>> No.2351896

Palahniuk. He could teach me how to write.

>> No.2351897

wow. you get friendzoned even in your fantasies?
probably rumi

>> No.2351902

Diogenes of Sinope

Just because his writings didn't survive doesn't mean he isn't a writer

>> No.2351907

Emp. Marcus Aurelius.

Continued the ethical brilliance of the stoics.

>> No.2351921
File: 41 KB, 199x300, Portrait_de_Sade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to delve into the dark depths of human trafficking and exploitation in Eastern Europe or South East Asia with my nigga Marquis de Sade

>> No.2351927

What do you recommend of hers?

>> No.2351930

A partridge in a pear tree.

>> No.2351931

meant for


>> No.2352220
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>> No.2352819
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>> No.2352831
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>drink all the fucking time

>> No.2352833
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Hunter S Thompson.

"Hey Hunter, what are we doing today?"

"I have noooo fuckin' idea, man."


>> No.2352847

totally would drink espresso with that guy, true brp

my choice would be... Chuck Klosterman! armchair philosophy over a case of cheap beer and a saved by the bell marathon oh yeah!

>> No.2352895

Orwell or Dostoyevsky.

Both seem like bros.

>> No.2352920

>degenerate gambler

>> No.2352936

>important writers

>> No.2352969

If you don't say Ernest Hemingway, you're obviously a pussy and a faggot.

>> No.2353085

I would hang out with Oscar Wilde in an opium den and fuck boys. Then we would go shopping for fancy jackets. It would be a union forged by the gods.

>> No.2353101

Isaac Asimov
He might be a bit academic, but damn would he be a chill guy to be around.

>> No.2353107

OP's quote is dumb and pathetic and he was probably a gross emo/socially retarded kid in middle and high school.

Tao Lin, obviously

>> No.2353113

Vonnegut, Hemingway, Kerouac, or Fitzgerald

>> No.2353121

Definitely Vonnegut.

>> No.2353134
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